E-Waste Generation and Their Impacts On Health and Environment A Study Over Gazipur District, Bangladesh

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Volume 5, Issue 7, July – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

E-Waste Generation and their Impacts on

Health and Environment: A Study Over
Gazipur District, Bangladesh
Sakawat Hossain1, Mustafizur Rahman 1
Environmental Science and Disaster management,
Noakhali Science and Technology University, Sonapur-3814, Bangladesh.

Abstract:- The electrical and electronics industry is one assets are utilized to create these things. Thus, the fast
of the world’s fastest-growing manufacturing sectors. development of electrical and electronic devices is driving
As a result of this rise in production, as well as the the ever-expanding creation of electronic waste (Mmereki
increasing rate of product consumption, e-waste from et al., 2016). Electrical and electronic equipment (EEE)
electrical and electronic equipment (EEE), has become waste or e-waste is the discarded electric products, one of
the fastest-growing waste stream in the world. This the fastest-growing solid waste streams around the world
study helps to quantify the existing generation rate, today. This situation prevailed everywhere and it’s hard to
health, and environmental impacts of e-waste. A survive in this world without machines. Humans are fully
structured questionnaire has been processed in Gazipur influenced by machines that make our lives more
and existing literature was reviewed. A total of 1200 comfortable. To satisfy the requirements of the people who
households were interviewed using structured need electrical goods are getting popular day by day and
questionnaires. The results revealed that several income they get crowded in the market. Finally, these goods result
families used different types of electronics products. E- in the generation of e-waste (Herat & Agamuthu, 2012).In
product consumption depends on an individual’s 2019, the world produced a noticeable 53.6 megatons (Mt)
income and e-waste generation depends on warranty of e-waste, a normal of 7.3 kg per capita. The worldwide
policy and product life cycle. The health consequences generation of e-waste increased by 9.2 Mt since 2014 and is
of both direct exposures during recycling and indirect projected to increase to 74.7 Mt by 2030 – nearly
exposures through environmental contamination are multiplying in just 16 years. Asia created 24.9Mt of e-waste
potentially severe but poorly studied. E-waste concepts which is the highest amount over the world. Americas (13.1
are relatively new in Gazipur as a result this study Mt) and Europe (12 Mt), while Africa and Oceania
revealed, 840 households were aware of health and produced 2.9 Mt and 0.7 Mt, individually (Adrian et al.,
environmental impacts. E-waste minimization, reuse, or 2020). In 2016, 44.7 million metric tons of e-waste was
recycling is necessary but it should be conducted in a generated (Balde et al., 2017). Malaysia (0.8 to 1.3kg) per
safe and standardized system. Recycling stations should capita (Mmereki et al., 2016), Europe 16.2 kg per capita,
be established with maintaining safety measures for and America 13.3kg per capita e-waste generate (Balde et
workers and to conserve the environment from being al., 2017). European Union (EU), e-waste is growing at a
contaminated. The government should involve in waste rate of 3% to 5% per annum, or approximately three times
management by establishing rules and regulations faster than other individual waste streams in the solid waste
specific to health safety and environmental issue sector (Schwarzer et al., 2005). Developing countries like
relating to e-waste. Bangladesh are projected to generate twice as much as e-
waste for the next 6-8years as industrialized countries (Yu
Keywords:- E-product consumption and e-waste et al., 2010). Bangladesh generates almost 2.7 million
generation, E-waste recycling, health, and environmental metric tons of e-waste every year and even generation rate
impacts. increasing every year. Shipbreaking yard, television sets,
and Information Technology (IT) sector generate e-waste
I. INTRODUCTION 2.5 million metric tons, 0.182 million metric tons, and
31751.5 metric tons respectively (Alam & Bahauddin,
The production, distribution, and consumption of 2015). This brings about a significant threat to public health
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) is strongly and the environment (Afroz et al., 2012). The EEE industry
linked to global economic and communication system is responsible for 10%–20% of the worldwide
development. With the fast advancement of innovation, environmental impact related to the depletion of non-
manufacturers currently produce superior TVs, new and renewable resources (Cruz-Sotelo et al., 2017). As a
more brilliant cell phones, and gadgets at an expanding rate consequence, electronic wastes have become a new policy
(Babu et al., 2007). People are getting involved in the use priority around the globe and decision-makers have the
of what innovation brings, communicating on their challenge of handling the waste of electrical and electronic
advanced mobile phones or tablets, and observing top- devices to minimize health impact in an economical and
quality motion pictures on their TVs at home. As an ever- environmentally friendly manner (Araceli & Dios, 2015).
increasing number of electronic items are delivered to In the past, most e-waste regulations are prompted by and
satisfy the necessities of individuals around the world, more focused on environmental protection. Recently, e-waste

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Volume 5, Issue 7, July – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
guidelines have been adopted and enforced to ensure public waste (Perkins et al., 2014). However, this study aimed to
health and environmental safety (Grant et al., 2013). The measure generation scenario of e-waste, and their health
adoption of the legislation on EEE prompts basic changes and environmental hazard over Gazipur city, Bangladesh.
in the field of electronic piece reusing. Besides, political This study promoted more preciously regarding e-waste
decisions and legitimate selection will impact the and its chemical pollutants and will in a helping way to
advancement of the EEE treatment framework (Barba- increase the proper e-waste management practices that can
Gutiérrez et al., 2008). Basel Convention (1989), which has reduce the human health and environmental hazard.
been ratified by 181 countries, prohibits the export of e-
waste (Bergesen et al., 2019). Despite export guidelines, II. METHODOLOGIES
this convention has a loophole that permits e-waste
exportation if it is intended for “re-use.” This detail leads to  Study area:
a large quantity of near end-of-life EEE being exported. This study was conducted over 1200 households of
These older electronic products have short life spans, if any the Gazipur district (Figure 1) which were randomly
in the least, once they reach the export countries. As a selected for the study. Gazipur is one of the longest districts
result, the e-waste designated for “re-use” only ends up in the Dhaka Division with population 3403912 and
contributing to the e-waste problem in the developing, Gazipur located in between 23°53' and 24°21' north
recipient countries (The Lancet, 2013). Within the EU, the latitudes and 90°09' and 92°39' east longitudes. It is
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive bounded by Mymensingh and Kishoreganj districts on the
requires manufacturers and importers within member states north; Dhaka, Narayanganj, and Narsingdi district on the
to require back their products from consumers and ensure south; Narsingdi district on the east and Dhaka and tangail
sound environmental methods are used to dispose of the e- districts on the west.

Fig 1:- Geographical Location map of the study area (Gazipur District).

 Data Collection: was developed to evaluate e-product consumption, e-waste

To identify the generation, sources, health, and generation, health, and environmental impacts within the
environmental impacts of e-waste in the study area, a self- Gazipur. Data gathering techniques included observation,
exploratory questionnaire was used for the study. The semi-structured questionnaires survey, and informal
experimental data represented here were collected from the dialogue with household members and workers who
Gazipur district. Data were collected from selected 1200 handling or recycling e-product.
households once in every month from January 2015 to
January 2020 total 60 times then averaged to calculate
consumption and e-waste quantification. The questionnaire

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Volume 5, Issue 7, July – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
For the analysis of collected data, Microsoft Excel
(2013) software was used. Data were input in the excel  Socio-economic condition and status of EEE
sheet software and percentages, average (mean) of the consumption.
relevant were showed by mostly in tabular forms along Economic goods consumption, repairing, and waste
with graphs and tables. generation depend on Socio-economic conditions,
education level, and gender (Rahman et al., 2020).
Quantitative study over EEE consumption and repairing
requires information relating to the life cycle of products
and recycling of EEE influenced by rules and legislation.
This study conducted over 1200 family, one person from
each family were male was 82%, and female 18%. The age
of the respondents was grouped into five classes (figure 2).

Fig 2:- Age classes of the respondent from each household

Fig 3:- Income level of Households

Education is an important factor in developing countries like Bangladesh, ensuring the economic condition of the
household’s improvement and changing the lifestyle, motivations, and Electrical home appliances. This study found respondents
completed primary, secondary, higher secondary, and graduate in number 60, 80, 160, and 900 respectively (Figure 4). Education
also influences for better employment opportunities and social establishments. Higher educated have better possibilities for
income higher income (figure 5).

Fig 4:- Education level of the respondents.

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Volume 5, Issue 7, July – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 5:- Occupational variations of the target population.

According to the study, a considerable number of the respondents 175,374,502 and 149 monthly income above 41000,
31000-40000, 21000-30000, and 10000-20000 BDT respectively (Figure 3).

The occupational variation is also found, where private employees, businesses, teachers, workers, and government
employees are 63%, 12%, 10%, 7%, and 8% respectively.

Fig 6:- Relationship between an individual's income and average EEE consumption by a household in 2019.

Economic conditions, education levels, and conditioner (0.525), oven (0.7), and washing machine
occupations are interlinked and affect the EEE consumption (0.425). Fewer amounts of these products are available in a
amount. The high income of a household determined by middle-income household. Mobile phones, electronic fan,
education level and electrical equipment consumption bulb, rice cooker, blunder are common products all of the
increase by increasing the income of individuals (figure 6). household. Though television, refrigerator, computer are
The study showed that, high-income families using more luxurious products these are available in all, on average
electronic products than middle and low income. Luxurious where high levels contain television (1.2), refrigerator
electronic products such as air conditioners, washing (1.125), computer (0.8), middle level carried television
machines, oven, and computers are not available in a low- (1.1), refrigerator (1.025), computer (0.7). Fluorescent
income household. In high-income level contained air bulbs are the products which are larger volume in high and

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Volume 5, Issue 7, July – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
middle than low. Mobile phone (3.15), fluorescent bulb one depending on the socio-economic conditions, the life
(5.32), electronic fan (3.94) (on average per household) is cycle of EEE, size of the family, availability of the product,
the most dominating electronic product overall household and warranty policy. Investigation of 1200 family shows
in the Gazipur city corporation area. It was found that iron, nearly 60%, 30%, and 10% family has family members 0-5,
blunder, rice cooker are also common e-products in the 6-10, and over 10 people respectively. The study also
overall household but high-income households consume a showed that when electronic products are not repairable
larger amount of e-product than others. these are taken to the repairing shop and the damaged parts
of electronic products are replaced by new ones considered
 E-waste generation status from households. as e-waste.
Electrical and electronic equipment consumption,
repairing and replacing tendency of e-products by a new

Fig 7:- EEE consumption and e-waste generation cycle in the study area.

E-waste generates from discarded electronics appliances such as televisions, personal computers, telephones, air
conditioners, cell phones, electronic toys, etc. In 2019, a larger portion of the e-waste generated by the bulb (1.35g) generated than
any other products and mobile phones generated the second-largest amount of e-waste (1.025g). Respective amount of e-waste
also generated by the rice cooker (0.567g), blunder (0.167g), electronic fan (0.35g), television (0.25g) and refrigerators (0.225g)
in per household. Similarly, from 2015 to 2019 bulb (4.30g) was also the first position in e-waste generating, and the mobile
phone (2.242g) contain every household. The comparatively fewer amount of e-waste generated by refrigerator (0.34g), electronic
fan (0.484g) last five years than this year (0.225g), and (0.35g) (table 1). The amount of e-waste generation from non-repairable e-
products is higher than repairable e-product in a specific period (Table 2).

Electrical and electronic equipment’s E-waste generation rate, E-waste generation rate,
(EEE) gram/households (2019) gram/households (2015-2019)
Mobile Phones 1.025 2.242
Televisions 0.25 0.492
Refrigerators 0.225 0.34
Air Conditioners 0.067 0.092
Rice Cooker 0.567 1.1625
Blunder 0.167 0.192
Water Heater 0.375 0.32
Oven 0.084 0.1584
Electrical Fan 0.35 0.484
Fluorescent Bulb 1.35 4.3
Computer/Laptop 0.15 0.2584
Iron 0.175 0.22
Washing Machine 0.117 0.175
Table 1:- Average e-waste generation from non-repairable e-products of households in Gazipur City.

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Volume 5, Issue 7, July – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Year-2019 Years- 2015-2019
High-class Middle-class Low-class High-class Middle-class Low-class
households. households. households. households. households. households.
(income: (income: >40000 (income: (income: (income: >40000 (income:
E-Products <40000) but <21000) >20000) <40000) but <21000) >20000)
Phones 0.575 0.25 0.05 1.075 1.025 0.125
Televisions 0.35 0.29 0.22 0.75 0.35 0.025
Refrigerators 0.25 0.75 0.15 0.4 0.3 0.1
Conditioners 0.1 00 00 0.25 00 00
Rice Cooker 0.25 0.65 0.4 0.75 0.5 0.25
Blunder 0.15 0.15 0.75 0.05 0.25 0.35
Water Heater 0.375 0.45 0.3 0.35 0.51 0.12
Oven 0.05 0.01 00 0.02 0.01 00
Electrical Fan 0.35 0.25 0.15 0.075 0.025 0.05
Bulb 1.1 1.7 0.55 1.45 4.25 3.35
top 0.15 0.02 0.075 0.35 0.25 0.15
Iron 0.17 0.13 0.05 0.7 0.3 0.1
Machine 0.02 0.01 00 0.24 0.12 00
Table 2:- Average e-waste generation rate from repairable e-products of households in Gazipur City.

 Health and environmental impacts of e-waste.

E-waste concepts are relatively new in Gazipur as a result this survey revealed, only 70% of the households (in number 840
households) were aware of health and environmental impacts. Remaining 30% of the respondents didn’t know about e-waste
before this survey. Available handling methods practiced by the households for e-waste in Gazipur were to sell e-waste to vendors
or stores in the site of generation. This study found, 78% of e-waste collected by vendors transfer to recycling stations and after
recycling they resell in the market place but the other 22% of e-waste stored in the site of generation considered mismanaged that
pose threat environment and health as people do not know how to discard them. According to this study, about 19% respondents
from 1200 households know that e-waste contains many hazardous metallic contaminants such as lead, cadmium, and beryllium
and brominated flame-retardants which have toxic irreversible effects on human health and environment and only 7% of the
households know that valuable materials like aluminum, gold, can be extracted from EEE by proper handling and recycling. E-
waste introduced into the human body by inhalation, ingestion, or direct contact with waste or by food chain interruption. The
Health and environmental effects of e-waste in the study area observed are listed in (Table 9).

Compositions of e-waste Health effects observed in Gazipur due to e-waste*

Lead  Central nervous systems
 peripheral nervous systems
 blood systems
 kidney damage
 effects on the brain development of children
 circulatory system and kidney
Cadmium  Toxic irreversible effects on human health
 Accumulates in kidney and liver
 Causes neural damage

Mercury  Chronic damage to the brain

 Respiratory and skin disorders due to bioaccumulation in fishes
Chromium  Causes bronchitis
Plastics and PVC  Burning produces dioxin that causes reproductive and developmental
Copper  Stomach cramps
 Nausea
 liver damage

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Volume 5, Issue 7, July – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Beryllium  Carcinogenic (lung cancer)
 Inhalation of fumes and dust causes chronic beryllium disease
Lithium  Lithium can pass into breast milk and may harm a nursing baby
 Inhalation of the substance may cause lung edema
*Source:(Grant et al., 2013)
Table 3:- Health risk from e-waste compositions to human and animal health.

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