Arun Laxmanrao Navalkar Vs Meena Arun Navalkar 120M060300COM244379 PDF
Arun Laxmanrao Navalkar Vs Meena Arun Navalkar 120M060300COM244379 PDF
Arun Laxmanrao Navalkar Vs Meena Arun Navalkar 120M060300COM244379 PDF
Equivalent Citation: AIR2006Bom342, 2006(4)ALLMR539, 2006(4)BomC R210, 2006(3)MhLj772, 2007(5)RC R(C ivil)84
19. It will have to be seen from the above statement whether the custom propounded
by the wife can be taken to be proved. The aforesaid relationships are admitted by
both the parties. It may only be mentioned that the 2 witnesses of the husband, his 2
brothers being p.w. 3 and 4, have deposed/chat there is no such custom in their
community and that the relationship of certain parties is not known to them though
the fact that those parties are couples, are known to them. The evidence of the
witnesses on behalf of the wife being R/W. 5 and 6 who have been examined
essentially as experts have not shown any positive assertion that there is acceptance
of such custom in their community. They have also shown no knowledge about
certain specific relationships amongst the aforesaid couples.
20. The aforesaid statement shows the relationship of only one couple at serial No. 9