Repair Welding of A Rotating Electrical Machine's Broken Shaft
Repair Welding of A Rotating Electrical Machine's Broken Shaft
Repair Welding of A Rotating Electrical Machine's Broken Shaft
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1 author:
Damir Tomerlin
DOK-ING, Croatia, Zagreb
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All content following this page was uploaded by Damir Tomerlin on 25 June 2019.
Fig. 2 • Break
failure of
motor’s shaft
front end:
a) drawing,
b) fracture
Fig. 3 • Joint
design and
a) drawing,
b) machined
shaft exten-
U preparation, steep flanked V preparation present prior to the exploitation of the ma- chined in order to flatten the fractured sur-
with backing strip etc. Also to be noted is chine part, and therefore must be avoided face and prepare the adjacent side of the
the fact that such joint preparations are with proper joint preparation and welding. K butt weld joint. It is necessary to me-
commonly used when welding longitudi- Dual bevelling of the K butt weld flanks is chanically remove all the damaged materi-
nally placed plates. applied to allow sufficient access for MAG al in the vicinity of fractured surface in or-
Specific shaft repair requires some- gun nozzle during the welding and also to der to assure a welded joint without impu-
what modified joint preparation and ensure an optimal welded joint cross-sec- rities and various undesirable inclusions.
design, since this is a case of welding tional area. The root opening angle α = 55° Shaft extension has a base protrusion of
two axisymmetric bodies. This joint is a expands the joint and is mandatory to en- ∅ = 4 mm in diameter, which is used for
single-bevel preparation butt weld with sure proper root penetration and welding alignment and centering inside the joint.
single-bevel root, or otherwise named access, while second angle β = 15° closes Base protrusion is placed directly on to the
K preparation butt weld with dual bev- the joint face opening and therefore opti- machined surface of the existing shaft’s
el, shown on Fig. 3a. The joint itself is mises the cross-section area and related front end. During the welding, when using
axisymmetric, since it has to be welded filler metal material consumption. the appropriate welding parameters, it is
360° around the shaft’s central axis, closing Since the diameter of the shaft’s front possible to fully penetrate the base protru-
the full circular contour. Proper selection end is ∅ = 90m6 mm, a diameter of the sion with first welding passes, therefore no
of welded joint preparation shape and di- shaft extension used is ∅ = 100 mm. A gap between the shaft’s front end and base
mensions should enable full root penetra- wider extension diameter is necessary as it protrusion is needed. Adjusted and cen-
tion, ensuring complete and correct fusion leaves enough material for final machining tred parts of the joint are secured during
of the joint’s metal parts. It is important to to a required shaft diameter ∅ = 90m6 mm, the welding process preparation by means
achieve continuous, homogenous section after welding operations are finished. Shaft of vertical welding position and securing
of welded joint without volumetric indica- extension is produced from a steel round ribs that are tack welded, which are later
tions. Incomplete root penetration or lack bar on a horizontal lathe machine, using removed. Centring and adjusting of shaft
of fusion can be essentially compared to the turning machining process, shown on extension can also be achieved by drilling
initial cracks inside the metallic material, Fig. 3b. Existing shaft’s front end is ma- a shallow recess on existing shaft’s front
end surface. This recess provides guidance ing with solid wire electrode (135) process al arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain
by shape for the base protrusion of shaft is chosen as the most appropriate. Manu- steels, according to ISO 14341-A standard,
extension. Despite the possibility of in- facture of the axisymmetric K butt joint re- labelled G42-4 M21 3Si1 in diameter of
complete root penetration and formation quires multi-pass welding technique with ∅ = 1.2 mm, manufactured by Oerlikon /
of cavity in the central drilled recess, the a relatively high number of weld passes. Air Liquide. The wire is suitable for weld-
mechanical integrity of the welded joint is Factors that determine a number of passes ing a wide range of structural steel appli-
not affected, since the torsional and flex- inside the joint are welding travel speed, cations. Chemical composition of the fill-
ural stresses in the centre of the circular weave width and technique, wire feed er metal and its mechanical properties is
section always equal zero. speed and diameter and welding machine specified in Table 3.
parameters. As mentioned before, geo-
3 Technological process and metry of the joint determines the volume 4 Welding process preparation
materials of the filler material and is therefore also The broken shaft’s front end had been
Based on existing technical documen- related to the number of passes. When machined and all material was removed
tation regarding the DC collector motor welding carbon and low alloy steels, high- from fracture surface to the first shaft jour-
and its shaft, available from the manufac- er number of welding passes contributes nal in diameter of ∅ 99.8-0.2 mm. Machin-
turer, the existing shaft material can be to mechanical properties, particularly to ing was done on the horizontal lathe ma-
determined. The material, marked as base toughness increase [6]. Each subsequent chine. This is necessary in order to make a
material I according to EN 10025-2 stand- welding pass generates the reheat thermal quality preparation of the K butt weld joint
ard, is a non-alloy structural steel grade cycle which normalises microstructure and to completely remove all damaged
S355J0/material number 1.0553. Material and reduces the residual stresses in the material that could cause imperfections
chosen for the shaft extension, marked as previous weld metal. Reducing the energy and difficulties during the welding of a
base material II, is a non-alloy structural input per pass limits the undesired grain new joint.
steel grade S355J2+N/material number growth. Previous weld passes generate Due to the large dimensions and
1.0577. In the grouping systems for Euro- preheat and slow down the cooling rate considerable mass of the DC motor, it is
pean materials according to welding suit- of total weld metal. The use of MAG mul- necessary to make high quality process
ability ISO/TR 20172 [4] and in guidelines ti-pass welding with solid wire electrode preparations, ensure proper manipulation
for metallic materials grouping system process for said K butt joint, is rational and appropriate repair welding setup. The
ISO/TR 15608 [5], both materials belong from the production aspect as well as from complete DC collector motor is set in a
to the group 1.2 which refers to steels the aspect of welding duration. MAG weld- vertical position in order to ensure unob-
with a specified minimum yield strength ing processes with flux cored (136) or met- structed access for the welder. The bottom
275 MPa < ReH ⩽ 360 MPa. Chemical com- al cored electrodes (138) could be used as end of the motor’s shaft, behind a collec-
position of the shaft extension base metal an alternative. tor, is placed in a corresponding coupling
and its mechanical properties are speci- Filler material is chosen in accordance and the joint is tightened. Coupling, which
fied in Table 2. Specified values apply for to chemical composition and mechani- serves as a support base for the motor, is
hot rolled round bar of diameter ∅ = 100 cal properties of material of the existing placed on top of the slotted floor plate and
mm. shaft, i.e. base material I and material of secured with screws, therefore securing
For repair welding of the broken shaft, shaft extension, i.e. base material II. It is a the motor’s vertical position and disabling
the manual MAG (metal active gas) weld- solid wire electrode for gas shielded met- its swinging and inclination. On central
Table 2 • Chemical composition and mechanical properties of base metal II, S355J2+N (material number 1.0577).
Table 3 • Chemical composition and mechanical properties of filler metal, ISO 14341-A-G 42 4 M21 3Si1.
DVS Media GmbH • Aachener Straße 172 • 40223 Düsseldorf • T +49 211 1591-162 • F +49 211 15 91-150 • [email protected] •
Interpass temperature is set to maxi- tionary air. Thermal protection serves the process by turning on horizontal lathe, Fig.
mum Ti,max = 220°C in order to limit shaft purpose of slowing down the weld material 7a, a minimum of 24 h have passed. This is
and armature overheating. During the cooling rate, similarly to the preheating, but a period of cold cracking i.e. HIC (hydro-
welding process, constant monitoring of is applied after the welding. From cooling gen-induced cracking) formation in weld
joint weld metal temperatures, as well as the shaft’s welded joint to room temper- metal, therefore no new imperfections and
shaft temperatures in a zone below weld- ature to the beginning of the machining defects are expected afterwards.
ed joint and in a zone near thermal pro-
tection, is maintained, Fig. 5b. Measured
shaft temperatures Tshaft = 60 – 120°C are
lower than RTE index of F class insula-
tion, so no thermal damage to insulation
is expected. All temperatures are meas-
ured using the handheld IR thermometer
Welding parameters for MAG (135)
process are specified in Table 4. Shield-
ing gas used is M21 type of gas mixture
according to ISO 14175, consisting of
82% Ar + 18% CO2. As a general rule, root
passes are done with short-circuit met-
al transfer mode, with lower amperage,
while fill and cover passes are done with
globular and spray transfers, gradually in-
creasing the amperage followed with the
increase in heat input.
Welding parameters used for repair Fig. 5 • Axisymmetric K butt joint with dual bevel a) welding passes b) temperature monitoring.
welding are previously proven on a basis
of WPQR (Welding Procedure Qualifica-
tion Record) produced on a single-V butt
weld specimen with 30 mm thick plates
made of steel S355J2 from material group
1.2, shown on Fig. 6. Laboratory testing
was conducted in order to confirm me-
chanical properties of the welded joint.
Weld Vickers hardness testing with a
HV10 load was done on the macro sec-
tion, based on 30 indentations, Table 5.
Maximum hardness of 236.4 HV10 was re-
corded at point 5 in GCHAZ (grain-coars-
ened heat-affected zone), which is below
the maximum permitted hardness value
of 380 HV for non-heat treated material
Fig. 6 • Single-V butt weld WPQR specimen’s cross section with hardness testing indentations (WM: weld
group 1, according to EN ISO 15614-1 [8]. metal, BM: base metal, HAZ: heat-affected zone, GCHAZ: grain-coarsened heat-affected zone).
The Charpy impact test was performed
in WM (weld metal), FL (fusion line) and
FL + 2 mm locations inside the welded
joint, and all test results, Table 5, met the
requirement of minimum average val-
ue of 117 J for weld metal material. The
results of mechanical properties testing
were all found to be acceptable and there-
fore welding technology applicable for re-
pair welding procedure.