Form 3 WK 9
Form 3 WK 9
Form 3 WK 9
Lesson/Topic Content Objectives Methodology Evaluation
Form 3-4, 3-5 & 3-6
Lesson 1 An algorithm involves writing Students will: Introduction Textbooks
Continuation.. a step instruction to solve a 1. State the importance Ask different students to state in
Previous problem following the IPO of writing an their own words what is an Students’
knowledge table. algorithm algorithm. notebooks
Students are 2. Write algorithm based Development
able to decode on the IPO tables they Teacher discusses the importance Log on to IT.
and encode have already created of showing proper working and
ASCII codes. for simple problems together with students brainstorm
Intro. To the basic and easiest solution for
understanding the problem. Assist individual
and writing students as necessary.
Simple Conclusion
Algorithms for Students will complete a practical
simple exercise and show all working of
problems problems.
Lesson 2 & 3 Data base management is the Students will: Introduction Information
Previous process of storing data - state the benefits of Allow students to share instances Technology
knowledge efficiently in the computer, keeping a database in which they have seen the need to for CXC Page
Students Keeping it up to date, management. store lots of data or information 276-280
already know manipulating and processing it, about people, services, items etc...
how to use and and making information readily -Identify the steps in Discuss the importance of
create tables accessible to those who need it. creating a database, table, organizing the data.
field and record.
Database - Each database should be set
Management up for a specific purpose. - Appreciate the Development
Continuation... Using forms in table structures importance of planning Student will work with exercises
to prodcuce specific and designing a database for practical purposes
Using Forms information of records in before creating to
tables. facilitate retrieval of data Teacher will explain database
Working and give better results. management and basic
Practical terminology.
Students will discuss the
importance of planning and
Information Technology Week 9: Mar – 2 - 6, 2020
Lesson/Topic Content Objectives Methodology Evaluation
Form 3-4, 3-5 & 3-6
designing a database.
Students will make a summary of
what they have learned today.
Lesson 4 & 5 After reviewing the solution to A computer program is Intro. Allow students to use word Complete Log On to IT
the a question in program a series of coded to outline the steps to go to the Activity 1
Introduction to development (chapter 8 of the instructions for a cafeteria. After 3 minutes ask Course Outline
Programing textbook) the students will: computer to obey in volunteers to share their answers Individual Handout
order to solve a problem. Questioning
Subtopic: 1. Differentiate between input, Computer Dev. Using a problem from chapter CXC IT
Program output and processing program, detailed plan 8 as example illustrate the steps of Create the IPO curriculum
development or procedure for solving program development. Tables
and 2. Create IPO tables a problem with a
Algorithms computer; more Pose a second problem and have
3. Appreciate that in program specifically, an students solve the problem clearly nology/compute
Previous development a problem is unambiguous, ordered stating each step. r-program
Knowledge: broken down to the smallest sequence of
Students have possible tasks. computational Activity Exercise 1 of Chapter 8
used typed instructions necessary to problem is set in moodle along
documents in achieve such a solution. with Information Sheet.
Word. The distinction between
computer programs and Conclusion. Have students share
equipment is often made their answer.
by referring to the
former as software and
the latter as hardware.
An algorithm is a
sequence of instructions
Information Technology Week 9: Mar – 2 - 6, 2020
Lesson/Topic Content Objectives Methodology Evaluation
Form 3-4, 3-5 & 3-6
which, if followed,
produces a solution to
the given problem. At
the end of each
instruction, there is no
question as to what
needs to be done next,
and the instructions
eventually come to an
A pseudocode is an
algorithm that models or
resembles the real
programming language
of the computer. It
cannot be executed by
the computer
Program development
1. Define the problem
2. Analyze the problem
3. Develop an
algorithm/method of
solving the problem
4. Write a computer
5. Test and debug
6. Document the
Evaluation wk 7
Information Technology Week 9: Mar – 2 - 6, 2020
Lesson/Topic Content Objectives Methodology Evaluation
Form 3-4, 3-5 & 3-6
Evaluation Wk 8
One of my third forms at this point have not been able to be taught a theory lesson due that assembly has taken that first class for the past two
consecutive Monday’s and it continued this week. While the other lesson went well with the rest of my third forms.