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Preboard Examination 1 - Geotechnical Eng'G & Hydraulics (Set B)

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MANILA: Room 206, JPD Bldg.

, CM Recto Avenue, Manila

CEBU: 4/F J. Martinez Bldg., Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City
Telephone Number: (02) 516 7559 (Manila) E-Mail: buksmarquez1 @yahoo.com
(032) 254 9967 (Cebu)


INSTRUCTION: Select the best answer to each of the

Situation V: The moist unit weight of the soil is 16.5KN/m3. If the water
following questions. Mark only one answer for each
content is 15% and the specific gravity of soil is 2.7.
item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of
your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY 15. Determine the porosity.
NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 2 only A. 0.846 B. 0.458 C. 0.588 D. 0.385

16. Determine the air void ratio.

DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING ON THIS PAPER. DO NOT A. 0.784 B. 0.421 C. 0.239 D. 0.136
17. Determine the mass of water to be added to reach full saturation.
1. An open cylinder tank 1.0 m in diameter and 2.5 m high is 3/5 full of A. 420.16kg/m3 B. 18.44 C. 2045.5 D. 238.92
water. If the tank is rotated about its vertical axis, what speed should it
have, in rpm, so that there is no water at the bottom within a distance of 20 Situation VI: The retaining wall shown is supporting a horizontal backfill
cm from the vertical axis. having a unit weight of 18.88KN/m 3 with an angle of friction of 37°.
A. 120 B. 125 C. 134 D. 146 Coefficient of base friction is 0.45. Foundation soil ultimate bearing
capacity is 470KPa. Unit weight of concrete is 23.6KN/m 3.
Situation I: The relative compaction of a sand in the field is 94%. The max
and min dry unit weights of sand are 16.2KN/m3 and 14.9KN/m3

2. Determine the dry unit weight in the field in KN/m3.

A. 17.23 B. 15.23 C. 14.01 D. 15.85

3. Determine the relative density of compaction.

A. 27.00% B. 25.38% C. 73.07% D. 77.74%

4. Determine the relative compaction in the field if the relative density if

A. 93% B. 94% C. 95% D. 96%

Situation II: It takes 2mins and 40secs for a 50% consolidation of 20mm
thick clay layer drained both sides in the laboratory.
18. Determine the factor of safety against sliding.
5. How long in days will it take for a 3m thick layer of the same clay in the A. 2.89 B. 1.20 C. 1.69 D. 2.45
field under same pressure increment to reach 50% consolidation? In the
field there is a rock layer at the bottom the clay. 19. Determine the factor of safety against overturning moment
A. 41.67 B. 10.42 C. 166.67 D. 4166.67 A. 3.58 B. 3.66 C.3.72 D. 3.91

6. How long in days will it take in the field for a 30% primary consolidation 20. Determine the factor of safety against bearing capacity failure.
to occur? A. 4 B. 5 C. 4.5 D. 5.5
A. 60 B. 15days C. 1500days D. 3.75days
Situation VII: A barge floating along the Pasig River is in the form of a
7. If the 3m thick layer of saturated clay underwent 90% primary parallelpiped having dimensions of 10 m by 30 m by 3m. When loaded,
consolidation in 75days, determine the coefficient of consolidation of clay has a weight of 4500kN, the center of gravity located 4m from the bottom
(in cm2/s) for the pressure range. Tv=0.848 of the barge. Assuming the specific gravity= 1.91 of the water in the river,
A. 0.00294 B. 0.01178 C. 0.00012 D. 0.02944 evaluate:
21. The draft of the barge, in meter(s).
Situation III: During an unconsolidated undrained tri-axial test on a clayey A. 0.98 B. 2.58 C. 1.51 D. 3.11
soil specimen, the minor and major principal stress are 100KPa and
180KPa respectively. 22. the metacentric height with respect to rolling (sideways listing) of the
barge, in meter(s)
8. Determine the angle of friction for the unconsolidated tri-axial test. A. 2.70 B. 5.50 C. 3.80 D. 4.90
A. 16.60° B. 15.95° C. 53.30° D. 0
23. the metacentric height with respect to pitcher (longitudinal listing), in
9. Determine the axial stress at failure if similar specimen is subjected to meter(s)
an unconfined compression test. A. 378 B. 498 C. 601 D. 594
A. 40KPa B. 80KPa C. 128.57KPa D. 0
Situation VIII: An infinite slope of granular soil has a slope of 23°. The
10. Determine the undrained shear strength. saturate unit weight of sand is 21.5KN/m 3 and the effective friction angle is
A. 40KPa B. 80KPa C. 128.57KPa D. 0 35°. The sand has a depth of 5m over a sledge rock. Depth of sand is
measured vertically.
Situation IV: The turbine of a hydroelectric plant is driven by a falling head
of water from a source 30 m high up through a 600-mm penstock flowing 24. Determine the factor of safety of the infinite slope without seepage.
full. A. 1.65 B. 0.61 C. 1.56 D. 0.64
11. Evaluate the theoretical velocity of water as it hits the turbine blades,
in m/sec. 25. Determine the factor of safety of the infinite slope of sand layer when
A. 22.5 B. 21.8 C. 24.3 D. 23.7 subjected to partial seepage parallel to the slope with water at a vertical
depth of 3m above the sledge rock.
12. Estimate the theoretical discharges of water, in m 3/sec A. 1.20 B. 1.21 C. 1.22 D. 1.23
A. 7.33 B. 6.86 C. 72 D. 4.81
26. Determine the factor of safety of the infinite slope of sand layer when
13. If the turbine is only 70% efficient, estimate the horsepower available subjected to full seepage parallel to the slope.
from it. A. 1.97 B. 0.75 C. 0.90 D. 3.62
A. 1680 B. 1740 C. 1890 D. 1980
27. The thickness of soil above the layer of hard rock is “H” meters. The
14. Is the attraction of one water molecule to another resulting from soil rock interface has a slope of 25°. If soil weighs 15KN/m 3 and angle of
hydrogen bonding. internal friction of 15°. Determine the value of H if there no seepage.
A. cohesion B. adhesion C. stickiness D. plasticity Cohesion of soil is 10KPa and a FS=1.5.
A. 1.75m B. 1.82m C. 1.88m D. 1.96m
Situation IX: A concrete pile having a diameter of 0.30m is L meter long Situation XIV: A square footing carries an allowable load of 59130 kg
which is embedded through a layer of 4.2m thick of clay into a dense including its own weight. The bottom of the footing is 1.0 m below the
compact sand having a bearing capacity factor of 78. Unit weight of clay is ground surface. Assume ρs = 1846 kg/m3, c = 1605 kg/m2, ø = 30O and ρsat
12KN/m3 and saturated unit weight of sand is 18KN/m3. Water table is = 1965 kg/m3. Use Nc = 35, Nq = 22 and N = 19.
located at the top of the sand layer. Lateral pressure factor for compression
is 1.2 with coefficient of friction of concrete pile is 0.42 and cohesion of 43. Compute the effective surcharge at the bottom of the footing in KPa.
95KPa. Allowable capacity of pile is 300KN and factor of safety of 3. A. 18.11 B. 15.68 C. 19.45 D. 17.36

28. Determine the point bearing capacity (KN). 44. Compute the value of B using a gross factor of safety of 3. Assume
A. 60.44 B. 548.81 C. 214.63 D. 389.45 general shear failure.
A. 1.20 m B. 1.35 m C. 1.12 m D. 1.27 m
29. Determine the ultimate skin frictional capacity of the pile (KN).
A. 685.37 B. 510.55 C. 839.56 D. 351.19 45. Compute the net factor of safety.
A. 3.30 B. 3.75 C. 2.94 D. 2.55
30. Determine the total length of the pile.
A. 20.18m B. 16.48m C. 23.44m D. 13.11m Situation XV: A braced sheet pile for an open cut in a stiff clay is shown.
In the plan, the struts are placed at a spacing of 4m center to center.
Situation X: When the total pressure acting at midheight of a consolidating
clay layer is 200KPa, the corresponding void ratio is 1. When the total
pressure acting on the same location is 500KPa, the corresponding void
ratio is 0.90.

31. Determine the Liquid Limit of the soil sample.

A. 32% B. 38% C. 45% D. 50%

32. Determine the coefficient of compressibility.

A. 3.33X10-4m2/KN B. 3.51X10-4 C. 3.24X10-4 D. 3.15X10-4

33. If the coefficient of permeability is 0.0004m/sec determine the

coefficient of consolidation in m2/sec.
A. 0.19 B. 0.17 C. 0.14 D. 0.12 Soil Properties
Ø = 35O Ɣ = 17.29 kN/m3 qu = 96 kN/m2
Situation XI: A 3m square footing carries a load of 3000KN is constructed
over a loose sand layer which is 7.2m depth. Water table is located 5.2m 46. Determine the strut load at A in KN.
below the ground surface. If the dry and saturated unit weight of sand are A. 372.19 B. 367.63 C. 369.03 D. 361.45
16 and 18KN/m3 respectively, and the saturated unit weight of clay which
is 4m depth is 20KN/m3. Base of the foundation is 1.2m below the ground 47. Determine the strut load at B in KN.
surface. Liquid limit and void ratio of the clay is 45% and 0.60 respectively. A. 525.18 B. 518.52 C. 534.13 D. 511.25

34. Determine the elastic settlement of the 3m footing if the poisson’s ratio 48. Determine the strut load at C in KN.
is 0.32, modulus of elasticity of the soil is 16000KPa, Influence factor is A. 369.73 B. 387.74 C. 357.28 D. 367.63
A. 11.68mm B. 12.24mm C. 12.43mm D. 12.58mm Situation XVI: The flow rate in a 300mm diameter pipe is 0.26m 3/s. The
flow is known to be turbulent and the centerline velocity is 4.16m/s. The
35. Determine the primary consolidation settlement if the overconsolidated density of liquid flowing is 800kg/m3.
ratio is 1.2.
A. 12.80mm B. 63.97mm C. 14.09mm D. 62.69mm 49. Determine the friction factor.
A. 0.01043 B. 0.01202 C. 0.00976 D. 0.01138
36. Determine the secondary settlement of the clay 8 years after the
completion of the primary consolidation settlement. Time for the 50. Determine the head loss per meter length of pipe.
completion of primary settlement is 5 years. Secondary compression index A. 0.026m B. 0.028m C. 0.024m D. 0.022m
is 0.025.
A. 12.65mm B. 11.54mm C. 11.98mm D. 12.96mm 51. Determine the shearing stress at the walls of the pipe.
A. 13N/m2 B.15 C.14 D. 16
Situation XII: A cut slope is to be made in soil that has the following
properties: 52. The coefficient of permeability of soil depends on:
Unit weight of soil = 19KN/m3 A. fluid viscosity and pore size distribution
Cohesion = 20KPa B. grain size distribution and degree of saturation
Angle of the internal friction = 15° C. roughness of soil particles and degree of saturation
Slope angle that the cut makes with horizontal = 50° D. all of these
Factor of safety = 2
53. The sum of the vertical components of the forces developed at the
37. Determine the critical height. points of contact of the solid particles per unit cross sectional area of the
A. 17.23m B. 8.61m C. 6.26m D. 12.52m soil mass.
A. Total Stress C. Partial Stress
38. Determine the stability number. B. Effective Stress D. Maximum Stress
A. 0.061 B. 0.084 C. 0.072 D. 0.078
54. It is a structural member made of concrete, timber, or steel that transmit
39. Determine the stability factor. the load of the superstructure to the lower layers of the soil.
A.11.90 B. 16.39 C. 13.89 D. 12.82 A. Footing B. anchorage C. pile D. column

Situation XIII: The discharge of water from a constant head permeameter 55. Generally, decreases as the liquid limit of soil increases and its range
in a period of 15 minutes is 500 ml. The internal diameter of the of variation is rather wide.
permeameter is 5cm and the measured difference in head between two A. Coefficient of Consolidation C. Secondary compression index
gauging points is 15cm. vertically apart is 40cm. Dry weight of the 15cm B. Coefficient of pre-consolidation D. Swell Index
long sample is 486g and specific gravity is 2.65.
56. An instrument used to measure the velocity of flowing water through
40. Compute the coefficient of permeability in cm/sec. rivers of lakes is called.
A. 0.0755 B. 0.0132 C. 0.0117 D. 0.0122 A. weirs B. current meter C. Hood gage D. Venturi

41. Compute the superficial velocity in cm/sec. 57. Section 302.4.1 of the National Structural Code of the Philippines
A. 0.0283 B. 0.0046 C. 0.00495 D. 0.0044 (NSCP C101-10) provides that fill slopes shall be not constructed on
Natural slopes greater than
42. Compute the seepage velocity in cm/sec. A. 1 to 3 B. 1 to 1.5 C. 1 to 1 D. 1 to 2
A. 0.0122 B. 0.0750 C. 0.0131 D. 0.0117
58. A triangular plate, 1m wide at the base by 2.4 m deep, is vertically 76. If water flows uniformly at the rate of 45 cubic feet per second in a
submerged in water with the base at, and parallel to, the water surface. rectangular flume with width = 4 feet at a depth of 1.2 feet, What type of
Evaluate how far, in meters below the centroid of the plate is the resultant flow is it ?
horizontal force acting on each side of it. A. Super flow B. Super Critical C. Sub Critical D. Critical
A. 0.00 B. 0.500 C. 0.400 D. 0.300
77. The volume of water flowing past a section of a stream, canal, flume
59. Oil with specific gravity of 0.95 flows at 200 liters/sec through 500 m of and other waterways is termed the
200 mm diameter pipeline having a coefficient of friction of 0.0225. A. discharge B. gage C. sounding D. tidal flow
Evaluate the pressure drop, in kPa, if the pipeline slopes down at 10 deg
in the direction of flow. 78. Is the grain size corresponding to 10 percent passing on a grain-size
A. 132 B. 196 C. 324 D. 274 distribution curve.
A. Terzaghi’s Effective Size C. Hazen’s Effective Size
60. Water is contained in an open vessel moving at a horizontal linear B. Atterberg’s Effective Size D. Casagande’s Effective Size
acceleration of one-half that of gravity. At what angle, in degrees, with the
vertical will the surface of the water make? 79. A ship floating in seawater is stable if the metacenter
A. 69.6 B. 77.4 C. 64.4 D. 25.6 A. is below the center of gravity
B. is above the center of gravity
61. Water flows through an irrigation, 500 mm deep by 1 m wide, with a C. coincides with the center of gravity
mean velocity of 2 meters per second. Determine the rate of flow in m3 per D. if the draft of the ship causes a buoyant force weight of the ship and its
second. cargo.
A. 1.50 B. 0.50 C. 1.00 D. 2.00
80. An undisturbed sample of material taken from a borrow pit has a void
62. In a condenser containing air and water, the air pressure is 40 kPa ratio of 0.70. Results of the Proctor compaction test indicate that the
absolute. What is the gage pressure in kPa 1.5 m below the water material as compacted on the roadway will have a void ratio of 0.48. What
surfaces? shrinkage factor should be used in computing borrow and embankment
A. -51.4 B. -40.5 C. -46.3 D. -70.2 quantities?
A. 69.41% B. 12.94% C. 14.86% D. 79.73%
Situation XVII: A circular gate 1.5 m in diameter is inclined at an angle of
45 deg. Sea water stands on one side of the gate to a height of 10m above
the center of the gate.

63. Evaluate the total force on the gate, in kN.

A. 143 B. 173 C. 154 D. 165

64. Locate the point of action of the total force from the bottom on the plane
of the gate, in meter (s)
A. 0.826 B. 0.559 C. 0.740 D. 0.644

65. If the gate is hinged at the top, evaluate the force normal to the gate at
the bottom that will be required to open it, in kN.
A. 78.3 B. 59.1 C. 69.9 D. 87.8

Situation XVIII: A rectangular channel 6m wide has a constant specific

energy of 2.2m.
66. Evaluate the critical depth, in meters
A. 1.88 B. 1.38 C. 1.47 D. 1.06

67. Evaluate the critical velocity, in m/sec

A. 4.76 B. 2.92 C. 2.64 D. 3.79

Situation XIX: A piece of rock weighs 400 m in air and when submerged
completely in water weighs 240 N.

68. Evaluate the volume of the rock, in m^3.

A. 0.0201 B. 0.0163 C. 0.0163 D. 0.0172

69. Evaluate the unit weight of the rock, kN/m^3

A. 29.3 B.25.4 C. 27.0 D. 26.5

70. Evaluate the specific gravity of the rock.

A. 3.30 B. 2.50 C. 2.70 D. 2.80

71. Estimate the head loss, in meters, due to friction in a 300 mm diameter
pipe conveying water at the rate of 7.69 liters/sec if the pipe is 2200 m long
and the friction factor in the pipe is 0.02.
A. 0.0884 B. 0.132 C. 0.155 D. 0.106

72. A rectangular irrigation canal 6.0 m wide and 1.2 m deep has a
hydraulic slope of 0.001 and a roughness coefficient of 0.013. Estimate the
discharge of the canal in m3/sec.
A. 22.6 B.19.20 C. 15.80 D. 24.5

73. What height in meters of a column of special gage liquid having a

specific gravity of 2.90 would exert the same pressure as a column of oil 6
m high having a specific of 0.80?
A. 1.85 B. 1.57 C. 1.66 D. 1.46
“If it doesn’t CHALLENGE you,
it doesn’t CHANGE you.”
74. The absolute pressure in a gas tank is 2.85 atmospheres. Obtain the
pressure head, in meters, of water for its gage pressure.
A. 16 B. 19 C.17 D.18
75. What is the head loss in meter per kilometer on a 150-mm diameter
pipeline having a coefficient of friction of 0.025 if the discharge is 0.04
A. 30.3 B.43.5 C.20.6 D.29.4

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