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Competency Based Learning Module: Hilot Wellness Massage Ncii Issued By: Page 1 of 61

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Competency Based Learning Module

Sector : Health ,Social and Other Community Development Services

Qualification Title: Hilot Wellness Massage NCII

Unit of Competency: Apply Hilot Wellness Massage Techniques

Module Title: Applying Hilot Massage Techniques

Prepared by: Menchu T. Viduya

Date developed: Issued by:

Hilot Wellness Massage Page 1 of 61
NCII Developed by:
Menchu T. Viduya
Revision # 00

List of Competencies

No. Unit of Competency Module Title Code

Plan hilot wellness Planning hilot wellness

program of client program of client

Provide pre-service to Providing pre-service to

hilot client/s hilot client/s

Applying hilot
Apply hilot wellness HCS222303
3. wellness massage
massage techniques

Provide post advice Providing post advice

4. and post-services to and post-servicesHCS222304
hilot clients hilot clients

UNIT OF COMPETENCY : Apply hilot wellness massage techniques

MODULE TITLE : Applying Hilot wellness massage techniques

MODULE DESCRIPTOR: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to perform a range of hilot wellness massage techniques.


At the end of this module you MUST be able to:
1. Prepare client and work area for hilot wellness massage techniques
2. Prepare self for hilot wellness session
3. Perform hilot wellness massage techniques

1. Availability of the resources required for the preparation of work area
environment, guidelines for client preparation, area furnishing and
2. Steps in personal hygiene is followed.
3. Pre-hilot procedures are followed.
4. Methods of scanning and determining of hilot pressure areas are
followed in accordance with workplace policies and procedures.
5. Hilot wellness massage techniques are well performed.
6. Client satisfaction are determined.
Prepare self for hilot wellness


1. Perform personal hygiene

2. Perform pre-hilot according to standard operating procedure

Assessment Criteria

1. Procedures in personal hygiene is observed.

2. Pre-hilot procedures are strictly followed.


The students/trainees must be provided with the following:

1. Wellness product (Oils and Essences, Exfoliates, Salt/Minerals,)

2. Furnishing and paraphernalia
3. Learning Tools/Equipment and Materials
4. Manuals
5. Charts
6. Instructional Video Materials
7. Hand-outs

Assessment Method:

1. Written exam
2. Demonstration with questioning
3. Observation with oral questioning
4. Third party report
5. Interview
Learning Experiences

Learning Outcome 1
Prepare self for hilot wellness

Learning Activities Special Instructions

1.Read information sheet 3.2-1

“Watch video on personal hygiene
2. Answer self-check 3.2-1
Compare your answer with answer
key 13.2-1
4. Read information sheet 3.2-2
“Several things to consider
before the session”
Perform preliminary activities in
4.Answer self-check 3.2-2
sequence while performing the task
Compare your answer with answer specifically on pre hilot
key 3.2-2
5.Perform task sheet 3.2-1

6.Perform task sheet 3.2-1

7.Evaluate your work using

performance criteria checklist 3.2-1

8.Evaluate your work using

performance criteria checklist 3.2-2
Information Sheet 3.2-1
Perform personal hygiene

Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Practice personal hygiene.
2. Follow methods according to standard operating procedure.
3. Overview on Hilot

Overview what does it mean to focus on wellness? Even during the

ancient times, people were aware on curing ailments. Massage was
introduced and found in the caves. Wall drawings and paintings were
shown to people massaging each other. A mixture of artifacts also found
which contain traces of fats and oils mixed with herbs. These indicate
that lubricants may have been used, perhaps for healing, soothing or
beautifying purposes. Nowadays, the traces of these curing ailments are
very visible to us. Different massage techniques are now being practiced.
The essence of enhancing the life style of everyone is to protect ones
physical well-being and to improve his ability in coping up stressors.
Frequently, these are simple techniques that most people just don't give
attention to. How many times we said or heard others say, "I don't have
time to exercise" or "I don't have time to relax?" Thus, a very important
contributor to wellness is attitude: a thought process that influences the
way a person approaches dealing with life. This motivated most of the
health professionals focus on treating these ailments and several
wellness programs are being implemented in offices, hotels and even
schools respectively. Also, wellness massage parlors are now sprouting
anywhere. Their focus is to encourage everyone to kick unhealthy habits
as well as to develop a sustainable plan to maintain their health and
wellness. This also helps to take preventive measures to control illnesses
and unhealthy behavior in an attempt to manage the cost of health care,
reduce absenteeism and improve morale. Having thought of busy
schedule now is the time to plan your wellness program!

Like other systems of natural health care, the basic concept of

traditional Filipino healing is that health and wellness are maintained by
balance and harmony. On the other hand, discomfort, illness, and
disease are the results of imbalance and disharmony. In applying hilot,
the therapist identifies areas of energy imbalance in a client’s body
through touch diagnosis through the use of warm banana leaves and
virgin coconut oil, which is applied to the body before and after the
treatment. Hilot therapist first makes a review of the back with warm
banana leaves. Diagnosis of touch by using these leaves specify which
body parts have an unbalanced energy.

To correct the imbalance in the patient’s energy that leads to a

distorted metabolism, a healer would have to give the patient a massage to
create the desired biochemical reactions that helps the body heal itself.
Hygiene is a set of practices performed for the preservation of health.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), "Hygiene refers to
conditions and practices that help to maintain health and prevent the
spread of diseases.

Whereas in popular culture and parlance it can often mean mere

'cleanliness', hygiene in its fullest and original meaning goes much beyond
that to include all circumstances and practices, lifestyle issues, premises
and commodities that engender a safe and healthy environment. While in
modern medical sciences there is a set of standards of hygiene
recommended for different situations, what is considered hygienic or not can
vary between different cultures, genders and etarian groups. Some regular
hygienic practices may be considered good habits by a society while the
neglect of hygiene can be considered disgusting, disrespectful or even

Before performing the hilot wellness massage there are things to

consider like Proper wearing of uniform/attire or appropriate clothes, cut
your fingernails, wash your hands with soap and water or use hand
sanitizer ,always keep your work station clean and clear of food debris,
prepare the necessary wellness products to be used.

Video Presentation 3.2-1

Self- Check 3.2-1
Multiple choice:
Choose the best answer, write the letter of your choice on your answer
1. The basic concept of traditional Filipino healing is that.___
A. health and wellness are maintained by balance and harmony.
B. Correct the imbalance in the patient’s energy
C. Proper wearing of uniform/attire.
D. Keep your workstation clean and clear of food debris.

2. On performing the hilot massage several things to consider.

a. Cut your fingernails
b. warm banana leaves
c. virgin coconut oil
d. desired biochemical reactions that helps the body heal itself.
3.To correct the imbalance in the patient’s energy that leads to a
distorted metabolism, a healer would have to give the patient
A .Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, or use a
hand sanitizer.
b. A massage to create the desired biochemical reactions that
helps the body heal itself.
c. Diagnosis of touch by using these leaves specify which body
parts have an unbalanced energy.
d. All of the above
3. Preparing of hilot wellness products before the session start is___.
b.Not necessary
c. useless
d. None of the above
5. A very important contributor to wellness is____
a. attitude
b. uniform
c .massage
d .oil

1. a
2. a
3. b
4. a
5 .a

Title: Perform Personal Hygiene

Performance Objective: Given the necessary supplies and materials, you

should be able to perform personal hygiene.

Supplies/Materials : soap, uniform, hairnet, nail-cutter,


1. Check appropriate clothes/uniform
1. Check /cut fingernails
2. Prepare wellness massage products
3. Check/clean the workplace
4. Check if proper hand washing procedure was performed.

Assessment Method:
Performance criteria checklist
Performance Criteria Checklist 3.2-1

Did you….
1. Wear proper uniform/clothes?
2. Cut/clean fingernails?
3. Check/clean the work area?
4. Prepare the wellness products?
5. Perform Hand washing according to standard
operating procedure??
Information Sheet 3.2-2
Perform pre-hilot according to standard operating procedure

After reading this information sheet. You must be able to:
1. Perform preliminary activities of pre-hilot wellness massage.
2. Identify the dos and don’ts before performing hilot wellness massage.
At the beginning of the session (pre-hilot ritual) the manghihilot
invokes Divine power to provide the energy for healing. This opening ritual
also acknowledges and invokes the natural power of the natural
surroundings. Then it summons the sick person’s inherent self-healing
powers to action.

Hilot is a philosophy and a culture unlike the other types of massages it not
only relieves stress but also has “a rejuvenating, healing effect” on the
patient or client. A good Hilot practitioner would know the type of ailments
his client is suffering.

Coconut oil is essential in all kinds of hilot massage to maintain warm

hands. The oil does not only lubricate the massage but it also keeps the
manghihilot hands warm.

Several things to consider before the session:

1. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY - These details will enable you to establish
the client‘s state of health; the likelihood of any contra-indications as
a result of past illnesses; whether particular care must be taken over
certain areas and whether medical referral is necessary. If the client
suffers from a condition that is an absolute contra-indication , then
massage must not be given,surgical operations , pregnancies , serious
2. PRESENT MEDICAL HISTORY - These details will indicate whether
massage will be helpful to this client and will influence the type of
massage to be given, e.g. if the client is stressed then a relaxing
massage will be the choice. If there is pain and stiffness then the
massage will be adapted to meet these needs. Medication, general
health, current treatments, identification of stress: work, home or
other sources Let’s Try Knowing your body and health condition would
be a great help for a massage therapist to know what kind of
treatment he/she will apply to you.

Below are the lists of health conditions. Cardio vascular problem,

Allergic reactions, fragile skin, under healing process, a pin or plate is
inserted in your bone.

3. CONTRA-INDICATION Understanding contra-indications Massage

must always be given to bring about improvement, either of specific
conditions, or the general well-being of each client. Clients should
always feel that the treatment is beneficial and helping them to
achieve their desired results. Massage should never be given if there is
any risk of harming the client or making any condition worse. The
effects of massage may be harmful in certain circumstances.

There are dangers associated with the following:

The following explanations will help you to understand why

massage should not be carried out if certain conditions are present.

1. Cardiovascular problems - Massage is thought to increase blood

flow, which is desirable in many conditions, but can be dangerous in others.

2. Lymphatic drainage - The lymphatic system removes excess fluid

from all over the body, returning it into the bloodstream. Because massage
increases lymphatic flow, the rate in which these toxic substances are
carried and spread around the body is increased. Be particularly aware if
the client has swollen or painful lymph glands; do not massage, and seek
medical advice.

3. Skin contact and friction - As the hands move over the client‘s skin,
any bacterial, viral or fungal infections can be spread over the skin to a non-
infected area or onto the therapist‘s hands. Infections may be transmitted
from client to therapist or from therapist to client in this way.

4. The healing process - Any injury or damage to the tissues or

fractures of bones must be allowed to heal completely before massage is
given to the area. If massage is given before healing is complete, there is a
danger of further damage to the tissues and delaying the healing process.

5. Pins and plates- If massage is performed over an area where pins

and plates have been inserted to stabilize bones and joints, there is a danger
of their becoming loose, and also, through the pressure of massage over any
protruding parts, there is a danger of damaging the surrounding soft

6. Allergic reactions - The oil or cream etc. used as the massage

medium may cause an allergic reaction in some clients. This will produce an
excessive erythema: the area becoming very red and hot or a rash may
appear. Remove the medium immediately and wash in warm water.

7. Fragile skin - There is always a danger of breaking down fragile,

thin skin, causing open wounds. Particular care must be taken with
diabetics and anyone on steroid treatments as the skin may be fragile and
healing may be slow. Plenty of lubrication and light pressure only must be

8. Infections - It is common sense to avoid touching anything

infectious such as athlete‘s foot, eczema and also to treat someone if they
have a contagious disease such as chicken fox.

9. Inflammation - Deep massage worsens any type of inflammation,

whether an inflamed injury, irritable bowels, or an inflamed arthritic joint,.
Indications of inflammation include heat, pain or discomfort, swelling, and
redness. Light, gentle stroking, however, may offer some relief and comfort.
Threat undiagnosed inflammation under the skin (any unusual lump or
bump) with caution, it may indicate a cyst that might burst or, more
worryingly, a cancerous growth.

10. Cancer - One school of thought postulates that massage can

spread cancer through the lymphatic system. While this remains unproven
and there is much evidence to dispute the theory, it is a good idea to obtain
permission from a doctor before massaging people with cancer.

11. Pregnancy and Full Stomach - During the first three months of
pregnancy, do not massage with any pressure on the abdomen and lower
back, this is the most common time period for miscarriage, and massage
can stimulate contractions. During the two or three days of menstruation,
massage on the abdomen and lower back may make bleeding heavier, check
your partners preference before giving a massage. Avoid massaging if
someone has just eaten, as the massage could make them feel nauseated.

How to create Inter/Intra Personal Relationship

Information Gatherings important for the following reasons to establish

inter/intra personal relationship:

a. Establishes a rapport with the client and put her/him at ease

b. Develops mutual trust and gain the client‘s confidence to gain
information on the client‘s past and present state of mental and
physical health to identify the client‘s needs and expectations of the
treatment to establish the most appropriate form of treatment and to
discuss and agree this with the client  to explain the treatment fully
to the client, including the procedure, expected effects, to answer
queries and questions related to the treatment and to allay doubts
and fears.
c. Vital signs/ BP Temperature

4. MASSAGE ANALYSIS - These details will again highlight contra-

indications that will indicate whether massage would be suitable for
the client. They will also provide information regarding the client‘s previous
experience of massage. Did s/he find it beneficial; are there any preferences,
likes and dislikes that should be recorded? Contra-indications has client
received massage in the past? How long ago?

5. OTHER INFORMATION - This information will help you formulate the best
treatment plan to meet the needs of the client. The plan should then be fully
explained to the client; s/he must be given the opportunity to ask questions
and given full answers to allay any concerns or fears. The long term
objective, the cost and timing must be agreed and a consent form signed by
the client reasons for requesting massage expectations from the treatment
any concerns or worries number of sessions did client benefit from the
massage? 

6. PERSONAL DETAILS - These details will enable you to contact the client
quickly should you need to cancel or change an appointment or for any
other reason. They will also enable you to seek advice from his/her doctor
should this be necessary.  Name  Address  Date of birth  Status 
Home and work telephone numbers  Occupation  Doctor‘s name, address
and telephone number .

Things to remember:

Silent prayer
Gather positive energy with conscious breathing
Apply coconut-based oil to hands
Warm hands by rubbing them together or hold over a scented candle light.

Watch Video Presentation 3.2-2

How to Take Blood Pressure

Verify that you have the right cuff size

Avoid factors that can increase blood pressure
Find a quiet place
Get comfortable
Remove tight sleeves
Rest for 5 to 10 minutes
Find a comfortable and appropriate location to take your
blood pressure.

Positioning the Blood Pressure Cuff

Locate your pulse Place your index and middle fingers over the inside
center of your inner elbow. When you press lightly you should be able
to feel the pulse of your brachial artery from this position.

Wrap the cuff around your arm. Tuck the cuff end through the metal
loop and slide it onto your upper arm. The cuff should be roughly 1
inch (2.5 cm) above the bend of your elbow and should be evenly tight
around your arm.

Check the tightness of the cuff by slipping two fingertips

underneath. If you can wiggle the two fingertips under the top edge
but cannot wedge your full fingers beneath the cuff, the cuff is tight
enough. If you can wedge your full fingers under the cuff then you
need to open up the cuff and pull it tighter before closing it again.

Slide the head of the stethoscope under the cuff. The head should
be face down, with the wide part of the chest piece in contact with the
skin. It should be positioned directly over the pulse of your brachial
artery that you found earlier.

Position the gauge and the pump. The gauge needs to be positioned
where you can see it.[4] Hold the gauge lightly in the palm of your left
hand if taking your own blood pressure. If taking someone else's blood
pressure, you can hold the gauge in whatever position you want as
long as you can see the face of the gauge clearly. You should hold the
pump in your right hand.

o Turn the screw on the pump bulb clockwise to close the airflow
valve, if necessary.
 Measuring Your Blood Pressure
Inflate the cuff.[5] Rapidly squeeze the pump bulb until you no longer
hear the sound of your pulse through the stethoscope. Stop once the
gauge reads 30 to 40 mmHg above your normal blood pressure.
o If you do not know your normal blood pressure, inflate the cuff
until the gauge reads between 160 to 180 mmHg.
 Deflate the cuff. Open the airflow valve by twisting the screw
counterclockwise. Let the cuff deflate gradually.
o The gauge should fall 2 mm, or two lines on the gauge, per
 Listen for the systolic reading. Note the measurement on your
gauge at the precise moment you hear your heartbeat again.
This measurement is your systolic reading.

o Systolic blood pressure refers to the force your blood exerts

against the artery walls as your heart pumps. [6] This is the blood
pressure created when your heart contracts.
Listen for the diastolic reading. Note the measurement on your
gauge at the precise moment the sound of your heartbeat disappears.
This measurement is your diastolic reading.

o Diastolic blood pressure refers to your blood pressure in

between heartbeats.[7]
 Rest and repeat the test. Let the cuff completely deflate. After
several minutes, follow the same steps to take another
measurement. If your blood pressure is still high, consider
comparing readings with the other arm.
Mistakes can happen while taking your blood pressure, especially if
you are not used to doing it. As such, it is important to double-check
your findings by taking a second measurement

Interpreting the Results

Know what normal blood pressure should be. [8] For an adult, the
systolic blood pressure should be less than 120 mmHg and the diastolic
blood pressure should be less than 80 mmHg.[9]

o This range is considered "normal." Healthy behaviors, including

diet and exercise, should be maintained in order to maintain this
blood pressure range.

1. Catch signs of prehypertension. Prehypertension is not

necessarily dangerous by itself, but someone with prehypertension is
at risk of experiencing hypertension in the future. An adult in a state
of prehypertension will have a systolic blood pressure between 120 and
139 mmHG and a diastolic blood pressure between 80 and 89 mmHg.

o Talk to a health care professional about making changes to your

diet and lifestyle in order to drop your blood pressure.

Detect signs of stage 1 hypertension. During state 1 hypertension,

also known simply as high blood pressure, an adult's systolic blood
pressure is between 140 ad 159 mmHg. The diastolic blood pressure is
between 90 and 99 mmHg. Hypertension requires professional medical
care. Schedule an appointment with your doctor so that he or she may
prescribe an appropriate hypertension medication.
Assess whether you have stage 2 hypertension, also known as high
blood pressure. This is a serious condition and requires prompt
medical care. If your systolic blood pressure is at or above 160 mmHg
and your diastolic blood pressure is at or above 100 mmHG, you have
stage 2 hypertension.
Understand that blood pressure can also be too low. If you’re
systolic blood pressure stays around 85 mmHg and your diastolic blood
pressure remains around 55 mmHG, your blood pressure may be too
low.[10] Symptoms of low blood pressure include lightheadedness,
fainting spells, dehydration, lack of concentration, vision problems,
nausea, fatigue, depression, rapid breathing, and clammy skin. Talk
with your doctor to discuss possible reasons behind your drop in blood
pressure and possible ways to raise it up to normal levels.

Consult a physician if you suspect you have any stage of

hypertension or low blood pressure. Your doctor will retest your blood
pressure to make sure your readings are accurate. If you do have
hypertension, or prehypertension, your doctor will make
recommendations for lowering your blood pressure. This will include
lifestyle changes, if you have prehypertension, in addition to medication if
you have actual hypertension.
o The doctor may also test for other conditions that hinder normal
blood pressure, especially if the patient is already on
If you are already on medication for your blood pressure, your doctor may
suggest therapy or consider testing for additional health problems that
prevent the medication from working properly
Self-check 3.2-2

Instructions: Write true if the statement is correct and false if the statement
is incorrect
_______1.Deep massage worsens any type of inflammation.
_______2.One school of thought postulates that massage can help cancer
_______3.The lymphatic system removes excess fluid from all over the body,
returning it into the bloodstream.
_______4.Massage is thought to increase blood flow, which is desirable in
many conditions, but can be dangerous in others.
_______5.past medical history will enable you to establish the client‘s state of
health; the likelihood of any contraindications as a result of past illnesses;
Answer Key 3.2-2


Title: Performing pre hilot massage according to standard procedure

Performance Objective: Given the necessary supply, material and

instruments you must be able to perform pre
hilot massage.

Supplies/Materials : BP cuff/sphygmomanometer / stethoscope/,

personal info sheet/coconut oil /scented candle.

1. Pray silently
2. Establish rapport to client
3. Interview
4. Take medical history of client
5. get the vital signs of the client(BP/Pulse rate)
6.Explain necessary treatment if needed
7. Take personal details of the client.
8. Gather positive energy with conscious breathing.
9.Apply coconut-based oil to hands
10.Warm hands by rubbing them together or hold over a scented candle
Assessment Method:
Performance criteria checklist

Performance Criteria Checklist 3.2-2

Did you….
1. Silent prayer
2. Establish rapport to client?

3. Interview the client?

4. Take medical history of client?

5.Get the vital signs of the client(BP/pulse rate)

6. Explain necessary treatment if needed?

7. Take the personal details of the client?

8. Gather your positive energy with conscious

9. Apply coconut-based oil to hands?
10. Warm your hands by rubbing them together or hold
over a scented candle light.

 Training regulation of Hilot wellness massage NCII

 Slide share explore.com
 LM wellness massage grade 10 lesson 3

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