Grammar Express U40 Adjectives and Adverbs 2
Grammar Express U40 Adjectives and Adverbs 2
Grammar Express U40 Adjectives and Adverbs 2
Сhеck thе сorreсt onswеr.
The ownеr thinks thе apartment is:
LJ pеrtесt
П *u.- and сozv
сI|АRт ADlЕстlvЕs ADvЕRBs
Circle T (True)or Thеy aге quiet tenants' Тhеy work quiеtly.
F (Fаlsе). |t,sa fast е|еvator. |t movеs vеry fast.
т F Adverbs often T h е b u iI d in gs e е msn i се. Shе dеsсribеdit niсely.
сomе bеforе lt,s absolutе|yperfесt. lt,sabsolutely peгfесt.
т F Adjeсtives often
сome aftеr
aсtion verbs.
т F Adverbs often
end in -ly.
Сompletethesеsentenceswith the сorrеctform of thе word slow.
Adieсtives arrd Adverbs l 173
жr Жжp&effi effgфYъs"
йy mжмж* &кamр*еs
noun ad|eсtivе pron. adjесtivе
1. Usе adiесtivеs to desсribеnouns or Dronouns r Thе housеs are bеoutiful. Theу are new'
(foгpeop|e,plaсes,and things).
аdiесtivе noUn
Adjeсtivеsusuallyсomе immеdiate|ybeforеthе l Тhis is a s,mollapartmеnt.
noun thеy desсribe.
vеrb adiесtive
Adjесtivesсan aIsoсomе aftеr non-aсtionverbs r This apartmentseеms smoll.
suсh as be, look, or sееm,
vеrb advеrb
2. Usе adverbs to dеsсгibеverbs,adjесtives,and r Тhey furnished it niсelу.
othеr adverbs.
adverb adjесtivе
Advеrbsthat desсribeadjeсtivesand othеr l lt,s an extremely niсе house.
adverbsusual|yсome immеdiatelybeforе аdverb adverb
thе word thеy dеsсгibе. r Тhеy found it very quiсkly.
a dj е с t i v е
4. Adverbs of manner are oftеn formеd by We nееd a quiсk deсision.
adding .ly to adjeсtives. advеrb
You should dесide quiсkly.
|t,sa lovely apartmеnt.
for еxamp|e, sillу friеndlу lovеlу and lonelу,
СheсkiI oul!
For a disсussion of advеrbs of frequеnсy' seе Unit 2, page 7.
171 r unit 40
iDENтIFY o Reod this notiсe obout on oportmеnt for rеnt. IJnderlinethe аdjесtivesond
circle thе odverbs. Thеn drow on orrow from the odjectivеor odvеrb to thе word it
is describing.
o MonY pеoplе wеnt to seе thе oportment dеscribеdin thе notiсe obovе.
Сomplеtе thеir сommentsobout thе oportment with thе corrеctform of the words
in porenthеsеs.
3. I thought the apartment would be hard to find, but it was surprisingly easy
( s u r p r i s i n g/ е a s y )
5. It's a grеat plaсe,and thе priсe is reasonable.It will rent incredibly fast
( i n с r e d i b | е/ f а s t )
7. The notiсe said it was quiеt, but I heard the neighbors very clearly
(vеry / с|ear)
h ru гЦnn<Е. Сomplеtе Moggiе,s lеttеr with the corrеct word in porenthеsеs.
\'lvl,.,r -
5. (busy/ busily)
/!*]1,,4r ll /юan,r
o фr'tс' ф a,,,,,а,r)ai/44Р,/4J nice Jюr,4n,li,? llZ ш
6. (niсеi niсe|y)
funnу warm
I perfectly
l L
! hа,,tlу пot to /пиg/l,luhi/rhе шlls- ,яL
cute fast