1008 Treatments

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1008 Treatments

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The Yogi’s Tools 5

1. Vibrations 5

2. The Five Elements 10

3. Mantras and Yantras 17

4. Introspection and Attention 20

The Application 22

5. Treatments for Specific Issues

in the Chakras 22

6. Specific Treatments 34

7. Practical Techniques 36

The Extras 38

8. General Advice 38

9. Appendix 41

This booklet is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis
or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care
provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment
and before undertaking a new health care regime. Never disregard professional medical
advice or delay in seeking it because of information you have read in this booklet.

The treatments described work on a subtle level and are based on experience and partially
on Ayurvedic traditions. These methods cannot always be proved effective by the academic
medicine of today.

In case of pain, ailments, mental or psychic problems appearing during a treatment,

it should be terminated; in case of need a physician should be consulted.

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Salutations to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

The Source and Giver of Nirmala Vidya

Salutations to Shri Ganesha

The Remover of Obstacles

Salutations to Shri Dhanvantari

The One who Cures

“It is for the progeny that we have to work hard on ourselves, clear out ourselves,
make ourselves beautiful, grow into it, become bigger people with greater vision,
with broader ideas, with all our strength and will …

For that, I would request you that you cleanse yourself,

follow the rules of Sahaja Yoga with great assiduity.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


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Dear Brothers and Sisters

This small booklet should help you to improve and keep your subtle system in balance to
become the ready instrument for the all-pervading param chaitanya – the endless love of our
Holy Mother for Her creation.

By opening up to Her power, the tremendous task, which is lying before us to give mankind
its emancipation, will come to its fruition.

Although this booklet is named ‘1008 Treatments’, only a small collection of treatments will
be presented here. Yet the advice and knowledge Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has given to us in
Her lifetime is overwhelmingly beyond this magical figure of 1008.

The ultimate treatment will always be the steadfast and unshakable trust – the ‘shraddha’ –
into the power of Shri Mataji and us as Her beloved children. Knowing by our whole being
the complete oneness with the divine being of Shri Adi Shakti, together with the complete
surrender to Her Lotus Feet is the highest state of consciousness, in which the power of Her
divine love flows unlimited.

Practical advice

The many cleansing methods described should always be used with proper discrimination. As
far as possible use your ability to judge with vibrations. Do not use techniques automatically
or become fanatic, but keep and develop your sensitivity to feel what is right or wrong for you.

Also keep in mind that using sahaj techniques does not mean to shun traditional medical
science. If medical treatments are necessary do not avoid them, but support them
with vibrations.

Source of knowledge

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The amount of material from Shri Mataji’s talks, which is available in recorded and
transcribed form, is vast. Try to imbibe more and more.

Please be cautious of the numerous forms of published material, which exist already on the
web or in other media. Where possible, compare with original and authentic versions.

In your prayers and meditation ask to receive pure knowledge and understanding from
within through the power of ‘nirmala vidya’.

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The Yogi’s Tools

1. Vibrations
Shri Mataji’s picture

Shri Mataji’s photos, audio recordings and videos are a lasting source of vibrations. Keep
them dear to your heart. Clean Shri Mataji’s pictures with rose water and reverently adore
Her with a red bindi of kumkum.

How to feel vibrations

“You have to yourself feel it. How you feel vibrations, when you feel vibrations, how do you
lose vibrations, what happens? All those things are just within yourself. Of course after
some time we might be able to say what behavioural changes one should take. But you
can find out yourself, if you want to find out what is right and what is wrong, and what
is to be done to keep up the vibrations.

But vibrations are (in) one way extremely charitable, very charitable things. Even if you
do little wrong, they may not disappear that moment, but you will get a feeling within
yourself that this was wrong. After some time you find it will show that you have no
vibrations and you would know that you have no vibrations.

So the first principle of Sahaj Dharma is, or what you call Vishwa Nirmala Dharma, is
that you should be able to keep up your vibrations … as they are or increase them or
improve on their sensitivity. The more sensitive you are, the better you are.”

1985-0806: Chelsham Road ashram, London

How to improve the sensitivity

• Massage your hands with oil

• Improve your Vishuddhi chakra
• Use the camphor-ghee treatment for your nose

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“Therefore you must first get this thing and real cool vibrations are coming from your
hands. Like cool as if it is coming from a cooler, like this it should come from your hands.”

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1975-0329: Mumbai
“Actually those who suffer from low Kundalini rising, if they could rub oil on their feet and
wash their feet, it’s a very good thing.”
1976-0402: New Delhi

“You see, to begin with, you see, it has something to do with your nervous, all right? So if
your nervous system is disturbed, you may not feel it, at all. For the nervous system, best
thing is to do massage. You see somebody should massage their back, hands. Also I have
told many a times that you rub your hands with vibrated olive oil quite a lot, and rub
these things so they become sensitive. Could be with insensitivity; but if they can feel the
catches in the body, that means they’re all right, only their Vishuddhi is not all right. Rub
the thing on the Vishuddhi. Work on Vishuddhi, clear it out. And for Vishuddhi, if you can
use, say, butter, to rub on the here and rub all these muscles, you see, with that, all these
things will work out for your hand.”
1982-0806: Dedication and Devotion, London

“Now what does that mean that your Vishuddhi chakra is not all right? First of all by
temperament you are not a collective person - by temperament. You are not a person
who enjoys collectivity much”
1983-0202: Vishuddhi Chakra, Public Program, Delhi

“Shoulders are to be kept intact, but while saying just yes, you need not go on ‘yes, yes, yes,
yes’. Is very, very simple thing, but it can have a very bad effect, and those who move
their shoulders too much do not feel vibrations much because the chakras are not alright.”
1983-02.04: Sahasrara Chakra, Hanuman Road, New Delhi

Raising the kundalini and applying bandhan

These are the standard practices you learn from the very beginning. Still continue to apply
them with diligence regardless for how long you already practice Sahaja Yoga. You have to
always feel how the kundalini is rising and that your chakras feel protected when giving
the bandhan.

A good practice is also to raise your kundalini and put yourself into bandhan before leaving
your home.

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Perform the following actions until you feel that vibrations have improved and start flowing.

Clearing the left and right side

For cleansing the left side or channel, the ida nadi: direct the left hand towards Shri Mataji’s
picture and put the right hand flat on or towards Mother Earth. To enhance the effect put a
candle in front of your left hand. Ask: “Shri Mataji, please cleanse my left side.”

For cleansing the right side or channel, the pingala nadi: point the right hand towards the
picture and the left hand towards the sky with the palm facing backwards. Ask: “Shri Mataji,
please cleanse my right side.”

Balancing the left and right side

For balancing the left side: take the energy from your right side by raising the right side with
your right hand (the palm showing towards you) up to the forehead chakra (where the two
nadis meet at the Hamsa and then cross over at the Agnya) and then bring it down into the
left side. Do this several times, possibly up to 108 times.

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For balancing the right side: move the right hand in the opposite direction, which means
raising the left and lowering the right side.

Cleansing of chakras

Keep the left hand towards the photograph whilst the right makes circular movements
with your finger towards the chakra in concern. Move the right hand clockwise when you
work from the front and anticlockwise when you work on someone else from behind. This
applies for all chakras. Then shake off any negative energy with the right hand.

Energising chakras

To improve the left side and centre of a chakra put your left hand towards Shri Mataji’s
picture and the right hand on the particular chakra.

For the right side place your left hand on the chakra and point the right hand towards Shri
Mataji’s picture.

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Giving vibrations

Giving vibrations to someone else will improve also your own subtle system as the flow of
vibrations through your hands will get stronger.

Raise your kundalini and give a bandhan to yourself and then do the same to the person
you are working on. Then check his or her vibrations.

Hold the left hand towards Mother’s picture. With your right apply the methods of cleansing
and balancing of affected chakras as described above. Work on the person till the cool
breeze is clearly felt above the Sahasrara.

Finally, raise again the kundalini and give a bandhan to the other person and then to you.

Remember, that you are not the ‘doer’. Let the intelligence of your kundalini guide you. Say:
“I’m not doing it. Mother, you are doing it.”

“Even when you are giving vibrations to other people, I have noticed that you are not in
thoughtless awareness. If you give vibrations in thoughtless awareness, you will not catch
1976-0330: Gudi Padwa, Delhi

“Loving means giving - doing without any expectation - just doing and enjoying. The
greatest is giving vibrations. That is ‘amruta’; vibrations do not die.”
1980-1109: Shri Mahalakshmi Puja, Hampstead, London

“By giving power you mean that you give the vibrations to those which are other things, not
human beings - like all other living things, like plants and animals. And you find that
they also change in their productivity, in their beauty, in their taste, in their colour, in
their glow.”
1977-1231: Self Realization, London, UK

Giving bandhan on the palm of the hand

The power of a ‘circular bandhan’ over the palm of your left hand is an appeal to the Divine
to grant help. As with all methods, it works with a pure heart and being thoughtless, in the
state of yoga. This type of bandhan can be done individually or collectively.

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With your right index finger write into the palm of your left hand whatever you want to
protect and give it a bandhan. Be thoughtless and leave it to the Divine to solve the issue.
Avoid any specific expectations of what should happen.

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Shri Mataji has stressed multiple times that Sahaja Yoga as an evolutionary breakthrough
for humanity is a collective process. We have often experienced that the oneness of attention
or desire of a local or international collectivity of yogis, the ‘sangha’ of the realised souls,
has a multiplying effect. It is a great force for the betterment of this world. Please use it!

The collective naturally soaks up shortcomings in vibrations of an individual. One could say,
the sum is more than its parts.

Dedication and surrender

Surrendering everything with complete faith at the Lotus Feet of our Holy Mother is the
ultimate way to remove your obstacles.

Be like Shri Ganesha, Shri Mataji’s beloved Eternal Child.

In your meditation, when your attention is settled in the Sahasrara chakra, feel Shri Mataji’s
Lotus Feet above your head. Surrender everything to Her, which comes to your mind.

“… gravity is the integration of your Shraddha, of your Dedication, and your surrender.
Without that gravity you cannot nourish yourself, you cannot grow.”
1985-0629: Guru Puja, Paris

Puja – the ‘offering’

Taking part in a puja or performing a puja yourself to the Divine in its different aspects is
one of the subtlest and sweetest forms of cleansing. As we express in it the devotion, respect
and thankfulness to God we receive in return Divine blessings.

Love – the ‘bhakti’

“… the dynamic power of love can transcend all the evil powers of the world.”
1973-0828: Shri Krishna Puja, Mumbai

Be confident that your Divine Mother and Divine Father love you all the time. Whatever
happens, be sure of their constant loving attention and caretaking.

And also remember to love yourself.

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Giving Self-Realization

Shri Mataji has mentioned again and again, that giving self-realization is one of the most
important tasks for Sahaja Yogis. Establishing more and more realised souls is necessary to
lead humanity into the next step of evolution.

Apart from fulfilling this important mission it is nourishing and it develops our own subtle

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system. In this way both, the one who receives and the one who passes on realisation
benefit enormously.

2. The Five Elements

“… but first of all you must reach your own essences. Once you reach your own
essences, you reach the essence of all the elements and then you can handle the
elements as you like”
1987-0506: Going deeper - the essence of elements, Sidney

Earth element – Bhumi Devi, Muladhara chakra, prithvi tattva

“When you are young, not married, keep your eyes on the ground; Mother Earth gives you
that innocence by which you develop that principle within you, (it) is (a) very important
principle. It’s such a pure principle”
1980-0727: Guru Puja, London

“So it is the primordial power (kundalini) which is coming out of the Mother Earth. Mother
Earth itself acts like a Mother”.
1997-0907: Shri Ganesha Puja, Cabella Ligure

“After Realization you do become subtle enough to feel that magnetic force (of Mother
Earth). And you can ask the Mother Earth to take away your problems, to take away your
sins, She’ll suck (it) in.”
1980-0406: Easter Puja, Dollis Hill, London

“… when we were young, we were told to see the Mother Earth all the time, not to raise
your eyes higher than that. The reason is the Mother Earth soothes your eyes.”
1979-0308: How to Realize the Self, New Delhi


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“The Mother Earth is one of the elements which has created some of our centres, so She
sucks in some of your problems. So put your feet directly on the Mother Earth, just like this.
If it is easy for you to take off your socks also, it would be a good idea, because mostly
socks are of nylon, and they insulate you completely from Mother Earth. If you feel like
taking off, you should take it. It would be a good thing.”
1979-0726: Public Program, Enfield, London

“Like this Mother Earth bears our load so well, because she’s so great.”
1981-0719: Guru Puja, Chelsham Road ashram, London

Contact with Mother Earth:

Select an appropriate undisturbed place in nature. Sit down and place both your hands
onto the ground. Ask Mother Earth to please take away and absorb all negativity in you. Be
completely open to Her caretaking response. Try for a while to put your attention on your
Muladhara chakra.

Walk barefoot and when possible look into the blue sky.

Shoe beat:

Sit on the ground. Raise your kundalini and put yourself into bandhan. Place both your
hands on the ground in front of you. Take the mantra of Shri Adi Bhumi Devi and Shri
Ganesha and ask “Kindly please absorb all negativity”.

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Create a vibrated area in front of you by drawing clockwise a circle seven times with your
right hand on the ground. Keep your left hand besides you flat on the ground.

Now write whatever negativity you want getting cleared out with your right index finger into
this place. Then take your left shoe in your right hand and with the heel-part of your left
shoe beat this spot 108 times. Do not look at it; rather look into the sky. Be thoughtless.

After finishing, ‘erase’ the spot with the same shoe.

Repeat the procedure for the next issue. Shoe-beat your name as symbol for your ego and

When finished give thanks to Mother Earth for Her absorbing and bearing the negativity.
Finally raise your kundalini and do a bandhan.

It is custom, born out of respect, to only shoe-beat the negativity affecting your parents and
spouse, but not their names.


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Salt represents the guru principle, the protector of dharma. Therefore it has the capacity to
cleanse, to re-establish dharma.

“The Void is covered with water, and in the water there is salt and the salt is nothing but is
the Dharma.”
1978-1005: Talk to Sahaja Yogis, London

Water element – Shri Varuna, Nabhi chakra, jala tattva

“As you have seen that water element is very good for treating people for the lower chakras,
up to the heart chakra, because the water and salt can help you for the Nabhi chakra and
because the salt is the earth element and what you call it is essence of the ocean and the
essence of the ocean is in the Bhavasagara. So we can use salt water for clearing the lower
1977-0126: Bordi Seminar


It is the standard daily cleansing method done every evening. Take a suitable plastic bowl
and fill it with water so that your ankles are covered. Then add about two table spoons of
salt and dissolve it.

The water temperature depends on what you have to clear: warm for left side issues, cool
for the right side. Sit in front of Shri Mataji’s photo with a candle in front. Give a bandhan to
the water and use the mantra of e.g. Shri Samudra Devata or Shri Jala Tattva. Then prepare
yourself appropriately for meditation.

Put your feet into the water with both hands showing towards the picture. The combination
of water, salt (earth element) and fire will cleanse all your lower chakras up to the Nabhi.

Other cleansing methods can be applied alongside.

After finishing, rinse your feet with fresh water. Dispose the water into the toilet. Don’t look
into it. Additionally, you can wash your hands afterwards.

Stay in the foot-soak for no longer than 10-15 minutes. Replace the salt water if you want to
continue foot-soaking.


Is used it in a similar manner to get rid of negative vibrations which have been taken up

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by your hands (for instance after giving massage to someone). Put one hand towards Shri
Mataji’s picture and soak the other one in salty water; preferably warm water for the left
hand and cool water for the right hand.

Natural waters:

The cleansing effect of lakes, rivers, other water courses and above all the ocean can be
very enjoyable. Before starting pay your respect to the water. Then you can do foot-soak,
immersing or swimming.

Swimming itself can be a meditative experience.

Room cleansing:

Use vibrated water in a spray bottle or similar device. With your attention in Sahasrara,
spray the room in all places, especially in dark corners. Have the window open during this
cleansing to enable negativity to evade.

You can take appropriate mantras during this procedure.

Fire element – Shri Agni, Swadhisthan chakra, tejas tattva

“Fire is a purifier and it is a melter, it melts your heart. This fire melts your heart and you
feel the compassion”.
1978-1005: Talk to Sahaja Yogis, London

Use fire and light to cleanse your left side and Agnya problems. Be cautious not to burn
yourself, specifically if you put candles at your back!

Candle treatment:

Mother has particularly recommended using larger candies that give a bigger flame,
otherwise the technique is not so effective.

A candle treatment can consist of numerous combinations:

• Light a candle in front of the photograph.

• Use a second candle by moving it up and down on your left side, using the mantras
of the left side.
• Use a candle to give clockwise (full-circle) bandhans to the affected chakras on the
left side.
• While the left hand points towards the photo, keep a burning candle in front of your
left hand. The right hand is to be put on or pointing towards Mother Earth, which
sucks in all the negativity.

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• Use a candle behind or near your left Swadhisthan chakra while meditating.
• To improve the Agnya chakra look through the flame and at the bindi on Mother’s
forehead. Do not focus on the flame. The light element clears out all the negativity.

Camphor treatment:

Burning camphor has a stronger effect than the fire of candles. Use a special small metal
pot (with a wooden handle so not to get burned) that can contain the camphor while
burning. Camphor usually comes in form of small tablets. Put one or two in the pot and
light them.

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Keeping a window open is a good idea.
For your own safety someone else should apply the treatment for you. It is strictly avoided
during pregnancy and for people with strong right side problems (e.g. hot liver).

‘Bad Eye’ treatment:

Put some mustard seeds, salt and dried chilli on a small paper, wrap it into a small
packet. Now holding the packet in your hand, give seven bandhans to the person requiring
treatment. Then burn it safely and dispose it. (Note, there are a few variations of this

Ajwan treatment:

This is effective for left Muladhara issues. Use a small vessel or tray and put charcoal into it.
Light it and put a teaspoon of ajwan seeds on it so that smoke develops. The smoke should
engulf your Muladhara chakra. Together with the heat this clears left side problems and
also fungal infections. This treatment is not for pregnant ladies.

Three-candles treatment:

This treatment is for clearing the whole left side. Sit on the floor and put one candle in front
of your left hand, which points to Shri Mataji’s picture; one candle behind you at the left
Swadhisthan and a third one to your left. Alternatively, you can use the candle on the left to
move it up and down your left channel up to the superego at the back of the head.

Paper burning:

Give yourself a bandhan. Write the issue on a piece of paper, draw a bandhan seven times
in spiral form (moving from the inside to the outside) around the word without interruption
and without the lines touching each other. Then burn the paper in a suitable place
(e.g. a toilet with an open window) without looking directly at it. Flush the ashes.


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String burning:

This is a specific method for clearing the left side. Take a long thin cotton thread
(no plastic!), suitable to make seven knots.

Begin with reciting the Shri Ganesha mantra four times. Make a loose knot and place it on
the area of the Muladhara on your left palm. Now cover the spot with the Muladhara area
of your right hand and recite the Shri Ganesha mantra. Ask Shri Ganesha to put all your
Muladhara negativity into this knot, remove the right hand and tighten the knot completely.

Move the thread to your thumb, the Swadhisthan finger and proceed in the same manner
as before, now taking the Shri Nirmala Vidya mantra. Follow this procedure through all
the chakras with the mantras to Shri Gruha Lakshmi, Shri Shiva Parvati, Shri Vishnumaya,
Shri Mahavira, Shri Mahakali-Badrakali-Kali and finally Shri Kalki.

When finished, lay out the string in a clockwise circle on your left palm - the beginning
Muladhara part at the corresponding place in the palm and the Sahasrara part at the

Pray to Shri Mataji: “Shri Mataji, You who are the Adi Shakti, please remove all negativity
and attacks that are preventing my spiritual ascent and place them into these knots.”

Now dip the string in mustard oil. Run your fingers along the string to squeeze out the
excess oil. Hold the string with tweezers at the Sahasrara end and burn it over a flame.
While burning recite the Shuddha Ichha mantra and look into the flame. Finally give thanks
to Shri Agni for clearing your chakras. Try to be thoughtless during the whole process.

A simpler method is to only recite the mantras while tying the seven knots without
arranging the string in that particular way as described above. The rest remains the same.

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The havan is a very ancient, sophisticated fire ritual and the noblest of all fire applications.
All kind of problems can be offered to Shri Agni to burn away negativity. Usually it is
performed in the open as a collective event.

Nevertheless it is possible to conduct a small havan at home. The whole ceremony has to
be performed with the necessary respect and solemnness.

In simple terms, prepare a suitable flat plate about 30 cm wide, ideally an Indian ‘thali’.
Draw a swastika with kumkum at its centre, place four long candles at its four corners
and spread rice and little vibrated kumkum in a circle around the swastika to cover the
remainder of the plate. You can also add four fruits (e.g. apples) outside near the plate.


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Add a dot of kumkum and incense to each of them. Try to create an auspicious

Place a picture of Shri Mataji with a candle in front in a way that you can face Mother
during the ceremony.

Now you are ready to perform the havan. Following an invocation to Shri Agni Devata,
the offering of mantras together with havan samagri and other ingredients is made to
purify oneself and the area. At the end some negativity is offered to the fire and the havan
concludes with Shri Mataji’s mantras.

You can feel the cool vibrations from the fire, even when close to it.

Air element – Shri Vayu, Heart chakra, vayu tattva

Breathing exercise 1:

When in meditation put the attention on your breathing. Observe the stop at complete
inhalation and exhalation. Slow down your breathing and elongate the stops in a
natural way.

Breathing exercise 2:

For improving the Hamsa chakra do the alternative nostril breathing. You inhale only
with one nostril (e.g. left) and exhale with the other nostril (i.e. right). Now inhale again
through the same side (i.e. right) and exhale with the other (i.e. left).

Breathing exercise 3:

Watch Shri Mataji’s video: “Prana & Mana Breathing Meditation“

Ether element – Vishuddhi chakra, akasha tattva

“When a seeker ascends, he attains subtle Akasha, the Subtlety of Ether element. There is no
need to activate this element. If a seeker has some problem, this element is omnipresent. It
is present everywhere. Your attention immediately reaches where it is required”.
1999-0214: Shri Siva Puja. Delhi

“We call it ‘Akasha’ in Sanskrit. This ether now as you know, we are using for our television,
for our radio, for every sort of a collective work. So we have to be in charge of the ether
element as yogis. And that is the subtlest of all, in the sense that you permeate everything
with that, and is above all. Like plastic also permeates into everything into matter, into


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everything up to the air. But it cannot enter into ether. So the negativity cannot enter
into ether. So when you enter into your ethereal zone, you actually enter into the area,
which is thoughtless awareness. So to achieve your ethereal state, you have to expand your
thoughtless awareness.”
1983-0828: Shri Krishna Puja, Geneva

Look into the sky, put your both index fingers in your ears and chant the “Allah Hu Akbar”
mantra 16 times. Feel the greatness of God.

3. Mantras and Yantras

“Now the name of your Mother is very powerful. You know that is the most powerful Name
than all other names, the most powerful mantra. But you must know how to take it.
With that complete dedication you have to take that Name.”
1982-0731: Dedication through Meditation, Cheltenham

The knowledge of affirmations and mantras is extensively dealt with in the Sahaja Yoga
Mantra Book. Please refer to it.

Types of mantras

Use affirmations to ask the Divine Mother for supporting your ascent and re-establish
your dharma and the divine qualities in your chakras, when spoilt.

The mantras and prayers will bring you deeper, connecting you to the pure divine
essences represented by the deities to enable for you a steady growth and ascent. Gradually
their qualities will be awakened in you. Always use them with the proper feeling of devotion.

Bija mantras are mantras consisting of syllables, which may form the core (or ‘seed’) of
other words. See the sahaj mantra book for more details.

Specific prayers like the Atharva Sheersha Ganesha, the Kavach of the Devi, or the
Hanuman Chalisa will create for you a continuous support and protection on your life’s

The Atharva Sheersha Ganesha or the mantras of Shri Ganesha and Shri Kartikeya taken
together can be used to cleanse every chakra one by one.

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In your heart bow down in front of both Deities and pray: “Shri Ganesha, please remove
all obstacles and Shri Kartikeya, please destroy all negativity in my … chakra.”

Muladhara chakra meditation

This specific meditation for the Muladhara chakra addresses each of its four petals and
asks to grant the bestowing of their qualities on you:

First petal pointing downwards:

“Shri Mataji, please bless me with the joy of Brahmanand.”

Second petal on the left:

“Shri Mataji, please let Your Ganesha Tattwa remove all the obstacles in my ascent.” and
“Shri Mataji, please fill each cell of my being with the majesty and dignity of the Pure Spirit.”
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Third petal on the right:

“Shri Mataji, please fill each cell of my being with the complete dedication and surrender
of Shri Ganesha to Your Holy Lotus Feet.”, “Shri Mataji, please bless me with the absolute
wisdom of Your Shri Ganesha.” and “Shri Mataji, please bless me with the pure knowledge
of Your Divinity.”

Fourth petal pointing upwards:

“Shri Mataji, please bless me with the complete fearlessness of Your Shri Ganesha.” and
“Shri Mataji, please fill each and every cell of my being with the nectar of Your Divine Love.”

Mantras for destroying negativity

Those mantras can be found in the mantra book. Here is just one of them mentioned,
which awakens the power of Shri Durga:

Symbols (yantras)

The ultimate purpose of any yantra is to trigger or deepen the state of meditation. The OM
and the swastika, both associated with the Muladhara chakra, are the most famous.

The clockwise and straight, untwisted swastika can be used to ward off and protect against
negativity. While in India the swastika is a common symbol, the West has altered its
presentation and perverted the meaning of the swastika, hence it cannot be used publicly.

Page 19
The swastika can be used for cleansing in several ways:

• To clear a room, use a candle and draw with it a swastika in the air in each of the
four directions of the room and on the floor.
• You can use this method only by means of your attention (in thoughtless awareness)
and such apply it to any place. Just project or draw the swastika over any object.

Mantras of deities with their respective healing quality

Shri Ganesha Shri Vignanasha The destroyer of obstacles

Shri Kartikeya Shri Anamaya The one who saves us from illness
Shri Roganashaka The remover of illnesses
Shri Athena Shri Peonia The physician and healer
Shri Fatima Shri Shafia The healer
Shri Adi Guru Shri Jvaranashaka The destroyer of fever, illness
Dattatreya and suffering
Shri Shokadukhahara The remover of anxiety and pain
Shri Rama Shri Bhavarogasya bheshaja The healer of diseases
Shri Janamaranavarjita The conqueror of illness and death
Shri Hanuman Shri Roganashaka He destroys all diseases

Finally …

Another simple way to relate to the Deities and to Shri Mataji is a heartfelt prayer.
Ask honestly from your heart for forgiveness or express your thankfulness.

Whilst being in meditation, a beautiful expression of love is also to offer something to the
Divine just with your imagination. You can offer a beautiful flower or prasad at the Lotus

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Feet of the Deity.


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4. Introspection and Attention

Don’t react, just see! Where is my attention?

Have I become the Spirit? I am a Sahaja Yogi!

“Firstly, you can see for yourself how your mind works. What does it do? How it reacts.
This is what one has to watch, which I call as ‘introspection’. What sort of plans your mind
takes to? What does it think is the best? In that thinking, thought process, what is the most
important way to look at yourself? The first and the foremost is that you should know how
you react to someone.”
2001: Shri Ganesha Puja

Be the witness of your body.

“You have to become thoughtlessly aware, means you go beyond the thinking mind. Now
what does think in your head is your ego as I told you yesterday, or your conditioning,
and you go on reacting to it all the time. But after getting Realization and after
achieving that state, you don’t react, you just watch, and that watching itself is very
powerful. You’re watching silently is very, very powerful and it works, it works wonders.”
1998-0706 Public Program, Holland Park School, London

Be the witness of your emotions.

“So you don’t react. By not reaction, what happens? That the thoughts that come to you,
come from the future and the past. And you are lost in those thoughts because they are
jumping on the cusps of these thoughts. When the Kundalini rises, the thoughts are like
this. She elongates those thoughts and a space is created which we can call it as pause or
Vilamba in that state you become absolutely peaceful, you don’t think anymore.
We call it thoughtless awareness that Jung has described. That means you watch anything
just as a witness, you see everything as a witness.”
2000-0601 Public Program, Los Angeles

Be the witness of your mind.

The attention, ‘chitta’ or ‘chit shakti’, is seated in our liver and is a most powerful tool
in the practice of yoga.

“Wherever you put your attention that works out. When you are realized then your
attention is realized. Wherever you put your attention it works like a spade it works like


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a sword, it works like a loving hand, it works like [?], it works like a comforting heart.
It is an enlightened attention in your stomach.”
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1978-1005: Talk to Sahaja Yogis, London

“Attention, when it works through your eyes can also go to wrong things. Everywhere
where the attention moves it can do wrong things if it is adharmic.”
1978-1005: Talk to Sahaja Yogis, London

When you meditate and your attention is in the Sahasrara be aware that Mother’s Lotus Feet
are just above your head, emanating the blissful param chaitanya.


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The Application
5. Treatments for Specific Issues
in the Chakras
Generally for left or right side problems use the methods described under the chapter
‘Vibrations – cleansing and balancing’.

Use introspection to detect patterns of imbalances (in emotions, thoughts, behaviour)

and avoid that your issues come back again and again.

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Generally speaking, if you are a left-sided person see that you become more active.
If you are right-sided then you need to get to the centre by developing your witness and
detachment qualities.

It is possible that some issues come from a combination of two or more chakras.
In this case you have to treat them together.

Left side issues - emotional side, ida nadi

“… emotions are nothing but wishes. These are unfulfilled desires”

1981-1029: Guided meditation on prana and mana, London

Desire is our prime mover, the power by which we exist and the first cause for our acting
or seeking. Emotion is born out of desire, which has not yet materialised. Therefore the
left side is our emotional side.

Lethargy of organs or psyche, possessions. Indulgence in the past, day-dreaming,
laziness, lack of self-discipline, emotional pains of all kinds and extremes, being
over-emotional, stuck in conditioning and habits, drugs, accepting domination.


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Fire in form of candles, burning camphor, fire itself and sun rays to heat up the cold
of the left. Be physically and mentally more active, replace self-indulgence by helping
others. Eat more protein-rich and spicy food.

Shri Mahakali, Shri Bhairava and Shri Surya to balance the left side

Right side issues – physical and mental side, pingala nadi

Over activity – physically and mentally, too much thinking and planning, neglecting
emotions, domination of others, egoism, thinking only you are correct and are the
best, fanaticism of any kind, asceticism, emotions which hurt others, materialism,
extremes in sports, all -isms.

Your system gets heated up, developing dryness.

Water treatments including drinking more liquids, earth treatments, developing your
devotion, attitude of ‘not I, but You do’.

Put an ice pack on your liver to cool it down, eat more carbohydrates and sour fruits,
enjoy music and poetry.

Shri Mahasaraswati, Shri Hanuman and Shri Chandrama to balance the right side

Muladhara chakra

Left side issues:

Lust, sexual indulgence in action and thinking, sex outside of marriage, lack of
chastity, tantrism, spirit possessions


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Sit on the earth, ask Shri Ganesha for forgiveness, ajwan treatment, eat roasted chick
peas (chanas)

Shri Mataji, by Your Grace, I am the powerful innocence of a child.


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Shri Nirmal Ganesha

Right side issues:

Sexual abstinence, constipation, possession, artificiality, hypocrisy,

fundamentalist attitudes

Ask Shri Kartikeya to destroy all negativity.

Shri Mataji, verily You are the killer of devils.

Shri Kartikeya, Rakshasahantri and Rakshasaghni (the latter two without ‘Shri’)

Centre issues:

Develop your innocence, look at the nature and enjoy its innocence. Enjoy the
sweetness of small children. Sit on the ground and pray: “Mother Earth, please
cleanse my Muladhara.”

Shri Mataji, by Your Grace, please make me innocent.

Shri Ganesha; see also the special prayer in the mantra section.

Muladhar, sacrum - the seat of the kundalini

Unauthorized trial or tantric practices to awaken the kundalini,

Shri Kundalini Mata, Shri Gaurimata

Swadhisthana chakra

Left-side issues:

Wrong knowledge and wrong desires, false gurus and teachings, inappropriate
spiritual practices, fortune telling and esoteric practices.


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Ask for true knowledge; give up all wrong practices and reading of wrong books.
Cleanse your home of bad vibrations. Use all known fire treatments, matka and
shoe beating.

Give a bandhan with the candle to the left Swadhisthan, with one more candle at

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your back.
Shri Mataji, by Your Grace, I am the pure knowledge/technique of the Divine that acts.

Shri Mataji, by Your Grace, please give me the pure knowledge of the Divine.

Shri Nirmala Vidya (pure knowledge), Shri Shuddha Iccha (pure desire)

Right side issues:

Anger, excessive thinking, alcohol, planning and working, too much reading and
computer gaming, artistic work without joy, slave of time, flittering away of time
and attention, ADHD.

Stop planning, relax, ice pack on the liver, liver diet, drinking water, cold foot-soak,
vibrate your food and drinks.

Say: “I am not the doer, You do everything.”

Shri Mataji, verily You are the doer and the enjoyer. I do nothing.

Shri Fatima, Shri Hazrat-Ali, Shri Himalaya (for cooling); Shri Nirmala Chitta
(for stabilising the attention and directing it to purity)

Centre issues:

Shri Mataji, by Your Grace, please give me the pure knowledge and pure desire.

Shri Brahmadeva, Shri Saraswati


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Nabhi chakra

Left side issues:

Family and household problems, untidiness, being unsatisfied, no respect

towards women.

Generosity, make others feel satisfied, be satisfied how God carries you through life,
loving attention to your family and guests, keep things clean, develop bearing power,
have peaceful meals.

Shri Mataji, by our Grace, I am satisfied.
Shri Mataji, by our Grace, I am peace.
Shri Mataji, by our Grace, I am a generous person

Shri Gruha Lakshmi, Shri Shanti Rupena

Right side issues:

Money, work and family worries; money cheating, miserliness, wrong food which
heats up the liver, alcohol, pills, uncontrolled temper, eating in a hurry.

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Liver diet, ice treatment for hot liver, cold foot-soak, abandoning alcohol.

Surrender your worries to God, honesty, meditate on peace in you

Shri Mataji, verily You are the royal dignity in me.

Shri Mataji, verily You solve my money/family worries and take care of my well-being.

Shri Shesha, Shri Raja Lakshmi

Centre issues:

Greed, no interest in personal development or seeking

Shri Mataji, by Your Grace, please make me satisfied and balanced.

Mantra: Shri Lakshmi, Shri Vishnu


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Void (‘Bhavasagara’)

“In the stomach the basic principle is of water. The Void is covered with water, and in the
water there is salt and the salt is nothing but is the Dharma. Is the Dharma, the salt.
That’s why when we give you salt what happens, the salt that is vibrated goes and helps
you in the stomach. And salt shows its own nature there by absorbing all that is in you
which is, we can say, is the [?].

A person supposing is, has got a cancer of throat, then he should take salt. If he has a right
hand side problem he should take sugar.

So these are the two qualities, you see, the five dharmas are done by salt and five by
sugar. And these are the best solvent in the world as you know. So, all these three things
put together water, then salt, then the sugar they solve the problem of the Void. That’s why
we use these two things.”
1978-1005: Talk to Sahaja Yogis, London

False gurus, items given by wrong gurus, false teachings

Drink vibrated water with vibrated salt against false gurus; matka and havan;
throw away all items you have got from false gurus; take the names of the ten
Adi Guru incarnations.

Become your own master. See your mistakes, learn from them and correct them.

Affirmations - left:
Shri Mataji, by our Grace, I am my own guru/master.

Shri Mataji, as I am the pure knowledge, by Your Grace, I am my own guru/master.

Affirmations - right:
Shri Mataji, verily You are my guru/master.

Affirmations - centre:
Shri Mataji, by Your Grace, please make me be my own guru/master.

Shri Adi Guru Dattatreya; the ten incarnations of Shri Adi Guru

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Heart chakra (Anahata or Hridaya chakra)

Left side issues:

Attachments, materialism, no interest in the Self, suppressed emotions, weakness of

the heart.

Problems with own mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, wife.

“Mother, please come into my heart”. Put Shri Mataji into your heart and feel the joy
and love of Her presence.

“I am the Spirit”. Ask for forgiveness for any mistakes you have done against the Spirit.
Correct your relationships with (other) women.

Shri Mataji, by our Grace, I am the Spirit.

Shri Mataji, by our Grace, please forgive me for any mistakes against my
Spirit/Shri Shiva.

Shri Mataji, by our Grace, I am the instrument of Mother’s Love.

Shri Shiva Parvati, Shri Atma Paramatma, Shri Sat-Chit-Ananda

Right side issues:

Problems with own father, grandfather, brother, son or husband.

Domination of others, emotional aggression, reckless behaviour, lack of responsibility,

over-responsibility, crossing the boundaries of good conduct (‘maryadas’)

Act responsible, correct male relationships, keep and protect the maryadas, read the
Rama Kavach.

With spirit possessions from the fatherly side tell the relative: “I am taken care now
by Shri Mataji, you don’t have to bother for me anymore.”

Shri Mataji, verily You are the responsibility in me.

Shri Mataji, verily You are the boundaries of good conduct and the benevolence of
a good father.

Page 29
Shri Sita, Shri Rama.

Centre issues:

Fear, insecurity, panic attacks, nightmares, poor immune system

Count your blessings; see how the Divine is helping you all the time and develop the
awareness for its continuous protecting and guiding presence in your life.

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Say: “Mother, you are my saviour”. “You are my security”. Mother’s love will give you
the security. Read the Kavach of the Devi

Shri Mataji, by Your Grace, please make me fearless.

Shri Jagadamba, Shri Durga Mata

Whilst breathing deeply and slowly, keep your right hand pressed on your centre heart
and take the mantra Shri Jagadamba twelve times.

Vishuddhi chakra

Left side issues:

Feeling of guilt, lack of proper brother-sister relationship, lack of self-respect, jealousy

“I am not guilty, because I am the spirit”. Correct your mistakes without feeling guilty;
develop pure brother-sister relationships.

Shri Mataji, I am not guilty. As I am the Spirit, by Your Grace, how can I be guilty?

Shri Vishnumaya

Right side issues:

Reacting, aggressiveness, pride, harsh language, swearing, sarcasm, too much talking,
arguing, telling lies, smoking


Page 30
Just see, don’t react; express a caring attitude for others in words and action

Shri Mataji, You are the sweet countenance of my words and deeds.

Shri Yeshoda, Shri Vittala Rukmini

Centre issues:

Lack of collectivity, lack of witness power

Develop your witness power

Shri Mataji, by Your Grace, please make me a detached witness, please make me part
and parcel of the whole.

Shri Radha Krishna. Put your index fingers into the ears, look into the sky and chant
“Allah Hu Akbar” 16 times.

Hamsa chakra

Reason for issues:

Lack of discrimination power, credulity

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See ‘Breathing exercise 2’ in the air-element section. Put some ghee in the nose as
described in the section ‘General Advice’.

Shri Mataji, by Your Grace, please give me the power of discrimination.

Shri Hamsa Chakra Swamini

Lalita chakra

Reason for issues:


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Disrespect to the Divine, deep left Visshuddhi catch, lack of joy, not seeking the Spirit,
unbalanced and excessive movement of shoulders.

Improve the Vishuddhi chakra, aspire to become the Spirit, meditate and put your
right hand on the Lalita chakra.

Shri Mataji, by Your Grace I am fortunate to be under the protection of the
Divine Mother.

Shri Shiva Shakti Putra Kartikeya, Shri Lalita Chakra Swamini, Shri Nirananda

Shri chakra

Reason for issues:

Over-responsibility, no respect for God in others.

Meditate and put your left hand on the Shri chakra

Shri Mataji, verily, You are the Holy Spirit.

Shri ‘Shri Chakra’ Swamini

Agnya chakra

“Anything which is rituals increases your ego.”

1997-1225, Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule

Left side issues:

Conditioned behaviour, self-pity, caught up in the past, impure eyes, memory problems

Back Agnya treatment with candle, press or tap the back of the head with your right
palm several times whilst holding the left hand towards Shri Mataji’s picture; control
your eyes to see only auspicious things, forgive yourself, ask God to forgive you.


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Shri Mataji, by Your Grace, please forgive me, please let me have pure faith and
may I overcome all fears.

Shri Mahavira, Shri Maha-Ganaesha; ‘I am’, HAM (a bija mantra)

Right side issues:

Egoism, aggressive and racist attitude, unforgiving, ignorance, vanity

Look at a picture of Shri Mataji’s Lotus Feet; protect your Agnya with a bindi of vibrated
oil, use the candle to clear out ego and super-ego as well as eye related problems.

Forgive everyone. Do not delve into the future, be in the present.

Avoid looking directly into the eyes of people when talking to them. You can look at
their Hamsa. This avoids negativity entering from them into your eyes.

Shri Mataji, I forgive everyone and I forgive myself. Shri Mataji, by Your Grace, please
keep me in surrender and may I go beyond all doubts.

Shri Buddha; I forgive, KSHAM (a bija mantra)

Centre issues:

Too much reading, computer work or watching TV; drugs

Develop a loving, forgiving and compassionate attitude.

Shri Mataji, by Your Grace, please make me able to forgive.

Shri Mary Jesus, Lord’s Prayer, Shri Mahavishnu

Ekadesha Rudras

Obstinacy, half-heartedness in Sahaja Yoga; bowing to false gurus or becoming a false
guru yourself

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Establish your innocence, cleanse your void, put your attention more on nature, and
don’t organize when catching on Ekadesha Rudras

Shri Ekadesha Rudra Swamini

Sahasrara chakra

Left side issues:

Atheism, anti-god activities


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Shri Mataji, by Your Grace, I am protected from all the (left side) challenges and
I will be victorious over all the challenges to ascent.

Right side issues:

Doubt in Shri Mataji, anti-Sahaj activities

Develop trust and surrender to Shri Mataji by recognizing Her constant love-giving
influence in your life, have complete trust in Her as the ultimate destroyer of negativity
in her form as Shri Kalki, know that you are part of Her cosmic being.

Shri Mataji, verily You are the victory over all the (right side) challenges to ascent.

Centre treatment:

Shri Mataji, by Your Grace, please establish my self-realization

The three Maha Mantras; Shri Nirvikalpa Samadhi, Shri Param Chaitanya,
Shri Parabrahma, Shri Nirmala Ma, Shri Sadashiva

Combination of catches

Right Swadhisthan plus right Nabhi indicates a hot liver.

Left Swadhisthan plus left Nabhi indicates a cold liver.
Right Swadhisthan plus right Heart indicates possession by one’s father.

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6. Specific Treatments
Medical health advises have been kept to a minimum as there can be many factors
contributing to a sickness and one should not generalise. The individual context has to
be always taken into account. Not all treatments can be applied to everyone. For example
babies, pregnant women, the elderly or sick people need a different approach.

For all treatments try to see what works best for you and use always your discrimination.

You find in the Appendix some suggestions for talks of Shri Mataji where She refers to
health issues.

Common cold

“And there’s a simple grandmother’s recipe for this that you take and heat a little salt and
butter and put that in your throat and in sinus, little warm so that it clears out and the
salt absorbs the cold “
1979-0615: Public Program, Reading

Drink tea with a little vibrated butter in it. It will sooth your throat.

Another treatment for a sore throat is salt. Dissolve some vibrated salt in water and use it
for gurgling.

Inhale some ajwan smoke. Put a charcoal tablet into an appropriate metal vessel or tray,
light it and add ajwan seeds to the top so that smoke emits, take a towel over your head and
inhale the smoke for several minutes. When you are done keep the head warm with the
towel. Don’t expose yourself to cold air for at least 30 minutes.

Try a camphor-ghee treatment. It helps for blocked sinuses and headaches caused by
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their congestion; also it improves the sensitivity of your hands.

Following is a description of the procedure:

Melt cow’s ghee (10 parts) and add suitable camphor (1 part), mix till camphor is
dissolved and store it in a dropper bottle.

For application put the bottle in warm water to liquefy the mixture again, put 2-3
drops into your nose with your head tilted backwards and inhale with a deep breath
through your nose. Best before going to bed.
Belapur Newsletter 06/2014, Advice from an Indian SY doctor

Page 35
Ear ache

Heat olive oil with few garlic cloves to get them brown, cool the oil sufficiently down and
put some drops into the ear, close with a cotton swab.

Onions can be used to help in sinusitis or Hamsa problems. Cut an onion in half, heat it
up to become soft and apply to your Hamsa and sinus region as warm as easily bearable.

Diet (from the New York lectures, 1983)

Eat according to your type. Left-sided persons should take fewer carbohydrates, but eat
proteins. Right-sided persons should do just the opposite and eventually keep a liver diet

In general, do not eat meat from animals bigger than you.

Vibrate your food with a bhandan (three times clockwise) and the mantra to Shri
Annapurna. Also vibrate the water you drink.

Wash your hands before you eat.

Eating with your hands like in India vibrates the food more.

“Say you are fond of food - many people are, I know that. The tongue is the worst of all. If
you can control tongue, you have controlled at least fifty per cent of your sense organs.”
1984-0422: Easter Puja, London

Diet for a ‘hot liver’

Right Swadhisthan and right Nabhi catches, a restless mind, bad attention, no joy, heat or
pain in the liver region, nausea and thinning down.

Other meat than chicken or fish. Fried, fatty or oily foods, over-spicy food, coffee and black
tea, white bread, butter, ice cream and chocolate

Dietary treatment:
Take cooling food like white rice, yoghurt, sugar, ginger, vegetables and salads, organic
radish leaf tea with sugar, roasted chick peas (chana), fruits, grape juice.


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Put your right hand towards Mother’s picture and the left on the liver (below the rib cage
on the right side). Ask: “Please cool down my liver and give me a pure attention.”

Use an ice pack and cover your liver area. You can wrap it in a cloth to be able to bear
the cold.

Diet for a ‘cold liver’

Left Nabhi and Swadisthan catch; an enlarged, lethargic liver; lethargic temperament,
sleepy, left sided, not much thinking, allergies, arthritis, cirrhosis

Dietary treatment:
Eat chick peas (chana), no rice or carbohydrates or milk, less sugar

7. Practical Techniques
Vibrated water, salt, sugar, oil, kumkum

Still available are those treasures, which have been vibrated by Shri Mataji Herself.
If you have to replenish the substance always put the vibrated essence first and then add
the new one.

If such source material is not available, use Shri Mataji’s picture to get items vibrated.
Place them in front of Her picture for at least one day.

“So these vibrations, through the water now, pass into your stomach and they establish
Dharma there, the proper relationship … All those waters and all that we talk of ‘curing
water” are nothing but vibrated waters.”
1978-1005: Talk to Sahaja Yogis, London


The coconut is a strong absorber of negativity. It can be used during pujas and havans,
but also to cleanse your home from negativity.


Page 37
Get a proper shaped coconut with the ‘three eyes’ not leaking, which also contains sufficient
water and draw a swastika with kumkum on it.

Use an appropriate vessel (a ‘kumbha’), put some vibrated water into it and place the
coconut on top, the ‘three eyes’ showing upwards. Remove and dispose appropriately after
one week, either by burying in a garden or offering it to a river or the sea.

Chillies and lemons

Lemons are particularly used to clear the right and chillies the left side.

Vibrate the lemon and/or chilli by keeping them in front of Shri Mataji’s picture for one
day. Then cut off a small part of the lemon peel at the stem side. Brake off the stem from
the chilli. Put them under your pillow while sleeping. Next day you discard them without
looking at them.

You can use the lemon also for sucking negativity from particular chakras by placing them
on the respective area.

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Take a vibrated lemon or lime with you in your pocket when you leave home for a place with
heavy vibrations; it will absorb negativity.

Matka treatment

This technique is a strong remover of negativity.

First vibrate seven lemons and seven chillies keeping them in front of Shri Mataji’s picture
for one day. Get an earthen pot (‘matka’) or other container.

From the lemons remove a part of the peel at the stem side and apply a dot of kumkum on
the lemon’s white. Remove the stems of the chillies and apply kumkum as well. Put all into
the container, add little vibrated water and close the container. Ask Shri Mataji, that the
matka will absorb all negativity.

Keep the matka at the head-side of your bed on the floor. Open the cover only during night
while sleeping. In the morning close it. Never look into the matka. After seven days dispose
the whole matka. If the matka starts smelling badly sooner, dispose it earlier.


Page 38

The Extras
8. General Advice
Bhoots and badhas

Bhoots are unsatisfied dead souls, which have got access to your mind and chakras and act
like a parasite to satisfy their needs.

Badhas are negative energies, which attach to specific areas only.

“Badha is always on the centres or on your organs… But badha doesn’t have its arbitrary
movement. As you move the Kundalini, the badha moves.

But a bhoot is arbitrary. It moves. It will be one moment here, it will be one moment
there. It will move this side, it will move that side. It will go to the right heart, then it will
come to the left heart. If it is arbitrary behaviour that means it is not controlled by your
movement of your fingers.

How will you take out the bhoot of other people without getting yourself into it?”
1980-0517: Informal talk with yogis, Arlesford, UK

Treatments include:

• Shoe-beat and havan

• Drinking of water with vibrated salt against bhoots from false gurus
• ‘Bad Eye’ treatment: wrap some mustard seeds, salt and dry chillies in a paper and
form a small ball. Put in your right hand and make bandhan around the person.
Then burn it

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• Make a snapping noise with your right middle finger and thumb over an
affected chakra
• With all your shraddha shout in your attention at the intruder: “In the name of Shri
Mataji Nirmala Devi, who is the Adi Shakti, I command you: Get out of my system!”
And: “Take a new birth!” or “Go to h…!”


Page 39
Children specific

Till the age of five you should give a massage to your children every night (before they go
to bed) with oil. Afterwards apply some powder and clean it. Their Sahasrara needs lots
of oil. Get a proficient yogi to teach you the proper technique as it is done in India and as
recommended by Shri Mataji. It will sooth down the temperament of the child and make
them peaceful.

To remove catches in babies use a small silver cup with water, which you have vibrated
before in front of Mother’s picture. With it give a bandhan seven times to the child.
Afterwards dispose the water in the toilet.


Always wear an undershirt in cold and hot season. Otherwise sweat would affect your
centre heart adversely.

In the cold season protect your Vishuddhi chakra and head.


• A picture with Shri Mataji’s hands is good for your eyes, put a candle in front and
look at the hands for some time
• Do the candle treatment as described under the section ‘Fire’
• Hold the candle in front of your Hamsa. The warmth will soothe and relax
• Look at the green of grass and trees


Go barefoot wherever possible. Wear natural materials for socks and shoes. If the skin is
too dry, apply a good-quality oil.


Vibrate the food you eat to remove bad vibrations and satisfy your Nabhi. Hold both your
hands over the food and take the mantra of Shri Annapurna. Then vibrate the food with a
circular bandhan and shake away negativity. You can feel its cool vibrations even if it the
food is served hot. For drinks use the mantra of Shri Jala Tattva.


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Avoid using plastics. Use natural soaps.

Gums and teeth

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To strengthen your gums rub them softly with the index finger using a mixture of vibrated
salt and olive oil. If you have an inflammation take only oil.

Use good neem toothpaste from Indian stores.


The hair style should leave the forehead uncovered from hair; eyes should not be covered,
especially with children.

Hamsa and nose

Put few drops of slightly warm melted purified butter (ghee) with a dropper into your nose
and sniff it up.

It avoids dryness of the inner lining. Apply it at night before sleeping.


Massage your head regularly, or at least each Saturday evening with oil, especially your
Sahasrara. Wash the oil off the next morning. You can use e.g. almond oil or hair oils
from the Indian shops (cooling coconut for the summer, amla, jasmine, jabakusum,
cantharidine, etc.)

Don’t go out into cold weather after your hair has been oiled.

To get a good hair massage from a yogi is especially enjoyable, as it also will improve your
vibrations. For this reason you should aim to get a massage only from realised souls.


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9. Appendix
Shri Dhanvantari

Shri Vishnu is the preserver and healer of our dharma. In this aspect he is called
Shri Dhanvantari, the ‘divine doctor’. The photograph on page 3 of the booklet shows
Shri Mataji in Her form as Shri Dhanvantari.

Web links

The following is a small selection of speeches on health topics on the ‘amruta’ web page:

• 1982 Guru Nanak’s birthday

• 1986 The Sun, the brain, medical questions. Rahuri, India
• 2000 Questions by Doctors to Shri Mataji
• 2016 Presentation of Dr. Rai on Sahasrara Day

There are many videos of Shri Mataji on the web (Vimeo, YouTube, etc.) – you find the
videos by entering the respective title in the search field:
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• 1988-1221 How to give Self-Massage to the head

• 1988-1221 Balance Hot and Cold
• 1988-0619 How to clear Center heart (Subtitles)
• Prana & Mana Breathing Meditation
• Shri Mataji on giving bandhan with respect and grace
• Shri Mataji Treatments Sahasrara Hamsa Nabhi Children Hair Eyes Massage
(New York 1983)


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© Copyright Sahaja Yoga Austria 2017

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publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form
or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or
mechanical methods, without the prior
written permission of the ‘Association
Sahaja Yoga Austria’ in Vienna.


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“Sahaja Yoga Austria“, Wien

Druckerei: durck.at

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Page 43
3 5 5 3 1
6 2 Swadhisthana
2 2 3 Nabhi
4 4 7
4 Heart
7 7 6

3A 3A 5 Vishuddhi

6 Agnya

7 Sahasrara
1 1
S L Ekadasha Rudra
4 H Hamsa

L Lalita

S Shri

5 3 3 5
2 2 3
6 6
4 4

7 7

3A 3A

1 1 3

5 3

Pithas - the chakras on the head, indicative positions

7 7 7

3R 4 4 4

5 5
3L 3L

6 2 6 2


1 1


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Presented at the auspicious occasion

of the International Sahasrara Puja 2017, Cabella Ligure

With love from the hosting countries

Austria, Czechia, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia

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