Grammar Express U40 Adjectives and Adverbs 2

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Adieсtives and Adverbs

Сhеck thе сorreсt onswеr.
The ownеr thinks thе apartment is:
LJ pеrtесt
П *u.- and сozv

сI|АRт ADlЕстlvЕs ADvЕRBs
Circle T (True)or Thеy aге quiet tenants' Тhеy work quiеtly.
F (Fаlsе). |t,sa fast е|еvator. |t movеs vеry fast.
т F Adverbs often T h е b u iI d in gs e е msn i се. Shе dеsсribеdit niсely.
сomе bеforе lt,s absolutе|yperfесt. lt,sabsolutely peгfесt.
т F Adjeсtives often
сome aftеr
aсtion verbs.
т F Adverbs often
end in -ly.

Сompletethesеsentenceswith the сorrеctform of thе word slow.

A: It's a slow еlevatоr. It moves verY slowly

B: It's not slow . It just seems slow

Adieсtives arrd Adverbs l 173

жr Жжp&effi effgфYъs"
йy mжмж* &кamр*еs
noun ad|eсtivе pron. adjесtivе
1. Usе adiесtivеs to desсribеnouns or Dronouns r Thе housеs are bеoutiful. Theу are new'
(foгpeop|e,plaсes,and things).
аdiесtivе noUn
Adjeсtivеsusuallyсomе immеdiate|ybeforеthе l Тhis is a s,mollapartmеnt.
noun thеy desсribe.
vеrb adiесtive
Adjесtivesсan aIsoсomе aftеr non-aсtionverbs r This apartmentseеms smoll.
suсh as be, look, or sееm,

vеrb advеrb
2. Usе adverbs to dеsсгibеverbs,adjесtives,and r Тhey furnished it niсelу.
othеr adverbs.
adverb adjесtivе
Advеrbsthat desсribeadjeсtivesand othеr l lt,s an extremely niсе house.
adverbsusual|yсome immеdiatelybeforе аdverb adverb
thе word thеy dеsсгibе. r Тhеy found it very quiсkly.

3 . Usе advеrbs of manner to desсribeaсtion vеrbs. r lt,ll rent quiсklу,

Тhеsеadveгbsoftеn answerHow?questions.Тhеy (Quiсkly dеsсribеshow fast it will rent')
сomе aftеrthе verb thеy dеsсribе.
verb direсtobiесt
Bв сдпвгul! Do not put an adverb of mannеr r Shе,IIrent this apartmеntquiсktу,
betwеenthe vегb and its direсt objесt. Noт

a dj е с t i v е
4. Adverbs of manner are oftеn formеd by We nееd a quiсk deсision.
adding .ly to adjeсtives. advеrb
You should dесide quiсkly.

|t,sa lovely apartmеnt.
for еxamp|e, sillу friеndlу lovеlу and lonelу,

5. Some Gommon advеrbs of manner do not

еnd in ./y.
a dj е с t i v e аdverb
a. Тhе adverb form of good is well. r She,sa good wгiteг.Shе writеswеll.

b. Somе advегbshavе the samе form as thеit Ao1гстtvв Aovгвв

rе|atedadieсtives,for exampIe, еorlу, fost, Bob was latе. Bob сamе late.
wronltt lote, and hord. Shе,sa hard woгkeг. Shе works hard.
Bв сдпвгurt,.Lotеly is not the adverb form of r She hasn,tmеt any nеW pеop|elotelу.
latе. Lаtelуmеans ,,reсent|y.,'Hordlу is not the
l Тhеrе,shordlу еnough timе to prеparefor hеr
advеrb form of hord. l-lordlуmeans ,,a|mostnot.,,
сlasses.Her paгt-timejob takesup most of hегtimе.

СheсkiI oul!
For a disсussion of advеrbs of frequеnсy' seе Unit 2, page 7.
171 r unit 40

iDENтIFY o Reod this notiсe obout on oportmеnt for rеnt. IJnderlinethe аdjесtivesond
circle thе odverbs. Thеn drow on orrow from the odjectivеor odvеrb to thе word it
is describing.


Students! Are you looking for a speсia]. p1aсe to 1ive?
Come to 140 Grant Street, Apt. цB. This apartment is
perfeсt for two serious students who are
looking for a quiet neighborhood, just 15 minutes from
сampus. This 1ove1y apartment is in a new building.
It is a short wa1k to the bus stop. The exprеss bus goes
direсt1y into town. At night thе bus hard1y makes any
stops at a11. You сan wa1k safely through thе wonderfu1
parks on your way home. Thе rent is very affordable.
Ca11 for an appointment: 555-5050.
Don't wait! This apartmеnt wi11 rent fast.

o MonY pеoplе wеnt to seе thе oportment dеscribеdin thе notiсe obovе.
Сomplеtе thеir сommentsobout thе oportment with thе corrеctform of the words
in porenthеsеs.

l. I'm very intеrested. I think the apartment is extremelу nicе

( е x t r е m е/ n i с е )

2. I was eхpeсting muсh bigger rooms. I was terribly disappointed

( t е r r i b | е/ d i s а p p o i n t е d )

3. I thought the apartment would be hard to find, but it was surprisingly easy
( s u r p r i s i n g/ е a s y )

4. I was happy to hear that the park is extremely safe

(extremе / safе)

5. It's a grеat plaсe,and thе priсe is reasonable.It will rent incredibly fast
( i n с r e d i b | е/ f а s t )

6. The owner seems niсe, but she talks awfully slowly

(awful / slow)

7. The notiсe said it was quiеt, but I heard the neighbors very clearly
(vеry / с|ear)

8. I hеard them too. I thought thеir voiсes Were unusually loud

( u n u s u a /l l o u d )

9. All in all. it's an exceptionally pleasant plaсe.

( е x с е p t i o n a /l p | е a s a n t )
Adieсtives and Adverbs t |7 5
. . . . . o o o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . о o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

h ru гЦnn<Е. Сomplеtе Moggiе,s lеttеr with the corrеct word in porenthеsеs.
\'lvl,.,r -

Aor,tt /l/** orX >ad,

!ф * /Уoo, Qa,,Ь /,1,Uа// е !*z I аlatp,la,l lulp u,,е,J,1,},е

1 . ( е x с i t i n g/ е х с i t i n 9 l y ) ",x

a'июha large /!,,J il,a 4o, ,,/4JДp4J/,4q/цeЙadn// a l,hюol

пю 4а,11L
2 . ( | a г g еl | a r g е | у )

/4ф) аil''a/ Ju ploaЫ l/аp aд/дo аr,

иu,t,4k)а,n beautifully * a,"],/-'l lР)%o /42
3 . ( b е a u t i f u /| b е a u t i f u I I y )

5. (busy/ busily)
/!*]1,,4r ll /юan,r
o фr'tс' ф a,,,,,а,r)ai/44Р,/4J nice Jюr,4n,li,? llZ ш
6. (niсеi niсe|y)

quiet /1./е И,m hardly lе)ip,llе lt,l' ц,,,,/" 0ш ие,хJ-

* /Уе,.t,,
7. (quiеt/ quiеtly) 8. (hard l hard|у)

J4,',' ,z,фo,L /1 a?И/ nice ,4l //л,4J4,h,4*,,*l shy

9. (niсе/ niсеIy) 1o. (shy/ shyly)

/*J ,"* |,.,l,аn good

11. (good / wе|l)

l,o|J"*ыJ, Р/"-a' v^"

|,/" /,,,,|,"t/л/n,аp A,{,1/1, /rrur lo

а/4l ш,ИJp 4IJ{t/t,,


ЕDlT.Rеаd this studеnt,sjournаI еntry,Find ond

сorrеctsevеn mistokеsin thе use of odjeсtivеs
ond аdvеrbs, Thе first mistoke is olreаdу сorrected,

funnу warm

I perfectly
l L
! hа,,tlу пot to /пиg/l,luhi/rhе шlls- ,яL
cute fast


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