Course Outline 2EO3

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Course Outline Chemistry 2E03 2018 Introduction to Organic Chemistry

Location: HSC 1A1, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, 8:30-9:20pm

Instructor: Dr. Anthony Chibba (Office ABB 417; email: [email protected])

Tutorials: Highly recommended, but not mandatory. The registrar will assign you to a specific tutorial,
but feel free to come to others, as well.

T01 : We 10:30 - 11:20 ABB 271

T02 : Tu 14:30 - 15:20 ABB 163

T03 : Tu 12:30 - 13:20 BSB 106

T04 : We 12:30 - 13:20 HH 305

Tutorials this year will consist of three components:

1. review of previous week’s content (~15 min)

2. Q&A of concepts discussed in lecture

3. discussion of posted questions dealing with specific concepts from the previous week

Office Hours: Tuesday, Friday 9:30-11:00 in room ABB 417 or by appointment (Anthony).

Help Center Hours: Thursday 10:30-11:30 in ABB 142 (TA).

Textbook: (recommended): Organic Chemistry by Klein, 3rd Edition (Wiley) – bundled with solutions
manual. Klein 2nd Edition is very similar to the 3rd Edition and can be used as an alternative.

See the Intro Lecture for more details on these course materials.

Lectures: We will cover Chapters 1-5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20, 24-27. Early chapters will be covered in
about one hour, in review format, as much of this material has already been covered in Chem 1AA3. I
may need to reduce coverage of later chapters, depending on time available.

Chapter Topic Lectures

1 Review of General Chemistry 1
2 Molecular Representations 1
3 Acids and Bases 2
4 Alkanes and Cycloalkanes 2
5 Stereoisomerism 2
7 Substitution Reactions 3
7 Elimination Reactions 3
8 Addition Reactions of Alkenes 2
10 Radical Addition to Alkenes 1
12 Alcohols 2
19 Aldehydes and Ketones 2
20 Carboxylic Acids 2
14-15 Spectroscopy 3
24-26 Bio-Organic Chemistry 4
27 Synthetic Polymers 2

Assignments: There will be 2 assignments that will be posted on Avenue, and that you will need to print,
complete and hand in to the drop-off boxes in ABB by the posted deadline. Late assignments will not be
accepted as the solutions will be posted shortly after the deadline.

Tests: There will be 2 tests in the course. They will be scheduled for the 3rd week of October and the
second week of November during an evening time slot (Date/Time TBA, 50 min each.)

Test 1 will cover material from lecture taught in weeks 1-5

Test 2 will cover material from lecture in weeks 6-9

Final Exam: The final exam (2.5 hrs) will cover material from the entire course.

Mark Breakdown:

I-Clicker/Reef Polling: 6% (Held on Fridays)

2 Hardcopy Assignments: 14% total (7% each)

2 Midterm Tests: 30% total (15 % each)

Final Exam: 50%

The weight of any component (iclicker, assignment 1 and 2, midterm 1 and 2) you do not complete will
automatically be moved to the Final exam – no MSAF required.

As well, the grade in any of these components (iclicker, assignment 1 and 2, midterm 1 and 2) will only
be used to calculate the final course grade if they are better than your final exam score. The point of this
approach is to encourage you to submit an assignment and write a midterm even if you are not sure you
have prepared enough – you cannot lose. Beware though: organic chemistry requires cumulative
learning – do not plan on coasting until the final exam.

Notes: Any assignments, tests or exams written in pencil will not be eligible for re- grading.

Prerequisite: Chem 1AA3.

Website: Information on the course (including class notes, assignments, solutions, etc.) will be posted
on Avenue to Learn A discussion board will also be available for you to post questions and answer
questions from your peers.

Academic Dishonesty:

Academic dishonesty consists of misrepresentation by deception or by other fraudulent means and can
result in serious consequences, e.g. the grade of zero on an assignment, loss of credit with a notation on
the transcript (notation reads: “Grade of F assigned for academic dishonesty”), and/or suspension or
expulsion from the university.
It is your responsibility to understand what constitutes academic dishonesty. For information on the
various kinds of academic dishonesty please refer to the Academic Integrity Policy, specifically Appendix
3, located at

The following illustrates only three forms of academic dishonesty:

1. Plagiarism, e.g. the submission of work that is not one’s own or for which other credit has been

2. Improper collaboration in group work.

3. Copying or using unauthorized aids, tests, and examinations.

Course Description:

Organic chemistry is of vital importance to the petrochemical, pharmaceutical, polymer and textile
industries, where a prime concern is the synthesis of new organic molecules and polymers. Knowledge
of the structure, functionality, and reactivity of organic molecules is critical for the understanding of
numerous and disparate phenomena, from biological and biochemical processes (enzyme-substrate
interactions), to medicine (pharmaceuticals), to the properties of materials (polymers). This course
covers the basic and fundamental principles of organic chemistry, allowing the student to begin to
understand the language of organic chemists. A broad overview of the properties and characteristics of
organic molecules is provided, and several key reactions and reaction mechanisms are discussed.

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