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ROCK2PAY To Ethereum Conversion Manual

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ROCK2PAY to Ethereum

conversion manual


Revision Sheet

Revision Sheet

Release No. Date Revision Description

Rev. 0 29.09.2018 Initial release
Rev. 1 09.10.2018 MEW website now include ROCK2PAY in existing contracts

ROCK2PAY to Ethereum conversion manual Page 2

Table of Contents

ROCK2PAY to Ethereum conversion manual


1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION....................................................................................4

1.1 What is ROCK2PAY token......................................................................................4
1.2 How does this smart contract work...........................................................................4
2.0 ROCK2PAY TO ETHEREUM CONVERSION.....................................................5
2.1 Setting Gas Price......................................................................................................5
2.2 Selecting ROCK2PAY Contract...............................................................................6
2.3 Reading your ROCK2PAY balance..........................................................................7
2.4 Exchanging ROCK2PAY for Ethereum...................................................................8
2.5 Blocking of pop-up windows in your web browser................................................10
2.6 How to check if conversion was successful............................................................11
2.7 About Ethplorer and Etherscan websites................................................................12

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1.0 General Information


1.1 What is ROCK2PAY token

 We have created a special smart contract ROCK2PAY that is designed to distribute

payouts amongst holders of our ROCK2 tokens.
 The reason for ROCK2PAY is to insure small investor will get paid because otherwise
transaction fees might eat up their profits.
 Another reason for ROCK2PAY token is to avoid high Gas fees on Ethereum network
as they are fluctuating up and down and are not fixed. The fluctuation depends on the
network load at the time of the transaction.
 Each investor is able to convert ROCK2PAY to Ethereum at any time.
 Conversion rate ROCK2PAY → Ethereum will always be 1:1.
 There is no expiry date for ROCK2PAY tokens.
 ROCK2PAY is an ERC20 token, it can be stored independently from ROCK2 tokens.

1.2 How does this smart contract work

We will be taking a snapshot of your ROCK2 tokens balance at the end of each month,
on a specific day and time. This time will be announced at least 10 days prior. You will
receive a monthly payout a few hours later in the form of ROCK2PAY tokens.

At the time the snapshot is taken, you need to keep your ROCK2 tokens in the wallet,
where you wish to receive your payout. If you are holding your ROCK2 tokens for
example in an exchange, you will need to withdraw them to your personal wallet prior to
the snapshot taking place.

You will need to be able to login with your personal wallet on the site myetherwallet.com
(MEW) for ROCK2PAY → Ethereum conversion, by using any login method listed there
(private key, 12 or 24 seed words, MetaMask addon, Trezor or Ledger hardware wallet
etc.). You can test this at any time with the function View Wallet Info on MEW site.

We strongly recommend you to use Trezor or Ledger hardware wallet to keep your
tokens secure.

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2.0 ROCK2PAY to Ethereum Conversion


2.1 Setting Gas Price

First check if you have enough Ethereum in your wallet to cover Gas fee for this
conversion. Usually 0.01 ETH should suffice.

To know actual Gas Price of Ethereum network (price for sending a transaction) you will
need to visit the website ethgasstation.info. At the top look for Gas Price Std (Gwei) and
round it up (in this example Gas Price is 5). Left from this you can see the actual Gas
price in USD.

Now open myetherwallet.com site and change the Gas Price at the top to the value you
got from previous step.

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2.0 ROCK2PAY to Ethereum Conversion

2.2 Selecting ROCK2PAY Contract

On MyEtherWallet website click on Contracts from the top menu.

Select ROCK2PAY from Existing Contracts and click on Access.

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2.0 ROCK2PAY to Ethereum Conversion

2.3 Reading your ROCK2PAY balance

Choose the function balanceOf, enter address of your wallet and click on Read button.

In balance you will see your ROCK2PAY balance in uint256 format, then copy it to your

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2.0 ROCK2PAY to Ethereum Conversion

2.4 Exchanging ROCK2PAY for Ethereum

Select the function transfer and paste your amount of tokens from clipboard (from
previous step) into tokens field. Next enter in “to address” creator address of
ROCK2PAY tokens which is always the same:
Below access your wallet and click on Write button.

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2.0 ROCK2PAY to Ethereum Conversion

Amount to Send keep on zero value. You can keep Gas Limit at the value that MEW
website calculated for this transaction or change it to a larger number like 300 000 to be
sure your transaction will pass. Confirm it with Generate Transaction button.

Log into your wallet if requested and send the transaction.

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2.0 ROCK2PAY to Ethereum Conversion

2.5 Blocking of pop-up windows in your web browser

If you are using hardware wallets Trezor or Ledger, MEW website will try to open a pop-
up window, what is usually blocked by your web browser. You need to allow pop-up
windows in your browser, you will also see a warning at the bottom of the web page.

Here is an example of how to allow pop-up windows in Chrome.

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2.0 ROCK2PAY to Ethereum Conversion

2.6 How to check if conversion was successful

After you will send your transaction click on Verify Transaction button.

Refresh that page after some seconds, and you will see your transaction in Pending status.
Depending on the Gas Price you have set before it will take more or less minutes to
process your transaction. If your transaction won’t be processed in 10-15 minutes, send
the transaction again with higher Gas Price and be sure Gas Limit is 300 000.

When transaction is processed you will receive Ethereum payment from

ROCK2PAY contract instantly.

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2.0 ROCK2PAY to Ethereum Conversion

2.7 About Ethplorer and Etherscan websites

Website ethplorer.io is better looking when checking Ethereum or tokens balance, but
this site is not showing Internal transactions, so payouts from ROCK2PAY contract
won’t be visible in transactions, however ETH balance will be accurate.

To check transactions from ROCK2PAY contract enter your wallet address on

etherscan.io and open Internal Txns tab.

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