Media & Instructional Technology Department Meeting August Minutes

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Media & Instructional Technology

Department Meeting
August Minutes

Monday, August 11
1:30 – 4:00 pm, Room 220

Attendees: L. Haynes, D. Putney, M. Bray, P. Snipes, E. Bennett, J. Huett, M. Sethna, D.

Baylen, K. Huett, C. Goldberg, MA. Myers

1. Department Meeting Changes. Procedural changes for conducting our department

meetings were discussed and implemented.

2. Committee Reports.

• AC – Per the Dean, each department will be expected to bring in money in some way
into the COE and the University as a whole. Our department is already doing this via
eRate tuition.
• FGC – A back-up for Linda was requested, and Cristine volunteered. It was the
unanimous vote of the department that administrators be allowed to serve on
Promotion and Tenure Committees when there were not enough tenured faculty
within the department to serve.
• Personnel – Phyllis had nothing new to report.
• FDMR – Revision of the P & T document being produced and will be distributed at
COE Faculty meeting on Weds.
• COGS – New policy issues are being discussed, ie. how long should a student be on
probation, one year or one semester; admission requirements for Ed.S. students who
have obtained their Masters degree also being discussed.
• Senate – Course approvals have been processed.
• University TPC – There was much discussion as to how the E-rate money will be
doled out and how its use can be monitored.
• University Online Learning Task Force – Marty Bray is working with Michael
Aldridge regarding how to facilitate online learning.
• TEAC – Course approvals have been processed.
• PSC – Jason has been asked by the PSC to serve on a committee to address the issue
of teacher education programs.

3. Old Business.

• Retirement Reception. Elizabeth thanked everyone for their help in making

Barbara’s retirement reception a huge success. Several positive comments have come
from other departments. Video editing in progress.
• Orals and Electronic Portfolio Workshop Dates. Orals for Masters for Fall 2008
are scheduled for December 5, and orals for Ed.S. are scheduled for November 15.
Dates for Spring 2009 are as follows: Masters: May 1; Ed.S. April 25 (8:00-12:00N);
Electronic Portfolio Workshop: January 30.

4. New Business

• Department Meeting Dates. Dates for the Fall semester are as follows: Sept. 9, Oct. 7,
Nov. 11, and Dec. 2. All meetings are scheduled from 9:30 am to 11:30 am.
School Library meetings will follow the department meeting dates with time scheduled
for 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm. IT meetings are scheduled for Thursdays, 1-3PM.

• Budget. Faculty was advised to expect budget cuts in their travel allotments and in our
supply account. Additional budget cuts may be forthcoming.

• P-Card. Additional restrictions have been placed on the use of the department’s
purchasing card. We can no longer pay for conference registration using the P-card.

• E-rate Expenditure Report. We have been required by the VP’s Office to account for
the usage of the e-rate money the department was allocated. This is being placed in a
Goggle spreadsheet for faculty to review and provide justification for expenditures
allotted to them.

• Sick Leave. If faculty miss a class or their office hours due to illness, sick leave must be
recorded and submitted. MaryAnn has the forms and will turn them in for you.

• Graduation Marching. The graduation marching sheet was handed out for faculty
participation in graduation ceremonies. Keep in mind we are expected to have 50% of
our department represented at each semester’s ceremony. Two slots for Summer 2009 are
still open.

• Syllabi Review. Elizabeth reviewed the correct format for our department’s syllabi and
the information that is required by NCATE to be included in our syllabi. Faculty should
review their syllabi to make certain they comply with the requirements.

• Wiki. Kim reviewed the Wiki website with us and encouraged everyone to access the
site and see what is available to us. This site will be used for a variety of items,
everything from our calendar to document reviews.

• Foliotek. Beginning with the Fall semester, students must pay $30 a year to access
Foliotek. There is an awareness that this program has issues which have yet to be

• Committees. See list below:

Darlene: Convocation/Awards
Kim: Social Committee
Cristine: COE Distance Learning, Grad. Advisement Committee
Danilo: Diversity, Senate, Chair of TPC
Linda: Assessment, Doc Program, FGC, Personnel (for FGC)
Elizabeth: FDMR, AC
Dawn: TMC Advisory, Dept. P/T, COEW P/T, COE Post Tenure, University Post
Tenure, Tenure and Promotion
Jason: COE Technology, TPC, TEAC, PSC
Phyllis: Senate, FASP
Marty: DL Task Force, Personnel

• Recruitment Plan for Chair’s Position. Dean Metcalf will discuss this.

• Excitement Items. Elizabeth is expected to talk about some exciting events that have
happened in our department or are planned to happen during the next several months.
Some items are: Madhavi obtaining her doctorate, high student enrollments, positive
response to our online programs, number of students who finish their Masters and come
back to do their EdS with us, # of our EdS students expressing interest in a doctoral
program, and promotional activities including a booth at GaETC Conference.

• GATE Conference. This conference is scheduled for October 8-10, and the Dean’s
Office will pay for Linda attending.

• Art Recesso Visit. Mr. Recesso will be visiting campus August 28-19 to present training
on use of video over IP (Internet Protocol) for supervision. Dawn and Marty plan to
represent the department in attending this presentation.

Tuesday, August 12
11:00 – 12:00 noon, Room 113

New Business, Continued from August 11

• Department Promotional Efforts.
o GaETC Conference. Subcommittee formed to address this task. Phyllis will be
the point person, assisted by Cristine, Darlene, & Danilo. We have banners,
partitions, brochures and giveaways already, will want to take program sheets and
computers with broadband access to enable MIT web site & admissions process
browsing. Have planned student testimonials video and student projects kiosk.
Potential of students to attend and man booth, maybe some “scholarship” funding
from agency $$$ to underwrite student attendance. Prize drawings?
o UWG Graduate/Professional Schools Fair, Monday Oct. 13, 10-2. Brochures,
program sheets, basic “trial run.” Linda, Darlene, Eliz.
• Policy & Procedures Manual.
o Admissions & Appeals Policy and Procedure. Jason, Phyllis, and Kim will
serve on a subcommittee to develop a proposed policy for this item.
o Probation & Dismissal Policy and Procedure. Dawn & Danilo will serve on a
subcommittee to develop a proposed policy for this item.
o Office Hours Policy for online instructors. Cristine and Darlene will serve on a
subcommittee to develop a proposed policy for this item.
o Mandatory attendance for face to face session. Faculty agreed to support a
policy of allowing instructors to require mandatory attendance at face to face class
sessions if appropriate. Elizabeth will draft a policy for this that can be added to
the student handbook.
• MEDT 3401/3402. Dean Metcalf has been asked if UWG can reconsider using the
GACE Computer Competency exam. He is neutral, but wants our input. Kim and
Darlene will work to frame a response, and will include some research on which schools
in the state are/are not using this option. Other department members are encouraged to
talk with Kim and Darlene if they are interested.
• SLM & IT Curriculum Committees reported on their meetings. See Curriculum
Committee meeting minutes for additional information.

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