Rope Demonstration at Black BEAT 2003

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Rope Demonstration

at Black BEAT 2003

Welcome to Black BEAT 2003, We are using solid braid multi- We use 5/16-inch diameter rope,
and to our rope bondage demon- filament polypropylene (MFP) in the following lengths:
stration. My mistress, Lady rope. The rope comes in a large Hair bondage: 2 x 5 feet
Cocoa, and I, lynn, are honored number of colors, including multi- Breast harness: 2 x 30 feet
to have been invited to present at color ropes in the leather pride
Wrist restraints: 2 x 12 feet
the initial Black BEAT confer- and gay pride colors.
ence. We hope that you find as Ankle restraints: 2 x 12 feet
Polypropylene is an excellent
much pleasure in rope bondage Body harness: 30 to 50 feet
rope, because unlike Nylon, it is
as we have. not attacked by bleach. If you are Crotchrope: 3 x 8 feet, plus
tying up multiple partners, soak- 20 to 40 feet
Before we get started, I’d like to
say a few words about rope. The ing your ropes in a 10% bleach You need to do something to the
rope we are using comes from solution for 10 minutes is a good ends of your ropes to keep them
Rainbow Rope, a scene-friendly idea, and you can’t do that with from unraveling. One of the most
rope supplier run by a very nice nylon. common ways is to heat the end
New York couple, Liz and Gary. Washing polypropylene rope is of the rope over a lighter, so it
Their website is at easy, because it doesn’t soak up melts a bit. This is quick and water. You can put it in a lingerie easy, but it leaves hard plastic
bag and wash it on the gentle ends that scratch the skin.
They also have a booth at most cycle, then dry it in the drier on Better ways are dipping the ends
of the scene conferences. the fluff or air-only setting. Be- in tool dip, a liquid plastic made
cause it doesn’t soak up water it for coating the handles of tools,
dries in just a couple of dry or heat-shrink sleeves that go
cycles. over the ends.
Copyright © 2003, Lynn Grant
I’m a traditionalist, so I prefer the A few safety hints....
“palm and needle” whipping used
Check your captive’s hands and
by sailors. It looks like this:
feet regularly to make sure the
ropes aren’t cutting off their
Make sure you captive can’t fall
in such a way that they are
supported only by something
that can’t support their weight,
Although the 1/4 inch or so at
like their neck or hair.
the end can frizz up, the whip-
ping is sewn on and will never Don’t leave your captive when
come off. Any good knot book they are bound. There are all
will give you the details on how sorts of things that can happen
to make this kind of whipping. that require releasing them
Here are few hints, should you quickly.
decide to go this route: Keep a pair of EMT shears, or a
Normally whipping is done with blunt-pointed rescue knife handy
whipping twine, which is avail- in case you need to get them
able at boat stores. If you loose faster than you can untie
aren’t near one, you can do a your ropework.
servicable job with wide dental (Meyerco makes a wonderful
floss (tape style). And if you knife called the “Rescue One.”
don’t have sailmaker’s needles, It’s designed for EMTs, and it
you can use standard tapestry has a serrated blade that can
needles. And although some cut through things that EMT
books tell you that you need a shears can’t handle, with a blunt
sailor’s palm, which is basically point that you can slip under the
a heavy thimble on a strap, you ropes without stabbing Your
really only need that if you are captives.)
working with boat-sized ropes.
Don’t try suspension until you
After whipping the rope, you are really good at this; dropping Disclaimer: The techniques I
can paint the whipping with your captive is very bad. describe here are as safe as I know
some shellac. This helps hold it
together, and also gives the end For more information about rope how to make them, and I believe in
a little stiffness, which is handy bondage, you can find interesting them enough to trust the life of my
when you are threading the end shibari (Japanese rope bondage) beloved Mistress to them. However,
links at my website. The URL is you are ultimately responsible for
under other ropes.
the safety of anyone you tie up. Know your captive’s limitations,
Lady Cocoa and I sincerely and any medical conditions they
hope that you enjoy our demo. may have. Don’t mix bondage with
drugs or alcohol. And don’t even
think of trying suspension until you
are really experienced with

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