Material Safety Data Sheet: Rockcote Polymer Render Grey
Material Safety Data Sheet: Rockcote Polymer Render Grey
Material Safety Data Sheet: Rockcote Polymer Render Grey
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Updated 01/09/2014
PRODUCT: Rockcote Polymer Render Grey
Not classified as hazardous according to criteria of Worksafe Australia
Company Details Rockcote Enterprises Pty Ltd (ABN 066 227 174)
Address 18 Machinery Road Yandina Qld 4561
Telephone/Fax Tel (07) 5446 7737 Fax (07) 5446 8303
Emergency Telephone 0417 694 695 (Chemist)
Other Information Note: For the most up-to-date information for this data sheet, please refer to the Rockcote website
The information contained in this material safety data sheet is believed to be accurate on the date of
issue and in accordance with the information available to us. Persons dealing with products referred to
in this material safety data sheet do so at their own risk. We accept no liability whatsoever for damage
or injury however caused arising form use of this information or of suggestions contained herein.
Product Name Rockcote Polymer Render Grey
Other Names None Listed
Product Code None Listed
UN No: None allocated
Hazchem: None allocated
D.G. Class: None allocated
Pack. Grp.: None allocated
Product Type: Acrylic Emulsion
Major Ingredients: Water based Acrylic- Polymer
Inert Pigments & Aggregates
Poisons Schedule Not scheduled
Product Use Trowel-on Acrylic Render
Appearance: Grey viscous liquid
Odour: Slight Acrylic/Ammonia
Viscosity: Thixotropic
pH: 9.0 - 10.0
Specific Gravity: 1.3 to 1.7
Flash Point: Non Combustible
Solubility in Water: Miscible with water
Volatile Component N/Avail
Auto ignition Temp. N/Avail
Stability Stable
Use only in well ventilated areas. Wear protective clothing to minimise skin contact. Where splatter is likely,
wear goggles.
Fire Hazards Material is non flammable
STORAGE Store in a cool place and out of direct sunlight. Keep containers sealed when not in use.
Store above 4°c and below 50°c
Spills & Clean Up: Contain spills with sand or earth. Remove to suitable
container for disposal. Wash area and equipment with water. Do not allow cleaning
water and/or
runoffs to enter sewers, storm water or open bodies of water.
Date Signature
……….END OF MSDS…………
This MSDS has been developed according to Worksafe Australia / NOHSC guidelines.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Rockcote Polymer Render High Build Grey 3