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The Physics of The Ideal Continuum

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Volume 5, Issue 7, July – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

The Physics of the Ideal Continuum

Vedran Furtula1
Individual Researcher, MSc

Abstract:- In this paper from the domain of theoretical II. THE IDEAL CONTINUUM
physics, there have been stated and briefly described the
basic principles and laws that apply to the new scientific To begin with and to get a better understanding, the
discipline of physics, which we call the Physics of the ideal continuum will be called absolutely empty space (like
Ideal Continuum. In addition to the definition of the the Dirac vacuum) or the space absolutely filled with an
ideal continuum, it also defines and describes other absolutely ideal homogeneous isotropic antimatter or
phenomena such as the origin of matter, the origin of matter (if such matter exists). The ideal continuum has all
space-time, the origin and role of black holes and other the properties of the ideal medium, i.e. the space no any
phenomena in the universe. Special attention has been properties of which affect in any way any process that takes
focused on the energy balance in the universe, as well as place in it. In other words, the ideal continuum is the
on the universal physical constant and its role in the initial, zero state of space, free of any (physical)
development of the mathematical and physical models properties. Similarly, the ideal continuum can equally has
of the universe. Through the presentation of the of micro (infinitesimal), measurable and macro (infinite)
differences between the physics of the ideal continuum, dimensions and scale.
the quantum physics and classical physics, an additional
stride has been made in understanding the most The physical phenomena that can be compared or
important laws and their applicability in these scientific equated with the ideal continuum are the so-called black
disciplines, as well as their inter-connectedness. Other holes, quasars, dark energy and antimatter (which the most
terms that have been given a significant role in this part of the universe is filled with), the initial (zero) state of
paper include equilibrium and gravitationalsheds the universe (regardless of the momentum: before
(gravitational divisions). expansion or before the so-called Big Bang, after the
complete disintegration of the universe, or after the total
Keywords:- The Physics of the Ideal Continuum, ideal inflation and absolute space-time compression), as well as
continuum, energy balance in the universe, universal the empty atomic and subatomic space and fields within
physical constant, equilibrium, gravitationalsheds. material and antimatter particles.

I. INTRODUCTION In order to draw adequate theoretical conclusions, it is

also necessary to define other scientific starting points and
Today, when we fully understand classical physics of conditions, which will not only simplify the task, but also
matter and easily use the established laws of motion of make it more understandable and more accessible to the
material bodies in space-time, and when we have seriously wider scientific public, as well as enable its simpler
stepped into quantum physics of antimatter bodies or the confirmation through direct astronomical observations and
energy of material particles at the atomic and subatomic other scientific experiments. First of all, it is necessary to
level, or a new branch of physics, which has given classical describe the way in which some of the basic physical
physics a completely new dimension, we can rightfully say occurrences and phenomena in the universe happen, as well
that we are close to major breakthroughs in the as the way in which they cause other physical phenomena
development of these fundamental scientific disciplines of a and processes thereof in the cause-and-effect
unique science - physics. Many scientists of the modern era relationships. In the following chapters, one of the basic
in which we live, have made an immeasurable contribution hypotheses about the origin of the universe, or the so-
to understanding and uniting these two scientific disciplines called Big Bang theory [1] will be put forward and
with the universal laws of physics, but still without success described.
in the end.
This paper in the field of theoretical physics deals
with a new scientific discipline that we will call the physics Under the term universe, we will encompass the entire
of the ideal continuum. The goal of this new scientific visible and invisible universe or multi-verse, regardless of
discipline is not to reconcile the opinions of prominent whether it exists/they exist simultaneously or whether their
physicists of classical and quantum physics, nor to deny or existences are cause-and-effect related in any
refute them in any way, but, on the contrary, by analysing way. Therefore, here we consider the universe as a general
basic physical quantities such as time, space, matter, term for the entire and absolute space in the entire and
energy, light, gravity and many others, including the absolute time.
physical constants established so far, its goal is to attempt
to define and describe their properties, behaviour, and laws
in something what we call the (absolutely) ideal continuum.

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Volume 5, Issue 7, July – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

In this paper, we will exclusively analyse the basic

property of a quantum, as an elementary unit of energy, i.e.
the photon interference. Based on the already proven
physical properties of the photon and its ability to be in two
or more places at the same time (both a particle and a wave
simultaneously), we will at this very moment draw one of
the main conclusions, which is, the speed of light in a
vacuum is not the maximum possible (limit) speed
achieved, but antimatter particles can achieve even higher
speed than the speed of light (1).

|𝑣𝑚𝑎𝑥 | ≫ 𝑐 (1) Fig 2:- Reference System

V. OBSERVER'S REFERENCE SYSTEM The position of our reference system, from which we
observe and try to describe the entire visible and invisible
In accordance with the relativistic laws of physics, universe (Figure 3), has caused the need for most of the
what conclusions we will draw about a physical process mentioned physical constants (Cosmological, Hubble's,
depends on which system we declare as the etc.), with which we basically try to correct the equations or
reference. There is a big difference if the observer is in the calibrate the developed mathematical and physical models
centre of a black hole, its immediate surroundings or at the of the universe.
very edge of its zone of influence – gravitationalsheds
(Figure 1).

Fig 3:- The position of our reference system (The Solar

System in the Milky Way galaxy)
Fig 1:- Gravitationalsheds (of the system, galaxy, ideal VI. PHYSICAL CONSTANTS
continuum or the universe)
Planck's constant, Planck's mass, Planck's length,
There is also a difference if the observer is in a Dirac’s constant, Gravitational constant, Cosmological
galaxy, a cluster of galaxies or the universe, which is in the constant, Hubble's constant, etc. are the ones that play the
phase of collapse and inflation, while the rest of the multi- most substantial role in physics of the all physical constants
verse is in the phase of expansion and disintegration. One in general, as well as in the physics of the ideal continuum.
example to describe the said phenomenon is several The largest number of physical constants is directly
balloons in each other, the interior one of which, whose correlated with the space-time distortion, especially in the
centre has been determined as the reference system, reference system in relation to which we are trying to
collapses, while the other one, the outer balloon, continues describe and understand all visible and invisible physical
expanding rapidly, and doing it on alternately. If we went a phenomena in the entire universe. Physical constants, as
step further and reversed the processes realising that the well as energy and matter, reach their finite values, values
interior balloon was expanding and the outer balloon of zero or infinite values, if they are found or analysed in
shrinking, we would then have a bigger problem the immediate vicinity, i.e. at a significant (outside the
understanding and describing the physical phenomena in direct influence) distance from the ideal continuum. In
such complex systems (Figure 2). addition, in the physics of the ideal continuum, the largest
number of physical constants should be absolutely ignored,
they annihilate themselves or one another mutually. Based
on the presented views on physical constants, as well as
their arithmetic errors, we will establish the second

IJISRT20JUL302 www.ijisrt.com 975

Volume 5, Issue 7, July – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
conclusion of this paper, which is, the physics of the ideal which, a piece of information, as the final product of
continuum is actually the physics of a medium and energy disintegration, encounters no resistance.
information and not matter or antimatter particles
(quantum, energy), and that or such a system (out of |𝑣| = ∞ (4)
reference system), physical constants have no special or
almost no role (2). |𝑚| = 0 (5)

|𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡. | ≅ 0 (2) IX. MATTER FORMATION

VII. BLACK HOLES AND QUASARS During the explosion of the Big Bang, occurred as a
result of the appearance of the first quantum, i.e. an
We will describe black holes, among other things, as elementary particle of energy that disturbed the absolute
physical phenomena in the universe that occur when the balance/equilibrium of the zero ideal continuum, a large
appropriate (physical) conditions are met. They represent amount of energy was released and transformed. The space-
essential disintegrators of matter into all visible and time component of the universe arose as a result of the
invisible forms of energy, as well as its occurring appearance of matter, i.e. another by-product of the
derivatives/products, of which we will list only those of transformation of dark energy or anti-energy into energy
interest to this paper, i.e. radiation, (gravitational and other) and antimatter into matter (as the constituent elements of
waves, heat and light. Black holes are the ideal medium and the ideal continuum), at the momentums when the velocity
conductor (the ideal continuum), and as such, a place where of a quantum was higher than the speed of light. This
antimatter particles reach/achieve higher velocities than the phenomenon can be roughly explained by the so-called
speed of light. Through the widespread dark energy and sonic boom phenomenon in a medium such as air, whereby
antimatter in the universe (continuum of medium), based on this incompressible flow becomes compressible at high
interference, the simultaneous appearance of information speeds (Figure 4).
(regardless of the relativistic concept of time, as well as its
division into past, present and future) in all black holes and
all parts of the universe is possible. As the basic source of
radiation and waves in the universe, due to the space-time
compression, black holes also represent points at which
time loses the sense of existence (as it does in all types of
the ideal continuum), i.e. it equates with zero (3). A special
forms of super-massive black holes, for which we apply the
same laws that will be established in this paper, are quasars
(visible disintegrators).

|𝑡 | = 0 (3) Fig 4:- Sonic Boom


We have acquired the general notion of time through Space, in general, can also be defined as a
the understanding of gravity and classical (Newtonian) product/derivative of the formation of matter from energy
physics and mechanics of matter bodies. With the further wide-spread in the vicinity of the ideal continuum (the
development of physics, i.e. the established (Einstein's) space of the ideal continuum is considered to be completely
theories of relativity, time has become a relative category, condensed and non-reference space). In general, if existent,
i.e. physical quantity that depends on the location of the space is measurable and n-dimensional (although it is
observer and the position of the (reference) system in which usually interpreted as three-dimensional). If it is
it is located. Thus, the calculation of time or any physical measurable, it is then also bordered by gravitationalsheds.
process in other neighbouring systems, in relation to the As already mentioned in the previous chapters, time and
reference, using the fundamental principle of the speed of time measurement in such space is relativistic, and is
light as absolute and maximum, as well as physical closely related to its gravity, and completely irrelevant in
constants, is possible to carry out with a high degree of other types of space and systems. The time component,
accuracy. contained in the origin of its n-dimensional coordinate
system (Figure 5), forms a unique space-time frame, based
The physics of the ideal continuum is the physics in on its gravity. In such a system, even without external
which time is equal to zero (3). It is the physics in which influences such as gravitational waves and/or some other
other physical quantities, including the basic ones, too, cosmic events (galaxy collapse, star explosion, etc.),
velocity or speed (4), acceleration, energy, etc., reach their according to the already known laws of quantum physics,
maximum, infinite values or, in the case of mass, their space or the so-called environment of the ideal continuum
minimum values (5). This is the physics in which the size can produce the ideal continuum (such as black holes).
of space plays absolutely no role, for it is only a medium
filled with the ideal continuum, through which, and in

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Volume 5, Issue 7, July – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
antimatter particles exceed the speed of light, all other
forms and derivatives of energy arise and get released at the
atomic and subatomic level (of quantum energy |A|), i.e. at
a higher level, of matter or the so-called energy collectors
(the energies of matter bodies |B|) simultaneously creating
space-time. As a result of energy arising from dark energy
(anti-energy) and matter from anti- matter, the balance
equation of energy gets two new components, i.e. (9).
|Α| + |Β| + |Γ| + |Δ| = 1 (9)

As the reference system from which we observe all

these events trying to establish their mutual laws, affects
our understanding of the described chain of events, in
Fig 5:- Absolute n-dimensional (spherical) coordinate accordance with the established distortion of the newly
system with time coordinate /t/ at its origin formed space-time, we must correct the balance equation of
the total energy in the universe with physical constants
|Α|𝑓(𝛼, 𝛽, γ, 𝛿) + |Β|𝑓(𝛽, 𝛼, γ, 𝛿) + +|Γ|𝑓(γ, 𝛼, 𝛽, 𝛿) +
Before the beginning of the universe, we can say that |Δ|𝑓(𝛿, 𝛼, 𝛽, γ) = 1 (10)
apart from the medium we have defined as the ideal
continuum of infinitesimal or infinite dimensions, there was If we combine all physical constants and their
no visible energy, nor matter, nor gravity, nor space-time arithmetic errors into one universal physical constant (η)
(6). The interior and the environment of the ideal (11), or we combine all energy components except the
continuum consisted of infinite amounts of dark energy initial (13), we get the following expressions for the total
(anti-energy) and antimatter (|Γ|), which we will present energy of the universe in a developed and general form (12,
and equalize with finite and integer number 1 (7). 14).

|0| = |0| (6) 𝜂 = Σ𝑓(𝛼, 𝛽, γ, 𝛿) (11)

|Γ| = 1 (7) 𝜂(|Α| + |Β| + |Γ| + |Δ|) = 1 (12)

At the so-called zero momentum, when the absolute Σ𝐸 = |Α| + |Β| + |Γ| (13)
equilibrium or the equilibrium of the ideal continuum is
disturbed by the appearance of the first quantum of energy η(Σ𝐸 + |Δ|) = 1 (14)
or the photon of light (initial energy |Δ|), which stimulates
the creation of the visible universe, the balance equation of The following table presents some of the possible
total energy starts taking shape (8). values of individual components of the total energy
balance, as well as the theoretical assumptions of their
|Γ| + |Δ| = 1 (8) approximate and relative relations over time, without any
experimental confirmation or specific observations (Table
This event is also known by the so-called Big 1).
Bang. Immediately after that, once the energy velocities of

Anti-energy and
Matter Energy Antimatter Initial Energy
Momentum Energy Total
|Α| |Β| |Γ| |Δ|
Absolute Equilibrium 0 0 1 0 1
Zero Momentum, Initial
0 0 1 1
Energy Appearance
Real Momentum, Today
(with the universal physical 0.25 0.75 1
constant η)
Projection at the End 0 0 1 0 1
Table 1:- The components of the total energy balance and their approximate and relative relations

IJISRT20JUL302 www.ijisrt.com 977

Volume 5, Issue 7, July – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

From all the mentioned and analysed in the previous [1]. G. Lemaître (1946), The Primeval Atom – an Essay on
chapters, we can draw more several very important Cosmogony, D. Van Nostrand Co.
conclusions, namely:

 that the total energy complies to the general law on

energy sustainability, in all its forms and states;
 that time is relative, and also a product of the
appearance of matter and gravity under the influence of
which the space-time distortion occurred;
 that the physical constants, by which we are trying to
calibrate our mathematical and physical models of the
universe in relation to the reference system of the
observer, are also the product of the space-time arose;
 that energy is indestructible and that the universe is
eternal, and that it existed even before the events of the
so-called Big Bang and that it will exist even after its
complete disintegration or inflation, i.e. the
transformation of matter into antimatter and energy into

Eventually, we can also conclude that the physics of

the ideal continuum, quantum physics and classical physics
of the material body, actually form a single, unique physics,
i.e. a universal science that studies energy states and
phenomena in the entire, visible and invisible, universe. If
we compared the specifics of these three scientific
disciplines, we could highlight the following:

 that the physics of the ideal continuum is the physics of

events and information, and that quantum physics is the
physics of all energy derivatives resulting from the
transformation of anti-energy into energy (radiation,
waves, light) and vice versa, i.e. classical physics is the
physics of matter and matter bodies (energy collectors);
 that the physics of the ideal continuum is the physics in
which the basic physical quantities reach infinite values
(4) or are equal to zero (5), and that quantum physics is
the physics in which the basic physical quantities reach
their finite and maximum values (15), i.e. classical
physics is the physics in which the basic physical
quantities never reach their final and maximum values
(16) until they get in touch or come into a direct
interaction with the ideal continuum.

|𝑣| ≅ 𝑐 (15)

|𝑣| ≪ 𝑐 (16)

 that the physics of the ideal continuum is the physics of

medium, energy states and the processes without space-
time, and that quantum physics is the physics of energy
states and processes at the atomic and subatomic level
in greater space-time, on the basis of their presence the
appearance of the ideal continuum is possible within
that space-time, i.e. classical physics is the physics of
matter and matter bodies in space-time.

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