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Chapter 1

Electron Diffraction

Mohsen Asadi Asadabad and Mohammad Jafari Eskandari

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter


Electron microscopes are usually supplied with equipment for obtaining diffraction pat‐
terns and micrographs from the same area of a specimen and the best results are attained
if the complete use is to be made of these combined facilities. Electron diffraction patterns
are used to obtain quantitative data including phase identification, orientation relation‐
ship and crystal defects in materials, etc. At first, a general introduction including a geo‐
metrical and quantitative approach to electron diffraction from a crystalline specimen,
the reciprocal lattice and electron diffraction in the electron microscope are presented.
The scattering process by an individual atom as well as a crystal, the Bragg law, Laue
conditions and structure factor are also discussed. Types of diffraction patterns such as
ring pattern, spot pattern and Kikuchi pattern, and general and unique indexing diffrac‐
tion patterns are explained. The procedure for indexing simple, complicated and imper‐
fect patterns as well as Kikuchi lines and a combination of Kikuchi lines and spots is
outlined. The known and unknown materials are identified by indexing patterns. Practi‐
cal comparisons between various methods of analysing diffraction patterns are also de‐
scribed. The basic diffraction patterns and the fine structure in the patterns including
specimen tilting experiments, orientation relationship determination, phase identifica‐
tion, twinning, second phases, crystallographic information, dislocation, preferred orien‐
tation and texture, extra spots and streaks are described in detail. Finally, electron
diffraction patterns of new materials are investigated.

Keywords: Electron diffraction pattern, Spot and ring pattern, Kikuchi line, Phase identi‐

1. General introduction

In quantum mechanics, electrons may be considered as particles or waves. Electrons are used
in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) because the wavelength of electrons is shorter than
the visible light. For this reason, high magnifications can be achieved in TEM. In TEM, tungsten
filament is usually used to produce a monochromatic beam of electrons by thermionic or field

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4 Modern Electron Microscopy in Physical and Life Sciences

emission processes. Electrons are accelerated by applied voltage and focused by the objective
lens. These particles with negative charge travel the spiral path when passing through the
electromagnetic lenses. Then, this beam of electrons is transmitted through very thin specimen
(thickness about 100–300 nm) and magnified by the electromagnetic lens, forming the electron
diffraction pattern. Electrons are accelerated to close to the speed of light at high voltages. So,
relativistic effects should be considered in equations of electron beam wavelength in electron
microscopy at high accelerated voltage. The modified relativistic wavelength is

( 2m Ve (1 + eV / 2m c ))
1/ 2
e e

where h is Planck’s constant, me is the rest mass of electrons, e is charge of electrons, V is

accelerated voltage of electrons and c is the velocity of light. In fact, electron diffraction directly
demonstrates the reciprocal lattice of the crystalline lattice of the selected area from a sample

1.1. Elastic scattering of electrons by individual atom

When a beam of electrons transmits through a thin specimen, different interactions can occur
such as ionization, secondary emission and excitation with loss of energy and can be scattered
by nuclei and electron cloud without loss of energy. The elastic scattering process by an isolated
atom is illustrated in Figure 1.Some of the electrons are backscattered and the rest are scattered
by nucleus and electron cloud (Rutherford scattering). The atomic scattering amplitude for
electrons f θ (atomic diffraction factor: a measure of the diffracting capability of an isolated
atom) is given by

m e2 æ l ö
fq = e 2 ç ÷ ( Z - fx ) (2)
2 h è sinq ø

where θ is the scattering angle, Z is the atomic number of isolated atom (Rutherford scattering)
and f x is the atomic scattering factor for X-rays. The elastically scattered electrons’ main
contribution is in the form of diffraction patterns. Most of the particles are scattered within
±5 ° of the direct incident beam [2].

1.2. Scattering by an ideal crystal structure

For understanding the essence of electron diffraction by a three-dimensional crystal structure

of a material, the principles of diffraction of a monochromatic light by Young’s double slit
experiment should be investigated. First of all, diffraction by two slits is investigated, then,
diffraction is generalized to an infinite number of slits and, finally, diffraction from a regular
arrangement of atoms is investigated. In Figure 2, the plane waves collide with a barrier with
Electron Diffraction 5

Figure 1. Electrons are as plane wave and black circle is an isolated atom. Electrons are scattered from electron cloud
and nucleus of a single atom at the angle θ .

two slits in which the length and width of slits are l and a, respectively, with respect to
l ≫ a. Also, bright and dark fringes are formed on the screen which is placed at a distance S ,
with respect to S ≫ a. If the waves are in-phase when passing through the slits, there is relative
phase difference between two secondary sources. Two beams of electrons have constructive
interference if their relative phase difference is an integer multiple of λ (δ = nλ), then the bright
fringes are formed on the screen. Similarly, two beams of electrons have unconstructive
interference if their relative phase difference is not an integer multiple of λ (δ = nλ/2). Therefore,
dark     fringes
  are formed
   on the  screen,
  in which
    is very
   low or  zero. Alternating
and dark lines are formed on the screen. The intensity of the bright fringes at the center is very
high   θ  away from  the center
as θ increases,   intensity
and width   decreased.
  ‐ In a real  
three-dimensional crystal lattice, diffraction of electron beams occurs by regular spacing
between atoms, which creates an interference pattern.

Figure 2. Diffracted beam of electrons by barrier with two slits (Young’s slits). (a) Lines bright (constructive interfer‐
ence), (b) Lines dark (unconstructive    






6 Modern Electron Microscopy in Physical and Life Sciences

In general, electron diffraction is according to kinematical theory and some assumptions must
also be considered [2, 3].

1.3. The Bragg law

For studying the scattered and transmitted beams, a cross-section of a thin specimen with a
perfect crystal lattice is considered. Incident coherent electron and in-phase beams are radiated
from the top surface of the thin specimen. This electron beam is collided with two atoms, each
of which belongs to a plane (two adjacent planes) with different hkl (Miller indices) with
interplanar spacing of crystal lattice being equal to d . Then, the electron beam is diffracted by
elastic scattering. These waves are coherent and in-phase after passing through the sample if
the path difference of the electron beam is an integer number of wavelength (constructive
interference), that is, geometric relationships AC + AD = nλ and AC = AD = dsinθ are satisfied, as
can be seen in Figure 3. So, the following relationship is established:

2d( hkl ) sinq = nl (3)

where d is the interplanar spacing, θ is the angle between incident and diffracted beams, λ is
the electron wavelength and n is the integer number of order diffraction. This relationship is
known as the Bragg law. Basically, first-order diffraction is n = 1 and Miller indices are used
for higher orders n ≥ 2.

Figure 3. Incident, transmitted and diffracted electron beams in a thin specimen for the Bragg law.

In the Bragg law, electrons are collided with the crystal planes. Some of them are diffracted
and the rest are transmitted through the specimen, which does not participate in the formation
of the diffraction pattern [1–3].
Electron Diffraction 7

1.4. The Laue conditions

Diffraction can be considered as a total scattering of individual atoms. So, diffraction is

mathematically expressed in terms of total scattering of atoms. The distance from atom A to
atom B is described by vector r in three-dimensional space. Also, incident and diffracted beams
are described by unit vectors p0 and p, respectively. With the use of these vector notations, we
can write paths difference in vector notation as AC = r. p0 and AD = r.p . According to the vector
relationship in Figure 4, the path difference of wave should be an integer multiple of wave‐
length and we may write as

CAD = r . P = nl (4)

The vector r, defined in spherical coordinates, is a converted form of vector components x, y

and z in Cartesian coordinates, and a, b and c are unit vectors defined in the direction of
coordinates axes which can be considered as distances between atoms. So, we may write
Equation (4) as

P .a = hl
P .b = kl (5)
P .c = ll

These algebraic relations are known as Laue conditions. These relations must be satisfied when
strong diffraction occurs [2, 3].

Figure 4. Incident and diffracted waves of atoms in the thin specimen arep0 and p, respectively, the angle between
them is 2θ and the distance from atom A to atom B is described by vector r .
8 Modern Electron Microscopy in Physical and Life Sciences

1.5. The structure factor

Diffraction intensity is different for each of the crystalline planes because the distribution of
atoms per unit area is not the same for individual planes. Using the kinematical theory of
electron diffraction, a set of crystal planes can be determined for which the diffraction intensity
is zero. The structure factor can be defined as a mathematical function stating the amplitude
and phase of electron beam diffracted from crystallographic planes. In the structure factor, the
location of atoms in the reflection plane and atomic specifications is considered to describe the
diffraction process. Also, the structure factor is the sum of the scattered amplitudes of single
atoms f n and the sum of the phase differences, that is,

Fhkl = å fn exp 2p i ( hxn + kyn + lzn ) } (6)

where xn , yn , zn are positions of the atom in the Cartesian coordinates. The intensity of the
diffracted wave is

( ) ( )
2 2
I µ F µ f 2 é1 + cos p ( h + k + l ) ù + f 2 é sin 2p ( h + k + l ) ù
ë û ë û

In the above relationship, the intensity is sometimes zero, which belongs to any diffraction not
existing in these planes and is called a forbidden reflection. By use of the Bragg law and
structure factor, diffracted planes in the crystal can be determined. For intermetallic com‐
pounds, the diffraction intensity is different because atomic scattering factors of individual
metals forming the intermetallic compound are not the same. For example, intermetallic
compounds with an AB structure have diffracted intensity according to the following relations:

I µ ( f A + f B ) when h + k + l is even

I µ ( f A - f B ) when h + k + l is odd

Diffraction rules for some of the conventional crystalline structures are presented in Table 1 [2].

Crystal structure Reflection absent if

all present
simple cubic
h, k, l, mixed odd and even
h, k, l odd
h+2k=3n and l is odd
h+ k+ l odd
h, k, l, mixed odd and even
Zinc blende
h, k, l, mixed odd and even
Sodium chloride
h, k, l, all even and h+ k+ l not divisible by four, or h, k, l mixed odd
and even

Table 1. Diffraction rules for conventional crystalline structures

Electron Diffraction 9

1.6. The reciprocal lattice

The reciprocal lattice is an array of points in which each point corresponds to a special plane
in the crystal lattice. In fact, each of the planes in real crystal lattice is represented by a point
in the reciprocal lattice located at distance 1 / dhkl from the center O. The distance of a point in
the reciprocal lattice to the center is illustrated by the vector g(hkl ), which is called the diffraction
vector. Diffraction pattern and reciprocal lattice are related to each other and this relation is
used for the interpretation of different diffraction patterns. The reciprocal lattice has two
special properties:

a. The diffraction vector g(hkl ) of reciprocal lattice is perpendicular to the plane of the crystal
b. g(hkl ) = 1 / dhkl

The Ewald sphere displays the relation between the reciprocal lattice and the diffraction
pattern with a radius of 1 / λ . The formation of the Ewald sphere in the reciprocal lattice and
the diffraction pattern are depicted in Figure 5. Also, the algebraic relations between incident,
transmitted and diffracted beams are shown in this figure. The incident beam of electrons is
collided with the thin specimen and then, a certain percentage of the incident beam is trans‐
mitted and the rest is diffracted. Using Figure 5, the geometrical relations for distances and
angle may be determined from the relation

tg 2q = R / L (9)

where θ is the angle between transmitted and diffracted beams, R is the distance between
collision points of transmitted and diffracted beams with the screen and L is the distance
between the specimen and the screen (the effective camera length). Using the Bragg law and
with the assumption of a small θ , relation (9) can be written as follows

Rdhkl = Ll (10)

where Lλ is a camera constant. The effective camera length and wavelength of the electron are
constant and depend on the characterization of transmission electron microscopy [2, 3].

2. Types of electron diffraction patterns

Electron diffraction patterns give crystallographic information about a material and determine
different types of materials which can be amorphous, single crystalline or polycrystalline.
There are three types of electron diffraction patterns and the formation of each pattern depends
on the different conditions of the specimen such as thickness, crystal structure and so on.

1. The polycrystalline materials exhibit ring pattern

10 Modern Electron Microscopy in Physical and Life Sciences

Figure 5. The Ewald sphere is drown in reciprocal lattice. The formation of a diffraction pattern is shown geometrical‐
ly. The relations between incident, transmitted and diffracted beams, the Ewald sphere and different diffraction pat‐
terns are illustrated.

2. The single crystalline materials show (a) spot pattern or (b) Kikuchi line pattern or (c) a
combination of spot and Kikuchi line patterns

The spot and Kikuchi line patterns are obtained from a special area of specimen which is called
the 'selected area' [5–8]. Selected area electron diffraction (SAED) is a technique in TEM to
obtain diffraction patterns that result from the electron beam scattered by the sample lattice.

2.1. Ring pattern

These patterns are created by ultrafine grains of polycrystalline materials. Basically, phases in
various polycrystalline materials are determined by interpretation of their ring patterns. For
this purpose, we must use a reference specimen for identification of phases as well as specifying
interplanar spacing and Miller indices of crystalline planes. Polycrystalline specimens such as
pure gold (Au, f.c.c crystal structure with lattice parameter a = 4.07 Å ) or pure aluminum (Al,
f.c.c crystal structure with lattice parameter a = 4.04 Å ) as reference specimens are used to index
diffraction patterns of various materials and specify the camera length. To obtain a reference
Electron Diffraction 11

specimen with a ring diffraction pattern, at first, a copper grid with amorphous carbon coating
is provided. Then, by use of a sputter coating device, a thin layer of pure gold with a thickness
of about 20 nm is coated on the grid. Finally, the diffraction pattern of the specimen is taken
which is in a ring shape and continuous, as can be seen in Figure 6. The planes of the gold
specimen are specified by Miller indices. The pure gold sample is known as standard sample
and is used for identification of crystalline planes and measurement of interplanar spacing of
unknown materials with ring patterns and determination of phases in alloys.

  6. The ring
Figure   diffraction
    pattern    film
pure gold from  a
f.c.c crystal      
structure. Crystal with   an    
planes and interplanar spacing are shown by Miller indices. Camera lengths are 180 and 88 mm, respectively [4].
    of  ring patterns
Analysis     in polycrystalline   materials  (ultrafine  grain)  leads to
tion of phases in materials. Diffraction patterns of nanoparticles produced by different
methods form a ring pattern. In fact, the ring patterns are created when the nanoparticle

 is  formed.
  Using  the  radius   of  each  ring, we  can  specify  the distance    between the  planes   
or interplanar spacing. Also, XRD analysis is used to determine the Miller indices for a set
of  planes.
  So,  XRD
    the results
   of   pattern  from
  diffraction   TEM  for  certain  
materials. A ring diffraction pattern from a polycrystalline gold specimen is shown in Figure
6. The     spacing  and   lattice
    be  calculated
can    by measuring
      the    radius    

 of each diffraction

  ring (using Equation (10) and Table 2). Also, indexing ring patterns can
be performed by XRD analysis [4–10].
2.1.1. Indexing ring patterns
In this chapter, an EM208S (Philips) transmission electron microscope operating at an accel‐
erating  voltage
  of 100  kV
  with a wavelength
    λ  = 3.7 × 10
  −3 nm
  and  camera length
  L =  180, 88 mm
are used. One thing to note is that, accuracy and focus of TEM are very important to obtain an
accurate diffraction pattern. Indexing methods used for ring diffraction patterns are as follows:

a. For known materials

1. Using the gold standard diffraction pattern, we define a scale on the picture of patterns
to measure the radius diffraction pattern of specimens.

                3.7 10 nm       

180, 88 mm                               



12 Modern Electron Microscopy in Physical and Life Sciences

2. The first solution, with known lattice parameters, interplanar spacing is obtained from
Equation (10) and Miller indices can be obtained using Table 2. The second solution, the
ratio of outer ring to the first ring is equal to the reverse ratio of their interplanar spacing
with possible Miller indices.

Router d first
R first douter

These possible Miller indices for planes are correct if the result of proportional relation above
is almost the same.

b. For unknown material

1. Measure the radius of diffraction pattern like in the previous section.

2. Knowing the camera constant, interplanar spacing is obtained from Equation (10).

3. Compare interplanar spacing of unknown material with the ASTM index* to identify
phases in diffraction patterns, Miller indices are determined for crystalline planes of
phases in alloys [2, 6, 8].

*ASTM index to the powder diffraction file.

Crystal Proportional relation for Possible values of algebraic relations Miller Standard
structure interplanar spacing indices
Simple cubic 1 h 2
+k 2
+l 2
N N an integer except 7 or 15 Proportional relation of
= =
d2 a2 a2
squares of radius ∝ N
f.c.c 1 h 2+k2+l2 N N = 3, 4, 8, 11, 12, 16, 19, 20 Proportional relation ∝ N
= =
d2 a2 a2

b.c.c 1 h 2+k2+l2 N N = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 Proportional relation ∝ N

= =
d2 a2 a2

Diamond 1 h 2+k2+l2 N N = 2, 8, 11, 16, 19 Proportional relation ∝ N

2 = =
d a2 a2
Tetragonal 1 h 2+k2 l2 Proportional
h 2 + k 2 = 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20 relation often
= +
d2 a2 c2
is 2
Hexagonal 1 4 h 2
+ hk + k 2
l 2 2 2 Proportional relation often
h + hk + l = 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 13, 16, 19
= 3 +
d2 a2 c2
is 3

Table 2. Proportional relations for interplanar spacing, Miller indices and lattice constant for different crystal
structures [2]

2.2. Spot patterns

There are two basic parameters in spot diffraction patterns which are used to interpret and
index such types of patterns. These parameters include
Electron Diffraction 13

1. R is the distance between the diffracted and transmit (center spot) beams in the diffraction
pattern screen. Also, this distance can be considered as a normal vector to the plane

2. The angles such as θ between two vectors drawn from the center to two adjacent points.
In fact, each of these spots represents a set of planes, as can be seen in Figure 7.

The zone axis vector is parallel to the incident beam and is almost parallel with a set of reflected
planes that is shown by z = uvw with components u , v and w along the axis. The spots are in
symmetry about the center of the pattern and, using the rules of vectors and the basic paral‐
lelogram, we can index spot patterns.

Figure 7. The spot diffraction pattern from a single crystal along zone axis z = 011 of Al 1050 alloy with 10 passes of
straight rolling.

2.2.1. Indexing spot patterns

For indexing spot patterns, indices of the spots and zone axis of single crystal materials should
be determined. Here, we use the same indexing methods utilized for ring patterns as described
in the previous section. In the experimental method, we measure distances of different spots
from the center spot as well as angles on the micrograph of patterns and compare with patterns
in the International Standard [17]. So, indices of spot and zone axis in pattern can be deter‐
mined. The zone axis z = uvw may be specified by the relations
14 Modern Electron Microscopy in Physical and Life Sciences

u = k1l2 - k2 l1
v = l1h2 - l2 h1 (11)
w = h1k2 - h2 k1

where h 1k1l1 and h 2k2l2 are coordinates of each spot in the diffraction pattern [2, 5, 6, 8–12].

2.3. Kikuchi patterns

Kikuchi line pattern may happen when the thickness of the specimen is more than normal and
almost perfect. These patterns occur by electrons scattered inelastically in small angles with a
small loss of energy. Then, this beam of electrons is scattered elastically and creates Kikuchi
lines in the patterns. Kikuchi lines in the pattern are pairs of parallel dark and bright lines. The
distance between pairs of dark and bright lines is obtained by the following relation:

Ddhkl = Ll (12)

where D is the distance between pairs of Kikuchi lines. Also, the angle between Kikuchi lines
in the pattern is in accordance with the angle between the diffraction planes because these lines
are parallel with reflecting planes. The pairs of dark and bright lines, sets of reflecting planes
and distance of paired lines are shown in Figure 8. The dashed lines are traces of the intersection
of reflecting planes. By tilting the specimen, the Kikuchi line pattern changes by the displace‐
ment of paired lines. By increasing the sample thickness, the intensity of the spot pattern
decreases and the intensity of Kikuchi line pattern increases. Most of the time, spot and Kikuchi
line patterns exist simultaneously in micrographs, such as Figure 8. Basically, Kikuchi line
patterns present more detailed information than the spot pattern. The appearance of explicit
Kikuchi line patterns is a sign of crystal perfection.

2.3.1. Indexing Kikuchi line patterns

To study the crystal defects and to find out the orientation relationships, a tilting experiment
should be used. The position of the Kikuchi line and spot patterns can be seen in Figure 9 in
Al 7075 alloy in which a thermomechanical processing has been performed. To index the paired
Kikuchi lines in the pattern, the distance between the pair of the Kikuchi lines may be meas‐
ured. So, interplanar spacing can be determined using Equation (12). Consequently, a set of
planes can be specified using the interplanar spacing and the type of material crystal structure.

3. Structural characterization of electron diffraction patterns

3.1. Orientation relationship

Relations between phases are determined by orientation relationships. Orientation relation‐
ships are indicated by a pair of parallel directions and a pair of parallel planes in two-phase
Electron Diffraction 15

Figure 8. The spots, Kikuchi lines and the distance between paired Kikuchi lines in the pattern of γFe are determined.

Figure 9. Spot and Kikuchi lines in the pattern of thermomechanically processed Al 7075 alloy. The distance between
paired Kikuchi lines is presented as dark and bright lines.

materials. With the use of the spot pattern and Kikuchi line pattern methods, orientation
relationships can be determined. Orientation relationships in two-phase alloys depend on
16 Modern Electron Microscopy in Physical and Life Sciences

  ‐ different
  factors such
    as types
  of crystal
matrix, crystal structural precipitates, shape
and size of precipitates. The spot diffraction pattern of quenched and tempered steel
0.1C-2.5V-2W-4.5Cr with chemical composition is illustrated in Figure 10a, which includes
    spots (αFe ) and precipitate
matrix   spots ( carbideM
  23 C6). In the spot pattern
  of two-phase
there exists two kinds of spots, as shown in Figure 10b. The precipitates and matrix are shown
by small    and big spots, respectively.
    Matrix has a b.c.c crystal structure and precipitates
have a f.c.c crystal structure. So, the orientation relationship may be represented as

111 // 111  
éë 111ùû / / éë 111ùû
matrix precipitate

{011}matrix / / {022}precipitate
011 // 022  

    10. Spot diffraction pattern of quenched and tempered steel with 0.1C‐2.5V‐2W‐4.5C  
  10. Spot
  diffraction    pattern  of quenched
  and  tempered
  steel with 0.1C-2.5V-2W-4.5Cr
matrix spots (αFe ) and precipitate spots (carbide M 23C6). Small spots and big spots illustrate planes of matrix and
     planes of precipitate,
    Phase identification

3.2.1. Phase identification in spot pattern

Interpretation and analysis of diffraction pattern is a method to identify the phases. These
patterns can be composed of rings or spots. Generally, identification of phases using diffraction
pattern  is difficult,
  and  other
  methods such
  as XRD  should
    be used  to  verify the  results.
identify the phases in a spot pattern, a spot diffraction pattern of Ti-6Al-4V alloy processed by
  is considered.
  This  alloy
  α  and β phases
    and b.c.c crystal structures,
with c.p.h        
respectively. This pattern contains three different phases as shown in Figure 11. In this pattern,
the bright and big spots are related to the α phase and the dim and small spots are related to
the β phase.
                            ‐ ‐    


Electron Diffraction 17

Figure 11. Spot diffraction pattern of forged Ti − 6Al − 4V alloy. Two phases are observed in the pattern, namely, α
and β with Z = 1̄21̄6 and Z = 012 , respectively.

3.2.2. Phase identification in the ring pattern

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) added to a metal matrix can exhibit significant properties. The main
challenge in CNTs-reinforced composites is the uniform dispersion of CNTs in the matrix.
Several methods such as ball milling have been developed for distribution of the CNTs in metal
matrices. For example, a milled sample of 20 wt% multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) +
Al powder was investigated using the EDP method. In addition, their corresponding EDP is
shown in Figure 12a. To separate ring patterns of CNTs and aluminum, a ring pattern of Al
was attached to the EDP of Al-CNTs composite, as illustrated in Figure 12b. This technique
helps to better identify the two phases [7].

3.3. Twinning

Twinning is one of the crystalline defects that appear mainly as two parallel planes. Additional
spots are created around the main spots of diffracted planes in the pattern by twinning because
orientation of twinning is different from the crystal lattice. The direction of the reflected planes
inside the twinning is not the same as the whole crystal structure and extra spots become visible
in the diffraction pattern.




18 Modern Electron Microscopy in Physical and Life Sciences

Figure 12. The SAED      of CNT-reinforced
patterns       Al powders,  (a)
  of Al and CNT
    are determined
(b) Al/CNT and Al patterns are in a single pattern to identify

For indexing a twining spot pattern in a cubic crystal structure

1. The main spots of the material are identified and indexed in accordance with the previous

2. Twinning spots are determined and indexed by 180° rotation around the {111} and {112}
planes for f.c.c and b.c.c crystal lattices, respectively.

Basically, f.c.c crystal structure twins on {111} planes and b.c.c crystal structure on {112}. Twin
spots in γFe pattern with a f.c.c crystal lattice are indexed according to Figure 13. The spot
diffraction pattern of matrix and twin are mirror reflections across the (11̄1) plane.

Figure 13. Twinning spots pattern from γFe with f.c.c crystal lattice which index matrix and twin spots with zone axis
z = 1̄23 , twinned on (11̄1), hkl* planes related to twin planes and hkl planes related to main reflected planes.
Electron Diffraction 19

3.4. Dislocation

The equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) and cryo-cross-rolling process have been per‐
formed on Al 5083 alloy and Al 1050 alloy with two passes and ten passes, respectively. These
      a high  dislocation
processes create     density  in Al matrix,   which  affects
  the  shapes of spots in  
the diffraction pattern. Also, the diffraction patterns of these alloys illustrate streaks on spots
due to high accumulation of dislocations and many partial rings due to preferred orientation.
Spots in the pattern deform from a usual shape (circular shape) to stretched and irregular spots
(disk-type halo). Dislocations change the crystal orientation locally and diffraction spots are
      the diffraction
extended along     ring as seen   in Figure

      Figure 14. (a) Diffraction
    of  Al 5083 alloy
pattern   with two
  passes  of equal
  channel angular
  and (b) diffraction
pattern of Al 1050 alloy with ten passes of cryo-cross-rolling process illustrate streaks on spots due to high density of
                         ‐ ‐      

3.5.     orientation
   and  texture  

   In certain specimens,

  orientation of planes occur by some mechanical processes such
as various types of rolling and ECAP. If the crystal structure in the specimen is oriented in a
favored and preferred direction, the SAED pattern will be formed from many partial rings, as
shown in Figure 15. Diffraction pattern obtained from the texture can be considered as an
  intermediate  case between  the diffraction from
   a single crystal
  and  a polycrystalline
The texture created in alloys may be investigated by interpretation of their diffraction patterns.
    The  preferred  orientation
    [001]  is created in  Al 2024 alloy
{110}   by ECAP  process.      

      3.6. Streaks                     
Presence of fine structure such as streaks and extra spots in many patterns is an indication of
   the  presence of  crystal
  defects  which
  include dislocations,
    types of precipitates,
different     twins
and staking faults. So, the type of streaks arising in patterns depends on several factors such
as   structural defects   in the  lattice, specimen
and diffraction    



20 Modern Electron Microscopy in Physical and Life Sciences




Figure 15. The diffraction pattern for Al 2024 alloy with 4 passes of ECAP, showing the preferred orientation of speci‐

main factors in streaks are precipitates, stacking faults, twins and dislocations. Different shapes
of precipitate    
determine   the shapes
of reciprocal     So, the final  shape  of  spot  patterns 
  on   the   types of precipitates.
      Streaks‐ on  spot
  are  created
  by ‫ܯ‬
଻ ‫ܥ‬ଷ       faults of
quasi-sphere and rod particles of carbide M 7C3, as shown in Figure 16a. The corresponding
spot diffraction pattern illustrates long streaks (diffuse scattering). In fact, streaks in the
diffraction pattern   be created
    by   stacking  faults in  any  crystal
Depending   on
  conditions,   streaks  or  enlarged
  spots  and extra spots   or  pseudo-satellites
created, as shown in Figure 16b.

                       ‫ܥ ଻ܯ‬ଷ   ‐          
Figure 16. (a) Streaks on spots due to stacking faults of carbide M 7C3 quasi-sphere and rod particles are created, (b)
   of streaks in
different types   the spot
    various conditions
in    of  diffraction.


Electron Diffraction 21

4. Electron diffraction pattern of new materials

4.1. Highly crystalline Multi-Wall carbon Nanotubes (MWNTs)

It should be noted that the structure of CNTs depends substantially on the synthesis methods.
      of the sample
A ring pattern   demonstrates
    a crystal
          to  a graphite
structure corresponding   ring    
pattern. As a result, the interplanar spacing of MWCNTs is almost similar to the interplanar
 spacing of graphite.
spacing of  nanotubes is indexed using
   the graphite        
crystal structure as shown in Figure 17a. With this interpretation, crystal structure of MWCNTs
is hexagonal   its lattice
and     parameters are  a = 2.41  Å and c = 6.61Å . In MWCNTs,
phous carbons exist as impurities which are created during the production process. Also, the
    CNTs   are complicated  and  in  the shape
‐ of a coil. For  this reason,  the shape  of their EDP is  a    
coaxial ring as well as the halo shown in Figure 17b. The EDP of MWCNTs have many rings,
  each  one  corresponds
   to a set of atomic
  planes. Highly      MWCNTs
crystalline     a type of
MWCNTs with identical chiralities of zigzag type that do not have any impurity and are
constructed  from  monochirality
      graphite   shells.
    kinds of CNTs  are synthesized   a low-
temperature chemical vapor deposition process in plasma. The EDP of highly crystalline
MWCNT   made
    of two simple  hexagonal    
overlapping   each  other
  is  seen  in Figure
17b. It is noteworthy that the EDP is taken from an area on the wall of the nanotube. Their spot
      that all of the layers have almost the same chirality.
pattern shows

      (a) The ring diffraction pattern of coiled MWCNT,  (b) the spot diffraction pattern     
Figure 17. (a) The ring diffraction pattern of coiled MWCNT, (b) the spot diffraction pattern of highly crystalline
4.2. Palladium     into MWCNTs

Various methods are available for doping nanoparticles into CNTs which give specific features
to them and       transport, magnetic, electronic
the optical,   and  chemical  properties
CNTs. In this investigation, a couple of Pd nanoparticles doped into MWCNTs by chemical
methods  are selected.
    of  the selected
The EDP   area on the sample
    in Figure 18.  The
is shown    






                   3.90 Å  122       
22 Modern Electron Microscopy in Physical and Life Sciences

ring and spot patterns belong to CNTs and palladium nanoparticles, respectively. Atomic
planes can be determined by measuring distances and angles between spots. According to the
results of measurements, palladium has a f.c.c crystal structure and the lattice parameter and
zone axis of the sample are 3.90 Å and z = 1̄22 , respectively.

Figure 18. The ring pattern of MWCNTs superimposed on the spot patterns of palladium.

4.3. Vanadium Oxide Nanotubes (VONTs)

In order to study the organic nanotubes, VONTs were selected. It is noteworthy that using
EDP method and its interpretation results, structure of various nanotubes will be predictable.
Figure 19 shows a ring diffraction pattern of VONTs. Interplanar spacing and lattice parameter
can be determined by analysing the ring diffraction pattern. The ring pattern with the Miller
indices according to the interplanar spacing of VONTs crystal structure is given. Based on the
results of the measurements, VONT has a f.c.c crystal structure and its lattice parameter was
3.92 Å . In addition, the results of EDP technique have been approved by XRD analysis.

4.4. Amorphous coating

When the grain size of the specimen is extremely fine or completely amorphous, the feature
of concentric rings in the pattern disappears and a halo is left around the bright center spot,
which shows that the electrons are scattered randomly by the amorphous structure of
specimen. The amorphous and glassy materials are identified by this method. Diffraction
Electron Diffraction 23

Figure 19. The ring diffraction pattern of VONT, interplanar spacing and planes are determined.

pattern for amorphous coating of silica-zinc oxide multilayered nano-porous membrane on

α-alumina substrate prepared by sol-gel method is shown in Figure 20.

Figure 20. The diffraction pattern of amorphous coating SiO2 − 10% ZnO prepared with sol-gel method on α-alu‐
mina substrate.
24 Modern Electron Microscopy in Physical and Life Sciences

5. Appendix 1

Accelerating voltages (kV) λ (Å)

50 0.0536
100 0.0370
200 0.0251
500 0.0142
1000 0.0087

Table 3. Electron wavelength λ for applied accelerating voltages in electron microscopy

Author details

Mohsen Asadi Asadabad* and Mohammad Jafari Eskandari

*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]

Materials Research School, NSTRI, Isfahan, Iran


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