Swot Analysis On Current Healthcare System in Bangladesh: Strength Weakness
Swot Analysis On Current Healthcare System in Bangladesh: Strength Weakness
Swot Analysis On Current Healthcare System in Bangladesh: Strength Weakness
Strength Weakness
Provision of improved healthcare services. Lack of managerial capacity.
Better safeguarding and improved Lack of health representative.
confidentiality of sensitive information. Lack of top management commitment and
Decrease in data and medical errors. seriousness.
Ability to hire qualified and experienced Lack of interest and professional ethics in
healthcare professionals. handling new situation.
Primary healthcare at outreach level. NO accountability and transparency.
Improved access to accurate and relative Limited E-health service.
information. Increased and high costs of IT adoption.
Outdated equipment’s.
Opportunities Threats
Technological improvement incorporation Shortage of human resources and
of health informatics. untrained staff.
Improvement in reporting and data Rapid changes in technology and
presentation capabilities. treatment.
Public awareness and community support Not following anti-biotic policy.
programs. Moral hazard.
Unification and integration of Public and Un-necessary political intervention and
Private sector health records. political insecurity.
Strong NGO networks. Inactive referral system.
Involvement of traditional health service