Research On Abnormal Behavior Detection of Online Examination Based On Image Information
Research On Abnormal Behavior Detection of Online Examination Based On Image Information
Research On Abnormal Behavior Detection of Online Examination Based On Image Information
Figure 3. Convolutional neural network diagram of head pose estimation
feature points. The results are shown in Table 3.
D. Mouth state detection
According to this paper, there is currently no public dataset
During the process of examination, the face detection of that can be used for monitoring abnormal behavioral analysis.
the input image is performed in this paper. In the detected face Therefore, for the purpose of our experiment, a dataset
area, dlib is used to locate the feature points of the face, and containing 30 independent videos is created. The average
related feature points of the mouth are selected, as shown in duration of each video was 2 minutes. Each video in the data
Fig. 4. set simulated 6-10 cheating at random time.
A. Head pose estimation
In the course of the examination, the angle change of the
examinee's head pose in the yaw angle can obviously reflect
Figure 4. Representation of mouth feature point the abnormal behavior of the examinee. The turning range of
According to the formula the yaw angle is [0°, 90°] and [0°, - 90°]. When the examinee
ܯൌ ݉݅ ݊ሺͷͳǤ ݕǡ ͷ͵Ǥ ݕሻ is in the frontal stable state, the yaw angle is almost 0°. This
ۖ ܺ ൌ ͶͻǤ ݔെ ሺͳǤ ݔെ ͶͻǤ ݔሻ state is the normal answer state of the examinees. After a
ܻ ൌ ܯെ ሺʹǤ ݕെ ͷͳǤ ݕሻ large number of experiments and, this paper determines that
ܹ۔ൌ ͷͷǤ ݔെ ͶͻǤ ݔ ʹሺͳǤ ݔെ ͶͻǤ ݔሻ when the rotation amplitude of the yaw angle of the examinee
ܪ ەൌ ͷͺǤ ݕെ ܯ ʹሺʹǤ ݕെ ͷͳǤ ݕሻ is greater than 15 degrees, it is abnormal behavior according
The positioning of the mouth area is completed, and the S.Prathish’s work. However, due to the jittering of video and
image of the mouth area is converted into a grayscale image. human physiological factors, we need to ignore some
This paper finally determines the binarization threshold is momentary angle changes. They cannot be judged as
0.4, getting the binarization image of the mouth according to abnormal behavior.
the distribution characteristics of the mouth area grayscale.
Consecutive area markers are used for the binarization image
to compare the area size of each area. The area with the
largest area is selected as the mouth connectivity area. The
area is represented by the number of white pixels in the area.
The sobel edge detection algorithm is used to extract the
edges of the connected components, whose perimeter of the
minimum bounding ellipse perimeter is calculated. By (a) 19.519e (b) -42.337e
calculating the circularity e of the mouth's binary region, and
through statistics and summary of experimental data, a
threshold is obtained to judge whether the mouth is open or
closed. The higher the roundness e is, the greater the degree
of mouth opening is.
E. Inference System
The above head pose information and mouth state
(c) -0.129e
information are inputted into the determination system at the
Figure 5. Examinee's Head Pose Estimation
same time. In the decision system, if the examinee's yaw When the face is guaranteed to face the computer
angle is greater than 15° in successive 20 frames or the yaw forward, the yaw angle is displayed as -0.129°, which is
angle changes frequently and widely, it is determined that almost 0°. When the examinee's head rotates left and right,
there is abnormal behavior; At the same time, if the the yaw angle changes positively and negatively. The
examinee's mouth is frequently open and closed, it is measurement results are shown in Fig. 5. Therefore, the head
determined that there is speech behavior, which is abnormal. pose estimate clearly shows the examinee's behavior. In this
If any behavior that meets the judgment of abnormal behavior paper, through a large number of experiments, the examinee's
occurs within any time range, it can be regarded as a yaw angle change threshold is set to 15°. Therefore, when the
possibility of cheating.
examinee’s yaw angle is greater than 15° in the successive 20 detected, and Y indicates that abnormal behavior is
frames, it is determined as an abnormal behavior. successfully detected.
100 Through comprehensive experiments, the system has a
false alarm rate of only 5% on the basis of abnormal behavior
monitoring and recognition rate of 90%. In summary, the
method proposed in this paper can more accurately monitor
the occurrence of abnormal behavior during the online
-100 examination process.
Figure 6. Examinee yaw angle changes in the video sequence
It is obviously observed in Fig. 6 from the 199th to 397th
frames, 463th to 660th frames, 991th to 1090th frames, and This paper designs a set of solutions for abnormal
1200th to 1280th frames that the examinee's head pose rotates behavior monitoring of online examination based on image
for a long time (more than 20 frames) and exceeds a threshold information. Through the use of head pose estimation based
of 15°. It is determined that the examinee is abnormal during on convolutional neural network and threshold-based mouth
this period. state judgment, and the combination of certain decision rules,
the monitoring of abnormal behavior such as turning heads
B. Mouth State Detection and speaking during the online examination is completed. In
the future work, we will continue to study the monitoring of
subtle abnormal behavior during the examination process,
such as deviating from the screen to achieve a higher
(a) closed state (b) binary image (c) external ellipse recognition rate and reduce the false alarm rate.
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