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A circular pipe, 100 ft long, gradually tapers

from 3 ft in diameter at one end to 2 ft in diameter
at the other. Fluid is flowing from the bigger toward 2.7.1. A Venturi tube narrows down from 4 in. in
the smaller end. What is the rate of increase in diameter to 2 in. in diameter. What is the rate of
velocity at the entrance if the velocity there is 80 ft flow of water if the pressure at the throat is 2 Ib per
per sec? sq in. less than at the larger section?

2.6.1. A horizontal pipe, 1 ft in diameter, tapers 2.7.2. A Venturi tube is 6 in. in diameter at the
gradually to 8 in. in diameter. If the flow is 500 cu ft entrance, where the pressure is 10 lb per sq in.
of water per minute, what is the difference between (gage). The throat is 4 in. diameter; there the
the pressures at the two sections? pressure is 6 lb per sq in. (gage). What is the flow of
2.6.2. Water flows through n horizontal pipe at a
velocity of 50 ft per sec. Owing to the pipe gradually 2.7.3. A 12 in. by 6 in. Venturi meter is located in a
expanding to a larger size, the velocity decreases to horizontal water line. If the pressure gages read 30 lb
35 ft per sec. What is the difference between the per sq in. and 16 lb per sq in., what is the flow?
pressures at two points, one in each size of pipe? 2.9.1. A submarine is cruising in fresh water with its
2.6.3. The diameter of a horizontal tube is 4 in., in longitudinal axis 30 ft below the surface. At a speed
which tetrabromoethane (spec. grav.: 3.0) is flowing of 15 knots, what is the impact pressure on the
at the rate of 0.50 cu ft per sec. The pressure is 30 Ib nose? (1 knot is equal to 1 nautical mile per hours; 1
per sq in. (gage). If the tube gradually decreases to 3 nautical mile = 6080.3 ft).
in. in diameter, what is the pressure there? 2.9.2. An airplane is flying at sea level at an airspeed
2.6.4. Alcohol (spec. grav.: 0.80) is flowing through a of 160 knots. What is the difference between impact
horizontal pipe, which is 10 in. in diameter, with a and static pressure?
velocity of 40 ft per sec. At a smaller section of the 2.9.3. An airplane is flying at sea level. The difference
pipe, there is 6 lb per sq in. less pressure. Assuming between impact and static pressure is 0.25 lb per sq
that the flow is smooth, what is the diameter there? in. What is the airspeed in knots?
2.6.5. Air is flowing horizontally at the speed of l00 2.9.4. An airplane is flying at 10,000 ft altitude. The
mph through a duct 4 sq ft in cross section. The duct difference between impact and static pressure is
gradually narrows down to a throat section. If a U- 0.25 lb per sq in. What is the airspeed in knots?
tube shows a difference in pressure between the
throat and main sections of 7 in. of water, what is 2.9.5. An airplane is flying at 10,000 ft altitude with
the cross-sectional area of the throat? (Assume that an airspeed of l60 knots. What is the difference
the air is non-compressible and has a density of between static and impact pressure?
0.002378 slug per cu ft.)
3.1.1. Find the density of dry air at 23 in. pressure
2.6.6. A horizontal water pipe is reduced in size from and 15˚F?
18 in. in diameter at point A to 6 in. in diameter at
point B. The flow in the pipe is 10 cu ft. per sec, and 3.1.2. Find the density of dry air at 17.31 in. pressure
the pressure at A is 20 lb per sq in. (gage). If it is and - 1˚F?
assumed that there is no loss in energy due to 3.1.3. Find the specific weight of dry air at 22 in.
friction, what is the pressure at B? pressure and 22˚F.
2.6.7. Air flows through a horizontal pipe at the rate 3.4.1. Air at standard pressure and temperature is
of 3,000 cu ft per sec. If the pressure is 30 lb per sq compressed adiabatically to 3 atm. What are (a) the
in. (gage) where the diameter is 3 ft, what is the density and (b) the temperature?
pressure where the diameter is 2 ft?
3.4.2. Air at standard pressure and temperature is
2.6.8. Water flows through a horizontal pipe at the permitted to expand adiabatically to one-half
rate of 800 gal per min. What is the difference in atmospheric pressure. What are (a) density and (b)
pressure between a point where the diameter is 2 in. the temperature?
and a point where the diameter is 1 in.?
3.4.3. Air at standard pressure and temperature is
2.6.9. A horizontal pipe line enlarges from a adiabatically compressed to 50 lb per sq in. gage
diameter of 6 in. at point A and a diameter of 12 in pressure. What is the temperature?
at point B. The flow of water is 20 cu ft per sec and
the pressure at A is 10 lb per sq in. What is the 3.4.4. Air at standard pressure and temperature is
pressure at B? permitted to expand until it is one-half standard
density. (a) What is the pressure? (b) What is the chord, moving at 100 mph through the air? Air
temperature? temperature is the same in each case.

3.4.5. Air at standard pressure and temperature is

permitted to expand adiabatically. When the
temperature has dropped to 0℉ . (a) What is the 4.7.1. Find the density of air in standard atmosphere
at 22 000 ft altitude.
pressure? (b) What is the density?
4.7.2. Find the density of air in standard atmosphere
3.5.1. Find the speed of sound on a hot day, when
at 26 500 ft altitude.
the temperature is ℉ ?
4.7.3. Find the density of air in standard atmosphere
3.5.2. Find the speed of sound at 20,000 ft altitude,
at 31 643 ft altitude.
where the temperature is normally -12.3℉ .
4.8.1. Find the density of air in standard atmosphere
3.5.3. Find the speed of sound at 30,000 ft altitude, at 46 300 ft altitude.
where the temperature is normally -48.1℉ .
4.8.2. Find the density of air in standard atmosphere
3.5.4. Find the speed of sound when the barometric at 46 625 ft altitude.
pressure is 27.2 in Hg and the density is 0.00208 slug
per cu ft. 4.8.3. Find the density of air in standard atmosphere
at 52 800 ft altitude.
3.5.5. Find the speed of sound when the barometric
pressure is in Hg and the density is 0.000902 slug 5.1.1. What is the total force of a 45-mph wind on a
per cu ft. hangar door 40 ft by 25 ft?

3.6.1. What would be the velocity where the 5.1.2. An auto windshield is 40 in. wide by 15 in. high
pressure is 13.5 lb per sq in, if the fluid were and is vertical. What is the force against the
incompressible? windshield at 60 mph?

3.6.2. In an undisturbed airstream, where the 5.1.3. What is the force against the side of e building
pressure is 14.7 lb per sq in. and the temperature is 70 ft long and 40 ft high in e 90-mph wind?
59℉ , the velocity is 550 ft per second. What is the
5.1.4. What force is required to push a flat plate, 3 ft
velocity where the pressure is 13.9 lb per sq in.?
by 2 ft, at a speed of 35 ft per sec in a direction
3.6.3. In an undisturbed airstream, where the perpendicular to its surface?
pressure is 14.7 lb per sq in. and the temperature is
5.2.1. A stream of air 72 sq ft in cross section is
59℉ , the velocity is 520 ft per second. Where the
moving horizontally at a speed of 100 mph. What
velocity is 600 ft per second, what is the local
force is required to deflect it downward 10 ° without
loss in speed?
3.10.1. Find the R.N for an airplane wing, 4-ft. chord,
5.2.2. A stream of air 60 ft wide and 8 ft high is
moving at 120 mph through standard atmosphere.
moving horizontally at a speed of 75 mph. What
3.10.2. Find the R.N for an airplane wing, 3-ft 6-in force is required to deflect it downward 8° ?
chord, moving at 180 mph through standard
atmosphere. 5.2.3. A stream of air 100 sq ft in cross section is
moving horizontally at a speed of 150 mph. It strikes
3.10.3. Find R.N. for an airplane wing 4 ft chord, tangentially against the interior wall of a semicircular
moving at 150 mph. Air is +40° C; barometer, 21 in. cylinder so that it is deflected through 180° . What is
the total force against the cylinder?
3.10.4. Find the velocity at which tests should be run
in a wind tunnel on a model wing of 4-in chord in 5.3.1. A signboard is 12 ft long by 2 ft wide. A 28-
order that the R.N. shall be the same as for a wing mph wind is blowing at an angle of 9 ° to the plane of
with a 4-ft chord at 100 mph. Air under standard the signboard. (a) What is the force in pounds on the
conditions in both cases. signboard at right angles to the wind direction? (b)
What is the force parallel to the wind direction? (c)
3.10.5. In a variable-density wild tunnel, under what What is the resultant of two forces? (d) What is the
pressure should tests be run on a model with a 3-in component perpendicular to the face of the
chord, air velocity being 60 mph, in order that the signboard?
R.N. shall be the same for a full-size wing of 4-ft
5.3.2. A kite having an area of 8 sq ft is balanced by 8.5.10. At what airspeed should the airplane be
its tail so that it slants 15° to the horizontal. What is described in Problem 8.5.9. fly at an altitude of 10
the lifting force in a 10-mph wind? 000 ft?

5.3.3. A flat surface 6 ft by 2 ft is subjected to a 32-

mph wind which in a direction 6 ° to the surface.
8.5.11. An airplane having a Clark Y wing at 6˚ angle
(a) What force in pounds is the surface perpendicular
of attack is to be flown at 150 mph. What should be
to the wind? (b) What is the force parallel to the
the wing loading?
wind? (c) What angle does the resultant of these two
forces make with the surface? 8.5.12. What should be the wing loading of an
airplane with a Clark Y wing, if it is desired to fly at 6˚
5.3.4. The side of a freight car is 80 ft long and 10 ft
angle of attack and 150 mph at an altitude of 10 000
high. What is the force against the side of the car
due to an 18-mph wind from a direction
perpendicular to the side: (a) when the freight car is 8.6.1. What is the landing speed of an airplane,
stationary; (b) when the car is moving forward at 70 weighing 4 600 lb, with a Clark Y wing 370 sq ft in
mph? area?
5.3.5. A flat plate is moving in a direction 12 ° from 8.6.2. What is the landing speed of an airplane with a
the plane at a speed of 250 per sec. If plate has area Clark Y wing and a wing loading of 14.5 lb per sq ft?
of 70 sq ft, what force applied to direction of
movement is required? 8.6.3. What area should a Clark Y wing have so that
an airplane weighing 1 800 lb shall not land faster
8.5.1. What is the lift on a Clark Y wing 400 sq ft in than 38 knots?
area at 8˚ angle of attack and airspeed of 70 mph?
8.6.4. What is the greatest wing loading that an
8.5.2. What is the lift on a Clark Y wing 450 sq ft in airplane with a Clark Y wing may have so that the
area at 6˚ angle of attack, airspeed 80 ft per sec? landing speed does not exceed 36 knots?
8.5.3. A monoplane weighing 4 500 lb has a
rectangular Clark Y wing 340 sq ft in area; at an
airspeed of 120 mph, what should be the angle of 8.6.5. An airplane has a Clark Y wing 465 sq ft in area.
attack? What is the greatest weight this airplane can have
with a landing speed not more than 55 mph?
8.5.4. At what angle of attack should the airplane in
8.5.3. fly when airspeed is 91 mph? 8.6.6. An airplane with a Clark Y wing has a wing
loading of 14 lb per sq ft. What is the minimum
8.5.5. With a wing loading of 15 lb per sq ft, at what speed at 10 000 ft altitude?
angle of attack should an airplane with a Clark Y wing
fly if airspeed is 85 mph? 8.6.7. It is desired that a pursuit airplane can be able
to fly at 50 mph at an altitude of 10 000 ft. What
8.5.6. What should be the area of a Clark Y wing to should be the wing loading of a Clark Y wing?
support a total weight of 8 000 lb when the airplane
is flying at 8˚ angle of attack and a velocity of 85 ft 8.6.8. An airplane weighing 5 000 lb has a Clark Y
per sec? wing 625 sq ft in area. What is its minimum speed (a)
at sea level, (b) at 10 000 ft altitude?
8.5.7. What weight will be supported by a Clark Y
wing 525 sq ft in area at 5˚ angle of attack and an 8.9.1. What is the drag of a Clark Y wing 410 sq ft in
airspeed of 120 ft per sec at sea level? area at 10˚ angle of attack and at 125 knots
8.5.8. What weight will be supported by a Clark Y
wing in Problem 8.5.7. at same angle of attack and 8.9.2. What is the drag of a Clark Y wing 375 sq ft in
same airspeed, when the airplane is flying at 10 000 area at 6˚ angle of attack and at 130 knots airspeed?
ft? 8.9.3. What is the horsepower required to move a
8.5.9. At what airspeed should a 6 000 lb airplane be Clark Y wing 470 sq ft in area at 11˚ angle of attack
flown, if it has a Clark Y wing 700 sq ft in wing area, and an airspeed of 155 knots?
at 10˚ angle of attack?
8.9.4. What is the horsepower required to move a 8.12.2. An airplane is weighing 7 800 lb has a Clark Y
Clark Y wing 280 sq ft in area at 5˚ angle of attack wing 295 sq ft in area. It is flying at 115 mph. What
and an airspeed of 380 ft per sec? are the wing drag and horsepower required by the
wing (a) at sea level, (b) at 15 000 ft altitude?

8.12.3. An airplane weighing 5 600 lb has a Clark Y

wing 315 sq ft in area. It is flying at 4˚ angle of attack.
What are the wing drag and horsepower required (a)
at sea level (b) at 15 000 ft?

8.9.5. At an altitude of 10 000 ft, what is the drag of

a Clark y wing 480 sq ft in area, angle of attack 3˚,
airspeed 135 ft per sec? What horsepower is 8.12.4. An airplane weighing 4 000 lb has a Clark Y
required? wing 350 sq ft in area. It is flying at 150 mph. What is
8.10.1. (a) What is the lift on a Gottingen-398 wing the horsepower required (a) at sea level (b) at 20
460 sq ft in area at 4˚ angle of attack and an airspeed 000 ft altitude?
of 130 sq fet per sec? (b) What is the drag? 8.12.4. An airplane weighing 4 000 lb has a Clark Y
8.10.2. What is the lift on an M 6 wing 540 sq ft in wing 350 sq ft in area. It is flying at 150 mph. What is
area at 4˚ angle of attack and airspeed of 110 knots? the horsepower required (a) at sea level (b) at 20
000 ft altitude?
8.10.3. What is the lift of an M 6 wing 420 sq ft in
area at 9˚ angle of attack and an airspeed of 90 8.12.5. An airplane whose wing loading is 12 lb per
knots? sq ft has a Clark Y wing and is flying at 200 ft per sec
at sea level. (a) What is the angle of attack? (b) What
8.10.4. What is the landing speed of an airplane is the angle of attack if it is flying at 20 000 ft altitude
weighing 7 500 lb with a Gottingen-398 wing 580 sq at the same speed?
ft in area at an altitude of 4 000 ft?
8.14.1. An airplane is weighing 4 100 lb has a USA-
8.10.5. What is the landing speed of an airplane 35A wing 340 sq ft in area. What horsepower is
weighing 4 500 lb, with a RAF-15 wing 360 sq ft in required for the wing airspeed is 190 ft per sec?
8.14.2. An airplane weighing 4 500 lb has a USA-35A
8.10.6. What total weighing can Gottingen-398 wing wing. It is flying at the angle of attack which has a CL
400 sq ft in area sustain if landing speed must not 1.1. What is the drag?
exceed 45 mph?
8.14.3. An airplane weighing 6 000 lb has a USA-35A
8.10.7. What total weight can a RAF-15 wing 400 sq wing. It is flying at the angle of attack which has a CL
ft in area sustain if landing speed must not exceed 45 of 0.75. What is the drag?
8.14.4. An airplane has a USA-35A wing when CL is
8.10.8. (a) What is the lift of a NACA-2412 wing 450 0.6 and wing drag is 450 lb. What is the lift?
sq ft in area at 9˚ angle of attack with an airspeed of
85 mph? (b) What is the drag? 8.14.5. An airplane has a USA-35A wing 215 sq ft and
is weighing 3 000 lb. What is the drag when it is
8.10.9. What horsepower is required to fly a NACA- flying at an airspeed of 135 ft per sec?
2412 wing 560 sq ft in area at 6˚ angle of attack at
160 mph? 8.14.6. An airplane weighing 3 950 lb has a USA-35A
rectangular wing of 54 sq ft and 9 ft chord. What
8.10.10. At what speed must an airplane weighing 8 horsepower is required by the wing when airspeed is
600 lb fly if it has a NACA-2412 wing 520 sq ft in area 140 mph?
and is flying at a 2˚ angle of attack?
8.14.7. What horsepower is required by the wing in
8.12.1. An airplane weighing 4 200 lb has a Clark Y Problem 8.14.6 when the airplane is flying at 125
wing 280 sq ft in area and is flying at sea level at 160 mph?
mph? (a) What are the wing drag and horsepower
required for the wing? (b) What are the wing drag 8.14.8. An airplane with USA-35A wing has a wing
and horsepower required if airplane is flying at 160 loading of 12 lb per sq ft. What is the L/D when the
mph at 15 000 ft altitude? airspeed is 100 mph?
8.14.9. An airplane with a USA-35A wing 600 sq ft in is CL when the center of pressure is 41 percent of
area is flying at a 6° angle of attack with an airspeed chord length back of leading edge?
of 90 mph. What is the lift and the drag?
8.20.6. What value of moment coefficient about the
8.14.10. An airplane with a USA-35A has a wing leading at angle of zero lift will give a center of
loading of 14 lb per sq ft. It is flying at a 4 ° angle of pressure of 0.53 at a speed of 147 mph for an
attack. What should be the airspeed? airplane weighing 7 800 lb and having a wing area of
736 sq ft?
8.15.1. An airplane with a Clark Y wing 62 sq m in
area is flying at 4˚ angle of attack with a velocity of 10.7.1. A rectangular monoplane wing has a 46 ft
50 m per sec. What is the lift? span and a 5 ft chord. When CL = 0.41. what are (a)
the induced angle of attack and (b) the induced drag

8.15.2. An airplane with a Gottingen-398 wing is

flying at 6˚ angle of attack if the wing loading is 75 kg
per sq m, what should be the airspeed?

8.15.3. For an airplane with a Gottingen-398 wing, 10.7.2. A rectangular monoplane wing has a 39 ft
what should be the wing loading to fly at 8˚ angle of span and a 7 ft chord. When CL = 0.67. what are (a)
attack with an airspeed of 45 m per sec? the induced angle of attack and (b) the induced drag
8.15.4. An airplane weighing 2 000 kg has a NACA-
2412 wing. What should be the wing area if the 10.7.3. At an airspeed of 95 mph at sea level, what is
airspeed is 47 m per sec when the angle of attack is the induced drag of a monoplane weighing 4 700 lb
7˚? and having a wing span of 52 ft?

8.15.5. An airplane with a NACA-2212 wing, 34 sq m 10.7.4. A Stinson Reliant weighs 3 875 lb; its wing
in area, is flying at 10˚ angle of attack with an 1
span is 41 ft 10 in. At 10 000 ft altitude, what is
airspeed of 41 m per sec. What is the drag? 2
the induced drag of 147 mph?
8.20.1. An airplane with wing loading of 14 lb per sq
ft is flying at an airspeed of 115 mph. At angle of 10.7.5. A Fairchild monoplane weighs 2 550 lb; its
zero lift CM 0 = -0.06. By approximate method, wing span is 36 ft 4 in. At 5 000 ft altitude, what is
where is the center of pressure? the induced drag at an airspeed of 122 mph?

8.20.2. A monoplane weighing 2 712 lb with wing 10.8.1. The Northrop N-3PB weighs 9 200 lb; and its
span of 36 ft and wing chord of 6 ft is flying at a span is 48 ft 11 in. What horsepower is required to
speed of 117 mph. If the center of pressure is 35 overcome the induced drag when it is flying at sea
percent of the chord length back of the leading edge. level at 210 mph?
(a) What is the moment about the leading edge? (b)
10.8.2. The Piper Cub weighs 1 450 lb; and its wing
What is the moment coefficient about the leading
edge? (c) What is the moment coefficient about the 1
span is 37 ft and in. What horsepower is required
leading edge at angle of zero lift? 2
to overcome induced wing drag at an airspeed of 55
8.20.3. An airfoil at 5˚ angle of attack has a CL = 0.74, mph?
CD = 0.039, and CM 0 = -0.28. Find the location of
the center of pressure (a) by approximate method; 10.8.3. The Lockheed Lodestar weighs 17 500 lb; its
wing span is 65 ft in 6 in. At sea level, what
(b) by exact method. (c) Find the CM 0 at angle of
horsepower is required to overcome induced drag at
zero lift?
214 mph?
8.20.4. At 0˚ angle of attack, a certain airfoil has CL =
10.8.4. A monoplane weighs 3 100 lb when the plane
0.18 and the center of pressure is 31 percent of the
is at sea level, flying at 140 ft per sec. What is the
chord length back from the leading edge. What is the
induced drag (a) if span is 32 ft; (b) if span is 28 ft?
moment coefficient about the leading edge when lift
is zero? 10.8.5. A monoplane weighs 2 700 lb; its span is 31
ft. What is the induced drag at sea level, (a) at
8.20.5. For a certain airfoil, when lift is zero, the
airspeed of 110 ft per sec, (b) at airspeed of 220 ft
moment coefficient about the leading is 0.062. What
per sec?
10.9.1. An airfoil, with aspect ratio of 6, at an angle 17.9.2. A Beechcraft has a service ceiling of 18 000 ft.
of attack of 7° , has CL = 0.94 and CD = 0.062. Find, Its rate of climb at sea level is 1 200 ft per min. How
for the same airfoil shape, the angle of attack and CD long will it take to climb from sea level to 10 000 ft
corresponding to CL = 0.94 and aspect ratio of 8.2. altitude?

10.9.2. An airfoil, with aspect ratio of 6, at an angle 17.9.3. A Waco airplane, whose service ceiling is 14
of attack of 9° , has CL = 1.067 and CD = 0.0780. Find, 000 ft, climbs 650 ft per min at sea level. How long
for the same airfoil shape, the angle of attack and CD will it require to climb from sea level to 8 000 ft?
corresponding to CL = 1.067 and aspect ratio of 9.1.
17.9.4. A Piper Cub, whose absolute ceiling is 14 200
10.9.3. An airfoil, with aspect ratio of 6, at an angle ft, climbs 650 ft per min at sea level. How long will it
1 require to climb from sea level to its service ceiling?
of attack of 7 °, has CL = 0.851 and CD = 0.053.
2 17.9.5. A Luscombe Trainer climbs 900 ft per min at
Find, for the same airfoil shape, the angle of attack sea level. How long does it take to climb its service
and CD corresponding to CL = 0.851 and aspect ratio ceiling, 15 000 ft?
of 8.7.
17.10.1. An airplane in 9 min from sea level to 7 640
ft altitude, continuing the climb, 9 min later the
altitude is 13 600 ft. What is the ceiling?

10.9.4. An airfoil, with aspect ratio of 7, at an angle

of attack of 5° , has CL = 0.73 and CD = 0.042. Find,
for the same airfoil shape, the angle of attack and CD
1 17.10.2. An airplane climbs in a certain time to 9 500
corresponding to CL = 0.73 and aspect ratio of 4 . ft altitude; in double that time counted from sea
2 level the airplane reaches 15 200 ft altitude. What is
10.9.5. A glider wing has an aspect ratio of 14. For the ceiling?
the airfoil with an aspect ratio of 6, at an angle of
17.10.3. An airplane with a ceiling of 26 000 ft it
attack of 6° , CL = 0.725 and CD = 0.039. Find, for the climbs to a height of 5 000 ft in certain time. What
same airfoil shape, the angle of attack and CD for the height will it attain in twice that time?
glider wing when CL = 0.725.
17.10.4. An airplane with a ceiling of 19 000 ft can
17.8.1. An airplane weighs 4 600 lb; its rate of climb climb to 12 450 ft in 20 min. What height will it have
at sea level is 1 100 ft per min; its absolute ceiling is reached in 10 min?
14 000 ft. What is its service ceiling?
17.10.5. An airplane climbs in a certain time to 2 200
17.8.2. The service ceiling of an airplane is 15 000 ft. ft; in twice that time it climbs to 3 800 ft. What is the
Its rate of climb at sea level is 890 ft per min. What is ceiling?
the absolute ceiling?
19.1.1. An airplane weighs 3500 lb. Its landing speed
17.8.3. An airplane weighs 4 200 lb. What is the is 51 mph. What is the landing speed when a 600 lb
excess power at its service ceiling? extra load is added?
17.8.4. The absolute ceiling of an airplane is 18 400 19.1.2. An airplane weighs 6 400 lb. Its landing speed
ft. The rate of climb at sea level is 1 070 ft per min. is 59 mph. What is the landing speed when 74 gal of
What is the rate of climb at 12 000 ft altitude? fuel have been burned?
17.8.5. The service ceiling of an airplane is 21 300 ft. 19.1.3. An airplane weighs 11 500 and uses minimum
The rate of climb at sea level is 950 ft per min. What horsepower for level flight at an airspeed of 116
is the rate of climb at 13 000 ft altitude? mph. What is the velocity for minimum horsepower
17.9.1. At sea level, an airplane weighing 5 200 lb after 122 gal of fuel have been burned?
has 135 excess horsepower. Its absolute ceiling is 19 19.1.4. The Douglas DC-3, fully loaded, has a gross
000 ft. (a) How long will it take to climb from sea weight of 25 200 lb and a landing speed of 67 mph.
level to 7 000 ft? (b) How long will it take to climb What is the landing speed with 5 000 lb less load?
from sea level to 8 000 ft altitude?
19.1.5. A basic training plane weighing 3 530 lb has a
landing speed of 58.5 mph. What is the landing
speed after 350 lb of fuel have been burned?

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