Am Modulation

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Analog Communication Systems

Fall Semester 2020-21

Programme: B. Tech (ECE)

Faculty Name: Dr.K.V.N. Kavitha

Cabin: TT033
[email protected]

Communication: sending and receiving of information

Communication system: A system that transfer information from

one point to another

When message is. . .

continuous waveform   analog communication (e.g., FM radio),

sequence of numbers   digital communication (e.g., mp3 file),

Basic Model of an Analog Communication System
Basic Model of an Digital Communication System
Review of Signals & Systems
Signal classification
Role of each block in EC systems
• Information source:
• Origin of message
• Amount of info in message is measured in bits or
• Could be analog (human voice, music) or digital
(binary coded numbers or alphanumeric codes)
• All forms of information must be converted to
electromagnetic energy before transmission
through electronic communication systems

• Collection of one or more electronic circuits or devices

that converts the original source information to a signal
that is more suitable for transmission

• Two main functions - encoding and modulation

• Encoding-

• Modulation- process of varying one or more properties

of a high frequency periodic waveform, called the
carrier signal, with respect to a modulating signal .

• The three key parameters of a periodic waveform are

its amplitude , its phase and its frequency, all of which
can be modified in accordance with a low frequency
signal to obtain the modulated signal
Channel- wired / wireless
Typical communication media:

twisted pair wire (e.g., telephone)

coaxial cable (e.g., TVA,D, data

fiber optic cable (e.g., ethernet)

EM waves (e.g., cellular phones, WiFi)

water waves (e.g., underwater network)

power lines

compact disc

hard drive
Transmission Media Speed
•Capacity:The amount of data which can be transmitted
on a medium over a fixed amount of time (second). It is
measured on Bits per Second or Baud
•Bits per Second (bps): A measure of transmission speed.
The number of bits (0 0r 1) which can be transmitted in a
•Baud Rate: Is a measure of how fast a change of state
occurs (i.e. a change from 0 to 1)
• Collection of electronic devices and circuits that accepts
the transmitted signals from transmission medium and
converts them back to their original form.

• Two main functions-demodulation, decoding

• Output of receiver may be fed to loud speaker, video

display unit, teletypewriter, television picture tube,
computer, etc.
Examples of Communication Systems

- E-mail
- Voice Mail - Fax
- Smart Phone - Instant Messaging
- Telecommuting - Video-conferencing
- Groupware - Telephony
- E-Commerce - The Internet
- Bulletin board system - The Web
- Global positioning system
Pre-cellular radio
• A single, high powered transmitter with a highly-elevated antenna in a large
service area.

Your Mobile Device Will Do It All For You

Basic modes- communication

• Point to point

• Broadcasting

• Multicasting
Simplex and duplex systems

• Based on transmission modes, communication systems

are classified as simplex and duplex systems.

• Simplex systems:
•Transmissions occur in only one direction
•Called as one way only, receive only, transmit only
•Commercial radio and television broadcasting.
Transmission Direction
- simplex: One direction only
Half duplex systems:

• Transmissions can occur in both directions but not at the

same time

• Called as two way alternate, either way or over and out


• Two way radio system that use push to talk button eg.,
police walkie talkies
Half Duplex Transmission

half duplex: Both

directions but only one
direction at a time
Full duplex systems:

• Possible to receive and transmit simultaneously

• Eg., land line telephone networks, mobile phones

Full Duplex Transmission

full duplex: send and

receive both
directions at once
• Low frequencies:

• Range 30kHz-300kHz

• Marine and aeronautical navigation

• Medium frequencies:

• Range:300kHz-3MHz

• Commercial AM broadcasting

• High frequencies:

• Range:3MHz-30MHz

• Referred to as short waves

• Most two way radio communications

• Very High frequencies:

• Range:30MHz-300MHz

• Commercial FM broadcasting

• Commercial TV broadcasting

• Ultra high frequencies:

• Range:300MHz-3GHz

• Land, mobile communications services

• Cellular telephones

• Certain radar and navigation systems

• Microwave and satellite radio communications

• Super high frequencies:
• Range:3GHz-30GHz
• Microwave and satellite radio communications systems

• Extremely High frequencies:

• Range:30GHz-300GHz
• Very sophisticated, expensive applications

• Infrared:
• Range:0-3THz to 300THz
• Heat seeking guidance systems, electronic photography, astronomy

• Visible light:
• Visible range of humans
• Range:0.3PHz-3PHz
• Optical fiber systems
Bandwidth concept

• Bandwidth of an information signal:

• Difference between the highest and lowest frequencies contained

in the information

• Bandwidth of a communications channel:

• Difference between the highest and lowest frequencies that the

channel will allow to pass through it.

• BW of the channel must be greater than BW of the information.

• Theoretical study of efficient use of BW is information theory.

• Information capacity:
• Measure of how much information can be transferred through a
communication system in a given period of time.
• Hartley’s law:
• Relationship between BW, transmission time and information
• I  B*t

If BW of a communications channel doubles, the amount of information it can carry

also doubles.
Similarly, if the Transmission time increases or decreases, there is Proportional
change in the amount of information that
can be transferred through the system.
• Shannon’s formula:
• Gives the relationship between BW and information carrying capacity.

I  B log 2 (1  S / N )
I  3.32 B log 10 (1  S / N )
What makes a good communication system?

Efficiency: efficient use of system resources like power , bandwidth etc

Accuracy: low( or no) distortion for analog systems

Low error rate for digital systems

Cost effectiveness: low cost transceiver

Need for Modulation

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