The New Earth - Book 1
The New Earth - Book 1
The New Earth - Book 1
Book II:
The EARTH RE-BORN [5th Edition - 1999]
Chapter Ten:
Over the years there has been a growing number of communications and predictions via
channeled messages through Spiritual/esoteric circles of a glorious New Age coming to Earth at
the beginning of the new Millennium. They tell us that this Golden New Age will usher in a
period of great spiritual advances in our civilization, followed by a thousand years of Peace and
loving Cooperation. This present time will be one of assessment of our individual evolutionary
progress, and for those who can make it, an "Ascension" up to a higher plane, one of increased
vibrational frequency.
These coming events have also been predicted in the Christian Bible as the long-awaited
"Second Coming of The Christ". There is to be a day of "Final Judgment", of sorting the "wheat
from the chaff", of those who are to Ascend and those who will fail the assessment. This will be
followed by a period of "Tribulation" for the Remnant who must stay behind, during which there
will be a great upheavals on Planet Earth.
Communications from the Higher Spiritual Realms also tell us that the ending of this present
Pisces Age on Earth, which has lasted 2,000 years since the birth of Christ, coincides with the
ending of a much larger 206 million year Cosmic Cycle, as well as other coincident endings of
lesser Galactic Cycles. This ending of the Great Cosmic Cycle represents the conclusion of a
period of the Creator's "out-breathing" of His creative force into the Cosmos and the start of a
return "in-breathing" in which He draws all of His creation, along with all its accumulated
wisdom, back to the Source. After this is all fully assimilated by the Creator, a new Cosmic
Cycle will then re-commence on a higher level.
At this very moment in time, we are in the stillness of the "null zone" between these great
changes in evolutionary tides.
Such a period of the ending of a major Cosmic Cycle is a time of final testing of evolutionary
progress and a time of Ascension for all inhabited worlds within the Universe. Indeed, as is
generally unknown to Earthlings, there are countless other inhabited planets scattered throughout
the millions of solar systems within our Galaxy and other galaxies. They too, at this time will be
going through an End of Cycle "Day of Judgment" and Ascension up to higher vibrational
planes. This coincides with a period when all the Star/Solar systems within our own Milky Way
Galaxy will have made a grand orbit around the Great Central Sun at the core of the galaxy. And
more locally within our galaxy, the Pleiadian sector, which includes our own Solar System
orbiting around the Pleiadian Central Sun of Alcyone, is at this time also ending a 26,000-year
Cycle of the Zodiac, or one "Zodiacal Year". The Twelve Constellations of the Zodiac will have
thus completed a full cycle of movement across the Heavens.
During the latter years of this century predictions of an end to our world as we know it, and the
coming of a glorious New Age, have indeed grown increasingly numerous. They come from
many different sources, including published books from the smaller esoteric publishers, and
more recently, a growing flood of channeling from the Spiritual Realms now available on the
Of course, prophets and prophecies of doom and gloom and the impending End of the World
have come and gone throughout Earth's history, and many people have in the past dismissed the
many predicted End-of-World events, none of which ever seem to be fulfilled. Recently
however, there has been such a growing tide of Earth Change predictions, along with an
increased world awareness of Angels, extraterrestrials, UFOs, crop circles and other non-worldly
phenomena, that it is now becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the whole "New Age" issue.
However, even if one does not choose to accept this growing tide of "New Age" thought, one
should always bear in mind that it is always good practice to keep an open mind to all
possibilities, either way. You can never be so sure what might in fact be around the next corner
in life!
Predictions of coming major geological Earth Changes have over the years been dismissed by
most scientists as being 'unscientific'. Nevertheless, there has in fact been much substantial
scientific evidence of many geological upheavals having occurred on our planet in the past. And
when a geological pattern repeats itself throughout history, the normal 'scientific' presumption
should be that it will carry on repeating itself, not that it will without any specific explanation or
reason, cease to occur again. The geological evidence does clearly indicate that physical
disruptions of enormous magnitude have in the past imposed major alterations to the planet's
geography, submerging entire continental landmasses beneath the sea and raising others to
become some of today's highest mountain ranges. This has been evidenced by the shells and
skeletons of sea animals that have been found high in the Himalayas and the Andes. Geological
evidence also confirms that the great plains of the USA from Mexico to Alaska were at one time
under the sea; so also was today's Eastern coast of America where once the ocean broke on the
'shores' of the Appalachian Mountains.
There is plenty of evidence that these sudden changes were in fact brought about by a shift of the
Earth's axis, causing the poles to move to new positions in what were formerly equatorial
regions. There are recorded instances of dramatic changes in climate having occured in the
distant past, such as the discovery of tropical coral reefs as far north as Spitzbergen, within what
is now the Polar Circle. Coal deposits found in Antarctica indicate that the area was once
covered by forests. In 1799 frozen bodies of mammoths were discovered in the tundra of Siberia,
their stomachs containing freshly eaten grasses and leaves that belong to tropical regions a
thousand or more miles to the south.
Many of the predicted Earth Changes suggest that there will be a tilting of the Earth's axis which
will precipitate the predicted violent changes. This would alter the existing centrifugal balance of
the crust and create major surface changes to the continents and oceans, causing some continents
to sink beneath the sea and others to rise up from the depths of the oceans, including the former
sunken "lost" continents of Lemuria and Atlantis. This would be accompanied by enormous tidal
waves, floods and unprecedented storms, with winds up to 600 miles-an-hour devastating all
Human creation in their path.
The ending of a major Cosmic Cycle traditionally marks a time when all of sentient life must go
through a final testing and assessment of their evolutionary progress. It is also a time when all
karmaic debts to others have to be balanced or forgiven. It is also a time when many old and
repressed emotional states within our deeper selves have to be brought to the surface and
resolved and transmuted in time for the "Changes". In Biblical terms this is a time of the "Final
Day of Judgment". For those unable to Ascend through having failed their own evolutionary
assessment of being ready to move up to higher planes, such as those of us who still exhibit a
non-caring, aggressive and destructive nature, this might well involve restarting the whole third-
dimensional evolutionary cycle again. This would involve being removed to another solar system
that still supports a third-dimensional planet, possibly a planet even less evolved than Earth.
At this time Earth must rapidly catch up in the Ascension process with all the neighboring
inhabited planets within our Solar System. They themselves are moving up from the Fourth to
the Fifth-dimension. Earth's Humanity has in fact over the millennia fallen very behind schedule
in its evolutionary progress towards Ascension. We have largely been held back by our World's
high proportion of negative and destructive souls that have incarnated here from all over the
Universe in order to work out their aggression and learn certain painful lessons. Earth's
Humanity has also been considerably delayed in its Ascension process by the various "Dark
Forces" which have managed, up to now, to maintain an insidious background control over the
Planet. However, at this time, they and their "dark" plans to try to continue to retain control over
us are now being overtaken by greater events within this End Cycle. This is a time when the
Forces of Light are at last being allowed, by direct Divine intervention, to prevail over the Forces
of Dark.
Nonetheless, despite the enormous difficulties we have repeatedly created for ourselves on Earth,
much of Humanity has made some remarkable evolutionary progress in recent decades. Many
have at this time have already commenced the Ascension process through raising up their
vibrational frequncies to the lower Fourth-dimension, even though they may not be physically
and consciously aware of this subtle change in their everyday state. Mother Earth's planetary
body has itself also raised itself to just over the border of the Fourth-dimension. As a result,
many of us may now notice that we are feeling a greater "lightness" within ourselves, that the
colors of nature and our surrounding environment seem much more vivid, and that we are
expressing generally a more positive and loving attitude to life and those around us. We may also
find that we are taking more healthy outdoor exercise, communing much more with nature and
find that we are no longer able to eat the heavy fatty and blood endowed foods of yesteryear.
After the major Earth Changes, our whole Solar System is destined to move from our present
Pleiadian galactic orbit to a new area as part of the Sirius Star System. In fact, Earth will be
"promoted" from her present Planetary status, to become a radiant inhabited "Sun", one of three
Sirian Suns circling each other within the Sirius Star System. Those of Earth's present population
able to ascend to the Fifth-dimension, will henceforth be participating in a future "Showcase
World", a loving and cooperative world demonstrating to the rest of our Galaxy an enhanced
example of correct living, gained through hard and bitter lessons. We will have forged a new
high level of social and political order through our long experience of intense conflict and
difficulties. A true measure of our progress is that it is a very rare case within the whole history
of the Universe that a third-dimensional society is about to be able to move up through two
vibrational-frequency levels in one bound!
The Planetary Being of Earth, also known as Mother Earth, or Gaia, is herself ready at this time
to complete her own Ascension to the Fifth-dimension. She has in the past agreed, as a form of
loving sacrifice, to endure millions of years as a special Galactic School of Hard and Basic
Lessons, not only for all the young evolutionary souls starting out on their long evolutionary
cycle upwards, but also for all the many other renegade, non-loving and destructive, souls
brought to her from all over the Universe. She is now ready, after a long and painful third-
dimensional existence, to move up to a higher level where her formerly turbulent surface
inhabitants will in future express great new advances in a new peaceful and loving civilization.
Humanity will in the future show the way, even as an example to the rest of the Universe, of a
transformation to a new and deeper level of respect for a planet's environment and of all the other
forms of its evolving life.
Return to contents
Chapter Eleven:
The Christian Bible gives many predictions which tell clearly and graphically of the "Final Day
of Judgment", the "Second Coming of The Christ" and the "Golden Age of a Thousand Years of
Peace" to follow.
The 'Day of Judgment' is traditionally divided into several different sequences, starting with the
Rapture in which those who are "just and faithful to the ways of the Lord" are lifted up to the
Heavens to avoid the Tribulation which follows. The next phase will be of the Wrath of the Lord
descending upon the Earth in a great cleansing of the planet and those remaining on it who have
failed the Final Judgment of God. A small Remnant of those who live through the initial
Tribulation and thereby repent and learn to change their ways, may possibly survive the surface
turmoil by going into underground caverns.
Then begins the New Millennium, the 1,000-year Day of the Lord, with the return of The Christ
to Earth as the Prince of Peace, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
"Behold the day of the Lord cometh cruel both with wrath and fierce anger to lay the Land
desolate: and He shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. For the stars of Heaven and the
constellations thereof shall not give their light: the Sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and
the Moon shall not cause her light to shine. And I will punish the World for their evil and the
wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogance of the proud to cease, and will lay low
the haughtiness of the Terrible. I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man the
Golden Wedge of Ophir. Therefore I will shake the Heavens, and the Earth shall remove out of
her place." Isaiah 13: 9-13
The New Testament gives four major prophecies of the Final Day of Judgment and the Second
Coming of The Christ: from the Apostles Mark, Luke and Matthew, and the Book of Revelations
by St. John of the Island of Patmos.
In the Gospel according to St Luke, Jesus speaks of the 'Signs before the End' and the Second
"The days will come, in which there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be
thrown down. Nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom: and great
earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great
signs shall there be from Heaven.
And there shall be signs in the Sun, and in the Moon, and in the stars; and upon the Earth distress
of nations, with perplexity; the sea and waves roaring; men's hearts failing them for fear, and for
looking after those things which are coming on the Earth: for the powers of Heaven shall be
And then shall they see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when
these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption
draweth nigh." Luke 21: 6, 10, 25-28
"For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time,
no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved:
but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. Immediately after the tribulation of those
days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from
heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. But of that day and hour knoweth no
man, no, not the Angels of Heaven, but my Father only." Matthew 24: 21-22; 29, 36
In the Book of Revelations, St John the Divine was given a vision in which a High Angel broke
seven seals, each containing a revelation, a future vision:
"And I beheld when he had opened the Sixth Seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the
sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; and the stars of Heaven
fell unto the Earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty
And the Heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island
were moved out of their places.
And when he had opened the Seventh Seal, there was silence in Heaven. And I saw the Seven
Angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets.
The first Angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast
upon the Earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
And the second Angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into
the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; and the third part of the creatures which were
in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.
And the third Angel sounded, and there fell a great star from Heaven, burning as it were a lamp,
and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; and the name of the
star is called Wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
And the seventh Angel sounded; and there were great voices in Heaven, saying, "The kingdoms
of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever
and ever." Revelation 6:12-14; 8:1-2 & 7-11; 11:15
The Buddhist tradition also foretells the end of the present civilization 2,500 years after the birth
of the Buddha, at which time mankind will be redeemed by Maitreya, the future Buddha. The
exact birth year of the Buddha is not known, but the earliest of several dates is 566 BC, thus
confirming the timing of the predicted changes to occur at the end of this century.
In the 16th century, the French prophet Nostradamus made many predictions extending from his
own time to the end of this present century. He accurately predicted the French Revolution,
details of Napoleon's career and exile to Elba, events of World War II including the initial
invasions and triumph of Germany and the death of Mussolini; he made puns on the names of
Hitler and Roosevelt and referred to the use of atom bombs.
Nostradamus also made a prophecy concerning a catastrophe which he predicts will occur on the
9th of September 1999. In a letter to Henri II of France, he specifies the signs by which it will be
"There will be a solar eclipse more dark and gloomy than any since the creation of the world,
except the death of Christ. And it shall be in the month of October that a great movement of the
globe will happen, and it will be such that one will think the gravity of the Earth has lost its
natural balance and that it will be plunged into the abyss and perpetual blackness of space. There
will be portents and signs in the spring, extreme changes, nations overthrown, and mighty
For according to the celestial signs, the Golden Age shall return, and after all calculations, with
the world near to an all-encompassing revolution. This will be after the visible judgment of
Heaven, before we reach the millennium which shall complete all."
In the early 1830s the Church of the Latter Day Saints was founded on the prophecies given to
Joseph Smith by the Angelic Being Moroni, and on Smith's subsequent discovery, under
Moroni's direction, of buried golden tablets inscribed with much ancient wisdom which was to
become 'The Book of Mormon'.
The Mormon teachings repeat the Biblical warnings of "great judgments which were coming
upon the Earth, with great desolations by famine, sword, and pestilence...
And when that day shall come they shall be visited of the Lord of Hosts, with thunder and with
earthquake, and with a great noise, and with storm, and with tempest, and with the flame of
devouring fire."
One of the best known of more recent psychics and clairvoyants is Edgar Cayce, who between
1901 and 1945 gave thousands of trance 'readings'. Cayce became well known for his trance
diagnoses of illnesses and the 'miracle' cures later documented and confirmed by medical
science. He also gave many predictions of future events which proved unusually accurate. For
the latter half of the twentieth century he predicted earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and
catastrophic changes to the Earth's surface:
"The Earth will be broken up in many places. The early portion will see a change in the physical
aspect of the West Coast of America. There will be open waters appearing in the northern
portions of Greenland. There will be new lands seen off the Caribbean Sea, and dry land will
appear. South America shall be shaken from the uppermost portion to the end, and in the
Antarctic off Tierra del Fuego LAND, and a strait with rushing waters..." (3976-15, Jan 19,
"The Earth will be broken up in the western portion of America. The greater portion of Japan
must go into the sea. The upper portion of Europe will be changed as in the twinkling of an eye.
Land will appear off the East coast of America..." (3976-15, Jan 19, 1934)
"There will be upheavals in the Arctic and the Antarctic that will make for the eruptions of
volcanoes in the Torrid areas, and there will then be the shifting of the poles - so that where there
have been frigid or semi-tropical areas, these will become the more tropical, and moss and fern
will grow..." (3976-15, Jan 19, 1934)
"In the next few years, lands will appear in the Atlantic as well as in the Pacific. And what is the
coastline now of many a land will be the bed of the ocean... Portions of the now East coast of
New York, or New York City itself, will in the main disappear... while the southern portions of
Carolina, Georgia, these will disappear." (1152-11, Aug 13, 1941)
Cayce also refers to ancient records of Atlantis hidden underground in a secret chamber near the
Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, covering the entire history of mankind from pre-Egypt to the year
1998 - which is, said Cayce, "that period when there is to be the change in the Earth's position,
and the return of the Great Initiate to that and other lands for the folding up of those prophecies
that are depicted there." (5748-5)
[From the "Life Readings" by EDGAR CAYCE. Copyright 1971, 1993, 1995 by the Edgar
Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451, U.S.A. and used by permission.]
As we consider the possibility and the implications of these Earth Changes, we may be quite
certain that physical changes of enormous magnitude have already occurred many times during
Planet Earth's long history.
Return to contents
Chapter Twelve:
We tend quite naturally to regard 'our Earth' as a stable and unchanging home, a 'sure stronghold'
which could never be substantially disrupted. Our confidence may from time to time be shaken
by major earthquakes and typhoons, but these soon pass over, and we prefer to regard them as
minor temporary upsets in an otherwise comfortable and predictable environment. There is
however much geological evidence of sudden and major structural changes having taken place
on Planet Earth in the past; and it is not unreasonable to consider the possibility that what has
happened in the past may well be repeated.
Historical accounts written many centuries ago bear witness to previous planetary disruptions.
Immanuel Velikovsky has made a major contribution to research in this area; his "Worlds in
Collision", written in 1950, assembles numerous Biblical and ancient historical references to
such events, drawing substantially on contemporary accounts from the Middle East and lower
He quotes, for example, a long inscription in hieroglyphics on a shrine of black granite found at
El-Arish on the border of Egypt and Palestine. It reads: "The land was in great affliction. Evil fell
on this earth. There was a great upheaval in the residence. Nobody could leave the palace during
nine days, and during these nine days of upheaval there was such a tempest that neither men nor
gods could see the faces of those beside them."
This inscription corresponds exactly with the Bible, Exodus 10,22: "And there was a thick
darkness in all the land of Egypt three days. They saw not one another, neither rose any from his
place for three days."
East of Egypt, in Babylonia, the eleventh tablet of the 'Epic of Gilgamesh' refers to the same
events: "From out of the horizon rose a dark cloud and it rushed against the Earth; the land was
shrivelled by the heat of flames. Desolation stretched to heaven; all that was bright was turned
into darkness. Nor could a brother distinguish his brother. (For) six days the hurricane, deluge,
and tempest continued sweeping the land, and all humans back to their clay were returned."
The historian Ipuwer witnessed and survived this earthquake, recounting that: "The towns are
destroyed, Upper Egypt has become a waste. All is ruin. The residence is overturned in a
minute." (Papyrus Ipuwer 2:11, 3:13)
From his research into ancient documents, Velikovsky concludes that the Earth was forced out of
its regular motion by the close approach of the body of a comet: a major shock convulsed the
lithosphere, and the area of the earthquake was the entire globe. Terrific hurricanes swept the
Earth because of the change or reversal of the angular velocity of rotation and because of the
sweeping gases, dust, and cinders of the comet.
He supports this contention of worldwide disruptions with similar quotations from historical
records of Mexican tradition.
The Mexican sacred book 'Popol-Vuh', the 'Manuscript Cakchiquel', and the 'Manuscript Troano'
all record how the mountains in every part of the Western Hemisphere simultaneously gushed
lava. The volcanoes that opened along the entire chain of the Cordilleras and in other mountain
ranges and on flat land vomited fire, vapour, and torrents of lava.
Velikovsky quotes 'Manuscript Troano' and other documents of the Mayas which describe a
cosmic catastrophe during which the ocean fell upon the continent and a terrible hurricane swept
the Earth. These records provide graphic accounts of hurricanes which broke up and carried
away all towns and forests. Exploding volcanoes, tides sweeping over mountains, and raging
winds threatened to annihilate humankind, and actually did annihilate many species of animals.
The face of the Earth changed, mountains collapsed, other mountains grew and rose over the
onrushing cataract of water driven from oceanic spaces, numberless rivers lost their beds, and a
wild tornado moved through the debris descending from the sky.
The ancients referred to the physical agent that brought darkness and swept away houses and
trees and even rocks and mounds of earth as 'Hurakan', from which our present word 'hurricane'
is derived. Hurakan, it is recorded, destroyed the major part of the human race. In the darkness
swept by wind, resinous stuff fell from the sky and participated with fire on water in the
destruction of the world. For five days, save for the burning naphtha and burning volcanoes, the
World was dark, since the sun did not appear.
In a later book, 'Earth in Upheaval', Velikovsky takes a slightly different approach, now
supporting Biblical and other historical references with currently visible geological evidence of
past upheavals.
He describes, for example, an area in Alaska to the north of Mount McKinley which has a frozen
layer of 'muck' composed of a jumble of trees and extinct animals, such as the mammoth,
mastodon and super-bison. This was analyzed by Professor F.C. Hibben of the University of
New Mexico, who concluded:
"There is ample evidence that at least portions of this material were deposited under catastrophic
conditions. Mammal remains are for the most part dismembered and dis-articulated, even though
some fragments yet retain, in their frozen state, portions of ligaments, skin, hair, and flesh.
Twisted and torn trees are piled in splintered masses. At least four considerable layers of
volcanic ash may be traced in these deposits, although they are extremely warped and distorted.
"The presence of volcanic ash indicates that a volcanic eruption did take place, and repeatedly, in
four consecutive stages of the same epoch; but it is also apparent that the trees could have been
uprooted and splintered only by hurricane or flood or a combination of both agencies. The
animals could have been dismembered only by a stupendous wave that lifted and carried and
smashed and tore and buried millions of bodies and millions of trees. Also, the area of the
catastrophe was much greater than the action of a few volcanoes could have covered."
During the late 1830s Hugh Miller made a special study of the Old Red Sandstone in Scotland in
which an abundant aquatic fauna is embedded. The animals embedded within it are seen in very
'disturbed' positions. Miller writes: "Some terrible catastrophe involved in sudden destruction the
fish of an area at least a hundred miles from boundary to boundary, perhaps more. The same
platform in Orkney, as at Cromarty, is strewed thick with remains, which exhibit unequivocally
the marks of violent death. The figures are contorted, contracted, curved; the tail in many
instances is bent around to the head; the spines stick out; the fins are spread to the full, as in fish
that die in convulsions."
In 1901 a quick-frozen mammoth was found in Beresovka, Siberia, so well preserved that its
eyeballs were fully intact. It still had buttercups in its mouth and the content of its stomach
indicated that it had been eating temperate-zone plants, no longer growing in the area. R.S. Lull,
Director of the Peabody Museum at Yale, reports the discovery in his book 'Organic Evolution',
confirming that: "...a fractured hip and fore limb, a great mass of clotted blood in the chest, and
unswallowed grass between the clenched teeth, all point to the violence and suddenness of its
Rock geology shows that there have been major uplifts of land masses around the globe. The
great massif of the Himalayas is estimated to have risen to its present height since the last Ice
Age of over 11,000 years ago. Likewise the Andes in South America also show evidence of
Many other researchers have identified evidence of major geological changes during our Planet's
long history; indeed, there are many areas in which even a casual observer can see such evidence
for him or herself, as for example when erosion shows cross-sections of hillsides miles from the
present coastline displaying deposits of seashells.
An interesting example, quoted in 'Doomsday 1999 A.D.', by Charles Berlitz, can be found in
Bolivia. The stone city of Tiahuanaco is so old that its broken pottery shows pictures of
Pleistocene animals. Although Tiahuanaco is now at an altitude of 13,500 feet, too high for a
population to live, its docks and quays indicate that it was once a seaport and that it rose with the
Andes when they were created 11,000 years ago.
"Wherever we investigate the geological records of this Earth, we find signs of catastrophes and
upheavals, old and recent.
"Mountains sprang from plains, and other mountains were levelled; strata of the terrestrial crust
were folded and pressed together and overturned and moved and put on top of other formations.
Igneous rock melted and flooded enormous areas of land with miles-thick sheets, and the ocean
bed flowed with molten rock. Ashes were showered down and built layers many yards thick on
the ground and on the bottom of the oceans in their vast expanse. The shores of ancient lakes
were tilted and are no longer horizontal and the seacoasts show subsidence or emergence, in
some places, of over one thousand feet.
"Rocks of the Earth are filled with remains of life extinguished in a state of agony. Sedimentary
rocks are one vast graveyard, and the granite and basalt, too, have embedded in them numberless
living organisms. Shells have closed valves as they do in a living state, so unexpectedly came the
entombment. Vast forests were burned and washed away and covered with the waters of the seas
and with sand and turned to coal. Animals were swept to the far north and thrown into heaps and
were soaked by bituminous outpourings. Broken bones and torn ligaments and the skins of
animals, both of living species and of extinct species, were smashed together with splintered
forests into huge piles.
"The evidence is overwhelming that the great global catastrophes were either accompanied or
caused by the shifting of the terrestrial axis, or by a disturbance in the diurnal and annual
motions of the Earth. The shifting of the axis could not have been brought about by internal
causes, but only under the impact of external forces. The state of lavas with reversed
magnetization, hundreds of times more intense than the inverted terrestrial magnetic field could
impart, reveals the nature of the forces that were in action."
['Earth in Upheaval', by Immanuel Velikovsky – 1955 – Buccaneer Books Inc., Cutchogue, NY,
Set against the wider time-frame of the many dramatic surface changes which have already
occurred, current predictions of major physical 'Earth Changes' may now perhaps seem less
extreme. There is plenty of evidence that the Planet's very geography has in fact been
dramatically changed many times before, and likewise, there is no scientific evidence to support
the contention that such changes will not happen yet again.
Human Earth civilizations have also come and gone. Most people today look at the story of
Humanity and assume that it has lasted for only six thousand years or so, but there have in fact
been many much older civilizations, such as Lemuria (or Mu) in the Pacific Ocean and the
legendary Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean.
Now however, thanks to some new historical background from the Higher Spheres recently
imparted to us by the "Council of Nine" on Sirius B, Members of the Galactic Federation of
Light for our Sector of the Milky Way Galaxy, Earth's background history can be further
broadened (channeled by Sheldon Nidle and Virginnia Essene in their book "You Are Becoming
A Galactic Human", published 1994 by S.E.E. Publishing Co., Santa Clara, California):
"Approximately 35 million years ago, the Time Lords and the Spiritual Hierarchy of your Solar
System decided to create an Etheric life form [the EL's or Elders] to act as a Guardian Species
for Earth and the surrounding solar system. This angel-like life-form was to act as an
intermediary until the evolution of a more physically evolved primate occurred that would be the
land-based Guardian species for Planet Earth. Indeed, over the next 8 million years, a primate-
based life-form did develop on Earth, which one day could replace the temporary Etheric
civilization created by the Spiritual Hierarchy.
"The original, Divine Plan for physical life on your planet was conceived by the Creator, and
executed by the Time Lords as one of vast diversity. Futhermore, this diversity was instituted so
that more than one land creature could eventually rise to high sentient levels and have an
opportunity to become Planetary Guardians. Then about 26 million years ago, two non-human
space civilizations approached this planet and established colonies upon it. These two planetary
non-human civilizations were a reptilian or Reptoid one (from the lesser-known stars in the
constellation Sagittarius), and a dinosaurian or Dinoid society (from the Bellatrix system in the
Constellation Orion). [The Dinoids are bipedal beings 7-10 feet tall with various scaly skin
colors, almost non-existant tail and otherwise very similar body structure to modern Humans.
The Reptoids are roughly the same size as Dinoids, but have large tails which are utilized for
balance. The Reptoids are more muscular than the Dinoid groups and possess a crocodile type of
protruding face with teeth very similar to that of modern Earth reptiles].
"These two non-love based civilizations came into your Solar System and claimed it as part of an
overall mandate from their mutual Creation Myths that conceived of the entire Galaxy as their
property, to do with as they saw fit. The Etheric life-form now occupying Earth and its Angelic
Hosts decided to permit this colonizing to occur and to work towards eventually obtaining a
change in the attitude of the two hostile civilizations. Over the next 8 million years as the
Spiritual Hierarchy sent more and more love energy to them, these two civilizations began to
slowly allow mammalian creatures on your planet to evolve towards sentiency. The first such
creature was a land pre-cetacean (ancestor of the present dolphins and whales). They developed a
primitive agrarian society and a great ability to produce more than enough food staples to supply
the other two more advanced civilizations. This pre-cetacean civilization was encouraged and
given advanced technology to improve its food production capabilities. It easily provided for the
food requirements of the Dinoid and Reptoid civilizations and had a successful yet passive
relationship with both of them."
Eventually the parent race of the Dinoid/Reptoid Alliance on Orion prompted their offshoots on
Earth to plan to destroy the Pre-Cetacean civilization. When the now well spiritually developed
Pre-Cetaceans learned of this dastardly plot, they decided to pre-empt them by destroying the
Dinoid/Reptiod civilization. This they eventually did by exploding their own vast series of fusion
generators located within the Pre-Cetacean homeland of what would now be central Eastern
Europe. At the same time, they had decided to evacuate half their population to the constellations
of Pegasus and of Cetus and the other half to develop living in the future on Earth within the
safety of the oceans.
"The destruction of the Reptoid/Dinoid civilization was done approximately 8 million years ago.
With the fleeing of the remnants of the Reptoid/Dinoid civilizations to Maldek, the Earth's
Spiritual Hierarchy left its physical guardianship to the one remaining sentient species - the
Cetaceans. However, the Cetaceans and their now space-bound other half of bretheren were
determined, with the help of Lady Gaia (Mother Earth), to find a land replacement for the now
vacant Land Guardianship role. This task to locate a Land Guardian became their great quest.
The Pre-Cetaceans, with the aid of Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy, began to search the immediate
vicinity of the Galaxy (an area extending about 80 light years from the Sun) looking for a
possible candidate that would be able to replace the Cetaceans as Earth's Land Guardian.
"After searching for to to three million years across the Galaxy, they finally discovered an
aquatic primate starting to emerge from the oceans on the fourth planet in the Vega system.
These aquatic primates had the first rudiments of civilization such as creation myths, a language,
and a hunting and gathering culture. Having discovered this species, they then asked the Spiritual
Hierarchy of the Vega star system if they would permit this group of aquatic primates to be
vastly altered genetically so that their development as a sentient species could be accelerated. In
this way, they could be prepared to become a Galactic Guardian species.
"This important set of events in creating the Human Race, allowed them to quickly spread spread
out across this part of the Galaxy. This is when Humans began to encounter advance scouting
forces of the Dinoid/Reptoid Alliance about 4.5 million years ago. The Humans were able to
persevere because of the intervention of Lady Gaia and the Cetaceans, and the Humans were able
to fight the Dinoid/Reptoid Alliance successfully to a standstill while still continuing their
outward migration in this Sector of the Milky Way Galaxy.
"This migration continued for a period of roughly 2.5 million years. By this time, Humans had
spread up to the very outer edge of your Solar System and had banded together in a Human
Galactic Federation which agreed to colonize your Solar System. Lady Gaia approved this plan
and the first Earth Human colony called Hybornea (also known as Hyperborea) was begun.
Hybornea would last for roughly 1 million years and would be a complete Lyran/Sirian type of
civilization. When the Dinoid group returned to our Solar System to assist their outnumbered
bretheren about 1 million years ago, they saw that Humans now controlled most of your Solar
System. All that was left of the Reptoid and Dinoid strength was a small colony on the planet
Maldek as well as a small group of outpost personnel scattered on the fringes of your Solar
"Nonetheless, the Dinoid/Reptoid Alliance decided it was time to establish their authority in this
region of the Galaxy once again with a broad-based series of attacks on neighboring star systems
as we as your Solar System. These attacks were aided and abetted by their forces left behind on
Maldek, who were now able to systematically destroy the small Human colonies created by the
Galactic Federation on Mars, Venus and Earth.
"This destruction on the third-dimension level left Mars without most of its atmosphere and
hydrosphere (oceans, rivers and streams). Venus was left locked into a virtual greenhouse
condition of intense planetary atmospheeric heating maintained by an atmospere that had been
altered into a series of unlivable acrid gases. Earth's Hybornean Colony was destroyed by a
series of vicious and premeditated massive attacks that killed all Humans and thoroughly
obliterated all aspects of Human civilization. The outcome was that the Dinoid/Reptoid Alliance
again controlled your entire Solar System.
"For a period of roughly 80,000 years, your Solar System was held as an outpost for the
Dinoid/Reptoid Alliance. However, as they were eventually pushed back by the galactic Humans
across a broad front that included many star systems near your Sun. It finally became possible to
create a plan for the return of Humans into your Solar System. To accomplish this feat, the
Galactic Federation brought a large battle planet (four times the diameter of Earth) into this
region. The purpose of this battle planet was to destroy the planet Maldek which was the chief
administrative center of the Dinoid /Reptoid Alliance in the Solar System. After the loss of
Maldek, it was felt that it would be relatively easy to conquer the Reptoid/Dinoid Earth Colony.
This brief and brutal action was quickly accomplished and the Earth was successfully returned to
Human control approximately 900,000 years ago.
"The Earth Humans now decided that their new colony would be centered on what was called the
continent of Lemuria. It was heere that the first Human colonists were able to establish a
Lyran/Syrian civilization with democratic principles at all levels of life. Over the next 850,000
years, Lemurians spread across the surface of Planet Earth from a primary continental base in
what is now the Pacific Ocean. They developed (100,000 BC) a series of what they called
Daughter Empires. The most important of these Daughter Empires was Atlantis, a huge island
located in the center of the Atlantic Ocean. Another significant colony was the Yü Empire which
comprised what is today called Central China and Tibet.
"As they began to develop their colony, the Atlanteans quickly acquired a feeling of uniquenness
about their culture that eventually led to a feeling of separateness from the other Daughter
Empires of Lemuria. The Atlanteans felt that they were not only a Daughter Empire of Lemuria,
but that they were a Daughter Empire that could and should become the Mother Empire. The
Atlanteans, therefore, began to have a strong desire to destroy the Lemurians and their more
loyal Daughter Empires in order to gain full power.
"The Atlanteans found some allies in the various galactic Human renegade defense commands
that had originally been formed by the Human colonies in Alpha Centauri and the Pleiades. Over
the next 25,000 years, in fact, the Atlanteans developed alliances with these defense commands
and various outpost star systems. These alliances were mostly with outpost colonies of the
Galactic Federation that shared a similar concept of the Atlantean hiearchial cultural tradition.
These various groups then began to produce a plot that would lead to the destruction of Lemuria
and the ascension of Atlantis to a primary position on Planet Earth. Therefore, the Atlanteans
waited patiently for the right opportunity to occur and approximately 25,000 years ago, they and
various Pleiadian and Centaurian rebels, or what we shall call renegades, decided to destroy
Lemuria. Their plan and its execution would be a technical success, but would destroy one of
Planet Earth's Moons - along with Lemuria.
"At that particular time, the Earth had two Moons, each one of which was roughly three-quarters
the size of your present Moon. What the Renegades proposed to do was to move one of these
two moons into a downward spiraling orbit using force fields. Before this moon reached a critical
mass position (the Lagrange Point) with the Earth, it would be exploded so that it would fall
down as an incredible shower of meteors upon the Lemurian continent.
"This event would cause gravitational and plate tectonic distress because of the size, downward
path and mass of the lunar fragments. This development did, in fact, create a volcanic
catastrophe that caused the great gas chambers underneath Lemuria to implode, sink the
continent, and destroy Lemurian dominance.
"In looking at the rise and fall of Atlantis [a large island-continent originally stretching down
from the Northern Atlantic to what is now Northern Brazil], we find its history divided into three
Empires. The first historical segment is called the Old Empire (lasting from 400,000 years ago to
approximately 25, 000 BC). The Old Empire coexisted with Lemuria and would eventually plot
its destruction. The second historical division is called the Middle Empire (lasting from roughly
25,000 - 15,000 BC), and it would be the first truly hierarchial ruler of Planet Earth. The last
historical period was called the New Empire [now only a third of the original Continent's size,
situated in the mid-Atlantic and known as Poseidon]. It would contain the sagas of final conflict
and destruction that comprise the last 5,000 years of Atlantean history (15,000 to 10,000 BC). Its
final demise and submersion would leave Earth Humans in a genetically reduced mutant
condition from which you are still suffering."
["You Are Becoming A Galactic Human" by Sheldon Nidle and Virginia Essene. Published 1994
by Spiritual Enducation Endeavors Publishing Company, 1556 Halford Ave., Santa Clara, CA
95051. ISBN: 0-937147-08-7]
Return to contents
Chapter Thirteen:
In March 1994, NBC television network broadcast a program entitled "Ancient Prophecies",
covering both ancient and contemporary predictions of Earth Changes. It was seen by millions of
American and Canadian viewers and prompted over 24,000 enquiries. A major feature was the
prediction by Gordon-Michael Scallion of violent and significant geological changes coming to
Earth in the late 1990s.
Mr. Scallion had worked in the field of communications and education until 1979, when he
experienced a health crisis which left him with the 'gift of prophecy'. Some of his more notable
prophecies were the 1992 Californian earthquakes on April 22 and June 28, Hurricane Andrew in
Florida, and the Mississippi floods of 1993.
Viewers of the March 1994 program were shown a Future Map of the United States: 1998-2001
which Mr Scallion had visualized through his inner sight. Published by his company Matrix
Institute, the map shows major geological changes in the United States occurring in two distinct
A first super-mega California earthquake in the 10-15 magnitude range causes a fracture along a
line from Eureka to Bakersfield and southwest to the Gulf of California-Baja. Gaps and fissures
occur running the length of the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valleys. Flooding inundates much
of the coastal area of California, causing some of the existing land mass to become islands.
In a second major Californian earthquake the Central North American Plate is thrust violently
upward on a tilt, causing much of California to go under the sea. Higher elevations remain as
islands and become known as the Isles of California. A large part of the land mass west of a line
running from Newport Oregon to Tucson Arizona breaks away and sinks within minutes. This
line forms the new West Coast of the United States, and with Phoenix, Arizona, becoming a
major seaport.
Along the Eastern seaboard, coastlines from Maine to Florida are also pushed inland for many
miles. Atlanta Georgia becomes a new seaport. Florida is reduced in size by more than half and
all the Florida Keys disappear beneath the sea.
In the center of the American continent, a wide belt of water floods the Mississippi basin,
connecting up with the Great Lakes, which themselves rise and expand, cutting off the Eastern
part of the United States from the West and effectively creating two separate landmasses.
Mr. Scallion envisages the Earth's magnetic pole shifting twice to the west: seven degrees at first,
and then a further six degrees as a result of magna displacement through a shifting of the Earth's
core. As a contributory element he sees a large heavenly body entering our solar system, the
Another 'Future Map' of America was channeled through Lori Adaile Toye, between 1988 and
1991, transmitted jointly by the Ascended Masters Saint Germain, Kuthumi, El Morya, Mother
Mary, Sanat Kumara, Sananda, and other Masters of Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy. It is now
published as the 'New World Atlas' by Seventh Ray Publishing of Payson Arizona.
This material shows remarkable similarities with the map produced by Mr Scallion. Much of the
American West Coast is inundated, from Washington State down to southern Oregon, and the
ocean also covers most of California, Nevada and Utah. This creates a new coastline extending
from the Rocky Mountains, near Denver, down to Phoenix, Arizona. Similarly the Mississippi
River is expanded into a wide inlet, running up to an enlarged Great Lakes area, and the East
Coast is partially flooded, with the bottom tip of Florida sinking under the ocean.
Much of the same story is also told through quite a different source:
Hypnotic past-life regression is an established technique in which the patient under hypnosis is
able to recall specific episodes from his or her past life or lives. The pioneering past-life and
prenatal work of Dr Helen Wambach PhD is reviewed in her two published books Recalling Past
Lives (Harper & Row 1978) and Life Before Life (Bantam Books 1979). Having demonstrated
this technique to her satisfaction during a series of group workshops, Dr Wambach wondered
how it would work when applied to the future. She therefore began giving similar workshops
offering participants a chance to look ahead at their possible future lives through hypnotic
progression, projection not into the past, but into the future.
Dr Wambach was at that time being assisted in her research and experiments by Dr Chet Snow
PhD, who also then himself became the subject of a series of future life projections in 1983. Dr
Snow was at that time an historian/archivist working as a civilian employee of the United States
Air Force, though he has subsequently obtained hypno-therapy certification and now practises in
regression therapy. The fascinating record of these future projections under hypnosis is related in
Dr Snow's book "Mass Dreams of the Future".
Under hypnosis, Dr Snow described, aloud, visions of his future life in the late 1990s. Here he
sees himself living on a remote ranch north of Phoenix Arizona, in a small community which had
been set up both as a school for the development of psychic communication skills (mental
telepathy) and as a survival base for the foreseen coming 'World Changes'.
He recounts that their small community was then busy laying-in stocks of food and other
supplies, which were now becoming both expensive and scarce through changing weather
patterns. In the world news, the weather was becoming increasingly unpredictable, with freak
storms, record heat and cold periods, drought and exceptional rainfalls around the globe. The
world stock markets and financial systems were also collapsing.
In a time period of about a year later, Dr Snow was made aware that a major earthquake had just
hit the Pacific Rim area. The coastline areas of southern California had sunk, submerging the
once densely built-up coastal areas under the sea. Mount Fuji had erupted, causing much of
Japan to sink and triggering a chain of earthquakes and eruptions all around the Pacific 'Ring of
Fire', including the West Coast of America right up into Alaska.
By the end of two weeks, television and radio were now telling every one that "the worst is
over". As Dr Snow, still under hypnosis, recounted: "The water is receding slowly and we'll just
have to adjust to the new situation. The Federal Government is already setting up temporary
relocation centers farther inland and everyone is talking of rebuilding. A lot of cropland has been
permanently lost however, not to mention so much of the Southern California coastline."
Moving forward a couple of months, he reports that there followed in Southern California a far
more devastating earthquake than the previous one: "It accelerated the sinking of major areas
along the West Coast so that the coastline moved up to within a couple of hundred miles of
Phoenix Arizona, and only the mountain areas remained above water all the way up to Oregon.
In the south, the Gulf of Mexico surged inward over Texas; our part of Arizona was more or less
cut off to both the east and west by water."
['Mass Dreams of the Future', by Chet B. Snow and Helen Wambach - Deep Forest Press, Crest
Park, CA – 1993]
One should bear in mind in considering the above predicitions that all timings and sequences of
future events viewed from the present can never be entirely accurate, since travel forward in time
can only be a projection of potential future. A sequence of actual cause-and-effect events must
first take place, and is always subject to modification through individual 'free choice/free will'.
Therefore, although a fairly accurate view forward is possible from higher planes, Humanity's
inherent gift of 'free choice' allows for unexpected modifications in any future projection of
events. The future direction taken is also dependant on the subsequent evolutionary progress of
Humanity's 'collective consciousness' during that period.
Approaching the prediction of future Earth changes from yet another direction, there has also
been, since World War II, an enormous growth of channeled communications from the 'Higher
Spiritual Realms' on the subject of the coming Earth Changes:
"The cities will become piles of rubble. The beautiful woodland scenes will be flattened by the
might of terrible storms. Great earthquakes will rip the mantle of the planet apart in a patchwork
of destruction never before seen on the planet in the entire history of the race.
Continents sunk thousands of years ago will rear up out of the ocean to show man that his
civilization is not the first, and that this is not the first time that his efforts have been crushed by
The atmospheric storms, which will roar across the surface, will tear down forests of trees at a
single swipe, and raise water out of the natural reservoirs of lake and ocean to spread destruction
and inundation far inland from the shore. Nothing will remain of the once-vaunted civilization
that men have built for themselves.
During the last portion of the Tribulation, the light of the Sun and the Moon will be shrouded out
completely for long periods, and the very air that is breathed will turn to a foul miasma in the
[HILARION, channeled by Maurice B. Cooke in 'The Nature of Reality'. First published 1979.
Marcus Books, Queensville, Ontario, Canada ]
"And there shall be a mighty earthquake and it shall split in twain the country of North America,
and it shall be as nothing the world has known before, for it shall be that there shall be a great
part of the great land of the North Continent go down, and a great sea shall form within her
center part from Canada into the Gulf of Mexico.
And the waters of the Mediterranean shall wash over the land to the North, unto the polar zone,
and it shall return unto its place, and the Black Sea and the Mediterranean shall become one sea.
And there shall be great changes within the borders of Asia.
Africa shall be changed - her shoreline shall be broken to the West, and great rivers shall flow
within the desert.
Ye have been told time and time again that the Earth shall shift upon her axis, and so shall she.
There shall be a change of climate. That which is now the barren North shall become semi-
tropical. Trees shall bear semi-tropical fruit and the fauna shall be that of a new species. And that
which is the impassable barrier of the South Pole shall be penetrated and Man shall discover a
new continent within."
Brother Philip, of the Abbey of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays in the Peruvian Andes near
Lake Titicaca, gives transcripts channeled by voice from the Hierarchy of the 'Great White
Brotherhood' in his book "Secret of the Andes"; here he quotes Sanat Kumara, a highly evolved
Master from Venus who assumed the role of 'Planetary Logos of Earth' over 18 million years
"And now we enter this great period of Initiation. The skies of Earth will become fantastic. I say
verily that pen has not recorded nor voice uttered that which shall become a great sign and
display in the skies of the Earth, for the elements themselves will have control for a short period
of time. There will be great rainstorms and floods. You have heard how it rained forty days and
nights. That is nothing compared to what it will rain. Perhaps it would be forty months. The
entire face of the Earth shall change. It will become unrecognizable.
Very soon the winds shall howl, sooner than we can realize. It is already upon us, for I have
witnessed it on the plane which is just above that of physical expression upon the Earth, and that
means that if it descends one more plane it shall find reality."
[The Master SANAT KUMARA, channeled by Brother Philip in 'Secret of the Andes' - Leaves
of Grass Press, Novato, California.]
Another source of information channeled down to us originates from the star systems of the
Pleiades. The Pleiadians are themselves a planetary race which has had a long and close
association with Planet Earth. In their distant past they were forced to escape the conflicts which
were taking place on their original home planet in the Lyran star system and, after a long search,
were able to find a haven of peace on the then undeveloped planet of Earth. However, they were
subsequently forced to leave Planet Earth when their former oppressive masters, the Lyrians,
arrived on Earth and occupied the planet. They once again searched for, and found, a new
residence in the Pleiadian star system. From there they have developed a prosperous and
peaceful society, but still kept a close watch over Earth's development down through the ages,
rendering us help and assistance as part of their old connection with a previous home planet.
In the book "The Pleiadian Workbook", channeled by Amorah Quan Yin, the 'Pleiadian
Emissaries of Light', speaking through their spokesperson, Ra, give an important insight into the
wider context of the coming Earth Changes:
"You and your planet are undergoing a unique and wondrous transition in your spiritual
evolution at this time. You are preparing for a quantum leap unlike any that has ever occurred
before. In order to help you understand this more fully, I must first tell you about the orbit of the
entire Galaxy around the Great Central Sun of All That Is. Just like your 'Solar Ring' (our term
for a 'solar system') orbits around the Galactic Center, the Galaxy itself moves through space in
the form of continual, connecting circles, like a great Cosmic Spiral.
"At the completion point of a multi billion-year single circular orbit around the Great Central
Sun, our Galaxy connects diagonally to the next 'ring' on the great Cosmic Spiral. When this
diagonal move from one ring of the great Cosmic Spiral to the next takes place, all of the planets,
solar systems, and their inhabitants simultaneously take an 'initiatic' step into a new evolutionary
cycle. This is occurring now. You are not only at the end of a 26,000-year Earth/Sun/Pleiadian
cycle; the entire Pleiadian system, which includes this solar ring, is at the end of a 230,000,000-
year orbit around the Galactic Center, and the entire galaxy is at the completion of its infinitely
"Prior to the end of 2012, Earth will undergo a spiritual and physical house-cleaning,
corresponding to what have commonly been called 'Earth changes'. These changes, which have
already begun, intensify both externally and internally as your Solar Ring moves deeper into the
Photon Band, a high-frequency cosmic emanation from the Galactic Center. You have been in
and out of the edges of this Photon Band for a few years now, and, by the year 2000, will be
completely immersed in this band for the next 2000 years.
"Floods, earthquakes, changes in land masses, volcanic eruptions, and finally a complete pole
shift, will all take place within the remaining years prior to the year 2013, at which time the
Galactic Solar Initiation of Earth, as a mystery school and home for the Cities of Light, will
finally take place. You who now live on Earth must choose whether or not you are ready to
become spiritually responsible Human beings in order to remain on Earth beyond that time.
Those who do not wish to remain on Earth will be taken to another planet in a different part of
the Galaxy where karmic lessons and third-dimensional evolution will continue."
[Ra, spokesperson for the collective Pleiadians Emissaries of Light, channeled by Amorah Quan
Yin, in "The Pleiadian Workbook", published 1996 by Bear & Company, P.O.Box 2860, Santa
Fe, NM 87504, USA.]
Return to contents
Chapter Fourteen:
Just as many of us may prefer to view our planet as timelessly stable and unchanging, closing our
minds to past and possible future disruptions, many also have a parallel view of Planet Earth as
an inanimate object which we may exploit and abuse at our pleasure.
The 'Higher Wisdom' however gives us a view which is now gaining increasingly wide
acceptance on Earth: that Mother/Goddess Earth is a living sentient Being, to whom we owe not
just our respect, but the privilege of being permitted to reside and evolve upon Her surface.
Goddess Earth, or Gaia, as she is also known, is indeed a very High Being belonging to an earlier
wave of Creative Light Beings. She is correctly referred to in the female as she has retained a
certain predominant female characteristic. Having originally completed her own first Great Cycle
of Evolution and returned to the Godhead, she was then given 'Higher Service', a chance to
become a "Planetary Being" through 'ensouling' the body of Planet Earth. She was also given the
assistance of a 'Planetary Logos', a highly evolved soul who maintains contact between Her and
all the evolving sentient lifeforms within and on Her surface. This has up to now been the Lord
Sanat Kumara, originally trained for this position on Planet Venus. It is he who has provided the
vital link between Mother Earth and the Mineral, Plant, Animal and Human Kingdoms up to the
present. However, he himself will be shortly moving up to even higher service at the coming end
of the present Great Cosmic Cycle.
"That Being whom you know as Mother Earth, the Goddess Gaia is a very powerful Being,
possessing profound wisdom and power. By the invocation of a single word she can transform
the whole nature of her being. Although she has released partial dominion on her surface to
Humanity as Planetary Guardians of the mineral, plant and animal life so that Humanity may
learn therefrom, ultimately Gaia controls the planet and the nature of what manifests on its
surface. Nature is her nature.
This planet is now approaching a time in its evolutionary cycle when it will change dramatically,
rather like a snake throwing off its old skin. Every so many thousands of years, no matter
whether Humanity is incarnated on Earth or not, this planet goes through a metamorphic change
as part of its natural cycle. As our physical bodies replace themselves every seven years, so does
the planet's body. This is essential for the planet in order to preserve the creative, the
reproductive nature of its being. So at its appointed time the planet goes through a cycle of
transformation. This necessarily involves major movement of the planet's landmasses, movement
of the waters, and the restructuring of the matter of the Earth."
The need for a thorough cleansing of Planet Earth at this time is more than a matter of regular
end-of-cycle procedure, however.
Planet Earth has served as host to the younger souls and also the more aggresive and destructive
souls for at least twenty six million years. It has become well-known within our Galaxy as a
place of learning particularly hard lessons and for resolving the aggressive and destructive
tendencies of those who have not developed their heart-centers of caring and love. Many
throughout our Universe have therefore come or been placed here in order to work out their
aggressive and destructive tendencies through the outworkings of the Law of Karma. The Earth
has also up to now acted as an early Evolutionary School for a large population of relatively
'young' Human souls. Many come here to learn some of their first and most fundamental
evolutionary lessons as a consciously evolving Human. Here they are learning to discriminate
between good and evil, and more importantly, to develop, over time, a respect for the sanctity of
all other evolving life. It has been painfully evident that within the less developed countries of
the world, however kindly and friendly many of the people may appear to be when things are
going well, they very rapidly descend to terrible atrocities and killing when times get difficult.
As a result of all this learning activity of a somewhat negative nature, a gradual accumulation of
a 'black cloud' of negative thought has developed in the spiritual ethers around Earth. This dark
cloud is clearly visible to spiritual plane Beings and higher-vibration visitors from other planets
and worlds.
"Before the New Age can begin on Earth, our Planet will be rewarded for its years of service at
the lowest level by undergoing a thorough cleansing of its surface, removing and neutralizing our
cumulative environmental damage and the dark cloud of accumulated negative thought which
now surrounds us.
The physical manifestation of this great cleansing will be precipitated by a tilting of the Earth's
axis resulting in the Planet being literally 'shaken up'. This will cause an expansion of her
molecules to a more tenuous, less dense aggregation, thus allowing a higher vibration rate.
The cause of the destruction that shall come upon the Earth is from man's own thinking. The
Elements! They are intelligent life! They are part of the Infinite One, and because they are part of
the Infinite One they will not respond to man's negative thinking any longer. And they will rebel,
causing great tidal waves and great winds."
[The Master SANAT KUMARA, channeled by Brother Philip in "Secret of the Andes" - Leaves
of Grass Press, NOVATO California]
"The Mineral Kingdom is under the control of Humanity. Humanity influences the Mineral
Kingdom by its own thought-forms, by its own patterns of behaviour. Humanity can, and must,
co-operate with that Kingdom if it is to continue on its evolutionary path on the planet Earth, but
for so long has the Mineral Kingdom been abused and vandalized by Humanity in order to serve
its own ends, no matter what the cost to the Mineral Kingdom, that this co-operation has broken
down. It is because of this that Humanity now approaches a time of planetary transformation,
when the minerals of the planet will move, will vibrate to a different note. If Humanity does not
change to that note, does not recognize it, then it will perish.
So be aware that this moment of rebirth is coming. The timing and the nature of the changes are
known only to God. Whilst Humanity can, and will influence these changes, it can not and will
not prevent their happening. The test for Humanity lies in its acceptance of the Earth changes as
a natural and necessary happening, as an event which it has chosen to experience."
Because Planet Earth has largely performed the role as a 'sacrificial host' to the less evolved and
more aggressive/destructive types of Human evolution, she has as a consequence suffered
considerable physical abuse and pollution to her body. Further evidence of Planet Earth's great
sacrifice is offered in this beautiful testimony by a high Angelic Being, Elouai:
"Greetings to you, my beloveds. I am Elouai and I am a builder. I am not upon your Human line
of evolution, but I am not one of what you call the Nature Forces. I stand with a company of
others outside your planet. I am not a space Being from another planet. My home is within the
higher dimensional vibrations of space. I want to communicate to you what we feel about your
Earth and your work. My companions and I are among those who dwelt in space and were
brought here long ages ago as companions of the Solar Logos who created this solar system.
We are builders within his solar realm. Every planet that is formed is in a dynamic state of life
and of growth, drawing to itself the substances of nourishment and releasing that which it cannot
assimilate. Thus, there are those forms and manifestations of energy in creation which are the
unused, unintegrated, unresolved and untransmuted results of the creative process.
As in all living systems, until perfection and complete wholeness are achieved, there are in the
body of the Solar Logos, which is the Solar System and all its planets on all their levels of being,
those forces and energies which correspond to waste material. These must be transmuted and
reintegrated into the cycle of life as raw material for future creativity. In the evolutionary
movement forward through time, this residue which is left behind must be gathered up and
purified, and then returned to the Creative cycle; it cannot be allowed to accumulate or to express
itself within the evolving body as centres of unintegrated and separate energies existing out of
timing and out of place, hence becoming sources of evil.
Please understand that for various reasons, Earth was set aside for the special task of being the
'purifier' for your solar system for a period of time. Hence, there were attracted to your world
those elements which I have mentioned of unresolved, unintegrated matter, energy and life to be
harnessed into the denser nature of material form. Left in their exposed state, these energies had
the power to impact harmfully upon the sensitive fabric of the Solar Being and upon the other
planets and their life-forms, being like a toxin within the systems of your own bodies.
However, by being encapsulated into dense matter within the body of Earth, their vibrations
could be slowed down and shielded from the body of the whole until these energies could be
purified and reintegrated harmoniously and in love into the whole. As this was done, the purifiers
and redeemers came to Earth as well as those who will yet be purifiers and redeemers in
destinies yet unperceived and perhaps undreamed of by you. Earth became a schoolhouse in the
experiences of confronting and resolving the challenges of primitive creativity and evolution.
Your planet became an arena for the interplay of the forces of evolution on many levels and the
forces of non-integrated life and energy from many sources, some quite primitive and others
more evolved, but all within a sidetrack of evolution that placed these energies outside the
communion of the whole. Thus, Earth became analogous to a kidney in the body of the solar
system, regulating and transmuting the energies throughout the system, removing impurities and
returning to the body of the whole only what is harmonious and integrated with the progressive
evolution of the whole. Beings who had become tainted with energies of retrogressive evolution
or devolution would come to Earth to be cleansed and reunited with the whole.
In this fashion, your planet has performed a tremendous service to all lifestreams and all
planetary systems within the solar family, enabling them to continue their patterns of
development with greater ease.
No planet or Being is asked to perform such a transmutative and sacrificial task endlessly, nor is
it allowed to do so. The time must come when it takes up its own pattern of growth, new service
and development. Now Earth seeks and is given Her redemption in a vast initiatory process
occurring throughout the total body and life of the Solar Father. We who have associated with
Earth since Her inception, now look upon this time as one of beauty without measure, joy
without comparison.
Those forms which still remain within unregenerated aspects of primitive and separative
expression will be lovingly removed, with respect for their essential Divine nature, to other areas
which have newly taken on the transmutative function. Now a vast work of purification is upon
us to cleanse and beautify Earth as one would beautify and enrobe a bride before her marriage; in
this fashion we greet Earth in Her time of great joy and accomplishment. This event seeks its
expression through your hearts and minds and your dedication.
Earth will always remain a place of special strength and contribution. Now she must progress
with Her own evolution more rapidly than She could do if She remained within the service of
transmutation. Because of this, you now see a great flood of population incarnating in order to
take this opportunity for purification that they may maintain their link with solar evolution;
otherwise they must sleep the long sleep to be reawakened in a future time in a future land."
[ELOUAI, an Angelic Being channeled on 21st June 1970 in 'Links With Space', published 1970
by Findhorn Press, Findhorn, Forres, Scotland]
Those who continue to reject the idea of the need to renew Earth and her present Human
civilization, should perhaps themselves question whether in fact our present life, with its
sprawling Human development across the surface, the serious planetary pollution, as well as the
poverty and starvation and constant wars are really so worthy of preservation as they presently
stand. On higher levels, the Ascension of Humanity and the rejuvenation of Planet Earth,
regarded as one of the most naturally beautiful planets within our Galaxy, is in fact seen as a
coming event of great joy.
"The Earth is a beautiful world, vastly more beautiful than some of its neighbours. I have always
loved the Earth beyond all other creations, for I see within it a melody that has not yet escaped
into the ethers. I see it crying as one bound! But it shall not be deprived its Celestial Song much
[The Master SANAT KUMARA, channeled by Brother Philip in Secret of the Andes - Leaves of
Grass Press, NOVATO California ]
Return to contents
Chapter Fifthteen
The Planetary Being known as Gaia/Mother Earth, having reached a certain point of major
change in her development, now awaits her initiation to the Fifth Dimensional Plane, held back
only by the slowness of her surface Humanity to raise its own vibration rates and consciousness
The Ascended Master, Kut Humi (Koothumi), a member of Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy:
"To understand why Earth is in its present turmoil, we must flash back in time to the great
civilization of Atlantis. Oh Yes; Atlantis really existed! Not as a figment of science fiction, but
as a tangible civilization in Earth's past history.
In Atlantis, Man had advanced to a remarkable degree of control and understanding of this third
dimensional environment, and was at a point where he could have led Earth and its inhabitants
into the fourth dimensional experience of physical-spiritual growth. Instead, some who possessed
advanced knowledge began to abuse and pervert this knowledge by enslaving other men, and by
misusing their spiritual powers in various other ways. When this abuse of spiritual power became
too widespread, it set into motion certain karmic forces which resulted in the eventual
disintegration and destruction of the civilization. This destruction did not occur in one giant
cataclysm, as may be commonly supposed. Rather, it occurred as a process of decline that lasted
over thousands of years.
During this period of degeneration, the continent gradually broke apart and yielded its major
portions to the Atlantic ocean. Over a period of time, the inhabitants of this once great
civilization migrated to various parts of Earth, taking with them the remembered skills and
technologies, resulting in the archeological wonders that fascinate us today. Modern archeology
is for the most part at a loss to explain such evidences as still exist in Central and South America,
in England and Egypt and elsewhere around Earth. Eventually the memory of the glorious
civilization that once existed faded entirely, except in the awareness of the adepts who possessed
the arcanum, and in the subconscious minds of former Atlanteans.
What has all of this to do with the unfolding Divine Plan? Just this: Atlantis was not the only
great civilization that has evolved on Earth. There have been others lost to antiquity, such as
Lemuria. Each time that mankind has advanced to the level of a Lemuria or an Atlantis, it has
had within its reach the opportunity to raise Earth's level of consciousness to fourth dimensional
awareness and it has failed. Each failure was due to the misuse of spiritual powers.
In the past, this could be condoned because there was still another chance. Now, however, we
have reached a point in Earth's history and in Galactic evolution where the transition into fourth
and fifth dimensional consciousness must be made.
Man is now being made aware of certain galactic facts of universal, immortal life. As you know,
our Solar System is a part of the Milky Way Galaxy. Our Solar System revolves around the
Great Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy in an orbit that takes 206 million years, as you
calculate time. Let us refer to this revolution of our Solar System around the Galaxy as the Great
Cycle Orbit. Our Solar System was created over four and a half billion years ago. This
corresponds to 22 Great Cycle Orbits of our Solar System around the Great Central Sun of the
Galaxy. In the Will of Divine Mind, as communicated to the Spiritual Hierarchy of our Solar
System, this completes the time cycle in which our entire Solar System is to remain in its present
state of evolution. As the Aquarian Age dawns, we begin to move into a new orbit around the
Great Central Sun, and to move into a new vibration where no expression below the fourth
dimension can continue to exist on Earth.
Man first began to experience life in our Solar System 206 million years ago, at the beginning of
the present Great Cycle Orbit. The Divine Plan is for all Human life within our Solar System to
achieve at least the awareness of cosmic consciousness by the end of this orbit, which is reaching
its conclusion now with the end of the Piscean Age. This means that Man of Earth must
immediately become aware of what cosmic consciousness is and take the necessary steps to raise
his individual level of consciousness to that state of awareness. Failure to do so will result in
temporary self destruction! Man of Earth, in his present state, simply cannot tolerate the new
incoming vibration.
Within this Great Cycle Orbit, there have been a number of lesser cycles. When the Atlantean
civilization failed to reach its development potential, this left only the 26,000 year cycle of the
Zodiac to complete the Plan. As the present Piscean Age draws to a close, this 26,000 year cycle,
concurrently with the Great Cycle Orbit, comes to an end.
At this moment, planet Earth is the only planet in our Solar System where man has not yet
reached the cosmic level of awareness. This level of consciousness must now be rapidly attained
in order to fulfill the Divine Plan."
[The Ascended Master KUT HUMI, channeled by Joseph Whitfield in 'The Treasure of El
Dorado', published 1977 by Treasure Publications, P.O. Box 3300, Roanoke, Virginia 24015-
1300, USA. ISBN 0-912119-02-0. ]
[Kuthumi is Earth Chohan (Director) of the Second Ray of the Seven Rays of Service. The
Second Ray is the Yellow Ray of Intellect and Science, concerned with Mind and Intelligence in
the intellectual understanding of Divine Laws. His previous Earth incarnations were as:
Aristotle; John the Beloved; Lao-Tze (China, 6th century B.C.); Theodosius (Emperor of Rome,
4th Century A.D.); St. Columba (known as the Apostle of Caledonia, who helped to convert
Scotland to Christianity, 5th century A.D.); St. Francis of Assisi (Italy 12-13th century A.D.,
founder of the Franciscan Order) and Leonardo da Vinci (Italian painter, sculptor, architect,
engineer and scientist, 15-16th century A.D.]
"Our entire Solar System is now coming into the great initiation....The Earth shall be surrounded
by a golden corona. It is stepping into a higher rate of vibration. You are going from a third
density, through the fourth to a fifth density world. This must necessarily take place as you pass
through the heart of the great 'Cosmic Cloud'. And then shall the prophecies, as recorded by Joel
and many of the others come true; when the Sun shall turn blood red and the Moon shall be red
as the ruby, and the day shall be gone and it shall be dark upon the Earth for a period of two
weeks. There shall be much confusion. And the oxygen will be reduced upon the Earth for a
short period, followed by periods of great moisture, baking heat and parched areas alternating
with great moisture. Almost everything upon the face of the Earth will be destroyed.
We are now on the border of this great initiation, we are heading closer and closer to its centre
and fulfilment. That is why Christ returns to the Earth: because always the great Master of a solar
system incarnates and gives aid to the planet which is lowest in progression in that system.
Yes, those who say catastrophe comes are true; they speak with truth; but the Earth will not end.
It shall become new, as it is written. It does not say the world will end. It says there shall be a
new Heaven and a new Earth; not a new Earth through the destruction of the old, but a new Earth
- the old made new."
[The Master SANAT KUMARA, channeled by Brother Philip in Secret of the Andes - Leaves of
Grass Press, NOVATO California ]
The incarnation of the Master Sananda as Jesus of Palestine marked the two-thousand year
approach to the Biblical 'Final Day of Judgment', also known as the 'Second Coming of The
Christ'. Jesus-Sananda, whose many incarnations on Earth have included Sananda as a great
spiritual leader at the time of the original Etheric civilization on Earth of the 'ELs' or Elder Race
(the Cains and Abels) over 26 million years ago, and much later as Jesus of Palestine, presently
holds office for a second time on our Earth plane as World Teacher and embodiment of The
"I speak in the name of Jesus, Lord of this World and of all which concerns this Earth sphere. I
am he who is known as the Christ, and through this Channel announce my coming unto Earth
once more. It is my intention that all who know and believe in this shall see and shall welcome it
in the flesh. I have not come again before this present time, for man was not ready to receive his
Our Lord and Master of this Universe, known as Lord Michael (Archangel Michael), and he who
is my Master Teacher, Lord Maitreya, are conversant with and in command over all universal
laws and material laws physical to those particular dimensions...
You have been alerted to these days and these times in the last two thousand years, since the
resurrection of my body and my personality. In that time and in that consequence I never have
ceased to work continuously in the efforts to bring forth this Second-Coming announcement. In
the days ahead we prepare all for it; one here and another there, many, crying out the word and
the announcement...
I now enact the role given unto me throughout the ages: to be your way-shower, to be your
Prince, to be the Lord of the World and all that involves the Earth planet...
I am Sananda of the Hierarchal Board, known on Earth through my last incarnational frequency
as Jesus the Christ, Lord of this World and of the planet known as Earth."
[Channeled by Nada-Yolanda in "MAPP* to Aquarius: Mark Age Period & Program" - Mark-
Age, Inc., P.O. Box 10, Pioneer, Tennessee 37847, USA ]
Since Planet Earth by the start of the Aquarian 'New Age' in 2012 will haved moved up to the
fifth-dimension along with our neighboring planets, we shall no longer be separated from them
on a consciousness level, or through the restrictions of our present surrounding 'Veil of
Forgetfulness'. We will have regained our "Full Consciousness", able to view life from a much
more objective standpoint. We shall be able to communicate with other planets and higher
spiritual worlds and also review our past lives from the Akashic Records, able to view all the
future probabilities and consequences of our present actions.
"As the Universe, as your world moves forward through fourth density, into a higher frequency,
physical density becomes less dense: that which is of lesser density. Higher frequency becomes
more and more light, so that in the transition of the Earth - in that higher frequency - every atom
and molecule will have a lighter density and will indeed create light within it. That is not only for
Humans, but also for the flora and fauna and for your whole planet. As it changes resonance to
the higher frequency, it becomes lighter and lighter.
[The Master P'TAAH, channeled by Jani King in "An Act of Faith" - Triad Publishers Pty. Ltd.,
Cairns, Queensland, Australia – 1991]
"The great Beings who govern matter through their knowledge of Infinite Law are trying to
quicken the vibration of the Earth, to bring into operation a quicker and a higher frequency. In so
doing there is what appears to Man to be confusion and disruption, for he is held between the
sluggishness of his own body, caused by his past behaviour, and the attempt by the Lords of the
Planet to bring him into a higher frequency of consciousness
These great Beings are intervening so that Man shall not be destroyed, for within his body there
is the great atomic structure of the Cosmos, and in his sluggishness, when that moment arrives,
and it will, when the Earth uprights on its axis, if this outer quickening had not been put into
motion, then the atomic structure of which Man is built would explode, because the force of the
uprighting will bring into operation a great atomic expansion of the planet.
I will not go into the molecular structure and describe the behaviour of the atoms at that moment
of change, but due to changes in pressure there will be a great transformation of the Earth's
structure. There will be great devastation all over the Earth. It has, of course, happened before.
You may read in the literature of ancient Man, and in the Bible, of similar occurrences.
The cataclysm, which you would call a catastrophe, is really not a catastrophe: it is a step
forward in the evolution of the Earth. Remember, that to die is not a finality, and that those who
do die in the cataclysm to come will experience an increase in their consciousness, for in that
moment of death they will learn.
Leading up to this event there will be much disharmony and destruction as the vibratory rate of
the Earth is quickened. This will occur before the great uprighting of the Earth on its axis which
will take place around the end of this century."
The many messages and prophecies from the Masters on Higher Spheres repeatedly confirm that
the Earth Changes have not only long been scheduled as part of a 'Higher Plan', but that
Humanity must now rapidly resolve and transmute all its past karmaic baggage and be ready to
flow forwards with the Great Divine Plan towards Ascension.
"To you, perhaps, the concept of Armageddon is frightening. It signifies the release of energies
beyond the control of Humanity, but if Humanity did but know it, it rarely controls its own
environment. Because of its great intellectual progress Humanity has been led into believing that
it is the master of its fate, that it is the master of the physical World, that Humanity alone decides
the path on which it walks. But those of you who are aware of the God in all things, who
recognize that the Divine Plan alone manifests on this Earth, know in your heart that the Cycle
which is now beginning was planned aeons of time ago. It has been seen on other levels and has
been prophesied by many Beings. It is a necessary path of evolution for this Earth. You are here,
therefore, as witnesses to that path of evolution. Within your innermost being is the knowledge
of what is to come. It may not be with you on a conscious level, on a level which you can pull
down into everyday physical reality, but within your heart is the knowledge of what is to come
and the part that you must play in it."
Return to contents
Chapter Sixteen:
The 'Day of Judgment' is traditionally a time at the end of a particular phase of planetary
evolution when an assessment of each and every Soul's attainment is made to determine those
who are able to join the move up to a higher plane, and those who must start again elsewhere at
the beginning of that phase in order to re-attempt the lessons they have failed to master.
There are practical reasons for this assessment. Those whose vibration rates are below a certain
level, reflecting a lack of evolutionary progress, will not be able comfortably to make the
transition to the higher vibrational dimensions. They would find the intense vibrational light-
energy of the Higher Spheres quite painful to them. They would also find themselves deprived of
the opportunity to express the many lower instincts and emotions which they have not as yet
fully mastered; they would simply not feel at all at home in such an elevated world of increased
strictures and refined sensibilities.
All the Masters and Guides communicating at this time therefore stress the present urgency for
us to pass this final test as soon as possible, whilst we still have the opportunity left within the
remaining testing environment of the dense Earth physical plane. The dense physical plane of
Earth is about to be gone forever; it is only at this dense physical level that we can make such
rapid progress in resolving and transmuting our past karma. By contrast, when we reside on
higher spiritual planes, we live in such a relatively perfect and peaceful environment that many
of the more backward characteristics within our make-up cannot be expressed and resolved. If on
the other hand, we do manage to tackle and master the tests we have set ourselves down here
within the short time-frame left upon the present third-dimensional Earth, we shall make some of
the greatest advances within our millions of years of evolutionary development.
For those whose destiny hangs in the balance, between Ascension and starting all over again, an
eleventh-hour effort to reform and learn essential lessons can yet turn the scales. This time of
Tribulation is a 'Dividing of the Ways', the 'sorting of the wheat from the chaff'. Especially on
this Planet, endowed as we are with a full expression of free will, every individual has the
opportunity to make those significant choices moment by moment. Indeed in this present period
of resolution, the many opportunities for choice will be multiplied and magnified by the
increased Light-force energies now being beamed down to Earth by the Spiritual Hierarchy.
The Master Hilarion, an Ascended Master from Planet Earth and a member of Earth's Planetary
Hierarchy, makes this comment on the 'Tribulation' and the opportunities for Mankind:
"The Tribulation that has been planned for many thousands of years is descending upon the
Earth. It will be recognized early by some who have remained aware of the Higher truths, but
most will fail to see that the Last Days are upon them until near the end of the time of trial.
We have previously spoken of the arrangement for Humanity by which rebirth and karma were
to allow individual souls to learn the main spiritual lessons and to settle the debts incurred when
that learning process led to the harming of others. It was thought at first that this great Plan
would permit virtually all of Mankind to achieve the basic goal, which was to escape by its own
But this hope was not realized. The temptation of Man's own base nature and the whisperings of
the forces dedicated to his destruction proved, again and again, too strong for many souls whose
resolve and whose spiritual sight were not sufficiently developed.
For this reason a new Plan was devised in order to allow for all those whose steps had faltered, a
final chance to gain the goal that had been set for Man. This Plan was laid some twelve thousand
years before the present, at about the time that the great continent of Atlantis sank to its final
destruction beneath the waves of the Atlantic Ocean. All of the details of the new Plan were
carefully worked out at its inception and have not been changed in any important degree since
that time.
One of the most important components of the 'Tribulation' was the necessity that all those who
appeared unlikely to have reached the required level by the end of the rebirth arrangement were
to be given the chance to make the right choice during the period in question. At the inception of
the plan for the Tribulation, it was not known and could not be foreseen exactly how many souls
this necessity would apply to. But as the millennia passed and the time draws near, it became
clear that a number in excess of four billion souls would require this last desperate chance to
succeed where before they had failed.
Prior to the passage of the Earth through the 'cloud' in space, a sign will appear in the sky, to
indicate to those who have realized the truth, that the last days have come. This is the sign of the
Son of Man spoken of in the Scriptures. Those who fail to understand and heed the meaning of
the signs in the heavens will not be able to escape the final, dreadful weeks and months of the
Tribulation by a subsequent change of heart. All of those who earnestly and with the whole heart
change their old sinful ways and take up the cross of service and dedication to their fellow man
will become entitled to what the Scriptures call the 'Rapture'.
The Rapture is essentially an escape from the horrors of the Tribulation, to a place of safety
where those who have assembled there can work and learn in order to prepare themselves for the
great task of reconstruction which will begin literally minutes after the Day of Wrath has
[The Master HILARION, channeled by Maurice B. Cooke in 'The Nature of Reality'. First
published 1979. Marcus Books, Queensville, Ontario, Canada]
"Now for this day are they being prepared, when each and every one shall be put into another
place, that which is prepared for them. Some shall be freed from all darkness; these shall be free
to go and come throughout the Galaxy, and they shall know no barrier. Others shall be put into a
place wherein they shall till the soil with their bare hands; they shall have no implements, they
shall have no tools, no machines. They shall have no memory of their past, of their science or of
their fortune of the past. Such shall be the destiny of them which betray themselves."
[The Master EFI of Mars, channeled by Sister Thedra in "Prophecies for Tiahunaco" -The
Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara, Sedona, Arizona, USA ]
Those who fail this End Cycle of Resolution and Self-judgment, will feel the need to start over
again on another third-dimensional planet in another solar system. Some particularly heartless
and destructive souls may even find that their soul/spirit requires a return to a yet lower level, to
start again in the second-dimensional world of the Mineral Kingdom. This is not a punishment, it
is simply an objective reflection by your higher Spirit/Soul of the fact that your lower
personality-self would not be able to function at the new higher vibration rates. These Souls find
that they need once again to try to learn to become less ego-centered, to rise above the narrow
view of self-interest and the easy and naturally come-by path of taking what is not yours from
others. They have to learn to give in return as much as they are given. They will in future learn
the joys of living in a cooperative world, of respecting and caring for others, of peace, goodwill,
and of expressing unconditional love to all life forms.
The Christ:
"Whatever form the healing of the human world takes during these next few years, know that it
is for the good of all. Do not be concerned with the fate of those who reject my Spirit. Their story
is far from over. I am caring for each one in the manner of his or her greatest need. The Human
world is in good hands. When you and much of Earth's present biological life have been
sprinkled throughout the stars, and the oceans have changed places with the land, after the poles
have shifted and new mountains have come to look over the plains, then will the truly slow-
learners be recalled from the Mineral Realms where they shall slumber, to learn of intelligence
again, and to come again to choose between love and fear."
The time of Tribulation is a Parting of the Ways. Those who choose to do so should familiarize
themselves with the circumstances and the issues involved, with a view to making a personal
assessment of their conduct and such modifications as are necessary to facilitate a 'lightening'
and a widening of their consciousness. This is easily said, but it demands self-sacrifice and self-
discipline. And at this significant time, in particular, the temptations of pursuing a course of
exclusive self-interest are magnified by the Forces of Darkness who wish to delay or prevent our
"It is inevitable, at such a critical time in the Earth's evolution, that the Forces of Darkness
should be present just as much as the Forces of Light. The Forces of Darkness would like
nothing better at this time than to subvert the path of the Aquarian cycle, for this cycle is
destined to be the greatest cycle in Humanity's evolutionary path.
For every side or opinion that is present there will be another side or opinion to oppose it. This
therefore requires that you exercise the great gift of discrimination. It is how you choose, and
your motivation for choosing, that in essence represents the sorting of the 'wheat from the chaff'.
There will be many who will follow the path of evil, but remember that you can walk to the gates
of Hell and still turn back. You follow a path only for as long as you wish to. There will be much
suffering in the World but no more than Humanity can bear and understand. Many, for instance,
will not be touched by the plagues that are predicted to come."
Clearly one of the predicted 'plagues' testing Humanity at this time is the one now known as
'Aids'. It is almost unique in that, with few and rare exceptions, it can either be contracted or
avoided by 'conscious' action:
"Aids is the first of the seven plagues from which Humanity will suffer. Now you must
understand that the purpose of disease is not to punish: it is to bring about transformation.
Disease is a great tool of evolution and all disease should be seen in this way. Aids, of course, is
a disease which is usually transmitted sexually. The greatest disease of the Human Race today is
its abuse of sexuality. With Aids, therefore, you have a disease which demands sexual
responsibility. Aids can be likened to a genetic time bomb, because ultimately only the pure in
body, mind and spirit will survive it.
The sexual act should not be regarded as an act of self-centered pleasure, but rather as an act of
Cosmic creation. If you live a life of sexual purity you will not be touched by Aids. If you are
pure in body, mind and spirit you will not be touched by much of what is to walk the face of this
Earth. This is indeed the beginning of the sorting of the 'wheat from the chaff'. It would be true to
say that in the New Age it will only be the pure of spirit, the pure of mind and the pure of body
that will inherit the Earth."
It often seems at this present time that discipline in personal conduct is frowned upon. Yet it is
perhaps now, as never before, that we should once again be guided by, and make every attempt
to follow, the traditional old-fashioned ideals of 'Right Conduct', not only in treating our own
bodies correctly, but of respecting the rights of others and the environment .
"And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be so overcharged with surfeiting, and
drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that day comes upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it
come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole Earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always,
that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand
before the Son of man." Luke 21: 34-36
While 'surfeiting and drunkenness' are clearly to be avoided by those genuinely seeking to follow
higher principles of conduct, there are more subtle ways in which we should seek self-
improvement. In our 'civilized' world during recent times, the aggression used by those who are
self-seekers has become subtler; but it remains aggression nonetheless:
"Survival into the Third Millennium is reserved for the spiritually fit. The key to survival is not
competition, but cooperation. Spiritual fitness is not aggression, it is fitting in with the purposes
of the Earth and with the purposes of her Creator as these larger purposes blend in human
At this important time of self-examination, the Ascended Master Saint Germain, a member of
Earth's Hierarchy, recommends the practice of meditation (or communing within yourself),
through which one can develop a mental calm and an openness to communication from one's
Higher Self.
"I would like to suggest that meditation is very important for you at this time. Meditation is how
you will gain mastery, the self-mastery and the focus that is required to go into your next phase.
Meditation is how you will create the space between your limited ego-self and your deeper
expression. You will put a little bit of distance between you and the ego so that your reactions
will not be so automatic with regard to responding to negativity. All of you are experiencing
much of the density of the Earth in your daily life. But, if you can meditate you will not feel the
effect of it in the same way. You will have more of an overview, so that when those emanations
or impressions come to you, you can choose consciously and wisely in each moment how to
[The Master ST. GERMAIN, channeled by Eric Klein in "The Inner Door", Vol.2 - Oughten
House Publications, Livermore, California, USA]
Meditation, however, is not necessarily something that requires a lot of intense training, sitting
for hours in the 'lotus position'. The Masters have stressed that there are over a thousand different
'paths' to meditation, and that one can just as easily 'meditate' by walking and thinking in the
quiet of nature. Essentially what one is doing, is looking 'inward' to contact the inner voice or
Higher Self, wherein, it is said, all the wisdom of the Universe is available.
The Master Saint Germain also stresses the importance of forgiveness. The significance of
forgiveness is that in forgiving an insult or an act of aggression, the momentum of the act is
thereby nullified; when we fail to forgive we perpetuate the act through a continuing stream of
vengeance, so its evil effects are 'passed on', propagated and nurtured. Through forgiveness the
totality of evil in the world can be progressively diminished.
"By forgiveness you can avoid the creation of any more negativity. You can 'let the buck stop'
where it is, instead of passing it on as so many have done for so long in this world.
When someone expresses anger towards you, the tendency of the ego is to respond in the same
way. And even if your ego is not at that moment responding in the same way to that particular
person, perhaps it will await a perfect opportunity to respond that way to another, in an attempt
to clear itself of these impressions. This is why the negativity on the Earth has become so dense.
Humanity has continued to pass it around, to propagate it, so to speak. And the goal of mastery
is, of course, to master this. Master your own creations and emanations so that what comes
through you is love, so that what comes through you is that divine presence that you are. And
that clarity which gives you wisdom to deal with situations, to defuse the reactionary elements of
human life."
[The Master ST. GERMAIN, channeled by Eric Klein in The Inner Door, Vol.2 - Oughten
House Publications, Livermore, California, USA ]
An underlying theme pervading all the warnings of the coming 'Day of Judgment', and all the
accompanying messages of counsel, stresses the need to seek a return to balance and harmony in
our lives, in our relationships with others, with humans, animals, plants and nature as a whole.
We must also develop an intunement and sense of balance and harmony in the relationships
between our 'two' selves, our Earthly Self and our Higher Self, so that we in our Earthly
incarnations are living in a manner which causes no conflict with the 'ideal' as seen by our
Higher Selves and Guides. Only in this way can we comfortably by-pass the 'Tribulations' which
will shortly be upon us.
"If you yourself are living in balance and harmony, you can survive any physical challenge.
Though you work in a room full of diseased people, you will not be touched by any disease.
Though you are shot at by many guns, you will not be hit. Though you are thrown into the sea
when a ship sinks and many drown, you will be saved. For those who live in peace, that is,
obeying God's Natural Order, there is total protection. Those who follow God's Natural Order
will find their own lives in order. For those who trust in their Creator, there can be no fear."
"You see, dear one, if you are not in fear of what is to come, and know that you live in a perfectly
safe universe, it is merely to live constantly in the 'moment of joy'. To know that you will, of
course, be safe, that you will survive. It is your reality. You create it. If you are living in an area,
for instance, which may be subject to a very sudden Earth change, and you are living in joy, and
not in fear, then on that day, beloved, you will be away visiting your mother. You see, it is you
who create the reality."
[The Master P'TAAH of the Pleiades, channeled by Jani King in The P'taah Tapes:
Transformation of the Species - Triad Publishers Pty. Ltd., Cairns, Queensland, Australia ]
Return to contents
Chapter Seventeen:
Many of those who are unfamiliar with predictions of Earth Changes will nonetheless be aware
of much reported UFO, or 'flying saucer' activity around Earth. Indeed, even though the
Government continues to deny their existence, UFOs are now accepted by over half the
population of the USA. Over 10,000 sightings are reported annually around the world.
All of this UFO activity has three main purposes. One is an on-going program by our Space
Brothers of monitoring, and action where necessary, to preserve peace and stability within and
without our Solar System. The second related in the past to the particular dangers of the post
World War II period and the many nuclear explosions and experiments on Earth. The third, and
most important, of their ongoing programs relates to preparations for the coming Earth Changes
at the end of this Millennium.
Most of these interplanetary visitors are Members of a Galactic Federation of Light composed of
the various solar systems within our Milky Way Galaxy that follow the path of Light. They have
been opposed over millions of years in galactic wars by a "Dark Allegiance" of non-loving,
negative, destructive "forces of darkness". With the coming of the major Galactic End-Cycles,
this situation is changing as we move towards an era of Galactic Peace. Many of the previously
opposing Forces of Darkness are now coming over to join with the Forces of Light. They have
come to realize that in the long run they are on the losing side of evolution and that this is their
last chance of redemption until the end of the next Cycle. As a result, membership of the
Galactic Federation of Light has recently increased from 100,000 to a total of over 200,000.
There is also an even larger "Intergalactic Union of Free Worlds", which includes Members from
many other Galaxies within our own Universe and other Universes. The function of this
organization is to coordinate and regulate affairs between planets, solar systems and galaxies,
and generally to uphold Universal Law throughout our Universe.
Within our own Solar System, the Galactic Federation is represented locally by an 'Interplanetary
Federation of Planets'. The Interplanetary Council convenes on Saturn with representatives from
all the inhabited planets within our Solar System, with the sole exception of Planet Earth, which
does not have its own Representative. Until Earth is able to join on a conscious level with our
Solar System Federation, Commander Monka of the Ashtar Space Command has been appointed
on our behalf to represent us at their Council Meetings.
Serving and answerable to the Galactic Federation, our Earth Spiritual Hierarchy and our own
Solar System's Interplanetary Solar Federation is the Ashtar Command, an enormous Fleet of
interplanetary space craft on station within our Solar System and drawn from all over the
Universe. They have the responsibility of protecting us from any outside interference;
additionally at this time they are here in large numbers primarily to give assistance in evacuating
Earth when our planetary Changes begin. This locally stationed Interplanetary Force, named
after its Commander, Ashtar, functions on the fifth-dimension vibrational level and is thus
normally invisible to our physical third-dimension sight. Commander Ashtar is well-known
throughout our Universe as a staunch protector of freedom and is a highly evolved Being of strict
and upright military bearing, an important member of many Universal, Galactic and Intergalactic
The Ashtar Command has its Headquarters on one of the largest 'City' mother-ships, the "Shan
Chea". This Mother Ship is over one hundred miles in diameter and due to its enormous size it
remains in a fairly static orbit well away from Earth. It cannot itself approach us too closely as its
enormous size would disrupt our own solar orbit. This Mother Ship, like the hundreds of other
large Mother Ships, has many shuttle or "scout craft" which invisibly monitor our surface and
atmosphere and which can land on our surface when needed. They often make themselves visible
to selected persons by lowering their vibration rate down to our level as a hint of their existance.
They are not at this time permitted to reveal themselves fully to the entire world, as this they
would be consider an undue karmaic intereference and disruption in our everyday evolutionary
development. They will appear fully only as an emergency force when the "Divine Time" has
been set for the major Earth Changes that usher in our Ascension and the regaining of our "Full
Consciousness". Then we shall see a great Armada of scout ships descending from the sky to
evacuate those who are to leave to the safety of the Mother Ships.
Commander Ashtar gives this 'overview' of the Ashtar Command and its work:
"There are millions of craft operating in this solar system at all times and many, many of these
belong to the Ashtar Command. Some are stationed far above your planet and are more or less
stationary for long periods of time, keeping track of the Earth on their monitoring systems.
Others move about, discharging their various duties. We have small craft doing surveying
activities and we have larger craft with extended range that are capable of operating in space
and which visit planets in other solar systems.
We also have what you know as 'Mother Ships' or 'mother craft', with many smaller craft coming
and going from the Mother Ship. There is thus a great deal of activity in what Earthlings think of
as empty space.
Our purpose is service, and we go where we are needed anywhere in this sector of the Galaxy.
Our Headquarters is on one of the largest of the Mother craft, and orders and instructions come
from this craft. It is a city in itself. Most of our people are natives of one or another of the
planets within this solar system, but also we do have those working with us from other solar
systems. Our workers do visit their home planets at various times on what you might call
vacations. Most of us have worked together for a very long time; we are a well-knit
Confederation and feel that we are an effective one."
We also have to be aware, however, that not all 'space ships' making contact with Earth come as
representatives of the Galactic Federation of Light. Commander Korton of the Ashtar
Command, explains:
"There are those who do come, who are not from this Allegiance and who have no part in it.
They come as observers and for their own ends. They are often highly scientific geniuses, and
their material to their contacts can be highly impressive - indeed, almost always is. But they have
come for the purpose of collecting data for their personal ends and not to give of themselves for
the good of the planet. These are not those of what you would call the "Dark Forces", which is
yet of another deeper allegiance.
Now the so-called "Dark Forces" (a balancing agent in the Cosmos) are those of our own
Galaxy who are still openly opposed to the Brotherhood of Light, its principles and standards
and goals for mankind and the planet Earth. They would seize the planet if that were possible, to
control it for their own purposes, which would destroy the freedom of Man. Commander Ashtar
has been one of the most staunch defenders of the freedom of man and his inherent right to
choose, to decide to fashion his own embodiment, without outside pressures put upon him.
The bands of renegades that patrol the terrestrial realms are immediately dispatched to their
proper level when overtaken in trespassing activities within this solar system. The fleets of the
Heavenly Commands are prompt to transport such intruders in masterly fashion."
As a further and important example of its work, the Galactic Federation has since the end of
World War II been greatly concerned for the safety of Planet Earth, and the Ashtar Command
has been active in our protection, though not in this instance from an outside threat, but from an
inside threat.
The development of Earth's experimentation and use of nuclear energy after World War II
caused some grave concern at Interplanetary and Galactic levels. This nuclear threat to Earth and
the surrounding solar system was a major reason why our planet began to experience so many
UFO visitations during the early 1950s. The inhabitants of other solar systems were greatly
concerned at this new and dangerous development by Planet Earth and came into our orbit to
monitor and protect us, as well as themselves, from the results of our destructive capability. If we
had destroyed ourselves, which at one time was a distinct possiblity, it would have had grave
repercussions not only on the orbits of our own Solar System, but of all the other solar systems
and even the stability of the whole Galaxy and the rest of the created Universe.
The Galactic Federation was called upon to counteract the numerous experimental atomic and
hydrogen explosions, both underground and in the atmosphere, with special devices to restore
the orbital stability of our planetary orbit. They were also particularly concerned at our use of the
Hydrogen bomb. They consider hydrogen as a sacred and living substance, the destructive use of
which could not only set alight our entire Solar System, but would have grave destructive
repercussions on the orbits of many adjacent solar systems. In fact as a result of our experimental
atomic and hydrogen explosions, Earth has indeed experienced some minor deviations from her
axis and is in constant grave danger of prematurely tilting her axis completely.
"In the days when men were testing all their nuclear devices in the atmosphere and oceans,
underground and on the surface, throwing caution to the wild winds, throwing Nature into
chaos, very few who walk the Earth-plane at this hour, and at this moment, would have lived to
read this message, had the Brotherhood not acted without fear or hesitation, with no recognition
for the work that was accomplished. Know that billions of your atoms which were thrown into
violent discord in the atmosphere around each of the points of great repulsion, caused an
activated build-up of great danger to your peoples, to your animal and plant life.
From strategic places many small controlled devices (in the form of small remote-controlled
discs and spheres) were dispatched upon their mission to the swirling clouds of discord
billowing outwards as the atoms fought and jostled, each repelling the other in the great release
of power uncontrolled by man, whose folly exceeded expectations.
These small controlled devices (small implosion discs) drew unto themselves the atoms now
discordant to your system and to the harmony of Nature; drew them inward, as a magnet from
the atmosphere around them, to the point of saturation, whence they were withdrawn and
treated, then to be decontaminated."
[Space Commander Alizantil, channeled by Frank Howard in "Journey in Space with Alizantil"
-The Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara, Sedona, Arizona, USA ]
However it is now being confirmed that the need for protection against the dangers both of Earth
nuclear activity and the "Forces of Darkness" is greatly reduced, since both these dangers have
now been substantially neutralized. Currently the main focus of spacecraft activity is on assisting
and participating with us in the evacuation of Humanity when the major Changes commence on
Planet Earth. In this respect, several members of the Ashtar Space Command have made further
comments through channeling by Tuella:
"The Great Evacuation will come upon the world very suddenly. The flash of emergency events
will be as the lightening that flashes in the sky. So sudden and so quick in its happening that it is
over almost before you are aware of its presence. And so it will be when the events that warrant
this action have come to the planet. It is not possible to totally describe these events, but it is
possible to instill at this time into the hearts of Humanity the hope and the knowledge of our
vigilance and emergency actions on their behalf.
Our rescue ships will be able to come in close enough in the twinkling of an eye to set the lifting
beams in operation in a moment. And all over the globe where events warrant it, this will be the
method of evacuation. Mankind will be lifted, levitated shall we say, by the beams from our
smaller ships. [Due to the planetary turbulence at the time, there will be only limited landings –
Tuella] These smaller craft will in turn transport the persons to the larger ships overhead, higher
in the atmosphere, where there is ample space and quarters and supplies for millions of people.
It has been explained to you in the past that there is a certain amount of preparedness necessary
because of exposure to this powerful levitation beam which will be operating in these
circumstances. The frequency of it will be higher than most of your known electrical Earthly
Those of extreme density and extreme selfish dispositions, especially at the expense of others or
causing suffering to others, will find great physical difficulty in surviving in the frequency of our
This is why our messages have been broadcast to mankind over the centuries to lift his own
emanations and vibrations to a status of love and selflessness so that in so doing, a compatibility
of forcefields will make his rescue possible.
Those who have lived closely aligned to the Father's Will in their lives and have let the love of
the Father flow through them, will have no problem with the frequency of the evacuation rays.
For a high state of love in the human heart reacts upon the human forcefield surrounding the
physical form, giving it an electrical sheath of protection and a blending with the incoming
vibrations between now and that time. Indeed, if enough souls could experience perfect love,
there could very well be no need for a removal of Humanity.
There is nothing to be feared in coming into our midst. We are loving, normal persons, as
yourselves, with the attitude of good neighbors and helpers in a time of crisis. We are prepared
with clothing, and your foods, and the needs to which you have accustomed yourselves. We will
not be guards, but friends, and you will enjoy your time with us, especially as you look upon your
planet in its turmoil.
There will be a period of time to be spent with us, for your beautiful Earth must be healed in its
cleansing, and given time to return to its true glory. Then those who have been lifted in the body
will be returned to reconstruct a New World and a New Order of things. As you tarry with us,
you will be given the opportunity to attend classes and training for the work which will need to
be done. You will be given our constant help in doing this; our advice and our technology will be
at the disposal of these returning ones. Many others who have been lifted through natural
transition will be returned in new bodies to participate in the new awakening.
Those who could not participate in the lifting-off rescue will be transported, following their
natural transition, to locations with a vibration and frequency equal to their own, where they
may grow and learn at a pace slower than the new vibration of planet Earth. For the Earth will
be in an accelerated and very high frequency as it finds expression in the Aquarian Age."
Also, on the same theme, another view, this time from Commander Yeorgos:
"We of space have millions of space ships stationed in the skies above your planet, ready to
instantly lift you off at the first warning of your planet's beginning to tilt on its axis. When this
happens, we have only a VERY SHORT PERIOD OF TIME in which to lift you from the surface
before great tidal waves will lash your coastlines - possibly five miles or more high! They will
cover much of your land-masses!
"These tidal waves will unleash great earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and cause your
continents to split and sink in places and cause others to rise.
"We are VERY EXPERIENCED in the evacuation of populations of planets! This is nothing new
for the Galactic Fleet! We expect to complete the evacuation on Earth of the Souls of Light in
fifteen minutes - even though they are of a tremendous number.
"We shall rescue the Souls of Light first. On our great galactic computers we have stored every
thought, every act you have done in this and previous lifetimes. At the first indication of need to
evacuate, our computers will lock onto the location of the Souls of Light where they are at that
"After the Souls of Light have been evacuated, then the CHILDREN will be lifted off. The
children are not old enough to be accountable, so they will be evacuated to special ships to be
cared for until they can be reunited with their parents. There will be people specially trained to
handle their trauma. Many may be put to sleep temporarily, to help them overcome their fear
and anxiety. Our computers are so sophisticated - far beyond anything on Earth in this age - and
can locate mothers and fathers of children wherever they are and notify them of their safety.
Make no mistake – your children shall be lifted to safety during the evacuation.
"After the evacuation of the children, the invitation will be extended to all remaining souls on the
planet to join us. However, this will be for many only a short time; there is no question of not
having enough space on board the ships for you. The atmosphere, by this time, will be full of fire,
flying debris, poisonous smoke, and because the magnetic field of your planet will be disturbed,
we will have to leave your atmosphere very quickly or we, along with our spacecraft, would
"Therefore, he who steps into our levitation beams first will be lifted first. Any hesitation on your
part would mean the end of your third-dimensional existence you call the physical body.
"Which brings us to the most serious and difficult part of the evacuation: As mentioned earlier,
Souls of Light have a higher vibration frequency than those who are more closely 'tied' to the
Earth and its ways.
"Since our levitation beams, which will be lifting you off the surface of the planet, are very close
to the same thing as your electrical charges, those of low vibrational frequency may not be able
to withstand the high frequency of the levitation beams without departing their third-dimensional
bodies. If this happens, then your soul will be released to join our God, the Father. `In His house
are many mansions.'
"If you do not decide to step into the levitation beams to be lifted up, you might be one of the few
who survive the `cleansing' of the planet for the NEW GOLDEN AGE. However, during this
period of cleansing, there will be great changes in climate, changes in land-masses, as the poles
of the planet may have a new orientation. This alone will create untold hardship for the
survivors who may still not make it to the Time of Radiance.
"The most important point for you to remember is this: Any show of fear lowers your frequency
of vibration, thus making you less compatible with our levitation beams!! Therefore: Above all
else, REMAIN CALM. DO NOT PANIC. Know that you are in expert hands, hands which have
extensive experience in evacuation of entire planets! We cannot overemphasize this: REMAIN
"What is to happen to you if you survive the lift off? First you will be taxied to our 'Mother Ships'
anchored high above the planet where you will be taken care of during your great trauma. Some
of you may need medical attention. Our expert medical staff will be there to treat you with our
highly advanced medical equipment. You will be fed and housed until such time as transfer
elsewhere is advisable.
"Some of you will be taken to cities on other planets to be trained in our advanced technology
before being returned to the planet Earth to start the 'Time of Radiance'.
"Your beautiful planet Earth is destined to be the most beautiful star in the Universe. A planet of
Light! Here, you will rejoin the remainder of the Universe in brotherly love and fellowship with
God the Father."
[Channeled by Glenda Stocks, 3 May, 1994, in "Sipapu Odyssey", available from Phoenix
Source Distributors Inc., P.O.Box 27353, Las Vegas, Nevada 89126.]
Commander Aleva of the Spaceship Rrmada, part of the Ashtar Space Command:
"All of you have been encoded. We have monitored many of you so that we would be familiar
with your patterns and life styles to be of help where possible. We are sending our love to you for
we understand and know what you are going through in all of these crises. Most of the coded
Light Servers have already been temporarily brought aboard our ships in their sleep-state. When
you finally arrive through our lifting beams, you will be awakened to this knowledge that you
possess and then you will not feel so strange in these new surroundings.
There will be changes in your lives as you all have missions, and according to these missions
your training will continue so that you can carry them out with a minimum of adjustment. There
are even facilities for your special pets. Yes, we care for pets just as you do. They are helping us
to harmonize with all life forms and as you have discovered, I am sure, that harmonizing with
nature is such a pleasure, and to attune to other life forms is so rewarding.
There are many of us from distant planets that have volunteered for this service, and I am sure
you might be curious to know where we are all from. We volunteered to help those of you on the
Earth plane in your time of crisis. We have studied to be able to communicate with you, studied
your Earth life and hope to be of some help. Many of us have come from far distant galaxies. As
the word went out for volunteers, you would be astonished at the response. There were very few
who, for reasons of family commitments and such, did not respond. Mostly all were anxious to be
of service.
You will not need any garments other than what we provide. We will probably not be able to give
you much warning when the time comes for 'beaming'. As you know, love is the Key in the beam
and everywhere else, so keep it flowing."
[Commander ALEVA, Ashtar Command, channeled by Shalie, May 1988, Cosmic Light
Foundation, Snohomish, WA.]
A further viewpoint is given by the Master Hatonn, a Keeper of the Akashic Records and also
at present a member of the Ashtar Command:
"Each one of your names is written down on the records held in our great data banks. Your
sectors are carefully assigned to certain fleets and Commanders who oversee the needs of your
sector. We know you are there and exactly where you are. Each one of you will without fail
receive definite instructions at the crisis moment so that you will know where to be at a given
time. No one will be missed or overlooked, and your participation is sure. Units of families,
separated in the great exodus, will be brought together again on our ships as soon as events
make this possible. Do not harbor fear of any kind, but think only in an attitude of thankfulness
to our Father.
There will be some you know and whom you love who will be remaining behind for reasons built
into their own being. You must release them into the hands of the Father, who will receive their
spiritual being into His House where there are many mansions. They will be escorted to a place
their inner thoughts and life patterns have created for them, to begin again their upward spiral.
You must accept that their personal choices have created their personal destiny.
There will be a natural missing of accustomed environment, but a brief time with us will bring a
forgetfulness, as you settle into the new routines and surrounding atmosphere. Our ships are
beautiful places to be, and the atmosphere within them is joy and love and concern for one
another. There will be those of your own people, already trained to assist you in your adjustment
to your new environment. We will have trained these beforehand for the work they are to do.
You will recognize and know these Earth teachers as special representatives of our mission, even
before the crisis has come. Follow them and heed their instructions, that all may go smoothly for
you at the time of great confusion.
I am Hatonn, and I shall personally greet all of you when you are lifted into our midst to remain
with us for a little while. When your planet has been healed, you will be returned to it and all of
your needs for reconstruction will be given. Higher Intelligences shall walk with you to assist
you in a speedy reclaiming of the Earth in Universal Love. I am grateful for your consideration
of my words."
[The Master HATONN, channeled by Tuella in "Project: World Evacuation" by the Ashtar
Command - Guardian Action Publications - 1982. Republished 1994 by Inner Light Publications,
New Brunswick NJ, USA.]
Return to contents
Chapter Eighteen:
During the last few years there has been a new and important source of information on the
progress of preparations for our Ascension. This comes from the "Council of Nine" within the
Sirius Star System, the local representative Council of the Galactic Federation of Light for our
sector of the Galaxy. They also communicate on behalf of our Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth. This
information is currently being channeled through Sheldan Nidle on his "Planetary Activation
Organization" Web site [see below for details].
The Galactic Federation of Light is made up of a Galaxy-wide membership within our Milky
Way Galaxy of all those Galactic Star Systems which follow the "Path of Light". This Federation
has until recently been bitterly opposed by an equally strong "Forces of Dark" Allegience, and
for over 200 million years there have been numerous and devastating galactic wars. However,
with the present ending of the 206 million year Galactic Cycle, many of the "Dark Forces" have
come over from what they now perceive as having been the "losing side" of evolution and have
recently joined the "Forces of Light". The Galactic Federation of Light's membership has
therefore increased from its former 100,000 members to now over 200,000, many of these
coming from the opposing Dark Alliance. The Dark Alliance is largely composed of the 'Reptoid
Races' (bipedal reptile beings) and the 'Dinoid Races' (bipedal beings based on dinosaurs) who
originally came from another Galaxy and believed that they had been give a 'Right' from God to
inherit dominance over our Galaxy.
The above source of Galactic Federation information was first brought to the attention of Earth's
spiritual communities in 1994 in the book "You Are Becoming A Galactic Human", by Virginia
Essene and Sheldon Nidle, published by S.E.E. Publishing Company, Santa Clara, California
[ISBN 0-937147-08-7]. Sheldan Nidle (he recently changed his name from Sheldon to Sheldan)
continues to give a bi-weekly communication on behalf of the Galactic Federation and Earth's
Spiritual Hierarchy which he publishes on his "Planetary Activation Organization" Internet Web
site (see Link below, at the end of the quoted texts).
In Sheldan Nidle and Virginia Essenes' book, the Galactic Federation originally made a
prediction in 1994 that the coming process of change for Earth and our Solar System will be set
in motion by our Solar System's entry at the end of 1996 into the outer ring of a huge doughnut-
shaped 'Photon Belt' composed of photon light particles. The effect of these photon particles on
our molecular and electrical systems would be profound and require new technology, which they
promised us would be immediately supplied by the Galactic Federation's scientists.
However, by the end of 1996 'Divine Intervention' appears to have postponed immediate major
Earth changes by arranging for a smaller photon cloud to arrive just ahead of our entry into the
main Photon Belt. The two Belts arrived almost simultaneously at the beginning of January
1997, with the smaller Belt plowing a protective 'tunnel' for our whole Solar System through the
main Photon Belt, thus delaying any immediate electrical and cellular changes affecting Planet
Earth and our neighboring planets.
In the meantime, Gaia/Mother Earth has been anxious to proceed as soon as possible with her
Ascension up to the fifth-dimension as well as to embark on her much-needed surface cleansing.
However, she has for the time being been requested by the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Angelic
Forces to delay her transformational process until a new final 'Divine Time' is set for our Mass-
Ascension. The Spiritual Hierarchy is therefore taking advantage of the delayed time schedule to
make a last determined effort to raise as much of Humanity as possible to higher vibrational
levels through various cellular and DNA adjustments before the final process of Ascension to
"Full Consciousness" is set in motion.
Not only has the Spiritual Hierarchy have been working hard to upgrade our cellular and
physical structures so as to withstand the higher fifth-dimensional frequencies, but they have also
had to contend with the efforts of the "Dark Forces" within our Galaxy to constantly delay the
whole process. The Dark Forces maintain an undercover control of Earth's governments and
financial institutions through a "Secret Government" (also known as the "Illuminati"), first set up
during the time of Atlantis. They increased this indirect control as an aftermath to the "Fall of
Atlantis" over 12,500 years ago, followed by Mankind entering a long Dark Age up to the end of
the Mediaeval Age in more recent times. Over a long period of time, and with the help of
renegade extraterrestrial forces, Earth's "Secret Government" has acquired advanced technology
and established several vast secret underground bases over 150 miles below the surface of Earth.
Hre they have inducted many surface-based Humans into a large genetically-altered underground
group of personnel. After the destruction of Atlantis, Humanity's DNA makeup was also reduced
through genetic experimentation made during the latter days of Atlantis by the Dark Priesthood,
down from 12 strands to the present two DNA strands. As a consequence, we have since that
time only functioned at 10% of our full mental potential. Restoration of our a 12-strand DNA is
one of the first tasks of the Galactic Federation's scientists during this time of Ascension.
The Galactic Federation and Spiritual Hierarchies have until recently not been permitted to
interfere with the Secret Government's operations for karmaic reasons. However, the End-time
for both our and Planet Earth's Ascension is coming to a conclusion, and the Galactic Federation
of Light has now been permitted to hasten the end of the rule of fear imposed for over 12,000
years by the Dark Forces. As part of this process, they have opened some new "Stargates" to
higher Celestial energies, starting on the 21st of March 1999, followed through by even more
major openings during the solar eclipse of August 11th and the period through to August the
18th, 1999. These actions are permitting powerful new Light energies to enter our planet. The
March the 21st 1999 Stargate was specifically used to place an "envelope" of Light particles
around our planet to seal it from the various harmful effects and advanced photonic devices
which had been planned by the Secret Government as part of their last effort to prevent our
Ascension. This sealing process was completed by the Galactic Federation during the period 13th
to 24th April, 1999.
Now that these operations have been concluded, the Galactic Federation and Earth's Spiritual
Hierarchies are continuing with their process of raising Humanity's vibration rate upwaards
through cellular and DNA adjustments. This process will eventually clear the way to allow the
final fulfillment of the Divine Plan for our full Mass Ascension. This event will also allow the
Galactic Federation's first "Open Contact" with us down on Earth's surface.
Due to much of Humanity's excellent progress towards Ascension, a good deal of the long-
predicted catastrophes and turmoil of the "Latter Days" has been modified and lessened. There
will still have to be a final "Cleansing" of physical Earth, but the preliminary effects will now not
be so severe before the advent of our mass evacuation. The long prophesised Earth Changes due
to occur by the end of the previous Millennium has also slipped a year or two. Nevertheless, we
still have to be prepared for these to occur at any time now. The ultimate deadline for Earth's
Ascension has to be fulfilled by the start of the new Aquarian Age in 2012, a time by which
Humanity must move up to a fifth-dimensional Earth. No one, except those Beings at the very
highest levels nearest to the Creator Source, knows the exact date when the final Ascension
process of the Divine Plan is to be implemented on Earth.
Meanwhile, Mother Earth herself, during this extended period of postponed schedules, has been
progressing with her own program of planetary cleansing. A couple of years ago she initiated a
process of raising hot magma from deep in her interior. This was to be one of her prime
instruments of planetary surface change. These large pools of hot magma have now been
collected near the surface crust, ready to trigger the upheavals of the landmasses at the
appropriate given Divine Time. These hot pools of magma, collecting largely under the ocean
beds, were responsible for the unusual warming of the oceans a few years back and the
consequent 'El Niño effect' witnessed around the globe, along with the many violent storms and
unusual weather patterns. Once the magma is finally released, it will be the major element in
setting in motion the long-predicted series of major earthquakes and tilting of Earth's axis. From
this altered centrifugal balance of the surface, will follow the violent storms and major shifting of
continental masses. However, for the moment, as part of a program of delaying these effects until
the collective consciousness of Humanity is more ready for Ascension, Mother Earth has been
given much technical assistance by the Galactic Federation's scientists and the fleets of
spacecraft under the command of Commander Ashtar. This will, for the time being, help prevent,
or at least lessen the strength of, the various earthquakes due to errupt around the world.
The commencement of the final series of major earthquakes has been predicted to first occur
around the 'Pacific Ring of Fire', a volcanic ring bordering the edge of the Pacific Ocean Plate,
which includes Japan and the West Coast of America. This would be followed by further world-
wide earthquakes and major tectonic crust movements in other areas. These great movements of
the land masses will be accompanied by near-supersonic wind storms as well as great floods
caused by over mile-high tidal waves, resulting in a major cleansing of all surface traces of our
present Human civilization.
When these forthcoming events do eventually start to manifest themselves, the Galactic
Federation promise that all will be individually given clear last-minute warnings. Not one
individual will be overlooked and all will be smoothly and effectively evacuated. Those who
have not chosen to ascend to the fifth-dimension at this time will be relocated to another third-
dimension world, most likely in this instance to a third-dimension planet in the Pleiadian Star
We quote below some excerpts, in time sequence, of the many communications regarding
progress towards Ascension given over the last several years jointly by the Galactic Federation
of Light and Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy . These are channeled through Sheldan Nidle on his
'Planetary Activation Organization' Website [You may wish to use the "Link" to his Website at
the conclusion of these extracts to read the full texts and recent backdates]:
May 31, 1997: Your magnificent planet is presently on the threshold of graduating into full
consciousness. On May 29, 1997, the Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy was given a special
disbursement of energies from the highest Spiritual Hierarchies. These energies have permitted
the planet to adjust its rapid birthing movements. The time when planet Earth will graduate into
the upper reaches of the fourth dimension has now been Divinely set. Additionally, Earth's
Spiritual Hierarchy has been commanded to work closely with those Archangels in charge of this
most Divinely-inspired activity: the 'Mass Landings'.
July 19, 1997: Right now, your beloved Planet is prepared to move into full consciousness. The
veil between the third and fourth dimensions is only less than a micron in thickness. Not much
time is left for Earth's graduation. When your beloved Mother Earth graduates, it will arouse its
many tectonic plates with one immense movement. Continents will be transformed in the
twinkling of an eye. The 'lost continents' of Atlantis and Lemuria will be raised from the oceans.
In short, your beloved planet will be drastically transformed. This time, as the various indicators
now state, is drawing very near. Accordingly, we have drawn up complex plans for the mass
evacuations of those areas that will be severely effected by these changes.
August 26, 1997: The original timing of the Plan has now been greatly modified because the
Planet desires you to take the additional time to fully acknowledge Her as your beloved Mother
Earth and to acknowledge the presence of your Galactic Family. When the Divinely set final
time comes to fruition, the first phase of this plan will use a series of volcanic eruptions,
earthquakes and severe wind storms. Those persons caught in the targeted areas must be
evacuated immediately upon receipt of our blessed warnings. In a few selected cases, the special
evacuation 'Action Teams' of the Federation's Mass-landing Fleet will be utilized. Their
appearance will be accompanied by the use of Angels from the local Spiritual Hierarchy and by
the use of special messages and of calming music. During this phase, we have asked the Galactic
Federation to broadcast a special World-wide message that will tell your Planet's most beloved
After the first phase is completed, you will all have become aware of three things. First: that your
planet is swiftly changing and your governments will be largely powerless to help. Second: that
you are not alone in your Galaxy. You have a most diverse crew of Beings who are dedicated to
helping you. Three: that your commitment to Love and to Service (being God's divine tools) is
your saving grace. They are a blessing that is both acknowledged and applauded by all of the
Spiritual Hierarchy. The newly instituted second phase requires that a now modified version of
the original 'Mass Landing' scenario be applied. In both phases, the Earth's incarnated 'Star
Seeds' will be used to aid their fellows in distress. Be prepared to be used yourself in regions
where you reside. Also realize, beloved ones, that you yourself may be part of one of many
evacuation 'Action Teams'. You will be teleported up beforehand and trained as needed. Above
all, please understand that we have previously canvassed each and every one of you at the
Spiritual Plane level for this role. From this former assessment, we have divided each of you into
those ones in 'Grace' and those ones who still have some vital lessons to learn.
The second phase of the Mass Landings will now be done in complete foreknowledge of your
world. Those 'Starseeds' that have not yet been transmuted, will be so transformed. By then, your
surface governments will have been forced to formally acknowledge the Spiritual Hierarchy.
Their acts and scenes in the Cosmic Drama will have come to an end. Your planet will
simultaneously become a Member in the great Galactic Union of Light called the 'Galactic
Federation'. Your many, many millennia of quarantine will be over. Those cities and other
settlements on the surface of planet Earth will be gone in less than two weeks from the start of
phase two.
The Ascension is the main reason for all that is now happening to you. Be aware that you have a
most important lesson to learn. This lesson concerns Compassion and Grace. As you return to
full consciousness, in whatever manner you opt for, please be aware of the use of Divine Grace.
Your restoration is allowed to happen in the way as dictated by your actions. Normally, your
'Soul Contract' would have been executed more severely, since important soul lessons had to be
learned by those who were largely unprepared for them. However, Divine Grace permitted the
Spiritual Hierarchy to execute these lessons in a softer, more loving way. Yet many of you have
abused the wonderful gifts of the Creator. You have used the Grace given to you, either to turn
upon each other, or else to ignore your brethren.
September 2, 1997: Let us now very briefly look at the revised Mass Landing scenario. The key
to this new operation is the potential for mass evacuations. Our evacuation 'Action Teams' have
been put together and will have many of Earth's 'Starseeds' in them. To add the necessary Earth
element to our teams, we have stepped up the training programs of those persons who will be
initially affected. Additionally, we have completed our preliminary training during their sleep
time with those 'Starseeds' who will be 'Greeters' and facilitators for those other Earth 'Starseeds',
as they are moved into the Light Chambers and then to their training planet. We have been
spending an inordinate amount of time during many persons' sleep time with these vital
preparations. These actions are now reaching a point of completion.
Your beloved planet has also been preparing itself for the massive changes that must come. The
Local Spiritual Hierarchy informs us that Mother Earth has been in the process of internally
setting up the natural mechanisms required for completely altering her surface features. The
atmosphere is just about adapted for the new firmaments and the jet streams are being readied to
be drastically altered. In addition, the massive heating of the equatorial regions of the world's
oceans is an omen that both the ice caps and the continental shelves are nearing a potential
eruption episode. In short, your planet is on the verge of a very intense period of change.
September 6, 1997: Your beloved Mother Earth is also getting ready to redress its planetary
surface. This critical procedure is being prepared by the use of a series of very natural events.
First, planet Earth is now bringing up very hot magma from deep within its interior. These
actions are causing the interior magma streams to be significantly altered. This action, in turn, is
beginning to heat the world's oceans near the Equator. This 'El Nino' effect has also altered the
planet's weather and changed the life energy patterns in the world's oceans. This activity is also
aiding the vast distortions in your planet's magnetic fields. This particular action will assist the
various fault zones to begin to move in an even more contorted fashion.
September 9, 1997: The Earth is quickly approaching its time to Graduate. Graduation will be
marked by a massive series of prolonged Earth 'Changes'. These changes will forever alter the
face of your world. At present, Galactic Federation geologists, seismologists and volcanologists
are closely monitoring these changes. The enormous currents of up-welling magma have just
about reached your planet's surface. This phenomenon will become very apparent when your
different so-called 'Rings of Fire' begin to get more active. In addition, many global fault systems
are now preparing to significantly move. In short, your planet's crust is starting to come under an
abnormal amount of stress and pressure. We maintain a deep concern about this matter, since no
one will survive if not evacuated. Your beloved Mother Earth is also very concerned for your
safety. Please listen carefully to your hearts, not to your minds, when the time comes for you to
Your Ascension procedures are continuing to come along very nicely. The Local Spiritual
Hierarchy has told us that they have now awakened over 23 per cent of your population. This
'awakening' operation has permitted the Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy to increase the various stages
of the necessary genetic cellular mutations now present among your general population. In
addition, the local Angelic Realms have been increasing the appearance of various visionary
apparitions, as well as the world-wide sighting of Angels. Many important researchers into these
particular matters on your world have recently begun to inform the public that you are indeed
living in the so-called 'End Times'.
September 16, 1997: Various regions of your planet now need a concentrated process of prayer
directed towards them. These regions include: the Pacific Southwest coast and accompanying
mountain ranges of the USA; the Northern Cascade range of the USA's Pacific Northwest; the
Sierra Madre range that surrounds Mexico's capital and the islands of the Central South Pacific
Ocean. These regions are now the most at risk.
The Galactic Federation's Mass Landing fleet has been continuing to maintain its full stand-by
status. This fleet has been intensively monitoring your World. Our scientists have been involved
in both an aerial and land monitoring. Special instruments have been placed inside the centers of
various volcanoes and fault zones. Our defense forces have left behind certain undetected
devices that have been placed to insure that no military forces are launched against any
Federation Evacuation Forces. The special 'Action Teams' have performed small trial runs in
unpopulated desert-plate areas of the USA's Southwest. These exercises have shown us that our
mass-landing activities can go undetected by anyone who is not in the exact area. In addition, we
have put into operation a series of new atmospheric protocols for the emergency mass landing of
commercial aircraft. These new procedures will now include the option of the teleportation of
these aircraft to specified mother ships where possible.
September 23, 1997: We shall now start with an overview of our Fleet's schedules. As we have
previously stated, our Fleet has been divided into two segments. The first part is concerned with
the partial evacuation of your planet. They will concentrate on areas where the initial cataclysmic
activity will occur. They are also going to carry out the first large-scale direct interaction with
your Earthly populations. This fact has made it essential that these initial forays into your world
go smoothly and correctly...
The second part of our Mass Landing Fleet is deeply dedicated to the world-wide mass-landing
and evacuation scenario. This particular operation will happen after a number of smaller
evacuations have been concluded by the first part of our Fleet. As mentioned previously, this
final procedural event will occur some three weeks after the overall scenario is underway. Our
hope is that, by this time, a number of important factors will now be in play. First: the Galactic
Federation will be known as a real entity by the vast majority of Earth's populace. Second: your
world-wide population will by then be knowledgeable of the vastness of the Earth's changes.
Third: each nation's citizens will understand that the coming cataclysms cannot be handled by
the numerous emergency agencies of any of Earth's governments. Fourth: each aspect of our
actions is part of a Divine Intervention based upon GOD's WILL and Divine Grace. Fifth: you
are about to be the co-creators of a most incredible Human Galactic society. These just-
delineated factors should make our overall operations much more acceptable to your citizenry.
However, the Galactic Federation's personnel will still be fully prepared for dealing with both
fear, hysteria and mass panic.
September 30, 1997: The various Devic and Angelic forces in charge of the Earth's
transformation have told us many things about what is in store for all of you. The planet will
expand slightly and then it will contract. This expansion is caused by the fact that much of the
magma just under the surface has been slowly cracking the Earth's crust apart. This action has
caused many new fluid structures to be formed within this upper magma flow. Now, additional
massive pressure is being created by the enormous up-welling of magma from deep in the Earth's
interior. The lower part of the crust is now being torn by these fluid structures. Further, rather
large fluid structures are being raised by the up-welling magma. These fluid structures are also
slamming into the Earth's very thin and fragile crust. The Earth's surface is now on its way to a
final denouement. In it, it will massively restructure itself in a blast of incredible raising and
lowering of its surface. Ocean basins and continents will be swiftly reformed. The changing
Earth's surface will be completely unlivable for its human inhabitants until a new age of stability
is restored.
October 18, 1997: The Earth is now preparing to make its initial moves. These first moves will
be announced by some very unusual weather patterns. These specific meteorological phenomena
have already begun to form in the Earth's atmosphere. They are being created by the warming of
your oceans and a slight warming of your upper atmosphere. The combination of these two
elements is leading to a lower atmosphere that is very capable of suddenly spawning intense
storm cells. Your beloved Mother Earth intends to use these super-strong storm cells as the
harbinger of some very severe Earth changes. Hence, the scenario will at first include storms,
then a series of strange movements in the Earth's magnetic field, and finally, a series of key
earthquakes and volcanoes. This onslaught of the Earth's many natural forces is to demonstrate to
all that these events are the warning of a new reality. They are not being done to punish your
civilization, but only to cleanse it. From this sacred cleansing, there will come a most joyous
society founded by the use of a regained 'full consciousness'.
October 28th 1997: Right now, your planet is in the last stages of correcting the geography that
has existed for more than eleven millennia. These corrections are primarily to raise the two 'Lost
Continents' and to bring the present seven continents back to a more normal condition. The first
thing that will be done is to start bringing up the various continental shelves. This process will be
done by the use of severe earthquakes and by pressure put on a suitable series of tectonic plates.
Many of these plates will be cracked and split open. A side effect of these processes will be the
increase in ocean bed volcanism. Already, the amount of seabed activity has increased
dramatically in the past two years. Our Federation scientists have informed us that their
measurements have seen an increased activity level of up to 600 per cent in the past 43 months
alone! Beneath the magma fields and at the base of the Earth's crust in the Pacific and the
Atlantic Oceans, the planetary Gas Belts are once again forming. These Belts will serve as the
means to raise the two 'Lost Continents' to the surface.
At the same time, your entire atmosphere is being vastly altered. The first step was the heating of
the lower atmosphere at the equator. As noted previously, this procedure is a result of the up-
welling of magma from the Earth's deep interior. The currents of magma are first attracted to the
equator and then move across the bottom of the tectonic plates in a northerly or southerly
direction. The warmed ocean water has, in turn, heated the atmosphere. Many of your scientists
have estimated an over 300 per cent increase in ocean warming over what was measured just last
year. In addition, the radiation and pollution patterns have torn the upper atmosphere apart and
created super jet streams with speeds of over 550 miles per hour (880 Kilometers per hour).
These two parts of the atmosphere have begun to destabilize the world's weather patterns. The
super-storms that they are about to create will raise a great deal of havoc and act as one of the
precursors to the coming Earth changes.
Your Ascension process is continuing along in a very smooth fashion. Right now, the local
Spiritual Hierarchy has informed us that just under thirty per cent of your world's population is
now awake in one form or the other.
November 4th, 1997: Your world is now in the midst of great changes. The so-called super-
storms unleashed by the growing instability in your atmosphere have already moved across your
major oceans and displayed their power to your meteorologists. Further, immensely powerful
lightening storms, as just seen in eastern Florida, and floods in central Europe last spring and
summer, have shown that your atmosphere is now highly unstable. Adding to this intricate mix,
the Earth's surface is now being racked by an extensive increase in earthquakes and volcanism.
Everywhere, the Earth's major fault zones are under attack by the up-welling magma from deep
inside the Earth's interior. The heating of the Earth's ocean waters and its numerous seabeds have
been increased by nearly 500 per cent over the past eight months alone. This very dangerous
condition has begun to affect your lower atmosphere. Right now, the various jet streams that
cover your globe have started an early winter in the Northern Hemisphere and an early summer
in the Southern Hemisphere.
The temperature gradients on your surface have also begun to vary greatly. The ice caps on both
poles, as well as major planetary glaciers, have begun to melt at very accelerated rates.
Consequently, the sea levels along your coastal areas have slowly started to rise. This factor has
sped up the erosion along your coastlines. The biosphere is now under great pressure from your
increased amounts of pollution. Various species of amphibians and fish have started mass die-
outs of their respective populations. These critical actions are due to the uneven erosion of vital
life-force energies in the biosphere. The world's oceans and most aquatic regions of your planet
have developed huge deficiencies in life-force energies. Water is the vehicle of life on your
planet. It is a bold sign that your present environment is reaching the end of its capabilities for
the continued sustenance of all physical life forms. Yet curiously, your planet is not dying; it is
just being transformed.
December 2nd, 1997: Mother Earth is part of a vast change that is now occurring throughout the
Milky Way Galaxy. Over the past two decades, the residents of this broad and beautiful Galaxy
have witnessed a return to a great galactic peace and, finally, the formation of a plan for a
Galactic-wide Union. This momentous event has led to a closer examination of your Solar
System and, especially, of this key planet: Earth. All the major prophecies in this particular
galaxy point to your planet as the fulcrum for permanent peace. You might say: "As Earth goes,
so goes the Galaxy". Consequently, for very many millennia, your planet has been watched by
the opposing sides in a very long and on-going galactic war. Any useable great leap in your
technology has brought forth a policy of direct interference by either side in this conflict. The
start of your Atomic Age was the trigger that set in motion the fulfillment of the End-Age
prophesies. It also alerted the Earth's Deva Kingdom that it was now time to commence and
fulfill it's own policy of planetary renewal.
December 16, 1997: The Intergalactic Union (IGU) has moved forward on a number of fronts
that directly affect your Star system. First, they have formally chosen your Solar System for their
future Galactic Headquarters. Second, the IGU has asked our Galactic Federation to open all
star-gates around the planet Earth to all approved inter-dimensional traffic, by the end of the
galactic year, July 25, 1998. To comply, the first contact mission should ideally be completed by
then. For this reason, the Galactic Federation has asked the Spiritual Hierarchy to see if the Right
Divine Time for Earth's Ascension can occur before this date. At this moment, we are waiting for
their sacred response. However, we do not expect to have an answer until well into February,
1998. Since your planet is under strict quarantine, these portals are presently closed and only
Galactic Federation ships are permitted in this sector of the galaxy. Third, the IGU has now
asked that more observation ships from other member galaxies be permitted in your
interplanetary space.
February 21,1998: We in the Galactic Federation want to assure you that your first contact
mission is developing as a most unusual mixing of all the strategies possible. One of the key
items is the need to get your consciousness transformation to a point that the Earth Spiritual
Hierarchy desires it to reach. In addition, we have to decide when an intervention will be
appropriate for the vast Science and Exploration Fleet that currently surrounds you. These two
factors have not yet meshed. In fact, we have had to cancel a number of our previous operations.
Another complex matter involves our relationships with your governments. As previously, they
remain largely hostile to our actions... Our planetary scientists have concentrated on the need to
find ways to smooth and to alter the entire Earth-changes scenario. We have to delay and,
simultaneously, find a means to permit your planet's transmutation. This directive has now led us
to a most unusual intervention in your planet's interior. We have set up energy barriers deep in
Earth's interior that have so far prevented the potential catastrophes previously mentioned.
March 7, 1998: At present, the Main Federation Council has been in continual session for the
past three galactic days. This session is based upon reports that have been received from the
Galactic Federation's Spiritual Council. These reports have focused on the progress being made
by each of you during the last recorded evaluation period in your consciousness-elevation
procedures. What can be said about this matter is limited to the few comments that we would like
to make to you at this time. First, your progress has been quickening as expected by your local
Spiritual Hierarchy. The awareness curve is broadening. However, there is still much to be done
before the completion of the first contact mission is officially authorized. Second, your planet is
now teetering on the very edge of its physical limits. Mother Earth is now wrapped in a gentle
ball of caressing energies. However, there are limits to how long this action can be successfully
continued. Third, the Earth's new manifesting grid is now being slowly lowered into place and is
on schedule for its completion on March 11, 1998.
The major point raised by the Angelic Realms is that the amount of progress so far is subtle.
However, the results indicate some very profound outcomes. First, there is the matter of the
numbers of individuals affected by the Ascension procedure. Every day, more of you are
commencing the awakening of your consciousness. Most of you are now battling a strange
fatigue and assorted aches and pains, as well as a feeling of general stress. This stress comes
from feeling a great deal of pressure to complete projects during your working days. In addition,
your body is gradually mutating and you are becoming perplexed by strange viral 'infections',
undiagnosed headaches and, occasionally, severe body pains. Furthermore, your children are
very aware of these changes and have occasionally 'embarrassed' you by pointing this reality out
to you in public. The result has been that a great number of your populace are now rather
confused within themselves about what is going on around them. Fortunately, those of you who
are being prepared to inform the newly-awakened will shortly have the resources needed to
accomplish this most important task.
August 8, 1998: We come to tell you about the very interesting events that are presently
happening in your Galaxy and throughout your Solar system. These wonderful occurrences are
symbols of the many physical and spiritual changes that you are now undergoing. The first
celestial event involves your Sun. As the hub of your Solar system, the Sun needs to adjust to the
new reality of 'full consciousness' that is now gradually sweeping out your old limiting reality.
This process is also affecting the very core of our galaxy. At present, the galactic core is
beginning to expand. Its purpose is to open up its many intergalactic and inter-dimensional
doorways. This procedure makes it easier for the new Light energies to pour into your present
The Sun is in the midst of a rapid period of change. Your great star is currently having its entire
magnetic field altered. Your Sun is now beginning to lay the anchor points for its North and
South polar vector points. The first part of this procedure occurred when the Sun reversed its
poles in the late fall of 1994. The resultant streaming of magnetic energy from both its former
North and South poles caused a polar magnetic anomaly to commence. This energy spread
throughout the Sun and quickly began to destabilize the Sun's corona (its atmosphere). This
phenomenon created some of the most amazing solar discharges that your scientists had ever
witnessed. What is going to happen to the Sun during the course of this coming galactic year is
quite remarkable. First, this process will quicken the coming maximum sunspot cycle. The Sun is
going to continue to reveal many unusual events to your scientists. These changes in your Sun
are also affecting your planet's magnetic and gravitational fields.
The galactic core of the Milky Way Galaxy has also begun to experience an increased amount of
activity. This activity has come about due to two important circumstances. First, the
interdimensional energies that daily pour through, and from, the numerous other dimensions,
have increased dramatically. Many of the spiral galaxies that are near ours have experienced a
similar increase in the activity that goes on in their central cores. This increased exchange in
spiritual energies is due to the fact that this sector of Creation is about to be raised up in its
frequencies. This action is being taken to establish the coming procedures that are called for by
Mother/Father God's Divine Plan.
August 11, 1998: In previous messages, we have discussed the nature of changes occurring in
the Milky Way Galaxy and throughout your solar system. Now, let us concentrate upon Mother
Earth and upon you. Right now, you are in the midst of some adjustments that have the ability
either to make you feel easily fatigued or to make you sense the lack of any possible reservoirs of
energy. This process is realigning those subtle bodies that are now actually anchoring deeply into
your physical bodies. When this complicated task is completed, you shall feel more energetic and
should be blessed with a greater vision of what it is that you are about to do.
Mother Earth still needs to do many things that keep this process of 'Earth Changes' progressing
toward its intended completion. One thing being accomplished is to prepare her land surface to
be cleansed and purified. This action has led to some storms, floods and earthquakes that have
set the land in shape for its new rising. You should expect these procedures to extend also to the
many oceans of your world. In their seabeds, the process for allowing the rising of the 'lost
continents' of Atlantis and Lemuria has begun. Dear Ones, your beloved Mother Earth has a plan
in mind that will turn her into a veritable paradise. This pristine planet will teem with many
species of life that are presently either extinct, or on the verge of extinction. A new planetary
biosphere has been ethically created by your local Spiritual Hierarchy. It shall be your divine
mission to shepherd this new living world, and to do so in sacred partnership with your planet's
cetaceans (whales and dolphins). This guardianship allows you to understand how truly
interconnected all forms of sentient life are to each other.
August 25, 1998: Over the past three galactic days, your Sun has been very active. This activity
has begun to put an inordinate quantity of charged particles into its atmosphere (the Corona
sphere). This process has also pushed a number of gravitational waves towards its inner planets
(Mercury through Mars). In turn, these actions have induced many anomalies to form in Mother
Earth's atmosphere. Your atmospheric scientists have noticed these gravitational 'eddies' as
sudden small 'holes', or rotating vortexes, formed above 48,000 feet or 14.60 kilometers. These
phenomena have wreaked havoc upon your upper-level Jet Streams, and have caused some
unusual blocking fronts to form in the western Pacific and Indian Oceans. In addition, they have
caused some massive storm fronts to begin to form in the central Atlantic and Indian Oceans.
These anomalies should grow in strength and size as the number of gravitation waves that stream
from the Sun increases.
These solar energies are also greatly affecting the changes going on within your beloved Mother
Earth. At present, your planet is in the midst of preparing to move its gravitational and magnetic
fields into their full-consciousness positions. The first part of these actions is nearly completed,
and the warming effects that have hampered your planet's lithosphere should begin to lessen in
the coming galactic months. However, the temperatures reached throughout Earth's crust will
remain at very high levels. This process can cause the "El Nino" effect to re-surface between late
November 1998 through to February of 1999. In addition, the vast Pacific 'Rim of Fire' is to be
slightly activated in this same time period. The result should not be major catastrophes, but only
a series of potentially devastating situations. We warn you now, because we feel that you should
prepare yourselves for what lies ahead. Your Earth shall rumble in the form of earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions. Nonetheless, the vast, vast majority of these activities shall at present be
confined to Mother Earth's sea floor.
September 1, 1998: For the past few galactic days, the many orders of solar system Elohim, in
association with your Ascended Masters, have been accomplishing some major changes in your
reality. The first part of these adjustments has been to alter the outflux of various ionic and
photon materials presently being ejected by the Sun. This process has been done to prevent the
need for a drastic set of adjustments to your planet... Our next step is to accelerate some of the
changes subtly being made to the inner planets of Mercury, Mars and Venus. These changes
shall permit us to continue the preparations of Mother Earth for full-consciousness.
Your planet is reacting quite well to all of its many transformations. Our purpose is to move
Mother Earth carefully through its next and final series of adjustments. We need to modify the
many changes now going on in Mother Earth's seabeds and in the submerged areas near your
continental shelves. Over the past three galactic years, the areas just below your Earth's crust
have been heating up. The gradient of this change has averaged from one to three degrees
Centigrade per year. This change has been further magnified by the great swelling of interior
magma (super-heated molten rock) from the Earth's core. This added heat and pressure has
increased the number of seabed quakes and explosive volcanic eruptions by some thirty percent
over the same three-year period. These actions have been necessary to re-set the various gas belts
in the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans. These gas belts, when fully rejuvenated, shall make
possible the re-emergence of Atlantis and Lemuria. The ones being done in the Indian Ocean are
in preparation for the various changes to be made to your African and Asian continents.
Third, we need to set up the final preparations for the vast changes that shall happen to your
continental land masses. Most of the changes to be described will happen only after a mass
evacuation of your population has been completed. Let us go to each continent and describe to
you what is to take place. In Europe, the land bridges between Ireland and the rest of the British
Isles will be restored. The Channel between England and the Continent shall be raised again,
ending the present physical isolation of Great Britain from Europe. The European Continent's
land shelf shall rise up and cause the virtual shrinking of the Mediterranean Sea into a large river
basin. Asia shall see the fall of the Urals and the Himalayan Mountains. In their stead, two inland
seas shall be connected through narrow straits to the Oceans. Africa shall see the end of the
Sahara Desert and the Atlas Mountains. Its marvelous replacement shall be an enormous land-
locked lake or sea, surrounded by lush plains that continue to the Mediterranean basin in the
north, and to vast forests in the south.
North and South America are to be drastically changed. In South America, the Andes Mountains
will fall back to sea level. To replace them, a vast inlet of the Pacific Ocean shall form. The
Caribbean shall shrink in size, and many of its outer islands will become part of the continent of
Atlantis. North America will undergo great transformations. As in Europe, Asia and Africa, the
continental shelf shall rise and the land boundaries will extend outward, while taking on a new
shape. The Rocky Mountains of Canada and the United States will drop below sea level, and an
enormous inland sea will be formed that connects to the Pacific through a narrow channel in
Mexico (now the delta of the Colorado River). The Gulf of California will decrease in size as
Baja, California, and the rest of western Mexico, spread outward into the sea. The Sierra Madre
of Mexico and Central America will be lowered into a broad plain marked by vast and quite
beautiful river valleys. The frozen continent of Antarctica shall become ice-free, while the
central deserts of Australia will become a fertile plain marked by very extensive river valleys.
December 5, 1998 Right now, you are in the midst of many changes that are important to the
unfolding of the Divine Plan. These alterations involve three important elements. The first
concerns the changes that are going on in your Sun and its solar system. These changes are
moving you ever closer to an actual encounter with the main section of the Photon Belt. The
second aspect pertains to the next period of your bodily adjustments. Here, you are moving into
alterations that affect your immune system and the imputing of your new Diaphragm Chakra.
The final segment encompasses the many new energy fields that are being established
throughout this sector of the Milky Way Galaxy. These three elements are fashioning the
conditions needed to jump you into your new reality. In effect, the Divine blueprint is being
activated, and the final parts put in place before actual completion of the new reality's
Your Sun and its precious children are currently involved in some great changes. These shifts
include vast modifications to your Sun's magnetic field, transmutations of the numerous
temperature gradients within the Sun's coronasphere, and alterations to the type of ionic
materials ejected from large solar promenades. Right now, solar scientists can tell you that the
Sun is at the beginning stages of a very active Sunspot cycle. In reality, the Sun is setting the
stage for a new solar system. Many parts of these complex exercises have been completed. Now
your Sun needs to adjust its inner and ourter planets to a higher series of frequencies.This
prepares them to eventually swing into new orbits. Orbital modifications include one for Earth
that has a 360-day solar year and an exact 24-hour day. These figures mean that your planet has
to do two things: accelerate its present rotational speed and develop an orbit that is a few million
miles closer to your Sun. Moreover, the rotational speed of Mars needs to be vastly increased.
The new frequencies of Jupiter need to be further adjusted upward.
As your solar system moves into position for an actual entry into the Photon Belt, two crucial
phenonmena can be observed by your scientists. The amount of gamma and other deadly forms
of cosmic radiation are registering a dramatic increase in your atmosphere. The amount of such
radiation is increasing in your outer Solar system, as well as in this immediate section of your
Galaxy. These important readings are a portent that the very thin null zone that surrounds and
protects your Solar system from the effects of the main Photon Belt is beginning to break down.
It also signals the fact that your increasing solar and planetary frequencies are also beginning to
fracture this most hastily made protective null zone. These incisive factors create the conditions
for a greenhouse effect on your planet. They can also easily exacerbate these same conditions
when they are already present. Your current weather, along with unusual temperature and
climatic patterns, are omens of what we are talking about. The entire mix of your near interstellar
space is changing. Many magnetic anomalies, observed by your scientists, are additional signs of
this same type of phenomenon.
The Galaxy's rotation is also beginning to change. The Galactic core is acting as the main source
for this change. Your own transformation is transmuting this entire Galaxy. When your new
reality becomes fact, it can shift the current Galactic reality. Right now, you exist in a multi-
reality. For this reason, much of what your scientists now observe, they cannot explain.
The next set of your ongoing bodily adjustments are scheduled for the period December 13, 1998
to January 1, 1999. These adjustments are primarily concerned with removing more of your
emotional and mental blockages. To this end, the adjustments involve two major centers for
these many toxic hindrances. The first center is your body's immune system. This process
involves primarily your thymus, endocrine system, limbic center of the brain, lymphatic system,
as well as your liver, kidneys and circulatory system. Look for sudden headaches, strange flus,
suddenly flaring pains in the upper body or lower back, as well as strange lumps, unusual
infections and occasional dizziness. As the month moves on, these many symptoms could
intensify. Be prepared for massive processing during what some of you might know as large
bouts of dreamless, but quite deep, sleep.
The second center that we shall be adjusting is your Diaphragm chakra. This chakra holds a lot
of the emotional and mental fears and stresses that you have so far encountered. As you begin to
remove this toxicity from your immune system, it permits many of these very deep fears and
stresses to be discharged from your diaphragm.
January 30, 1999 At present, your sacred Mother Earth is in the midst of some major changes to
her physical body. These changes are bringing out her inner healing and producing a great
cleansing for this reality. Your planet and the rest of your inner Solar system are engaged in a
significant integration of their many subtle bodies. This process is taking place because of the
great works that we have mutually accomplished in the last seven of your decades. The local
Orders of Elohim, along with the many solar and planetary Logi, have opened up a direct contact
with the infinite Orders of Heaven. This project is now pouring a tremendous amount of spiritual
energy in your direction. Consequently, your planet's Spiritual Hierarchy is now busily weaving
a new series of energy grids around their precious Mother. This energy is also causing our
procedures to be sped up ever so slightly. In the past few weeks, you may have noticed that we
have increased the number of frequency changes, chakra construction and other similar works
upon you. We rejoice in gratitude for all the magnificent gifts given us by Heaven.
These great works have also begun to make it possible for us to bring in closer our Fleet's ships,
in order to start a thorough cleansing of negative energies in your atmosphere. Presently, your
world is surrounded by a great darkness. This darkness consists of the negative thought-forms
that currently clutter your planetary reality. This nebulous clutter has kept many of you in fear,
anger and national pathological rages. Our desire is to lessen the effect of this energy upon your
The most important part of our procedure regarding your bodily changes, continues to be the
installing of your new Chakra System. We continue to concentrate on three of your major
chakras. One of these is the diaphragm center. As we have worked on it, many past life and inter-
generational energies have been slowly letting go. These thought-form releases have caused
some discomfort in your stomach, intestines and, on occasion, with your breathing. They have
also created some soreness in your lower rib cage areas, as well as some backing up of fluids in
your intricate lymph node network. Frequently, many of you have had some fatigue, along with
some flu-like symptoms. These physical reactions are due to the fact that some of your more
negative thought-forms are transforming. This action has created a clustering by other similar
thought-forms that desire the same results. We ask that you truly love and nurture these thought-
forms. They have the same fears and desires for love and eventual transformation that you do.
Besides, they are a part of who and what you now are.
Another area on which we have concentrated is the head. Here, a number of new chakras are
slowly making their appearance. When they become fully present, you shall be able to reconnect
consciously with the many spiritual realms. To accomplish this vast project, we have been
working on many of you almost continuously for the past four years. Hence, you have had
strange headaches, earaches, and unusual bouts of changing vision. Our task is not only to
manifest your latent head chakras, but also to connect them holistically to your entire body's
energy system. The hugeness of this task cannot be understated. Basically, we are putting in a
new consciousness system and rectifying much of the old. Here, we need your cooperation. As
we open up your vast network of thought-forms, many past childhood incidents and many inter-
generational tendencies will come to the fore. These thought-forms may emerge as dreams,
intuitive feelings, or even as some kind of vision. They are merely asking you to love them and
to transform them into a pattern that can assist in your many coming transformations.
As your own body transforms, Mother Earth's body is also altering itself. Right now, your planet
is setting up a system that can bring in a drastically modified biosphere. Many remnants of past
species of plant and animal life exist in thought-forms housed in Mother Earth's subtle-bodies.
Your local Spiritual Hierarchy is now slowly reviewing these many living thought-forms. There
are plans afoot to create a new biosphere, once your shift in consciousness is completed. The
planet Earth that you now know is one that, for the most part, will shortly no longer exist.
Mother Earth is also preparing to give birth to a new atmosphere. This new atmosphere will have
between 33 to 36 per cent oxygen and a different mix of inert gases. This new atmosphere is
quite capable of vivifying all of its many new flora and fauna.
March 6, 1999 Today is a moment of change and a preparation for a new day. We come to make
you aware of what we are doing. Currently, your Sun's stability has increased ever so slightly.
This development is due to the mutual efforts of many orders of Elohim, as well as to our own
efforts. Consequently, we are now ready to go forth with the opening of a major Stargate on
March 21st. The first part of this procedure was to shift some of the Sun's electromagnetic fields.
We completed this action at 01:00 hours GMT . Our next step is to begin to shift the various
frequencies of the inner planets of Mercury, Venus and Earth. This procedure may lead some of
you to feel somewhat nauseated or dizzy. As we shift your planet's fields, this can cause your
higher frequency alignments to become more sensitive to this change. In most of you, there
should be only a slight feeling of fatigue while you adjust to these alterations. Our next step is to
set up the boundaries of the new Stargate between the positions of the planet Venus and your
These changes to your Solar System are setting the stage for the movement of your planet into
the Photon Belt proper. As you know, your Solar System was placed in a naturally created void
in the main Photon Belt on January 1, 1997 This void is now showing some increased amounts
of instability. At present, the local orders of Elohim are engaged in actions designed to correct
these areas of potential difficulty. Additionally, the many inter-dimensional portals around the
planet Venus need to be repaired. The Elohim are setting up new boundary layers around their
now fluctuating boundaries. These two procedures are portents to us that the Angelic realms
fully intend to begin an extensive adjustment of their current plans. In fact, we have been
informed by Lord Zandriel that your Solar System is reaching a part of its journey that is very
critical to its future. Your arm of the Galaxy is now passing through a part of space filled with
many energy anomalies. This space makes it easier for us to construct the new Stargate.
However, it is also a time when many potential instabilities could arise in your Sun.
For this reason, our main concern is now focused upon your Sun. It is quite sensitive to the
pulling from many nearby stars and also to being re-connected to its former inter-dimensional
nodal points. It is now like an unborn chick that is being prevented from emerging from its egg.
This birth prevention has been very traumatic. It has increased the pressures at the Sun's core;
caused massive fluctuations in its surface and interior temperatures; and caused great havoc to its
solar magnetic fields. In short, it is a miracle to us that it has not yet reached the critical
conditions perquisite to an immense natural star explosion (a nova event). The great numbers of
Celestial Orders now here, as well as the holy decrees of Lord Sureya, have prevented such a
catastrophe. However, these procedures cannot be continued forever. At best, they are merely
temporary measures. Your Sun sincerely wishes to graduate into its promised new reality. As it
does, it can take the entire Solar System with it.The instability of your Sun means that a definite
time factor is involved in what we are doing with each other. This Ascension process is not
meant to go on for decades. It is nearing a point where some huge leaps in consciousness need to
be made by your global society.
In this vein, we wish to inform you of a few important facts. First, your increasing number of
awakenings have caused an acceleration in your physical transformations. Second, the amount of
Celestial help that you have is amazing. Every day, the Orders of Heaven send their blessings,
their energies and extensive numbers of Angels, Archangels and Elohim to your door. Third, we
have increased the amount of our commitment to you. The number of Galactic Federation
counselors, medical teams and liaisons has actually tripled in the past six galactic months.
Fourth, we are committed to a massive "First Contact" as soon as Divinely possible. As noted,
we are Heaven's final trump cards. In this role, know that when our massive First Contact occurs,
your reality has changed. Your Secret Goverment knows these facts and are slowly awakening to
March 13, 1999 For the past three galactic days, we have watched your marvelous energies
work together with ours. These rituals of the heart have given us the opportunity to alter many
things in this reality. Above all, we wish to express our deepest gratitude for what you are doing.
This process of restoring you to full-consciousness is truly a joint endeavor. It has now reached a
point where it is necessary to prepare all of us for the next set of events. To this end, the Galactic
Federation and your local Spiritual Hierarchy are now preparing an agenda. This agenda contains
the many events that are scheduled for the coming adjustments of your physical and spiritual
bodies. This agenda has three parts to it. The first is those preliminary events that prepare you for
your adjustments in the Galactic month of Mol. We would like to discuss these initial parts of
our plans with you in more detail. To do so, we would like to start our discussion with the
current state of your solar system.
At the core of your solar system is your Sun. The next major elements are the planets of
Jupiter and Saturn. These last two parts act as your solar system's balance wheel. Between
Jupiter and your Sun, there are four inner planets between Mercury and Jupiter. These are Venus,
Earth, Mars and the Asteroid Belt (the remains of Maldek). Around these inner planets, there
exists a special series of harmonics. These harmonics are arranged as sounds and as colors. In
this flux of energies, there is contained the being-ness that can support a wide variety of physical
Life forms. Due to the previous Galactic Wars, only your Earth within this solar system still has
a very large variety of differing physical life forms upon it. The other planets have been
drastically altered and large varieties of life forms reduced. These harmonics are what create
your gravity, your electromagnetic fields and your assigned orbit around the Sun. Your present
science of orbital mechanics cannot fully account for what actually is happening. The key to
understanding this process is consciousness. Keep in mind that your Solar System is a living
entity. Every planet is in intimate relationship with your Sun and with each other.
This Love energy has a potential that is constantly unfolding before your eyes. In fact, many
of your planetary researchers into this process have discovered this crucial fact. It is this living
energy, and not orbital mechanics, that is holding your Solar System together. Our task is to raise
this Love energy back to those levels that existed before the Galactic Wars lowered them. The
first two elements that we worked on were the Sun, and then Jupiter. Of the two, Jupiter, so far,
has proven to be the most successful. Jupiter has altered its basic harmonics. It has even put out a
series of graviton waves that have allowed us to stabilize your Sun. In the galactic year of 3 Ik
(1994-95), the Schumacher-Levy Comet and its resulting collision with Jupiter set the stage for
this current project. The comet's collisions created the conditions for the release of these graviton
waves. Since the galactic year of 3 Ik (1994-95), your Sun has become more unstable with each
passing year. In the galactic year of 5 Eb (1996-97), the arrival of the Photon Belt permitted us to
stabilize your Sun temporarily. Now we have to take more drastic measures.
We have moved a specially modified "Battle Planet" into your inner solar system. Normally,
it is kept cloaked. However, to perform some tasks, it must occasionally remain uncloaked for up
to a few days at a time. Your governments have conveniently taken certain key solar satellites
off-line when such is the case. To their dismay, we shall now announce that we are moving our
other Battle Planet, which you call Nibiru, into a closer position. Currently, it is cloaked and just
past the orbit of the planet Uranus. Our task is a three-fold one. First, we need to balance the
relationships between the outer planets and your Sun. Uranus was the hardest hit by the Wars.
That is why its orbital axis is off by a full 90 degrees (it is lying on its side). Nibiru can
compensate for this anomaly and permit us to finish this fine-tuning by the end of the galactic
month of Mac (around the 11th of April). This process can also allow us to increase the Life
energy of your Inner Planets.
Once we have balanced the relationship of your Outer Planets to the Sun, we can go then to
the Inner Planets. Our modified Battle Planet has accomplished preparatory work. It has on board
special equipment required to raise the energies of your Earth and of Mars. To accomplish this
feat, we have had to put it in a swinging orbit that varies between the orbits of Mercury and
Venus. This modified Battle Planet is about 26,000 miles (16,150 Km) in diameter. It has been
on station for the past eight galactic months. As it balances your Inner Planets, it stabilizes your
Sun by slightly altering the orbit of Mercury. Remember that your Solar System is really a living
entity. It is an entity that desperately needs to be resuscitated. As we balance the relationships
between your planets and your Sun, it permits us to modify the various protective holograms that
now exist. This process is presently ongoing.
Our final step is to take this balancing act and use it to restore the living energy of your Sun.
The Sun can be seen as your parent, and the rest of the Solar System as its beloved children. Like
a family, they have a deep concern for each other. The Sun's children are fully aware that its
mother is very ill. They deeply wish to assist it back to full health. We all are its medical team
and we fully intend to be able to treat it successfully. To do this, we shall call upon your
wonderful abilities. We ask that you also concentrate your daily meditations upon healing the
Sun. At present, the Sun has a slight bulge on it that is growing daily. Its inner temperatures
continue to vacillate. Solar magnetics are quite irregular. We intend to correct this difficulty
before the completion of this galactic year. With the completion of this process, you shall be able
to exit the void within the Photon Belt.
March 16, 1999 In our last message, we mentioned the great changes that we are preparing for
your Sun and her Solar System. Now we need to discuss what is happening to your beloved
Mother Earth and, especially, to you. As we have mentioned many times, Mother Earth is not
well. She is in drastic need of her graduation into full consciousness. Yet she declines to do so,
since she knows how important it is to take her precious children with her. This leaves us with
the need to transform you as quickly as is divinely possible. The coming adjustments in the
galactic month of Moan (May 2nd to May 21st) have become even more important to us. We
need to set the global foundation for your society to be transformed, quite swiftly, if need be.
Right now, a number of factors are coming into play that may cause us to arrive earlier than
currently planned. To this end, your local Spiritual Hierarchy has received a great number of
crucial Celestial Decrees from the High Councils of A-E-O-N.
It is the sacred purpose of Heaven to move physicality toward its objectives. Every so often,
these objectives get lost in the great illusion that is physical reality. When these events occur,
Heaven uses those dispensations given to it by the Creator for a Divine Intervention. When this
happens, collective agreements in that reality are realigned to the Divine Plan. This procedure is
normally done only as a course of last resort. This process is rapidly reaching such a situation in
your reality. Certain less massive corrections are now underway. How effective these palliatives
prove to be can determine our next course of action. Until that time, we remain fully committed
to our present agenda.
March 30, 1999 In our last messages, we discussed some of the changes that we are now in the
middle of completing with your physical bodies. We would now like to start with your Sun and
then work outward. Your Sun is a medium-sized star that is currently at the outer edges of the
Orion spiral arm of our galaxy. There is an unusually large number of planets that orbit around it.
The norm for planetary systems in your sector of our galaxy is between six to eight planets. In
your planetary system, there also used to be four very amazing water planets orbiting your
yellow-white Star. Now, there is only one such water planet left in existence - the bluish orb that
you call Earth. One astronomical Unit away is your Sun. The connections between these two
sacred entities are one of the many items on today's agenda. In the past galactic month, we have
stabilized your Sun. However, many procedures still need to be accomplished before this
operation can be called a complete success.
Your Sun is unique in that it is layered in a way usually reserved for much larger stars. It does
this by exerting a great deal of anomalous pressure on its four major inter-dimensional nodal
regions. When your solar system lowered its frequencies after the sinking of Atlantis, this
stability was temporarily lost. Your Mother Star was then put into a long period of wavering
instability. We have used our knowledge and abilities to assist your local Elohim. Our joint
actions have kept your Sun in check. Added to this process has been some recent infrequent
tinkering by your Secret Government. We know of their concern for their "dark" agenda. A most
interesting mix has indeed been stirred up in your Solar System. Nonetheless, the Divine Plan for
your Solar System shall be completed in Right Divine Time. The Great Light that is streaming in
from your new Stargate is setting up special energies. These special energies are quite capable of
undoing any possible interference planned by your Secret Government. This special energy will
be in place by April 15th.
Your Sun is your Holy Mother and a provider of your Earth's main Life energies. Mother Earth
is a living entity. She gets her life-giving nourishment from your Sun and from her sacred inter-
dimensional portals. These sacred portals are located at 19.5 degrees from your equator and the
same 19.5 degrees from your North and South Poles. These four nodal regions are critical to your
Earth. From them stream energies that fortify those given Earth by her Mother, the Sun. Your
Earth takes these Life energies and uses them to create the many processes that maintain her as a
life-capable environment. With this energy, she renews her oceans, her lands and her
atmosphere. Because of these processes, an abundance of life forms can be found both within
and upon her surface. These life forms exist within a very fragile system of checks and balances.
Consequently, it was decided that every biosphere needed physical Angels or a guardian species.
In Earth's case, it is now the Cetaceans (whales and dolphins). Soon, you shall join with them
after your present transformations are completed.
An energy exchange is constantly moving between Earth and Sun and Sun and Earth. It is
symbiotic in nature. It is the way the Sun and her planets nurture each other. The Sun's planets
nurture her in three basic ways: First, they give her back part of her life energy. This transformed
life energy helps the Sun to regulate its output of radiation, light and electromagnetic fields.
Second, each planet sends back their harmonic signature to her. This feedback allows the Sun to
regulate its Solar System through an interlocked stasis field. Third, the planets provide a means
for expanding the nodal regions of the Sun, when necessary. In effect, they act like a set of
training wheels on a bicycle or a protective bubble gratefully provided by her many daughters.
This process permits the Sun to regulate herself and to express her profound love for her
daughters. In turn, her daughters do all they can to maintain their Mother - the Sun. This system
was deeply shaken by what happened in Atlantis.
The tragic fall of Atlantis is the watershed for your entire solar system. The Atlanteans' lowering
of your life frequencies recreated you as a limited-conscious Being. You became a Being that has
been separated from your spiritual and physical aspects. You became a Being that suddenly
needed a special care mixed with special conditions. Mother Earth had to lower her frequencies
and adjust to all that had happened to her. This rapid series of adjustments affected the entire
Solar System. It had to recalibrate itself in order to maintain the Earth as one of its planets. The
Sun also needed to change swiftly the entire signature of her Solar System. To do this, she
needed the help of the local Orders of Elohim and the assistance of the Holy Celestial
Administrations overseeing this Sector of our Galaxy. Your Sun did this, but it was left as only a
mere specter of what it once was. The Sun was now unstable and this instability could only
increase over time.
At first, the local Elohim, aided by many celestial Administrations, kept your Sun from any great
difficulties. Yet it was not really itself. The Sun was unable to control its processes as before. Yet
there remained a basic reason for these special circumstances to continue. The whole Solar
System saw its main responsibility as maintaining the biosphere on Earth. This now torn-asunder
biosphere contained a primitive form of one of its former guardians - Human Physical Angels.
These limited-consciousness Humans were now in an amnesiac state, and subsequently ruled by
a coalition of recently arrived "dark" off-worlders who called themselves the Annanaki
(Nibiruans). Somehow, these primitive Earth Humans were destined by divine prophecy to
eventually reclaim their lost heritage. By doing this, they would become the transformers of this
now-discombobulated Solar System.
Your Earth had become the key to the equation of how to restore the Solar System to its former
glory. The main point in this equation was you and your society. Before this puzzle could be
solved, great lessons, knowledge and wisdoms had to be imparted to you. With these aspects
added to your ever-evolving society, you yourselves would be able to begin a massive
transformation. It is these conditions that make what you are doing so remarkable. Each of you
has come to fulfill an aspect of this great puzzle. Each of you is harnessing yourself to provide
those pieces that make its completion possible. To aid you, we have permitted some of our
Galaxy's finest souls to join you. These 'Starseeds' are here to give you the necessary pushes,
tugs and pulls required to compete your magnificent efforts in right Divine Time.
This brings us back to your Sun. Your Sun is being stabilized and prepared for its final journey
into the Photon Belt proper. It is our intention to complete our "First Contact" with you as soon
as divinely possible. These phrases are not mere words to us. Rather, they are a solemn
commitment to assist you in the completion of these sacred tasks. The restoration of your "Full
Consciousness" is a vital part of our mission. With it, you can unfold your potential and become
members of this Galactic Federation of Light. This transformation also permits your Solar
System to achieve its full potential. We are doing all that is possible, and we ask that each of you
do likewise. Commit yourselves to doing the inner and outer work needed for the transformation
of your global society and of yourselves. We stand in great awe of all that you've done and shall
do in the future.
April 3, 1999 We come to bring you more information about the new energies that we are
bringing into this sector of your Galaxy. During your last seasonal Equinox, which occurred on
March 21st, we opened an enormous Stargate located between the orbits of Venus and your
Earth. This Stargate was established for two purposes: First, it was meant to help to stabilize
your Sun. This activity it has done, and done well. Second, dear ones, it is meant to make it
possible to move your members of the Secret Goverment towards the Light. This second purpose
shall commence in great earnest around April 15th. To move your obstreperous Secret
Government toward the Light, we have a three-fold strategy. These major steps are: One, to set
an energy barrier around your planet that effectively blocks any of their potential interference;
Two, to use this energy to realign their "dark" alignments and three, to perform certain
procedures on their most advanced covert technologies.
Let us look more deeply at what we intend to do. Dear ones, these activities are the last major
procedures that we need to set the stage for your much longed-for graduation into full
consciousness. The Stargate was opened, blessed hearts, because your many planetary ruling
"secret cliques" were not getting our sacred message. The time has come for them to desist, even
if grudgingly, from their present objective. Their objective is the creation of a planetary
Oligarchy whose heavy-handed rule is both open and omnipotent. Their intent is to move
through their last few pre-arranged hoops, and then to strike. This strike is meant to happen in
several well-prepared stages. They have used their immense financial and economic control of
your Global Society as their jumping-off point. This planned action has another more sinister
aspect: the use of advanced mind control technologies, mixed with a massive extermination of
those deemed not suitable for their first ploy. This strategy would have brought your world into a
Dark Age that strongly resembles the horrible last days of Atlantis.
To counter these activities, we intend to put a massive wall of spiritual Light around your
precious Mother Earth. This energy is very different from what we have done previously. It is an
energy that can effectively deter any form of advanced photon or psychic technology that your
Secret Govermnet has acquired. You need to understand that your "Secret Elites" have a long
history of applying these technologies. This history dates back to the first civilization created by
the Annanaki [Nibiruans under the dark influence of the tyrant Marduk] in the immediate post-
flood world. Hence, it spans many, many millennia. Ever since Atlantis was destroyed, this dark
energy has been employed for their own purposes. In addition, in the past few decades they
acquired various types of photonic weaponry. These technologies have been combined in devices
called "psychotronic accelerators". These have the capability to twist time and space, as well as
to vault you into multi-dimensional environments. Here is where our new spiritual Light Shield
comes into use. The key to all the evil technology of which we have just spoken is special
harmonics or tones.
Besides the wall of Light around your planet, we are dutifully working on the adjustment of your
Secret Goverment Members' spiritual alignments. At present, the leaders who form this
organization are composed of individuals whose alignments have been twisted from the Light to
the Dark. Many ancient rituals and secret psychic practices have created this most ghastly
situation. To be inducted into the very highest levels of these organizations, you need to give
your alignment to its Leaders to use as they please. This process moves you deeply into the dire
influences of the Dark. A massive side-effect is that it moves your conscious ego into a position
of having complete control over your mind and spirit. When you are caught in this emotional and
mental mode, self-aggrandizement, accumulation of power and material things become your
objective. You see yourself as having to provide a complete loyalty to your superiors. You wish
to do their bidding and you desire to become as they are.
This twisted alignment has allowed the "Dark" to become overwhelming dominators of your
Global Society. Their interlocked directorate has created world-wide councils that supervise your
daily political, economic and religious lives. Yet, in spite of what they have done, they are
seeking even more. Our second stratagem is to reverse this alignment by letting in the Light. As
this Light becomes able to "congeal" within them, they can be changed. Our grace is never-
ending. We are determined to transform these now Dark Beings into lovers and sincere
supporters of the Light. This gradual process is beginning to work. Our next step is to employ
our developing Wall of Light for this heavenly purpose. Every individual's alignment on your
planet is the responsibility of your Inner Council. This Angelic group sees that everyone's Divine
purpose is accomplished.
April 10, 1999 In our Galaxy, the Intergalactic Union has just completed a series of important
meetings in the Vega system. These meetings stressed the importance of moving your Global
Society into "Full Consciousness" as quickly as possible. To do this, the Union has issued three
Decrees. Each of them has the same basic theme: the remaining procedures required to fulfill our
Divine tasks. One of these tasks involves our "First Contact" with you and its specific time
frame. These Decrees were delivered as a warning to your Secret Goverment on April 8th. Our
clock formally starts to tick at 00:00 hours GMT on April 15th. Beloveds, our patience has run
thin. It is time for your Secret Goverment to commence its compliance with Divine Law.
From now on, compliance, and only compliance, shall be tolerated. For too long, your various
worldly "cabals" have continued to dilly-dally on what we occasionally request of them. This
activity is not now an option for them. To accomplish our broad objectives, the local Spiritual
Hierarchy has pledged that the "Bell-curve" required for the "First Contact" shall be in place by
the end of the coming galactic month of Moan (May 22nd). Before we come, minor tweaking by
us shall be all that is necessary to have you 'up to speed'. From that moment on, your Secret
Government knows that our arrival can happen whenever it befits us. Our task is to move you
into "Full Consciousness" when the Divine Plan so chooses. Our next task is to guide you as
quickly as possible into the new and marvelous realm that you shall then inhabit.
Your Secret Goverment needs to see that we sincerely mean what we have said. To this end, we
have moved around certain key covert experiments that they have in orbit around your world. In
addition, we have shown them the type of technology that we in fact possess. Our purpose has
been to demonstrate to your "Secret Elites" that even at very low levels of engagement, we have
the necessary tools to back up our claims. Your world and you, Dear Galactic kin, have been at
the mercy of these callous Beings for far too long. The time has come to transform their
truculence into obedience. They know that our Fleet is out there and that their potential escape
routes have been cut off. This process has not stopped their continual planning. Somehow, your
Secret Elites feel that their many forms of brinkmanship are their only remaining option. Hence,
they have stepped up various wars [ie. Kosovo] and other oppressive actions now going on
around your globe. Their rule seems to be some obtuse form of a 'scorched-Earth' policy.
Your Secret Goverment also knows that your Planet, as well, is beginning to reach the end of its
'rope'. They realize that Mother Earth is close to a massive deterioration of its biosphere. This
process would end most known life on your world. Your Sun is also in a bad way. Fortunately,
and with the help of your local Spiritual Hierarchy and many inter-dimensional Orders of
Elohim, we have been able to stabilize it. We fully understand why our task was more difficult
than it could have been. Your Secret Government hoped to use the Sun's increasing instability to
cast your Planet's many electrical and communications grids into a series of sudden crises. They
could then use these serious problems to test many new untried technologies that they currently
possess. Their past efforts nearly destroyed your entire Solar System. These projects are ones
that, from time to time, they are still engaged in. Their motto seems to be: "If we can't govern the
Earth, then no one else will be allowed to do so." This folly on their part can no longer be
September 14, 1999 Greetings! We come with some information about your changing reality.
Your ongoing transformational process is now in a period of relative quiescence. We are starting
the preparations for your next adjustment procedures. These shall commence on November 9th
and continue until November 23rd. We have much to do in that time period. Your precious
planet needs a series of very precise calibrations. To do this, we shall have to modify your
integration process and further accelerate some other vital aspects. These operations include a
major adjustment to our global Bell curve, on which all of you have been placed. Our goal is to
put all the pieces of our puzzle into place for the energies that are to be released on May 5, 2000.
During that time, a series of 11 star-gates are to be opened in your solar system. They are
potential nodes for the construction of a new sacred geometry in your reality. This design could
flip you into your new reality, potentially, if enough of you are properly prepared to receive and
transform the energies that come from this sacred grid.
Your solar system is now in a state of great flux. It is nearing a point where its energies are too
vastly altered. This point also marks a time when the energies of Lemuria can become supreme
upon your world! It means that you are, indeed, ending a period when the Forces of the Dark
could control the primary conscious field of your reality. This marks the start of a new era upon
your world. It also signifies that your coming transformation is inevitable. The Divine Plan has
decreed that your global society is shortly to enter a period of unprecedented harmony and global
cooperation. With this, there shall come your first contact with the many gracious Beings that
comprise the Galactic Federation of Light. In addition, you shall be formally introduced to your
new local Spiritual Hierarchy.
September 25, 1999 We have now completed the various new grids of your forming crystalline
Earth. These many energy collectors are setting forth the foundations of your new reality.
Moreover, they are preparing you for your coming shift into full consciousness. In addition, your
Sun is setting forth new patterns within its core. Right now, your physical body's RNA/DNA is
synchronizing its vibrations with those currently emanating from the Sun's core. As these
vibrations begin to come into direct alignment, they set up another series of conditions that make
your change into your fully conscious selves inevitable.
Like you, Mother Earth is transforming into her fully conscious self. To do this, she has had first
to lower her several electromagnetic fields and then vastly to increase their frequency. This
process permitted her crystalline core to change its very nature. This alteration allowed those
subtle devices needed to resurrect her firmament to appear. Moreover, this process caused Earth's
weather, as well as her oceanic patterns, to shift dramatically in the last few decades. These
changes sanctioned her biosphere to undertake some adjustments. These adjustments have led to
a mass extinction process that has been greatly accelerated over the last few years. Your precious
planet and its honored children are preparing to be the hosts for a new reality. It is this new
reality that is now forming around you. It is this process that has induced the many earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions that your media has covered so intently. These actions are establishing
new planetary nodes and, simultaneously, relieving Mother Earth of her many past karmic
Your planet's relationship to the Sun also has begun to shift. Planets and their Sun need to be
seen as a family. They are living Beings engaged in a relationship that encompasses the highest
forms of compassion and of mutual respect. As both near their fully conscious state, they become
locked in a deeper embrace of Love. This Love is driven by the energies that come from both the
galactic core and the higher realms. These energies significantly alter the energy exchanges
happening in your solar system.
December 18, 1999 . During the last five galactic days, we have been constructing a new
magnetic ring around your solar system. This special magnetic ring allows us to fine-tune the
calibrations needed by your solar system's holographic envelope. It is this envelope that is
protecting you from most of the adverse effects that flow from the main photon belt. Recently,
your scientists have been picking up some very high-energy particles streaming from 'deep
space'. From the distinct signatures, they know secretly that the source is the main photon belt.
These same energies are also deeply affecting your Sun by creating the very long period of high
solar activity. Accordingly, we have had to create our special device so we could continually re-
tune your planetary system's holographic envelope. Eventually, this procedure will be able to re-
stabilize your Sun well before the planetary alignments scheduled for May 5th occur. This
moment is an important time. Nonetheless, know that what is to occur is according to the Divine
Your Ascension is one of our greatest joys and greatest concerns. It is something that is fated to
change your reality and you, forever. At present, we are involved in altering your RNA/DNA
protein strands and preparing your central nervous system and your meridian system for this
change. For us to transform your consciousness requires that we do it at the proper rate. In
addition, we need to provide those resources that permit the change of certain worldwide social
and economic structures. This complex process was undertaken only after the completion of a
great deal of preliminary work. The various seemingly long delays, periods of no apparent
change, and even times when the chaos field seems overwhelming, are just part of this
transitional period. Everything has a purpose. It is meant to create certain effects in your reality
that either are too subtle for most of you to discern, or are a period when we are altering the
many nefarious schemes dreamed up by your worldly cabals. In all cases, our approach is to get
you to your 'Omega Point' as swiftly as divinely possible.
Now, let us talk about the critical changes occurring to your spiritual bodies. Dear Ones, as you
know, you possess a highly complex spiritual system. When you were born, you had an electrical
and magnetic field around you. This subtle energy field is called your Light Body. It consists of a
total of fourteen layers, each of which has a purpose. They range from a number of etheric
bodies that mirror your chakra systems, to conscious bodies that are connected directly to your
silver and gold cords. These systems are holistic and, to be properly attached, require a certain
set of resonances. To do this, we have decided to connect them layer-by-layer to your physical
To integrate this multi-layered system into your body requires that we initially change your
physical body into a thirteen-chakra system. Therefore, we have had to slowly accommodate the
many modifications needed to complete this task. Beginning at the head, feet, hands and lower
torso, we slowly worked inward. Additionally, we have had to mirror the electro-magnetic
activity of your Light Body with that of your physical body. Adding to this project, there are the
many thought-forms, which you have inherited from your ancestors, or have forged during your
lifetime. We have had to resolve all of these complexities. Our solution is a series of specially
applied resonance patterns, each specifically designed for you and for that particular aspect
which we are integrating.
This procedure is one that requires us to go either layer-by-layer, or else no more than two layers
at a time. At each point in your body, we need to repeat the process required to attach the
previous layer of your Light Body to your physical body. It is for this reason that you have
experienced the aches, pains and discomfiture of this process again and again. We are also
clearing out many of the negative or limiting thought-forms that surround these points in your
physical body. In each case, the points to which we are referring are a specific chakra, or one of
the connector points in your meridian system. In most of you, this intricate process has barely
reached the eleventh layer and in only a very few, the thirteenth. This process has an important
by-product. It makes you more concerned about the spiritual and environmental aspects of your
December 21 1999 At present, you are engulfed in a reality that is steadily transforming. These
changes are part of a series of commands and decrees issued by the Divine Plan. Presently, these
modifications of your reality, for the most part, are made in a very subtle manner. Now, dear
Ones, you are near the moment when these changes are to become much more overt. As we have
mentioned in our past messages, your Sun is in a prolonged period of high activity. During the
next few tone cycles, your Sun is scheduled to emit a number of massive bursts of materials from
its surface. These solar materials can greatly affect your upper atmosphere, and have the
potential to cause serious harm to your global power and communications networks. These
enormous solar winds are just the beginnings of a period of more overt change for Mother
Earth's atmosphere. Eventually, they are to lead to a very unusual spring and summer in your
Northern hemisphere, and a very wet and windy winter in your Southern hemisphere.
The oceans of your world are about to start to heat up again, an event caused by many deep
ocean floor earthquakes, and accompanying volcanism. The winds in your upper atmosphere are
about to increase in their velocity and will begin to break into much smaller airstreams, or 'jet
streams', as your meteorologists call them. Mother Earth is changing. She knows that the
numerous tectonic plate movements that characterize her current surface features are finally
nearing their end. A new Earth that completely defies the many hypotheses of your scientists is
approaching its birth. It is to this Earth that we would like now to devote some of our time. As
noted, your wondrous planet is in a period of transition. She is moving toward an image quite
different from the one that you are currently used to. In this new Earth, the tectonic plates will
forge together, the oceans will change in their shape and size, and two new continents are to be
added to her surface mix. At her core, a crystalline massive singularity regulates the energy
exchanges that maintain the coming new reality.
First, let us look at her changing atmosphere. Mother Earth's future environment is one in which
her atmosphere is to be noted by its two layers of firmaments and by its high oxygen content. In
this new Earth, her surface temperature will vary by only a few degrees from pole to pole.
Clouds are to be virtually nonexistent and the surface winds will rarely exceed five miles per
hour (8 kph)! In addition, the oxygen content of the lower atmosphere is to be between 33 to 36
percent. This atmosphere is no longer a raging one, but is very stable. It is highly conducive to
life and, in fact, will assure that the lifespans of its inhabitants are vastly increased. Because of
this, all life forms on the planet will become larger. Humans, for example, will increase in stature
from an average of just less than six feet (1.8 meters), to about ten feet (3 meters). The Devic
Kingdom will constitute an entirely different flora and fauna. It is for this particular reason that
one of the greatest extinctions in Earth's biological history is now underway. This massive
extinction pattern is a key to what is happening to your reality.
As noted, the oxygen level of your atmosphere needs to rise. At present, it is barely at 20 percent
and is really much lower in your global urban areas. To live efficiently, humans, as well as most
types of animals, need to inhale a much greater amount of oxygen. In effect, you are slowly
asphyxiating yourselves. As your diminishing oxygen levels starve your bodies, you leave
yourselves more open to all types of degenerative disease. This is one of the primary causes for
your rapid increase in heart, kidney and liver diseases, as well as the astronomical increase in all
forms of that most deadly disease, cancer. Mother Earth knows this. She is troubled and greatly
distressed by how you have treated the marvelous environment that she has given you. Ever
since the end of your Second World War, the environment has deteriorated at very catastrophic
levels. This massive process has rapidly laid waste to the biosphere of this planet that Heaven so
graciously gave you so many millennia ago.
Mother Earth understands the important role played by her large stands of tropical and temperate
forests. Trees create life by providing oxygen and shade. They regulate temperatures and prevent
extremes in any locality's weather pattern. Their loss puts your Earth out of balance and readily
opens it to conditions quite averse to sustaining life. It is unfortunate that your present social
system has been largely ignorant of these key facts and has pursued policies that have
contributed to the processes that we have just described. What is vital is that you are beginning to
understand the relationship between a healthy environment and your own well-being. Even
though this present biosphere is to be replaced shortly, it is important that you demonstrate your
best effort to support and sustain a balance in the life chain. Every creature is part of every other
creature. There is a reason for everything and anything that exists upon this Earth.
Let us look at the Earth's changing surface. Your world is about to take on a new look. Most of
these changes are to be completed only after you have become fully conscious Beings.
Nevertheless, they are immense. Previously, we referred to the fourteen oceans and seas and to
the nine continents that will comprise the Earth's new surface. This surface virtually lacks snow
or ice. In fact, the two polar caps will no longer exist. Where will they go? They will form the
two layers of firmament to which we alluded briefly at the start of this message. This will leave
your planet at about the same depth for sea level. Your ocean floors will not be as deep. That is
because the two continents of Lemuria and Atlantis will surface. However, the height of your
tallest mountain will increase from 29,000 feet (8.84 km) to 50,000 feet (15.24 km).
As we noted in another message, your planet is to become balanced between land and water. It is
still a water planet, and has many great vistas, as well as a multitude of beautiful locales. Your
new world is to be a truly beautiful place. You are about to inherit a most exquisite set of
responsibilities. These responsibilities include being Mother Earth's caretaker. As its primary
steward, you will work closely with the Devic Kingdom and assure the sustainability of this new,
yet fragile environment. In addition, your tasks are to encompass the environments to be formed
upon Mars, Venus and the soon-to-be reconstructed world of Maldek. It is this reality that shall
fulfill your most profound purposes, and give you your greatest joys.
January 25 2000 Dear Ones, momentous events are about to occur which will fill the coming
months with much exciting adventure and much growing suspense. Around you the conscious
field of your reality is both expanding and changing. Likewise, your solar system is being
modified at very much swifter rates. Your Sun is entering the next period of its ever-increasing
activity. To top it all off, your solar system's electromagnetic and gravitational fields are quickly
changing their frequencies, densities and even their very nature. Included in these
transformational procedures, of course, are the vast changes currently happening to your physical
and spiritual selves. You are rapidly approaching a huge cosmic trigger-point, which is to be
pulled on May 5, 2000.
You have come into a sector of physical reality whose very hub is your galaxy. You are now
living upon an entity that is, in reality, the main trigger-point for your solar system. Mother Earth
is a very special Being. At her core, she contains a crystal that drives the energies that are daily
sustaining your galaxy. Think of your galactic home as a switch that turns on the spiritual and
physical processes that create everything you see in your night sky. Hence, you are positioned in
one of the most auspicious places in the Universe. Now, know that the time has come to put this
cosmic switch into a new position. To accomplish this requires a very unusual set of
circumstances. First, the reality governing Earth needs to be altered. Second, all the sentient
Beings who dwell in or on it need to be adjusted for what is to happen. Finally, the energies
disbursed through your solar system need to be changed. When all of this has been
accomplished, a swift and divinely inspired temporary alignment of the planets must occur at
exactly the right time. This last event is the cosmic trigger to which we have alluded in this
You are 'on schedule' for the events that are about to reshape your reality drastically. To those
who realize their significance and have access to the data, these events of the next few months
will be dramatic. To the rest, they will be things happening at too subtle a level to be easily
noticed. Your mass media will tend to view these numerous events either as unique occurrences,
or else as a slew of items too diverse to be tied together. Keep in mind, dear Ones, that all things
are really connected. You need to use your intuitive abilities, as well as the magnificent
discernment that they can quickly give you.
The coming 'cosmic trigger' opens a great inter-dimensional gateway. It also begins a massive
final series of inner and outer adjustments. These procedures are designed to 'fine-tune' what we
have already accomplished. In addition, you are fated to receive elements that are calculated to
prepare you for the final leap to your 'Omega Point'. We are setting the stage for a new period in
your history.
[You may access recent backdates of the full texts from the Galactic Federation & Earth's
Spiritual Hierarchy direct from Sheldan Nidle's 'Planetary Activation Organization' Web Site
Return to contents
Chapter Nineteen:
Welcome aboard! These will be the words, and this the spirit, which will greet those who have
been 'beamed up' as the great upheavals begin.
The first task of our Space Brothers will be to repair the mental and physical damage, to soothe
and comfort those who are in shock, to reassure, and as a matter of practicality, to bring together
those who have been separated.
Next comes the gentle process of healing, and of continually raising our vibration rates. Indeed
these two processes work together, for as our vibratory rates are raised, so any injuries or
imperfections in our bodies will heal themselves to their perfect Etheric pattern, though in a few
cases specific treatments may be necessary. This means that all our old disabilities, the damaged
foot from childhood, the results of an internal operation, the scars of an accident, the internal
wounds of some past sorrow... all these will be healed, returning our bodies to their truly 'natural'
state, their 'higher' perfect pattern as it exists on the Etheric level.
"Those beamed up in physical form will be accelerated and quickened within that physical form
to a more spiritual essence within the body, into what has been termed 'Light Bodies'. The
physical form will remain the same in appearance to most, but that higher blending of the etheric
with the physical will bring about change, and eliminate sickness and physical disharmony
among you."
Our 'collective being' must also be healed, and there will be time to review the Akashic Records
of our planetary history, much as individuals review their own history following the process we
know as 'death'. We will have the opportunity to see the entire span of human evolution on Earth,
learning in the process from our successes and our failures. We will see the wars and devastation,
the slavery, the inhuman treatment of man by fellow man, the mass slaughter of animals. And we
will be able to review the true damage done to our planet's environment as we comprehend the
full extent of human pollution and the havoc wrought by nuclear explosions, and as we also see
for the first time the dense 'black cloud of negative thought' surrounding our world.
But we will also see the positive aspect of the caring, the charity, the ideals of reform, the
service, the good we have done to one another. And we will see the art, hear the music, watch the
great theatrical dramas, 'tour' the historic gardens of great houses and castles, follow intrepid
explorers into uncharted territory as they withstand extremes of climate and face great dangers in
order to push forward the frontiers of human knowledge. And we will watch the brainstorming of
scientists as they explore the sky and stars, the phenomena of time and gravity, as they discover
and learn to harness the power of electricity, as they develop methods of capturing music then
broadcasting it on the airwaves or encapsulating it on magical silver discs, or as they invent and
perfect tiny chips with memories and calculating power far beyond our present human capacity.
We will be watching on the viewing screens, in 3-dimensional virtual reality, the entire history of
our planet: This is Your Life spanning over thirty million years!
There will be time, too, set aside for individual personal development, for learning new artistic
and intellectual skills, for studying ourselves so that we may know ourselves better.
Nor will we be denied enjoyment! We will share relaxation and games, drama and music with
one another and with our space friends; there will be extensive recreational parks created within
the mother-ships in which to walk, relax and meditate. There will be no shortage of pleasurable
"We have recreation areas, great lecture halls and we have school-type rooms where you will
receive instruction in this new environment and new life style so that you will feel right at home
in a very short time. We have entertainment and we have tried to gather foods that would please
[Commander ALEVA, Ashtar Command - channeled by Shalie, May 1988, Cosmic Light
Foundation, Snohomish, WA, USA ]
There must also be orientation of course, conducted tours around the Mother-Ship which is to be
'home' for the dozen or so years while Earth is cleansed and replanted.
When we think of 'spaceships' we will probably visualize their size as corresponding to perhaps
one of our largest aircraft, or those with a more adventurous imagination might visualize the size
and facilities of an ocean-going liner or cruise ship. The actual reality, when we come to confront
it, will require a major effort of comprehension!
Tuella gives her own personal description of one of the largest Mother-Ships in the Intergalactic
Fleet, the Shan Chea, Headquarters of the Ashtar Command, which even now stands ready to
receive its Earth guests:
"Make no mistake about it, the Inns of Heaven are ready, awaiting their guests. Nothing is
crowded in these self contained, phenomenally organized, incredibly spacious floating Etheric
worlds. Seven of these great Pearly White Space Cities are said to be in readiness, which vary in
size from ten miles in diameter to the largest of all, which houses the Headquarters of Lord Jesus
Sananda, Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command. It is over one hundred miles in diameter.
The Great Space Cities have twelve levels (in most cases) and it has occurred to me that you
would enjoy a tour to inspect the largest, the Headquarters of The Ashtar Command.
Approaching, we first see the underneath level One, which is the great entry and exit portal for
trafficking craft. It consists of disembarking platforms, parking docks, garages for incoming
visiting craft, maintenance departments, and storage areas for the thousands of small scout ships
cleverly stacked one over the other.
The Second level might be termed a colossal stockroom. This is the Quartermaster Deck,
containing all manner of supplies and inventories for the varied needs of all levels. It is like a
city of warehouses, but immaculately clean of course.
The Third level is as a vast zoo. It is the level set aside for animal husbandry research, and
birdland. Every manner of creature from many worlds has a habitat here. It is rather a noisy
level, but the air there is nevertheless pure and pleasant.
Above it, level Four is designated for Agricultural research. It is like a vast farmland of well
kept vegetable and botanical gardens, fruit orchards and sample specimens brought on board
from various worlds for reseeding on new worlds, and activity of that nature.
The Fifth level is a housing center for all those technicians and persons who serve on the four
levels beneath.
Directly above Five, at Level Six is the breathtakingly beautiful Recreational level and lushly
landscaped park areas, where a relaxing stroll is sheer joy. All manner of recreational activities
are located here for access by all residents of all ages.
Strategically located, level Seven is the sprawling Medical Complex. Awesome in size, many
information centers are needed to guide one. It contains all comprehensive patient facilities and
quarters for all medical personnel. Dental care areas, biological research centers, and the Ship's
laboratories; all elaborated with the finest technology Space has to offer.
The Eighth level is the housing prepared for Earth's Evacuees. It contains staterooms for
individuals and apartments for families as far as the eye can see. These areas are dotted with
countless joint dining areas, social halls, nursery care sections, laundry facilities and of course
information offices. Gradually the ship's guests are introduced to the technologies of these
various areas, an exciting experience.
Level Nine is their prized University Compound. The Halls of Wisdom, vast libraries scattered
everywhere, endless concert halls and cultural interests from throughout the Galaxy. Halls of
learning house classes with curricula for all ages. Very young children's classrooms are filled
with individualized computer systems. Rooms are decorated with domed ceilings colorful in
their display of planets and worlds as they progress across the pathless sky, each at a different
pace. Elementary astronomy is taught to the very young and they quickly learn to identify and
name the various planets and sections of the Universe. Vibrant vitality shines in their faces as
they have conversations with their computers.
Musical talent blossoms in outer space because of the Music Rooms in the great Craft. There one
can play upon an instrument, in a soundproof room, along with a full orchestration background
on a wide choice of selections by merely pressing the correct buttons on a computer panel. Any
category of music, with thousands of selections, is available at the fingertips of the lone but
aspiring soloist.
On level Ten, these Innkeepers of the Galaxy, house their visiting dignitaries from all
dimensions, in special apartments. This tenth level is also primarily the living quarters for our
Space Brothers, containing staterooms and apartments with multiple scattered conference rooms
and beautiful sprawling dining and lounge areas.
The home for the Ashtar Command Headquarters is located on level Eleven, also the Great
Rotunda Meeting Hall. Summoned by a soft electronic tone in their quarters, Earth Evacuees are
brought to this Great Hall for any necessary group gatherings. Its striking circular wall displays
many tremendous viewing screens, where guests are permitted to view Cosmic panorama as well
as their own world and things to come as well as things passed.
The Great Hall is also used for auspicious social occasions, like welcoming and meeting with
visiting dignitaries or other festivities from any level. This level also houses the Viewing Room,
Map Room and Soul-Panel Boards, and finally the enormous Command Communications
Center, where all Earth contacts are precipitated or monitored, recorded, or whatever, as well as
Inter-Command communication.
Level Twelve is the uppermost portion of the craft and is referred to as "The Dome". It is the
officers' Observation Deck and Pilot Control Center. Earth visitors are permitted here in groups,
by appointment. The total surrounding circumference is furnished with comfortable chairs for
relaxing and observation. Question-and-answer sessions with crew members are a part of the
experience there.
Directly down through the center of the great ship, all levels share a circular shaft or center core,
which is a power reactor throughout the craft. However, one must remember that the activating
source of power comes from the Universe itself, this is but its channel to proper sources. The
power center core is roughly 200 feet or so in diameter. Its outer shell contains several primary
elevators (or large lifts) for inter-level transportation. A few larger lifts are restricted for
Quartermaster and maintenance use. At each level, the power center is surrounded by a spacious
lounge area, beautifully furnished and shared by all divisions of that level.
Generally speaking, the ship's furnishings are simple and sharp in design. White is the
predominant color, contrasted with stirring tones of orange or reds or blues, and much yellow.
The colors are all pure, not muddied or muted. In Earth terms, the decor would be described as
ultra modern, with its gleaming use of a glass-like substance.
Commander Lord Ashtar once described Shan Chea as the largest of the Father's great orbiting
cities that encircle this Solar System and primarily this planet. It orbits (in the Etheric dimension)
from 500 to 1500 miles away from Earth, varying this elevation from time to time. It remains
fixed in certain holding patterns when circumstances require. It is one of the slower moving
bodies because of its size and because of its monitoring of the overall area as well as its
monitoring of Earth's inhabitants. It has been in orbit since long before the coming of the Christ
Child. Its orbit is not given to any certain pathway for it goes wherever it is led by needs and
situations. It is the Great White City upon which Commander Ashtar abides most of the time and
from which he projects all of his Energies to the system. Many times it hovers at the portal of
this Universe when great Inter-Universal Councils take place.
["On Earth Assignment" by Tuella - Guardian Action Publications - 1988. Republished 1994
by Inner Light Publications, New Brunswick NJ, USA. ]
A further description of our arrival and familiarization with a Mother-Ship is given by several
members of the Ashtar Command:
SARNA. "Greetings in the Light of the Radiant One. I am Sarna, one that is in a spaceship
assigned to this channel…
"I will take you at this time, with your permission, on a mental voyage. First I would ask you that
you mentally visualize a scout-ship that has just landed in front of your dwelling place. Know
that it is an oval shape. As it is seated on tripods, there is a stairway that automatically descends
to your level. You are invited to enter. All of you are invited to enter.
"I stand at the top of the stairway and I greet each of you individually. You will notice that this
particular room is semi-circular and there are comfortable seating arrangements for each of you.
I invite you to sit. Now, if you will excuse me, as I have closed the door, I shall now take the
"You will notice that the large screen panel that is before me is one that appears to have a
computer-like system with varying type monitors. Now, as you grow accustomed to where you
are seated within the ship, you become aware that your seat moves so that you may gaze out.
Slowly our craft rises and you see the Earth as we leave it.
"Within this particular vessel, you feel no movement, but it would seem that the Earth is slipping
away from you rather than you are leaving its ethers. Then, as you continue to gaze about, you
see the night-time sky. One of you notices that we are heading towards a very bright light that
contains a strong intensity, and indeed, the light grows brighter as we approach.
"As we get closer, you notice a form, a shape. It is much larger than you had anticipated it
being… One of you might ask of this and I would assure you that this is one of the Mother Ships,
if you would care to use that term. For this particular voyage of discovery we are taking you
aboard this vessel.
"We dock in a portion underneath the Mother Ship. Slowly, again as I press the button, our
stairway descends, and I ask that you would follow me out into the entry area. We then step upon
what you would call a moving sidewalk. One of you notices immediately, the fragrance that is in
the air. For indeed, the air is clear and clean, and there is a sweet fragrance to it in its purity.
"As we reach the end of this particular moving sidewalk the door slides open and we step into an
entry foyer-like waiting area. It is in a pale color and has indirect lighting. And one of you is
quite surprised to see that there is green foliage about.
"Here, I will leave you briefly, and another will continue some of your experiences aboard the
Aleva: "Hello, I am Aleva. I am coming in my capacity of the Official Greeter, and I would greet
each of you most humbly in the Light of the Radiant One. I would bid you welcome, for it is my
joy and my pleasure to act as your official hostess as you would go about the ship.
"But now, before you go any farther, I know you must be weary and you would be much more
comfortable in some other more suitable clothing. So I would suggest to you that perhaps you
might go to your designated rooms. There is no need to stand uncertain and be concerned –
simply go in the direction that you feel is 'right'. Some of you will turn to the right and some to
the left and continue until you see a certain inscription upon a door. A 'knowing within' will tell
you that this is your room. I would suggest that you would enter. Now, please set off, and I shall
continue my description, even as you have entered your room.
"You will notice going down the corridors, that as you approach your room the door slides
quietly open so that you might step into that which is your particular space. Some of you are
quite surprised to see that you have a particular favorite green plant in your room, or perhaps
there is your favorite chair. Of course this is a replica of that which you have had on Earth. For
you see, we have monitored you quite closely and it is our desire that this space, this area you
would call your own, would be an area that would be quite comfortable for you, so we have
brought in various favorite articles for your convenience.
"Some of you notice that there is a closet, that there are chairs, and you notice that your bed does
not have legs, but rather it is a projection out from the wall. Now, may I suggest to you at this
time that you exchange the garment that you have on for one of the one-piece jump suits, as you
shall find this more comfortable. And yes, you will notice that you have a specific color for that
which you wear.
"Now that you are about to change, if you would like to first freshen-up by washing your face,
you might like to touch that large button over there on the wall and you will find that the
necessary concealed fixtures will make themselves available to you. Once you have donned your
particular suit, may I suggest to you that you recline upon your couch or your bed, whichever
term you prefer to use. There now, I trust you now feel quite comfortable.
"Please do not be concerned that two persons will now ask permission to enter your room. They
have come to assist you in balancing and in attuning to the vibrational frequency of the ship.
Yes, notice that they do not actually touch your body, but rather, they work through that which is
your auric field. There now, you can already feel that they have discovered a particular area of
your aura where there has been an unbalance within you, and they are now working to smooth
out that unbalance.
"I can now sense that each of you is feeling much more comfortable, much more relaxed. No,
these two ones do not speak to you in words as you do, but your gratitude is conveyed to them
through your thoughts. Perhaps you might choose to recline here for a few moments after they
have completed the balancing process and just relish the delightful feeling that you have.
"Now, if you are ready, we would ask that you would again come into the central foyer that I
might have the opportunity, indeed the privilege, of taking you on a tour of this particular vessel.
Now, is everyone with us? Let me see. Yes, you are all here.
"We shall continue down this particular corridor, for I would welcome the opportunity to show
you the portion of the ship that you would call the 'piloting area'. As we go past some of these
doorways or some of these areas, you will notice that there is that which has the resemblance of
great banks of computers. These are not computers in your terms of the word, but rather they are
a storage system. This particular vessel is powered by crystalline energy and is guided in most
ways by thought. These computer-like banks that you observe are memory banks for various
activities that take place within the ship.
"Now, we have approached that which is the 'Command' section. As we step through the door,
you will note that there are several individuals that are quite familiar to you. Indeed, some of you
will be now having your own individual reunions with them…
"Again, you will note the large computer-like wall screens in this area. You will notice the
energy patterns or waves that are being displayed. This is how we are able to know you, by your
particular set of energy patterns. If I were to touch this particular switch, you will notice that I do
not actually touch it, but rather, I move my hand before it, and now our screen shows a
combination of energy patterns that are melding into one specific pattern. This is a representation
of who you are. Your individual patterns have now formed into one energy pattern that
represents the group. You will note that there is now shown a particular ratio of various colors.
"That particular chair over there is one that is occupied only by the Lord Sananda, or else
Commander Ashtar. There are no specific regulations regarding who can sit in it, it's just that the
rest of us do not feel that we have evolved sufficiently to do so."
Commander Jon-Ton: "Greetings. May the peace of the Infinite One abide within you in all
ways, manifesting the beauty that is that which is given through you.
"I do not usually communicate directly through channels on your planet, but rather, I am one that
is met here on the Star Ship by those Earth persons that come aboard in their sleep-state. My
assignment here, if you will, is to 'run' the Star Ship, which is the 'moving world' known to you
as the 'Star of Bethlehem'. It would be considered by you as a small-sized world, such as your
moon, though somewhat smaller. This ship is used as the central focus of the many specific
energies which are shared with the Earth plane. Often it is stationed near to your equator, but
usually several hundred-thousands of miles above.
"Many of the small scout-ships stationed on this Mother Ship, more than one hundred and fifty
thousand of them, are manned by from one, to two, three and up to five crew members. Of
course, there is also room in each of them to hold more than twice that number if need be, such
as in the event that the moment comes for you of Earth to leave quickly.
"Even as your world has many divisional responsibilities, this small world to which I am
entrusted, is divided into one in which each person has specific duties or responsibilities, such as
for the 'housekeeping' or cleanliness of our surroundings; others who provide food, ones who
maintain the structure of the ship, ones who maintain the gardens and plant growth areas, as well
as those who are responsible for our garments, housing and the environment.
"Those, for instance, who maintain the environment, are responsible for the quality of the air, its
correct mixture for our well-being, the amount of light and its intensity, hue and color, and for
the level of moisture available to us. They are entrusted with maintaining the in-ship
environment that is most conducive to the well-being and upliftment of the ship's inhabitants. To
those of us from different spheres as well as galaxies, we have found that there is a universal air
mixture, but in the private quarters of each individual, an exact mixture is provided which is
likened to their home area. Thus there is always the opportunity to balance out. As you on Earth
come to this ship, these specialists will, and have learned, how to adjust to the total environment
of your area, so as to achieve a minimum adjustment shock for each of you.
"Our ship could be likened to a large city which is planned for the total benefit of its inhabitants.
One aspect that you might find of interest, is the fact that we have no litter or refuse. We have the
ability to recycle or reuse all that is with us. Thus we are self-sufficient and perpetuating.
Families are also assigned to this ship, so that we may have the experience of children or small
ones coming forth to enrich our lives. In fact, we have a 'birthing' chamber, even as we have a
chamber for releasing ones who have achieved their highest development within this particular
"We have accepted this assignment with great joy and anticipation. We are a moveable world,
which has the capacity to invite and accept many more…
"As you are aware, these Mother Ships are made by us through thought and application. This
particular ship does not itself have a consciousness, but it does have a sensitivity. Those that
work most closely with her know of that sensitivity and how she expresses such. She does have
the ability in some situations to repair herself, but she still must be patrolled by the engineers
who are responsible for her well-being.
"Should we be exposed to a small meteor bombardment, the ship has the ability to seal any and
all encroachments up to twenty feet in diameter that have escaped the ship's repulsion beams.
These would not necessitate the involvement of one of the engineers. However, should there be
damage greater than that diameter, then a crew of several engineers from one of the sectors
would be dispatched to examine the damage and determine the method of repair. In these
instances the engineers shoot crisscrossing threads across the damaged area. The ship then has
the ability to repair itself, using these filaments as the foundation for its own regeneration. Also
recognize that there is a measure of elasticity to the ship's covering material.
"We have also, at all times, a crew on station in the 'Control' chamber. This area can be
visualized as a dome above the major portion of the ship. These ones do not usually need to
themselves control the ship, but rather leave this to instruments that are similar to your
computers, except at those times when we must use 'conscious thought' to determine the
navigational route. Even then, the information we require is held within the computers for us to
determine which is the best route.
"Recognize that we travel much on what you would call 'ley lines', which are spread throughout
the Cosmos. These energy lines go in all directions, so there is no limitation to our direction of
travel. The only limitation we experience is one of needing to make a vibrational adjustment
when we enter a dimension of denseness greater than the one which we normally experience in
our routine work. Even then, we are advised of the anticipated adjustment by our computer
equipment. The 'thought' is then shared and received by all to make the necessary adjustment.
The skin or covering of the ship, if you will, is thickened to compensate for the additional stress
placed upon it.
"Concerning the great distance we are from you. We could not be closer because to do so would
set up a vibrational pull between your Earth, our ship, and your moon, to such an extent that it
would be quite detrimental. It would destroy your moon, or rather, destroy the attraction holding
your moon, causing it to spin off and disintegrate. It would also bring your Earth to rest attached
to our Mother Ship or vice-versa! Such an arrangement would not be conducive to travel! This
attached connection could also unfortunately destroy your Earth, should we then desire to
remove ourselves from your position within your solar system.
"On board our Mother Ship, the growing process for our foods is one that is greatly different
from yours on Earth. We do not have or need large fields of soil in which to plant seeds to
produce food. Our diets are relatively simple, but suited to the background of each of us.
Nutrients are produced in what you would consider to be a laboratory setting. Your hydroponics
are quite similar. It has been determined that a greater yield for a longer period can be produced
in this manner. We do not eat the flesh of others, but rather eat that which you would determine
as fruits and vegetables, grains and seeds. Our intake of foods is not as great as yours, so it is not
necessary to produce vast amounts of food.
"Those that prepare these 'gifts of nature' are ones who have a great love and involvement with
the act of preparation. To use your terms, they are quite creative. I believe you would like some
of their recipes. We do not put in long hours of preparation, for much of what is consumed by us
on a routine basis is consumed in its natural raw state. Perhaps, a liquid combining the nutrients
and flavors of two or more foods might be made, but that is all. On those days which are feast
days or special occasions, then there is a great activity in the area of food preparation.
"There are several of our largest Mother Ships stationed near to the Earth plane. We can come to
within two thousand miles of your planet without immediate harm to you or us. We will do this
in the event of a lift-off. We, aboard this particular craft, can easily hold most of the population
of your North American Continent, although we would not in fact need to do this, since many of
your Continent are also assigned to various other vessels for their debriefing and various
In this and similar Mother Ships there will be much work to be done. The recently evacuated
human race will have their ultimate return to a cleansed Planet Earth and a new life ahead of
them, but for now, there will be considerable preparation and planning needed for this coming
event by the Earth population itself on the Mother Ships.
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Chapter Twenty:
Those who have been lifted up at the time of the 'Tribulation' to the large Mother-Ships hovering
high in our atmosphere, will be given ample time and all the necessary support needed to
overcome the trauma of the event. They will be welcomed as honored guests, and all the
spaceships' great wealth of facilities, for learning, recreation and relaxation as well as personal
refreshment and reflection will be placed at their disposal. But they will also need to confront the
challenge of a return to a totally cleansed and geographically unrecognizable Planet Earth. The
reality of this event will focus attention on the mundane need to formulate new social and
commercial rules, to plan future resources-use for urban living, agriculture and leisure.
Aware of the importance of this task, our Space Brothers will provide the opportunities and
facilities on the Mother Ships for the necessary Planning Convocations.
The creation of a New World is a rarity and an event of considerable importance even in galactic
terms, and we will be greatly assisted at these planning convocations with advice and
encouragement from our Space Brothers and participating visitors from more developed worlds
throughout the Universe. But they cannot, and would not dictate our future plans in any way, for
if they did so they would be inter-positioning themselves between us and our own Karma, which
would be improper and a violation of Universal Law. We must all learn through our own efforts,
our own successes and our own mistakes, and this applies equally to a collective planetary
civilization, just as it does to the destiny of individuals.
We of Earth will need to consider and formulate for ourselves the basic social-political rules and
structure that will govern our new society; the basic rules of social conduct which will reflect our
new attitudes and aspirations towards one another and towards the new and uplifted Planet Earth.
Man's development on Earth, from the times of primitive cave-dwelling to the relatively
sophisticated lifestyles presently enjoyed by us, has up to now been largely concerned with the
provision of physical needs of food, clothing and shelter. In the New Age this will no longer be
mankind's major preoccupation, thanks largely to a lower population and new technologies as yet
unknown on Earth.
Nor will the new mankind be plagued by wars, slavery, poverty, revolution and social injustices;
for the higher vibratory rate on which humanity is to operate will ensure that the basic attitude of
selfishness, which has in the past pervaded man's relationships with fellow man and hampered
the true development of civilization, will not prevail. Indeed, cooperation and mutual assistance
will be the natural inclination in the New Age, leading to peace and prosperity.
In a world where there is an abundance of physical needs, in a world where peace and
cooperation are the natural order, mankind will now have time to devote to intellectual and
spiritual development, and this will then become our major preoccupation in the New Age.
Yet politics must nevertheless play a vital role, for even when there is unqualified goodwill
between all people, an absence of planning can result in the same urban chaos we experience
today; and even with the best will in the world, people still need 'Laws' as standards of guidance
in preserving personal liberty, in the correct behaviour towards others and in ensuring fair
commercial trade.
Many of Earth's people on the great spaceships will undoubtedly approach the very subject of
politics with reluctance, recalling only too vividly the inefficiency, corruption and costly mal-
administration which characterized the 'democratic' process of government over which 'the
people' had little or no control. How can the old evils of politics be avoided? What sort of
politics will serve the New Age?
Fortunately these problems will not in our future Ascended world give undue concern. The 'right
answer' has always been with Humanity since its most primitive days, but self-centeredness
blinded us to its virtues and prevented us from embracing it. In the light of a higher vibration rate
and a New Age, the right answer will be clear to everyone of us, and it will consist of one simple
but vital rule, which will give all the needed guidance in our correct relationship with others:
In the New Age there can be no imposition upon one living Being by another, no interference in
the life and evolution of one by another. Whatever we may choose to do, we should do nothing
which is harmful to, or interferes directly in the personal evolutionary path of others.
Grow without diminishing others; prosper without impoverishing others; respect others, as you
would have others respect you. This is the Principle which guides those on higher levels, and this
Principle too, will in future guide Human affairs and conduct on the New Earth.
With this one single rule, mankind will share resources fairly whilst observing the rights of
Nature herself; we will respect the peace, privacy and property of one another; and trade will be
honest and fair, as each seeks to serve, not exploit others; giving fairly for goods and services
received, asking a fair price for goods and services rendered.
Thus the task of formulating political institutions and laws will simply become one of detail, of
applying to our everyday lives and events the principles of Universal Law.
Turning then to physical planning, the major and very essential task of Humanity in preparation
for the return to the New Earth, there will be the planning of communities, transport, and other
uses of land and natural resources in such a way that needs of agriculture and recreation are
provided for, residential neighborhoods, towns and cities are convenient and pleasant, and the
needs of the Planet herself are rigorously respected.
In fact the planning process will be one of enjoyable creation in which everyone can and will
participate. With guidance from a high and just social Principle, the assistance of colleagues
from other worlds, a respect for Planet Earth herself, and a pervading spirit of goodwill resulting
from the higher vibratory rate, rapid and productive progress can be made. And with the multi-
dimensional 'virtual reality' planning facilities which will be placed at our disposal, in which
cities, shops, workplaces, neighborhoods, homes, even rooms and gardens can be planned,
visualized and 'experienced' as if they already existed before they are built, planning the 'New
Earth' will be the fun, exciting, creative experience it should be.
Our Space Brothers will provide accurate, multi-dimensional maps covering the whole of the
New Earth's surface, showing in detail the new topography of seas, lakes, rivers and mountains,
the mineral deposits and the best agricultural land, as well as the planet's natural 'Power Centers'
or Planetary Chakras which channel and diffuse higher spiritual forces.
During our sojourn on the Mother-Ships, the Space Brothers will meanwhile be working and
cooperating with Nature down on the newly-cleansed Planet Earth to repopulate the surface with
trees, plants, flowers and vegetation, for the benefit and beautification of the planet and to
provide humans and animals with food in a rich and varied choice of fruits, nuts and grains.
Trees and vegetation will not be seeded where centers of habitation and other surface features,
such as transport lines, are planned to be located - another important reason for detailed advance
But even before re-seeding and re-planting can take place, the task of Earth's purification must be
undertaken by those of 'Higher' evolution qualified in such work. This is more complex than we
could ever imagine, involving sciences unknown to us. The pollution and damage to our planet
presently visible to us is only the 'tip of the iceberg', as Tuella explains:
"I am told by our Space Brothers that it will take at least seven years for Planet Earth to heal
over the scars of her Tribulation. Panoramic pastures of flowers and lush greenery will be set
aside to replenish in beauty, areas where polluted cities once stood and wars were fought. These
particular areas will not be touched for centuries, but left to blossom until all scars are
completely healed deep beneath them.
The many combined fleets of the Ashtar Command will be occupied balancing the magnetic grid
system to restore it to a positive and accurate balance once again. Evacuees from Earth will be
observing this from viewing screens on the great Mother Craft, as space ships beyond number of
all colors, tints, shapes and sizes, some just as balls of radiant light, travel at incredible speeds
along every line of the grid system, moving in beautiful precision.
They will anchor the Earth within its own forcefield and reopen the planetary chakras where
new beautiful cities will be built. They will also clear the dimensional portals for the later entry
of the immense, city-sized ships, which will return their precious cargo to the planet. This will
come after Earth's glorious restoration when all things will be made new."
['On Earth Assignment', by Tuella - Guardian Action Publications - 1988. Republished 1994
by Inner Light Publications, New Brunswick NJ, USA. ]
Just as so many intrepid souls crossed the Atlantic from the Old World to a new continent, so the
time will come when Earth's people will begin their return to their 'new' planet, now cleansed,
refreshed and replanted. First will come the 'advance guard', bringing with them the previously
agreed plans for new towns and cities, neighborhoods and homes, and they will begin work on
the pioneering task of building the 'physical' fabric of a new society.
It will be a time of great challenge, for those first years will set the tone for the next millennium.
But it will also be a time of relief, of joy and thanksgiving for our return 'home'. The joy of
return will mirror in reverse the trauma in which we left; and in our return we will be
accompanied by, and share our joy with the great Masters in whose charge Planet Earth is given.
Tuella relates a 'vision' she saw on a visit to a Higher Plane of the first return of Humanity to the
'New Earth':
"During an 'out of body excursion', I was privileged to visit with Commander Soltec on his
Mother Ship, the 'Phoenix'.
On the ship, I was courteously seated before three very large viewing screens in his office and
laboratory rotunda. The center screen presented a sweeping panorama of Earth's landscape;
beautiful snow scenes, then tropical areas, majestic green mountains, colorful oceans, like a
travelogue on a tremendous scale and utterly beautiful. It seemed somewhat strange to me that in
this broad viewing, I saw no housing of any description or evidence of commercial or city life; in
fact I saw no human life at all. Soltec was evidently reading my thoughts. He commented:
"You are now viewing the planet as it will be when it is cleansed and new in its glory and beauty;
just before that time when it is to be populated again. This is the new growth, the new covering
that will bloom upon the planet when the people of Light set foot upon it. Notice how much more
beautiful is the greenery of the vegetation and the spreading trees, the deep blue of the
firmament, the clear cleanliness of the water, for all pollution is now removed from the
atmosphere. The air is pure and clean."
He zoomed in on a tremendous pasture of wild flowers. The colorful splash was breathtaking. He
smiled and told me, "On that very panorama, a large polluting dirty city formally stood." I would
never have recognized the terrain, though I knew I had once lived in that city. He further stated:
"Many areas on the beautiful Planet Earth that have suffered degradation at the hands of
mankind, will be left to rest."
The screen to the left was then activated and revealed a desirable landscape of sloping hills,
lavishly covered with trees of that heavenly green, with many beautiful broad open areas in its
midst. There were creeks, and slowly flowing rivers. I could see the rocks at the bottom through
the clear water, even from our distant vantage point.
Suddenly, high above these vast central planes I saw the gleaming bright light of an enormous
Spacecraft, very brilliant, glowing as it lowered and settled down silently and gently on the miles
of greenery. It was a beautiful ship of indescribable size. I can only say it was extremely
spacious, shiningly beautiful, dominating the screen as we watched.
Many openings suddenly appeared all around the vast 'city', with wide stairways dropping down,
efficiently and quickly. Upon each one were crowds of people; youths, tots perched on adult
shoulders or clutching the hands of parents, whilst hugging all of their young pets the Space
friends had given them. All began to descend at once in a run, shouting with joy or in prayer, but
happiness and smiles everywhere. The high emotion of the moment was contagious and I found
myself feeling exhilarated along with them and smiling broadly as well. I looked at the
Commander, and he also was smiling and laughing with great joy.
"This is the first landing of persons and Light Workers returning to the new Earth."
I caught my breath as I marveled at their happiness. As far as you could see the children were
running all over the beautiful hills, whilst the very young children were busily occupied with
petting their little animal friends to make them feel at home. These were all children born in
outer space on the great Mother Ships; what a heritage they had, facing a new life that would
share fellowship with these beautiful souls from other worlds. There were many infants also;
being carried as the throng continued to pour forth by the hundreds, until finally I calculated
there must be several thousands disembarking.
At a few of the exits, the Space Friends widened the doors in some manner, and birds of every
imaginable species escaped forth with a great hum from the sound of their wings; shadowing the
sun as this living cloud swept out and onward into the new land. The crowds pointed skyward as
they watched the ascent.
Then a roar of approval from the crowd as the animals gingerly started their procession down
the gangways. There descended a parade of young animals; beautiful fawn stepped proudly upon
the grassy knolls, clusters of squirrels and chipmunks jumped off the ramp, scurrying into the
deeper grass. To the joy of the children, lambs pounced onto the scene. Many young kid-goats
bounded to the ground followed by the many sprinting, kicking, lively young colts.
Finally the moment came when the activity had stilled and a hush of reverence swept across the
masses. Every eye was turned toward the massive center portal, which seemed to glow in an
invisible light. Suddenly three beautiful Beings appeared atop the stairs and paused. As I sat
with Soltec viewing the scene, I intuitively knew they were Lord Jesus Sananda, Lord Kuthumi,
and Lord Saint Germain. The shortest of the three was draped in a violet colored cape. Lord
Jesus wore a simple white robe girded at the center, and Lord Kuthumi was clothed in a golden
colored metallic robe. Together, they descended where the assembled crowd stood waiting. They
clasped as many outstretched hands as possible and embraced many. I realized then that these
'Beloved Ones' and our Space Friends would be remaining with us for a considerable time."
['On Earth Assignment', by Tuella - Guardian Action Publications - 1988. Republished 1994
by Inner Light Publications, New Brunswick NJ, USA.]
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