The document contains stock market data for multiple companies listed by their script names, including volume ratios, percent gains, closing points, average volumes and today's volumes. There are varying volume ratios from over 2000% to under 100% for different companies, as well as positive and negative percent gains and closing points ranging from over 250 points gained to losses of over 70 points. The data provides a snapshot of performance and trading activity for a variety of companies on the stock market.
The document contains stock market data for multiple companies listed by their script names, including volume ratios, percent gains, closing points, average volumes and today's volumes. There are varying volume ratios from over 2000% to under 100% for different companies, as well as positive and negative percent gains and closing points ranging from over 250 points gained to losses of over 70 points. The data provides a snapshot of performance and trading activity for a variety of companies on the stock market.
The document contains stock market data for multiple companies listed by their script names, including volume ratios, percent gains, closing points, average volumes and today's volumes. There are varying volume ratios from over 2000% to under 100% for different companies, as well as positive and negative percent gains and closing points ranging from over 250 points gained to losses of over 70 points. The data provides a snapshot of performance and trading activity for a variety of companies on the stock market.
The document contains stock market data for multiple companies listed by their script names, including volume ratios, percent gains, closing points, average volumes and today's volumes. There are varying volume ratios from over 2000% to under 100% for different companies, as well as positive and negative percent gains and closing points ranging from over 250 points gained to losses of over 70 points. The data provides a snapshot of performance and trading activity for a variety of companies on the stock market.