Megasix Lyrics PDF

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Megasix Lyrics (Colour-Coded) 

ARAGON - ​Scott ​BOLEYN -​ Matt ​SEYMOUR -​ George ​CLEVES -​ Liz   
HOWARD - ​Max ​PARR - ​ Lilith ​FULL CAST​ ​ ​KAY-ANNE 
SCOTT: Thornlie, get up and clap your hands! 
LIZ: Get your phones out, you're gonna wanna film this! 
KAY-ANNE: But most importantly, get ready to dance! 
FULL CAST A ​ re you ready? Thornlie! Here we go! 
ARAGON You must think that i'm crazy 
You wanna replace me baby, there's  
FULL CAST ​n-n-n-n-n-n-no way 
ARAGON If you want to believe me 
You must think I'm naive 
Please believe me, there's  
FULL CAST ​n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-not sorry 
BOLEYN Sorry not sorry 'bout what i said 
I'm just tryna' have some fun​ ​(n-n-no way) 
​Don't worry, don't worry 
​Don't lose your head 
​Didn't mean to hurt anyone 
​You can build me up ​L-O-L 
​You can tear me down ​Say 'oh, well’ 
​You can try but ​Or go to hell 
​ I'm unbreakable 
HOWARD All you wanna 
FULL CAST ​Do your best 
​But i'll stand the test 
​You'll find that I've  
​Got a heart of 
CLEVES All alone 
On a throne 
In a palace that I happen to own 
HOWARD The only thing you wanna do 
CLEVES Too bad i don't agree, 'cause 
I'm the queen of the castle 
Get down, you dirty rascal 
HOWARD All you wanna do 
All you wanna do, baby 
Is sing along 
To your favourite queen's song 
All you wanna do 
All you wanna do, baby 
Is love me, love me 
HOWARD ​/ ​PARR ​l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l- 
PARR Love, no, no 
I don't need your love 
No, no 
It's time to rise above 
Woah, woah 
FULL CAST​ ​We don't need your love 
‘cause we're so much more than 
ARAGON Divorced  
BOLEYN Beheaded 
CLEVES Divorced 
HOWARD Beheaded 
PARR Survived 

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