Weather Lesson Mdearden

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Strand: Standard: Big Idea: Weather is observable and displays patterns that are measurable and

3 ESS.3.3 can be tracked to display data.

Title: Weather, and Time: 2 class CCCs: Practices: 

You period Energy and Asking questions or defining
Matter problems 
Cause and Effect Construct an explanation

Ask the students about how they think that the world’s weather especially the more physical
aspects take place such as how rain forms due to the sun’s light transferring heat to the surface of
the earth. Starting with a small object lesson about a cloud forming device or a video there of to
show the process of how clouds are formed, providing a discussion about the various formations
of weather especially when it comes to humidity, pressure and temperature.

Transitioning, students will be provided their own small cloud forming chamber they can make
out of clear 2 liter plastic bottles and some birthday candles which will allow them to watch as
cloud forms from the water shook inside to provide humidity. Watching the clouds form we can
have a discussion on other possible effects we could see if we translate the smaller cloud forming
to a bigger picture such as the world. Moving onto wind we would discuss how hot air rises and
cools off by doing another experiment with a condensation machine and two thermometers to
show that the air cools at the top.

Discussing the energy and effects thereof have the students think about ways we could observe
and possibly test the effects which will lead into the main project of the lesson.

Discuss elements of a testable question. Have each group review the written questions. 

Good Investigation Questions are Interesting

Am I interested in finding out the answer to this question?

Good Investigating questions are those I do not already know the answers to
Do I already know the answer to this question?

Good Investigation Questions Lead to a “Plan of Action” (A plan for what I need to do to
answer the question including the evidence I need to Collect)
Is this question written in a way that clarifies what I need to do (Observe, measure, change?) to
answer it?

Good Investigation questions are those that can be answered with available material
Will I Be Able to Find the Material I Need to Answer This Question?

Good Investigation Questions are those that can be Answered with Available Material.
Will I be able to find the material I need to answer this question?

Good Investigation Questions are those that can be Completed in a Reasonable Amount of
Will I have the time I need to answer this question?

As a class compile a list of testable questions regarding the observation of weather and the
physical effects.
Checkpoint: Students will select a Materials, resources, handouts, etc: 
testable question from the compiled list Cloud forming device, condensation machine, materials to make
to conduct an experiment. their own cloud forming devices.

Summary of episode: 
Students will discuss weather in a larger concept starting off with how we can measure these
aspects in focus of heat and how that could be an effect of heat be on a system which can be
utilized as a Segway into global warming and the observable changes to environments.

Gather: First we will have the students question what aspects that are observable such as
temperature, pressure, wind speed and other aspects of weather having them Plan and Carry
out an Investigation a week long observation, describing the weather patterns they observe at
the time of taking, the temperature, pressure, and windspeed. Noting if there was any major
changes in order to help the students see the changes over time in weather. They can use weather
apps to help

Reason: (come back to this after the 1 week)

Students will analyze and interpret the data they have collected. Give students time to write
conclusions on their experiments and construct explanations that answer their questions and
extrapolate some of data they use to apply to the larger world system.  

Have students share their experiment conclusions with the class.  Discuss the results as a class
and solidify the findings from of the experiment.  Discuss as a class observation about the
weather factors and make sure that there are no misconceptions

As an exit ticket and assessment have students individually and as an exit ticket, I would like
them to write a reflection on how the various parts we observed work together to form a weather
system. This is to help see where they are in terms of their weather understanding and provides
the next lesson with a bit more information on where the weak points are. Posing any questions,
they still have on the paper to see where one might need to reinforce their knowledge
Assessment:  Materials, resources, handouts, etc: 

the students write at the end should help the A place where the students can keep track of the week for
teacher understand how far the students are their notes, a weather app to give more exact measurements
understanding the idea of weather when it and some colored pencils to help keep track.
comes to observations and applying it to the
wider system.

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