1 ModuleEcontent - Session3 PDF

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01 Challenges in Today’s Power System and their Impact

02 Present Day Solutions for Improving Power System


03 Futuristic Technologies for Improving Power System

Challenges in Today’s Power
System and their Impact
Traditional Power System

Centralized electricity generation in relatively few locations,

generated by large power plants that can be easily
controlled as needed.

Energy generally flows in one direction in the distribution

network – from the sources of supply to the electricity
Shift from traditional Grid to Smart Grid
Challenges of Today’s Evolving Electricity Grid
Integration of Renewable Energy Sources into the
Main Grid
Renewable Energy Sources are located far away
from load centres

Conventional Energy Sources are getting retired

Introduction of Power Electronics Converters in the


Increase in global demand of electricity

Should I worry about this?
Impact of these changes on Grid

Overstressing of Existing Infrastructure

Impact of these
changes on Grid This is causing Grid stability Issues such as
Transient Stability
Voltage Stability
Thermal Limits
Impact of Transient Instability
One measure of grid stability is its ability to remain in synchronism following major
disturbances such as

transmission system faults loss of generating units


sudden load changes line switching

Objective of Transient Stability Study

is to determine whether or not the rotors

of the machines being perturbed return
to constant speed operation.
Power Angle Curve

To understand the physical condition before, during and

after the fault, power‐angle curve needs to be analyzed.
Before Fault
On Occurrence of fault
After Fault is Cleared

Loss of synchronism leads to overloading

of machines and finally leads to cascading
failure thus causing Grid instability issues.

Grid Instability due to loss of synchronism

is one of the major cause of blackouts.
Some Major Blackouts World-wide
S.No. Year Place/Country Effect Causes
• Data Communication was not
13th Aug, Arnd 50 million people were
1. North America adequate
2003 affected for 4-7 days
• Inadequate tree trimming around TL
24th Jan, Greek Island of Approx 3000 MWh of electricity
2. Ice Loading on overhead line conductors
2006 Kefallonia was taken offline
8th Sept, Arnd 1.5 million people were
3. San Diego Line Tripping during the peak load
2011 affected for 12 hours
30-31st July, 700 million people were without Overloading of 400 kV Gwalior-Bina
4. India
2012 electricity for two days double transmission line
22nd May, Voltage Collapse in Southern Grid Fault on 500 kV line led to tripping and
5. Vietnam
2013 of Vietnam cascading effect leading to grid failure
1st Nov, HVDC station had a sudden outage ad
6. Bangladesh Nationwide blackout for a day
2014 spinning reserve did not respond
23rd Dec, 225000 people were affected for
7. Ukraine Cyber-attack on SCADA network
2015 several hours
Present Day Solutions for Improving Power System Stability
Flexible AC Transmission System
Effective Data Communication System

Replacing Power Line Carrier Communication (PLCC) with

Satellite Communication (VSAT technology)

A Case Study of Karnataka State as a Role model using this

technology has been discussed in the next session.

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