University of Pune Structure For SE Chemical Engineering-2008 Course
University of Pune Structure For SE Chemical Engineering-2008 Course
University of Pune Structure For SE Chemical Engineering-2008 Course
209342 Fundamentals of
1 2 -- -- -- 50 50
Chemical Engineering
209346 Technical 2
Communication 1 - - - - 50 50
209351 Mechanical 4
Operations 2 100 50 - 150
Industrial Training I
(to be evaluated in - - - - - - - -
Fifth Semester)
Kinetics : Rate of reaction, rate constant, order of reaction, kinetics of first and second order
reactions, numericals on above, Activated complex theory of reaction rates kinetics of complex
reactions. Photochemistry : Introduction and importance, Stark-Einstien law,photochemical rate
law, examples of photochemical reactions kinetics of i) H2, Cl2 reaction ii) dimerisation of
anthracene ,
Unit-V Chromatography, Batteries 08 lectures
Chromatography ,: Adsoption and partition principles, Study of TLC, column , HPLC, Gas
Chromatography and their applications. Batteries: Batteries and their importance,types of
cells, terms-capacity, power density, cycle life , energy efficiency, NICAD cell, Lithium batteries
( lithium ion ,polymer electrolyte,lithium alloy ) , Fuel cells ( alkaline, PAFC, polymer
electrolyte membrane ) , their applications
1 Diameter of solute molecule by viscosity measurements.
2 To determine rate constant of first order reaction of acid catalysed hydrolysis of ester.
3 Preparation of benzoic acid from benzamide , crystalisation and purity checking by
4 Conductometric titration between strong acid and strong base
5 Conductometric titration between AgNO3 and NaCl
6 To estimate the weight of ferrous sulphate in given solution by potentiometric titration
7 To determine pKa value of weak acid by pH metric titration
8 To find molecular wt. of solute by depression in freezing point of solvent
9 Partition coefficient of a iodine between water and CCl4
10 To estimate sodium ion conc. In solution by flame photometer
11 Colorimetric estimation of cobalt/ nickel ion in solution
( Any seven expts of above )
Note – practical examination will be for four hours and students will perform TWO
experiments( one organic analysis and one other )
Reference Books
1 Instrumental methods of chemical analysis ----B.K.Sharma , Goel publ. )
2 Instrumental methods of chemical analysis ----Chatwal –Anand
3 Organic chemistry –I L Finar volume I and II
8 Spectroscopy ---Kalsi
209342 Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering
TW : 2 Hrs/Week
INTRODUCTION: introduction to chemical engineering; history of chemical engineering and
chemical technology; Scope of Chemical Engineering, Nature of Industries.
Basic Chemical Calculations: units and dimensions, conversion and conversion factors.
Basic Concepts: concept of mole, weight percent, mole percent, normality, molarity, molality,
vapor pressure, partial pressure.
Unit Operations: Introduction, Definition, examples like Size reduction, sedimentation, filtration,
Distillation, evaporation, absorption, extraction, fluid handling, fluid-solid contacting, fluid-solid
separation, fluid storage, mixing, solid handling, crystallization, drying, leaching, size separation.
Unit processes: introduction to unit processes with simple examples like sulphonation,
polymerization, oxidation, hydrogenation, saponifoication, etherification, nitration , chlorination.
Basic concept of chemical processes: Conversion, Yield, efficiency, flow diagram, flow
sheets, & block diagram, with examples.
Process instrumentation and safety: Temperature scale, measurement of temperature using
bimetallic thermometer, mercury expansion thermometer, gas filled thermometer. Pressure scales
& units, measurement of pressure. Level measurement. Flow measurement. Measurement of
viscosity. Personal protection devices.
Reference Books
1. Unit operations in chemical engineering by W.L. McCabe and J.C. Smith and Peter
Harriott, Mc Graw Hill 5th ed. 1993.
2. Himmelblau, D.H, Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering, 5th
NewYork, 1954.
Basic equations of fluid flow: Continuity equation, equation of motion, mechanical energy
balance equations.
Shear stress distribution, Relation between skin friction and wall shear, The friction factor;
Laminar flow through circular pipe, on inclined plane, through annular space,; Relation between
average and maximum velocity, Darcy Weisbach equation, Friction factor chart.
Concept of hydrodynamic boundary layer, Growth over a flat plate, Different thickness of
boundary layer, Fundamental dimensions of quantities, Dimensional homogeneity, Dimensional
analysis by Reyleigh’s method and Buckingham’s method, Dimensionless numbers.
Drag and drag coefficient, Flow through beds of solids, Motion of particles through fluids,
Fluidization, Introduction to compressible flow.
Pipes and tubings, Joints and fittings, Major and minor losses, Different types of valves,; Flow
measurement using orificemeter, venturimeter, pitot tube and rotameter; Pumps: Centrifugal
pump, Performance of centrifugal pumps.
Reference Books
1. Introduction to materials and their principle properties, Simple stresses and strains,
Concept of stress, strain, shear stress, shear strain, Hooks law, Elastic limit, stress-strain
curve for mild steel and elastomeric materials, factor of safety, Poisson’s ratio, Strain
energy due to axial load and impact. Introduction to determination of mechanical
properties of materials ASTM methods. 7 Lect.
2. Basic principles in their selection for fabrication and erection of chemical plant.
Testing of materials, destructive and nondestructive tests, structure of atom and chemical bonds,
crystal structures and their influence on material properties, Deformation and slip processes.
8 Lect.
3. Metals and their alloys: Iron – carbon diagram, Ferrous and nonferrous alloys, mild steel,
special steels, stainless steels, brasses, brasses, aluminum alloys and titanium alloys, high and low
temperature material, insulation, refractories. Methods for fabrication, rolling, bending, central
punching, revetting, welding. Nickel and its alloys: aluminum and its alloys
9 Lect.
4. Corrosion and its control: Corrosion attack methods, Different types of corrosion: chemical,
biochemical, and electrochemical; Internal and external factors affecting corrosion of chemical
equipments, Methods to minimize corrosion, corrosion charts for process equipments. Polyaniline
and Anticorrossive surface coatings electrochemical corrosion prevention corrosion case studies
from the chemical industry 7
5. Polymers, natural & synthetic: Selection of polymetric materials for equipment linings,
fiber reinforced plastic, application of special polymers like Nylon 66, Teflon in
engineering. Polymer Composites 7 Lect.
6. Ceramic and glasses: Definition of ceramics and glasses; interaction between
structure, processing, and properties;
Applications of ceramic and glass materials; Crystalline and non-crystalline ceramics,
silicates, refractories, clays, cements, glass vitreous silica, and borosilicate.
6 Lect.
Reference Books
1. Microstructure observation and study of metals and alloys. (Minimum five) low
carbon steel, medium carbon steel, high carbon Steel, tin, bronze, brass, phosphor
2. Study of properties of polymeric materials; impact test and polymeric Tests.
3. Corrosion testing (salt spray test for different samples such as plain carbon steel,
chrome plate steel, galvanized steel.)
4. Different types of hardness test on metals. i.e. Rockwell hardness test, Brinell
hardness test, Shore scleroscope tests.
5. Izod and Charpy impact test on mild steel, copper, brass and aluminum.
6. Chemical analysis of metals and alloys (Any one element to be analysed e.g.
molybdenum from stainless steel, carbon from steel, copper from brass etc.
7. Macrostructure observation: (flow lines observation in forging by macro etching
sulphur printing of steel.)
8. Study experiments based in, i) Dye penetration ii) Rubber lining, iii) Ultrasonic
test, iv) Heat treatments.
Introduction to unit processes and operations and their symbols, process flow sheet,
Dimensions and Units, Basic Chemical Calculations including mole, equivalent weights,
solids, liquids, solutions and their properties, properties of gases.
Unit II. Material Balances without Chemical Reactions (9 lectures)
Concept, energy and Thermochemistry, energy balances, heat capacity of pure substances
and mixtures, latent heats, enthalpy of pure substances and mixtures, absolute enthalpy,
heat of reaction, adiabatic reactions, thermo chemistry of mixing processes, dissolution,
liquid-liquid mixtures, gas-liquid systems.
5. Unit VI Stoichiometry and Unit Operations (10 lectures)
Calorific values, coal, liquid fuels, gaseous fuels, air requirement and flue gases,
combustion calculations.
Reference Books
Practical: 2 hr/week
G.D – Nature of G.D, G.D and debate, importance of G.D, strategy of G.D, techniques for
individual contribution, group interaction strategy.
Presentation skills– Nature and importance of oral presentation, planning the presentation,
preparing the presentation, organizing your presentation, rehearsing and presentation. Improving
delivery, checklist for making presentation.
Professional writing: Routine business letters – letter writing skills, form and structure, style and
tone, enquiry letters, replies to enquiry letters, P.O, letters urging action, complaint and
adjustment letters.
Sales letters – Sales letters, organizing sales letters, opening, body, closing.
Business memo– Principles and fundamentals, business memo, letter versus memo, form and
structure of memo, writing strategies, characteristics of effective memo.
Reports – Nature and significance, types of reports, format of reports, writing strategies.
Proposals – Nature and significance, type of proposal, structure of formal proposal, writing tips.
Technical articles– Nature and significance, types of technical articles, journal articles and
conference paper, review and research articles, writing strategies.
Soft skills: What are soft skills? , global competition, hard skills (technical skills) versus soft
skills, emotional intelligence, interpersonal skills, motivation, leadership skills, decision making,
negotiation skills, business etiquette, problem solving skills, conflict management, stress
management, crisis management, social understanding, behaviors traits, teamwork.
Human values: Morals, values, ethics, integrity, work ethics, virtues, respect for others, caring,
sharing, honesty, courage, time management, cooperation, commitment, empathy, self
confidence, challenges in work place, spirituality.
Engineering Ethics: Overview, senses of engineering ethics, variety of moral issues, types of
enquiries, moral dilemma, moral autonomy, moral development, consensus
And controversy, profession, models of professional roles, responsibility, ethical theories, self
control, self interest, customs, religion, self respect, overview of safety, responsibility and human
rights, case study.
Term Work:
Term work and theory are considered to be integral part of the course.
Term work shall consist of a journal consisting of regular assignments and presentations
completed in the practical class and at home, the total number of assignments should not be less
than twelve, generally covering the topics mentioned above. As far as possible, submission
should be word processed on a computer using a standard package by the student himself.
For the purpose of assignments, extensive use of research papers published in technical
journals and articles published in magazines and newspapers may be ma\de so that there is no
repetition by the individuals. Oral presentations exercises and group discussions should be
conducted batch wise so that there is a closer interaction. Students should be sent to industrial
visits for exposure to corporate environment.
Reference Books
1. Krishna Mohan and Neers Banarge (1996), Developing Communication Skills,
Macmillan India Ltd.
2. Day (1995), How to write and publish a scientific paper, Cambridge Lowpriced Edition.
3. Bernice Hurst (1996) , Handbook of communication skill, 2nd Edition, Kogan page
4. Strunk W (Jr.) and White E.B., The elements of style, Latest edition, Macmillan
Publishing Company, New York
5. University of Chicago Press Manual of Style, Publ. University of Chicago Press,
(Chicago. Latest Edition).
6. M Ashraf Rizvi , Effective technical communication, Mc graw Hill
7. R.S. Naagarazan, Professional ethics and human values, New Age international
8. Elizabeth Valuance, Business Ethics at work.
Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:
Lectures: 4 hrs./week Paper: 100 marks
Duration: 3 hrs.
Section I
Unit I: Linear Differential Equations (LDE) (09 Hours)
Solution of nth order LDE with Constant Coefficients, Method of Variation of Parameters, Cauchy’s &
Legendre’s DE, Solution of Simultaneous & Symmetric Simultaneous DE.
Section II
Unit IV: Laplace Transform (LT) (09 Hours)
Definition of LT, Inverse LT. Properties & theorems. LT of standard functions. LT of some special
functions viz. error, 1st order Bessel’s, Periodic, Unit Step, Unit Impulse, ramp, jump, parabolic, Si(t) and
Ei(t). Problems on finding LT & inverse LT.
Unit VI: Applications of Laplace Transforms & Vector Calculus (09 Hours)
Applications of Vectors to problems in Fluid Mechanics, Continuity equations, Stream lines, Equations of
motion, Bernoulli’s equations.
Applications of LT for solving ordinary differential equations, liquid level systems, consisting of single
tank and two tanks in series (interacting and non-interacting systems), second order systems (damped
Text Books:
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Peter V. O'Neil (Cengage Learning).
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig (Wiley Eastern Ltd.).
Reference Books:
1. Engineering Mathematics by B.V. Raman (Tata McGraw-Hill).
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 2e, by M. D. Greenberg (Pearson Education).
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wylie C.R. & Barrett L.C. (McGraw-Hill, Inc.)
4. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B. S. Grewal (Khanna Publication, Delhi).
5. Applied Mathematics (Volumes I and II) by P. N. Wartikar & J. N. Wartikar
(Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Pune).
6. Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB, 2e, by Thomas L. Harman, James Dabney and
Norman Richert (Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning).
209347 Chemistry-II
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Carbohydrate: Cyclic structure of glucose, cellulose, starches. Starch based products, Cellulose
acetate, nitrate ,ether. Proteins-formation of peptide linkage, features of peptide linkage, alpha-
helical configuration, beta-pleated structure, primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary structures of
proteins. Amino acids-alpha- amino acids, classification, properties and reactions. General
introduction of cofactors and coenzymes, catalytic site of enzyme, factors affecting enzyme
activity , classification of enzymes. Vitamins and harmones (in short)
Unit-III Spectroscopy
UV-Visible spectroscopy: Lambert-Beer law, λ max , calculation of λ max for olefinic and
cyclic structures, instrumentation , interpretation of spectra , applications. IR
spectroscopy: Introduction, instrumentation (double beam spectrophotometer) characteristic
absorption in functional and finger print regions, interpretation of spectra , applications
b) Biotechnology 04 lectures
8 Preparation of tetramine copper (II) sulphate, pot. trioxalato aluminate (any one )
9 Preparation of biodiesel
10 Estimation of glucose/acetone in solution
11 Oxidation of toluene to benzoic acid by oxidation with KMnO4
12 Chlorine demand of a water sample
13 Conversion of benzoic acid into its anilide derivative and its crystalisation
Note – practical examination will be for four hours and students will perform TWO
Reference Books
1 Instrumental methods of chemical analysis -B.K.Sharma , Goel publ. )
2 Handbook of industrial chemistry --James Kent (CBS Publication)
3 Biotechnology --B.D.Singh( Kalyani publication)
4 Engineering Chemistry --S.S.Dara
8 Spectroscopy ---Kalsi
Teaching scheme Exam scheme-
Lecture: 4 hrs. /week Paper: 100 Marks
Practical: 2 hrs. /week Practical: 50 marks
Unit-I Basics concepts of heat transfer
The relation of heat transfer with thermodynamics, conduction heat transfer, convection
heat transfer, radiation heat transfer, Thermal conductivity, thermal insulation, units and
General differential equation of conduction, Steady state heat conduction through a plane
slab, composite slab, hollow cylinder, composite cylinder and hollow sphere. Contact
resistance, heat transfer between surfaces and surrounding, critical thickness of
insulation. Heat transfer through extended surfaces of uniform cross section.
Natural and forced convection, principal heat balance equation in laminar flow Empirical
equations for convection heat transfer in turbulent flow through tubes, through annulus
and over a flat plate. Dimensional analysis, dimensional groups used in heat transfer
Boiling: Pool boiling of saturated liquid, types of boiling, concept of critical heat flux
Unit-IV Radiation
Thermal radiation, black body radiation, properties of radiation, laws of radiation. The
radiation shape factor, various cases of radiation between two surfaces, radiation shields
Basic types of heat exchangers, overall heat transfer coefficient, fouling factor. Double
pipe heat exchanger design by LMTD and effectiveness-NTU methods calculations of
overall heat transfer coefficient and area), Shell and tube heat exchangers
Unit-VI Evaporation
Introduction, types of evaporators, material and energy balance, boiling point elevation,
capacity and economy, multiple effect evaporators
1. Heat conduction
2. Natural convection
Reference Books:
1. J P Holman, “Heat Transfer” 9th edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, New
Delhi (2004)
2. Frank Kreith, Mark Bohn, “Principles of Heat Transfer” 5th edition, PWS
Publishing company, Boston (1997)
3. S. P. Sukhatme, “A Textbook on Heat Transfer”, 4th ed, Universities Press
(India),., 2005
4. D. Q. Kern, “Process Heat Transfer”, 11th ed., Tata Mc Graw Hill Publication,
New Delhi
5. Bird R.B., Stewart W.E., Lightfoot E.N. “Transport phenomena” 2ed., Wiley
Bending Stress and Shear Stress, Torsional Shear Stress, Variation of Bending and
Shear Stress across the Section, Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram for
Simply- supported and Cantilever Beams, Principle Stresses and Planes, Theories of
3. Design of Machine elements:
b) Keys and Couplings: Types of Keys and Couplings, Design of a Sunk Key,
a) Belts and Pulleys - Selection of Belt Drive, Types of Flat and V- belt
Ratio, Slip and Creep of the Belt, Length of Belt Drives, Ratio of Driving
Tension for Flat and V-belt Drives condition for Transmission of Maximum
5. Design of Joints
Types of Joints: Welded and Pipe Joints, Cotter and Knuckle Joints, Types of Pipe
and Welded Joints, Design of Circular Pipe Joints and Flanged Pipe Joint, Strength of
Transverse and Parallel Fillet Joints.
6. Piping, Valves and Pumps :
Pipes and Piping Joints, Stress in Pipes, Design of Pipes, Pipe Sizing for Flow of
Liquids and Gasses, Classification of Valves and Pumps and their selection criteria,
Sizing of Control Valves, Valve Characteristics, Characteristic Curves for Pumps,
NPSH calculation for pumps,.
Term Work
1. Assembly drawings of valves.
2. Assembly drawings of pumps.
3. P & I Draigm.
4. Design of shaft, key, coupling, pulley.
5. AUTOCAD assignment on A4 sheets
Sectional drawing of assemblies of components with the help of AUTOCAD
Components: Knuckle joints flange coupling, stuffing box, cotter Joints etc.
Reference Books:
3.A Textbook of Machine Design, R S Khurmi & J K Gupta, Eurasia Publishing House
209350: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics-I
2) Volumetric properties of pure fluids: The P.V.T. behavior of pure substance, the viral
equation, the ideal gas, the constant volume, constant pressure, adiabatic, polytrophic
processes, real gas, applications of Viral equation, critical properties, Vander Wall
equation, Benedict- Webb – Rubin equation, Redlich –Kwong equation.
(8 lectures)
3) Heat effects: sensible heat effects, temperature dependence of heat capacity, standard
heat of reaction, standard heat of formation, standard heat of combustion, temperature
dependence of ∆H0, heat effects of industrial reactions. (3 lectures)
4) Second law of thermodynamics: Carnot cycle, entropy, mathematical statement of 2nd
law, statement of 3rd law. (9 lectures)
5) Thermodynamic properties of Fluids: Maxwell relationships, residual properties,
residual properties by equations of state, two-phase systems, Clausius- Clapeyron
equation, type of thermodynamic diagram, availability.
(8 lectures)
6) Refrigeration: Refrigeration cycle (p-v, t-s, h-s, and h-x diagrams) for vapor
compression and Adsorption refrigeration systems, Evaluation of COP, duty and load of
such cycles, heat pumps, liquefaction. (5 lectures)
Reference Books:
Particle size and shape, Mixtures of particles, Determination of particle size, Standard
screen series, screen analysis, Screen effectiveness and capacity, Industrial screening equipments.
Necessity of mixing & agitation in chemical industries, Types of Impellers & propellers,
Different flow patterns in mixing, Calculation of power requirement of mixing equipment,
Mixing equipment of pastes & viscous material, Solid – Solid Mixing, Agitator selection.
4. Filtration: 6 Lect.
Filter media and filter aids, classification of filtration, pressure drop through filter cake,
filter medium resistance, specific cake resistance, Continuous Filtration, Washing and dewatering
of filter cakes, Centrifugal filtration.
b. Gravity settling method: Terminal velocity, Stoke’s law and Newton’s law, free settling, sink
and float method, differential settling.
4 Lect.
Froth flotation, magnetic separator, scrubbers, fiber and fabric filter, and electrostatic
precipitators. Mineral jig, cyclone separator, hydro cyclone types and centrifuges,
centrifugal clarifier.
Reference Books
List of Practical
Minimum numbers of Experiments to be performed for the term work eight out of the
following list.
List of Practicals:
Reference Books:
Industrial training shall be as per norms of the institute. The list of industries where students can
undergo training will be approved and published by the department. Period of training will be
during vacation without affecting regular class work/examination. During the training, the student
shall study/analyze the operation/process/design or the complete industry in detail. They shall
submit a report in detail identifying the problems with their suggestion for solution and
conclusions to the department through the faculty coordinator assigned for the same at the end of
the training period. The minimum duration of industrial training is 1-2 weeks. A committee
consisting of two faculty of the department will carry out assessment of the training. Students
shall make a presentation before the committee.