8DTW102 Echoes of War
8DTW102 Echoes of War
8DTW102 Echoes of War
A Big Finish Productions Eighth Doctor Time War Volume 1 Audio Drama, released Oct 2017
QUARREN: This way, everyone. Secure your backpacks. We’ll be setting off in this direction. The Doctor will
be back soon.
RUPA: My husband, the hero.
QUARREN: I don’t know about that. I feel more like a tour guide. Did you notice the forest stopped growing?
JEFFERSON: Hey, you two. Do you see that?
QUARREN: See what?
JEFFERSON: The light on its forehead, it flickered.
QUARREN: On the Dalek?
RUPA: Oh, the eye.
JEFFERSON: The damn thing’s alive!
DOCTOR: Stay calm, stay calm. No sudden movements. Bliss, keep everyone back.
BLISS: Sure. You heard the man. Stay where you are.
DALEK: Where am I? What am I?
DOCTOR: I beg your pardon?
DALEK: Who am I? Where am I? What am I?
DOCTOR: Please, please, please, please, please, stay calm. Stay calm. We mean you no harm.
JEFFERSON: Doctor, what the hell are you doing?
DOCTOR: Shh, shh. Please, listen to me. I’m a friend. You are among friends
BLISS: You what?
DALEK: Friends? What happened? Answer!
DOCTOR: There was a crash. We are the survivors.
DALEK: Sensors indicate… sensors are confused. Temporal disruption! Temporal disruption!
DOCTOR: Shh, shh, shh. Calm down, calm down. Yes, there is a huge temporal disruption all around us, but
I have found a safe zone straight ahead in that direction, six or seven miles. Maybe less. I’m not exactly
DALEK: Safe zone? Scanning.
BLISS: Doctor, what are you doing?
DOCTOR: Testing a theory. It can’t remember what it is. It might be an idea not to call me that for now. No
need to jog any memories.
DALEK: Temporal safe zone existence confirmed. Locating.
DOCTOR: Good. Well done. We can all get out of this if you tell us the way.
DALEK: This is a place of safety, where I can be restored?
DOCTOR: Absolutely. We crashed together. Our systems were all scrambled in one way or another. Or we
could always leave you behind and come back later. You seem worst affected by it.
DALEK: No, you must assist. I must survive.
DOCTOR: You’re vulnerable. You’ll need our help.
DALEK: Then help me.
DOCTOR: Well, if we can pin-point the exact location of the safe area, we may all survive.
DALEK: Survive. I must survive. Always survive.
DOCTOR: And to do that, we stay together. Friends together, yes?
DALEK: We survive together.
DOCTOR: Can you move? Can you show us the way?
DALEK: Affirmative.
DOCTOR: Good. Lead on.
JEFFERSON: This is a dangerous game you’re playing, Doctor, er, friend. A very dangerous game.
DOCTOR: It’s even more dangerous stumbling around blindly on a planet full of temporal disruption.
BLISS: Every step could be your last before you even take it.
DOCTOR: Succinctly put, Bliss. Like walking through a minefield. But now we have a sniffer dog. Come on,
all of you. Stay well back if you’d rather, but don’t lose track of us.
JEFFERSON: This is madness.
BLISS: Bring up the rear if you like, Jefferson. I’m not letting him or that thing out of my sight.
(Primate calls.)
JEFFERSON: Move along there.
RUPA: I thought I heard something.
JEFFERSON: All the more reason to keep moving. Looks like your crazy forest is growing again behind us.
Catch up with your husband. I’ll bring up the rear.
RUPA: Quarren, wait for me.
JEFFERSON: Yeah, it’s happening again. How many times can trees die and come back to life? Keep going.
Don’t lose the others. I’m right behind you. Let’s all play follow my leader with a Dalek. I suppose if there’s
only one way out of whoa! Argh!
RUPA: Jefferson! Stop, everybody. Wait!
DALEK: Follow.
QUARREN: Have we lost them?
RUPA: I think so.
BLISS: That’s not all we lost.
QUARREN: The Doctor?
RUPA: Those things took him, just like poor Jefferson.
BLISS: He’s not like Jefferson. He’ll figure out a way.
QUARREN: He’s gone? They took him? You mean we’re on our own?
DALEK: Halt. Calculating path of minimal corruption. You will remain here.
BLISS: Well, we’re not quite on our own
QUARREN: Jefferson came back. Maybe he will too.
RUPA: What if he does, and he’s in the same condition?
BLISS: We can wait a second, let everyone catch up.
QUARREN: Here! We’re over here! Are you absolutely sure about the Doctor?
BLISS: I, I saw it myself. They were all over him, knocked him unconscious and dragged him up through the
RUPA: This part of the jungle’s thicker than ever.
BLISS: Yeah, but have you noticed? The vegetation isn’t dying or changing. It’s just there, normal.
QUARREN: It still gives them cover. Those animals could be anywhere.
BLISS: No, I don’t think they are. Dal is looking for the least dangerous route. Those monsters are something
to do with the Time corruption, and I don’t think this area’s been affected by the fall-out at all. Not yet,
RUPA: That’s it. Everyone’s here, I think.
QUARREN: Everyone who’s left.
BLISS: Where’s Dal got to?
DALEK: Follow. There is a clearing ahead.
QUARREN: What now? Do we do as it says?
BLISS: We don’t have much choice.
RUPA: You see, Quarren? Those words again.
BLISS: Hey, everyone’s scared, exhausted. We’ve lost people, we’ve had monsters on our tail, and we’ve
been going for miles. Can we all please rest a moment?
DALEK: Smith ordered us to reach the safe zone. It is still some distance.
BLISS: Yes, but he’d have also seen that these people need a rest. This area’s reasonably stable. Can’t we
take a break? I’m in charge, and I say we rest.
DALEK: I will consider. Scanning.
BLISS: Are you worried about those creatures, or is it what you heard in the battles that’s getting to you?
DALEK: They were my kind. They were angered. They were attacking. Were they in pain?
BLISS: You shouldn’t pay any attention. Remember what Doctor Smith said. You’re not like them.
DALEK: If we reach the safe zone, I will be restored?
BLISS: I’m not sure.
DALEK: If we do not, I will become like those other Daleks, corrupted, insane?
BLISS: I can’t say. Yes, maybe.
DALEK: Then we move now. There will be no rest. Locate equipment and lift. I will direct you.
BLISS: (sigh) I tried.
(Noisy battle.)
DOCTOR: No, no. Not here, not now. Stop this, please.
RUPA: It seems happy now. This we must be close. Dal has been a help to us, despite everything.
QUARREN: I suppose. I still can’t understand why it wants to bring that tatty old thing along.
RUPA: I don’t suppose it’s any hardship now we’ve got it hovering, a couple of us steering it. It is clever, you
have to admit.
BLISS: More than that, it is brilliant. Amplifying its own hover-sphere in a parallel circuit using Theseus’s own
reflectors. It’s a lot of trouble for some old crate, but it’s genius. It would have taken me at least a couple of
days to come up with that.
RUPA: Really?
BLISS: Yeah. I was pretty much the brightest spark in my tutor group.
RUPA: How come you’re out here on the Theseus?
BLISS: Oh, er, some bright spark thought it’d be interesting to measure quantum fluctuations in a Temporal
QUARREN: Oh, it was your idea.
BLISS: Yeah. We thought they’d passed by centuries before, skirting the edge of the solar system. Any
danger was ancient history. Of course, a Time War doesn’t work like that.
QUARREN: What happened to the rest of your group? You said
BLISS: I don’t know for sure. I guess I never will now.
RUPA: I’m sorry. Was there anyone special?
BLISS: Nah, never got the chance to find out. What about you two? How did you end up on the Theseus?
QUARREN: We were touring the galaxy, enjoying an early retirement.
RUPA: Quarren made a few good investments, but I always meant to go back to work. I missed it.
DALEK: Follow! Follow quickly!
QUARREN: What’s the rush?
DALEK: We are nearing the safe zone. I am detecting clusters of Time corruption.
RUPA: Which means
DALEK: Primitive lifeforms approaching.
RUPA: Oh no!
(Running, screaming.)
DALEK: Follow! Follow!
QUARREN: Rupa, look out!
RUPA: They’re all around us! Quarren, I ah!
QUARREN: No! They’ve taken her!
BLISS: They’re going to take everyone! Run!
QUARREN: Rupa, no!
DALEK: Do not abandon the box!
BLISS: Dal, we need to get out of here now! Leave that crate!
DALEK: Negative. We must repel the hostiles. I require a means of defence. I must have aggressive
capabilities. I must, I must, attack!
(Dalek weapon fires.)
BLISS: Whoa! What where you’re pointing that thing.
DALEK: I have access to energy weapon systems. I will destroy the hostiles.
BLISS: Everybody move. Get behind Dal.
QUARREN: Rupa! No, Rupa, she can’t be gone. We can’t leave her.
BLISS: Come on, Quarren, get up. Run!
DALEK: Eradicate the hostiles. Exterminate!
BLISS: Defensive only. That’s enough, Dal. They’re going.
DALEK: Exterminate. Exterminate!
BLISS: I said, that’s enough!
(Dal stops firing.)
BLISS: That’s it. You don’t want to lose yourself. You don’t want to be like the others, not now.
DALEK: Hostiles have been repelled.
BLISS: We lost half the group. Do we really need that box slowing us down?
DALEK: It is required.
BLISS: How far to the safe zone?
DALEK: Scanning. Seven hundred metres.
QUARREN: What’s the point? What’s the point of any of it now?
BLISS: Come on, Quarren. We’ve got this far.
DALEK: The question is valid.
BLISS: You know what the point is. We’ve got to survive.
DALEK: No. I have purpose. I have purpose beyond survival. Extermination of enemies. That action had
meaning. Meaning beyond anything else I have experienced.
DALEK: Am I a warrior?
BLISS: I guess you must have been, before.
DALEK: My purpose is war.
BLISS: You’re protecting us. That’s your purpose now. That’s what Smith told you to do.
DALEK: Smith. You called him Doctor.
BLISS: Yeah, Doctor Smith. I think he was a scientist.
DALEK: A Doctor and a blue box. The concepts are familiar. There are memories I cannot retrieve, orders I
cannot access.
QUARREN: Orders? Orders from who? Oh no, is it remembering who it really is?
BLISS: Shut up, Quarren, you’re not helping. Listen to me, Dal. All that matters are the orders the Doctor
gave. That Smith gave. The safe zone. Get us to the safe zone.
DALEK: Find the safe zone. Survive. Survive.
BLISS: That’s it, survival. That’s all that matters.
DALEK: Attain the safe zone and all else will follow. Meaning will be clear. My true purpose will be known.
QUARREN: I’m not sure.
DALEK: Three hundred metres and closing. Follow, follow.
QUARREN: (sotto) The closer we get, the more it will remember. What happens when we reach it?
BLISS: (sotto) I don’t know. I don’t have all the answers. I don’t have any of them. I’m trying to deal with one
thing at a time and keep us alive.
QUARREN: (sotto) Once that Dalek knows it’s a Dalek there might not be an option anymore.