Manpower Planning at Different Levels
Manpower Planning at Different Levels
Manpower Planning at Different Levels
Introduction :
Manpower planning is a technique of correcting the imbalances between manpower demand and
manpower supply in the economy. Such imbalances can cause either the problem of unemployment or
shortage of manpower. Both situation are dangerous and suicidal for the socioeconomic development of the
Through planning, the management strives to have the right number and right kind of people , at right
places, at the right time, doing things which result in both the organization and the individual receiving
maximum long run benefit.
According to Gordon MacBeath, manpower planning involves two stages. The first stage is
concerned with the detailed “ planning of manpower requirement for all types and levels of employees
throughout the period of plan.,” and the second stage is concerned with “ the planning of manpower
supplies to provide the organization with the right type of people from all sources to meet the planned
Staffing“Is a systematic approch to the problem of selecting , training , motivating and retaining
professional and non professional personnel in the organization ” Basavanthappa B.T
The selection of suitable candidates on the basis of their skill-set and requirements of the job is
known as manpower staffing.(
Objectives of manpower planning:
Objectives of planning Nursing Service :
1. To ensure total patient care
2. to see that the nursing component at the operational level is properly organized ensure optimum utilization of nursing services by avoiding non nursing duties to nursing
4. to provide a conducive environment for the professional development of the nursing personnel
Even though there are many benefits and uses of manpower planning , there are certain inherent
limitations of forecasting itself which makes manpower forecasting a tricky exercise. Thus manpower plans
suffer from inaccuracy as it is difficult to prepare long range forecasts accurately. Changes in economic
conditions , technology , marketing conditions and labor force conditions tend to make long range forecasts
unreliable. However, there is a greater danger in not for casting at all.
Again , inaccuracies are caused when forecasts from several operating divisions are merely
totaled together without a critical scrutiny. Thus, the limitations arise both from the uncertainty of
forecasting itself, as well as at times from the methods used in manpower planning. However, with
experience gained through manpower planning over a period of years, it is possible to become more
accurate, although manpower management cannot yet lay claim to being a science.
organization involved
4. Provision of incentive
5. Establishment and maintenance of personnel inventories based on periodic appraisals of the
8. Management
Types of man power planning:-
Manpower planning can be of two type: short term and long term
Short term man power planning:-
This planning is done to find a temporary match between the existing individuals and the existing
jobs. It aims at quick removal of anomalies in posting and placements. The steps are as follows;
1)The step one is to identify the weak and strong incumbents. Weak incumbents are those whose skills
fall short of their job requirements. Similarly strong incumbents are those whose skills far exceed
their job requirements
2) The second step is to set the above anomalies right. In the case of weak incumbents this can be done
3) the final step is to think of persons who can be additional charge of posts falling unexpectedly vacant
due to sudden death , resignation or transfer of the original incumbent
department and unit and to compare it with the requirement number. In case the required
number is
more than the number required, the next step would be to consider how to get rid of the
excess hands,
ie, whether through premature requirement or discharge or lay – off etc. In case of
personnel, their existing number should be worked out for each of the following four
• not promotable
• about to retire
3) The final Step is to determine the need for and the kind of training which must be
given to the existin and new employees.
1)NORMOTIVE METHOD-Is the common detecting the manpower or support services . This is
based on the norms
developed by the government or professional bodies which are to be used as guidelines in
determining the manpower requirement – qualitative and quantitative for an institution
It is based on the financial and other resources available in the institution or programme. these
could be the change in the financial resources , physical resources , transport , equipment and other
related resources.
This method is based on the factor of Qualitative and Quantitative health care available in the
community . If there is large number of private practitioner available in another hospital of the
community , the nature of the service to be provided by the institution would be affected and there
by the quality and quantity of manpower required.
5. Population growth
It is based on the fact that to meet the growing demand of either through growth of
population or through the awareness of better health needs by the population , there is an increased
demand for health service.
Is the common detecting the manpower or support services . This is based on the norms
developed by the government or professional bodies which are to be used as guidelines in
determining the manpower requirement – qualitative and quantitative for an institution
This is based on the present and projected disease condition. Keeping in view the nature of
disease in the Community and the changes in disease pattern in future , the institution may plan the health
care services.
It is based on the financial and other resources available in the institution or programme. these
could be the change in the financial resources , physical resources , transport , equipment and other
related resources.
5. Population growth
It is based on the fact that to meet the growing demand of either through growth
population or through the awareness of better health needs by the population , there is an
demand for health service.
Personnel strength
Manpower inventory
This involves taking an inventory of the existing personnel to compare what exists
in stock
with what can be expected in stock at future dates
Expected loss and extra manpower
The expected loss situation can be evaluated in terms of retirement , transfer and
causes such as death and disability
In good organization their own expected loss rates are estimated on the basis of
their own
past experiences
In addition to this manpower requirements based on anticipated additions to
required for meeting the wants of future expansions
In this way , the future vacancies or manpower needs of the organization
can be
The manpower forecast is thus concerned with anticipating the number of
For securing maximum motivation , it is always better to encourage existing employees instead of
importing new ones for higher appointments such intentional promotion can secure optimum motivation
and ensure retention within the organization of its best people.
Manpower inventory
This involves taking an inventory of the existing personnel to compare what exists in stock
with what can be expected in stock at future dates
Expected loss and extra manpower
The expected loss situation can be evaluated in terms of retirement , transfer and other
causes such as death and disability
In good organization their own expected loss rates are estimated on the basis of their own
past experiences
In addition to this manpower requirements based on anticipated additions to operations
required for meeting the wants of future expansions
In this way , the future vacancies or manpower needs of the organization
can be
The manpower forecast is thus concerned with anticipating the number of replacements
required by reasons of:
Transfers and
☻ Medical
☻ Nursing
☻ Administration
☻ Paramedical
☻ Engineering
☻ Unskilled
The total number of staff can vary from 2-5 per bed, depending on the degree of care, facilities
provided and type of hospital such as maternity/ orthopedic/ infectious disease / general hospital etc
According to Indian Medical Council , doctor – bed ratio is 1:5, but this is applicable only to hospitals
which are attached to the Medical colleges and where doctors are required to participate in teaching
programmes of Medical College
It is recommended that the doctor bed ratio should be 1:10 in general hospital
Nurse - bed ratio :-
The ratio should be 1:3 according to the Indian Medical Council. Thus for every 100
beds and to cover a 24 –hour period , there should be 4 ward sisters and 30 staff – nurses;
and for fractions of 100 beds , the staff should increase in the proportion of 1 ward –
sister to 25 beds and 1 staff – nurse to 3 beds
and for fractions of 100 beds , the staff should increase in the proportion of 1 ward –
sister to 25 beds and 1 staff – nurse to 3 beds.
Nurse – Bed ratio for Different Wards
Beds Remarks
If mothers are allowed to stay with patient
If mothers are not allowed to stay with patient
Labour room
Operation theatre
Per table , day shift
Well baby nursery
Special nursery
iii. X - ray dept:-
Keeping in view the quality of care required , one X- ray technician can do 5 IVP, or 2 myelographies
or 3 hysterosalpingographies or 10 barium meal investigations or 2 carotid angiographies or 30 one – view
X- rays, or 20 USG investigations or 5 CT scan
◊ 50 urine analysis or
◊ 50 parasitology tests or