Technology 2
Technology 2
Technology 2
1. How do we determine what the correct weld preparations(root gap, rootface , included angle )
should be ?
a. By consulting the WPSs
b. The fabrication drawing will give all the information
c. The welder will decide
d. Welders and inspectors will decide
2. Voltage and amperage meters have been removed from MIG/MAG (GMAW) equipment making
calibration invalid ,the equipment should be :
a. Quarantined
b. Only used for tack welds
c. Only used if validated
d. Monitored closely by the welding inspector for amperage and voltage
3. Which of the following information should the welding inspector enter on an electrode vacuum pack
at the point of breaking the vacuum?
a. Welder’s name
b. Weld ID number
c. Air humidity content
d. Time and date of opening
a. NDT operators
b. Inspectors only
c. Welders only
d. Welding engineer
e. Not required if using cellulosic electrodes, as these will provide enough heat
a. BS EN 970
b. BS EN 287
c. BS EN 22553
d. BS EN 4515
9.The WPS calls for a root gap to be between 2 and 3mm,the actual measured gap is 4 mm, what course
of action would you take ?
A .Plug weld
b. Butt weld
c. Fillet weld
d. Any of the above
11.Reference to any inspection hold point during manufacture will be contained within the ?
a. Quality manual
b. QA procedures
c. Quality plan
d. standards
Duties during welding
12. The welders have increased the electrode stickout length of the SAW set,what would be the effect
on the weld
a. No effect
b. The weld width would be narrower
c. Penetration will be increased
d. The deposition rate would be greater
13.Why is the OCV capped at a certain level?
a. Save electricity
b. Reduce the risk of fatality
c. To prevent exploding of the consumable
d. Allow smooth transition into welding voltage range
14.When would you measure the maximum interpass temperature
a. immediately after completion of the each pass
b. immediately prior to commencing the next pass
c. When the welding is finally complete
d. maximum interpass temperature measurement is not an essential requirement
15.The welders have increased the voltage on the SAW set. What would be the effect on the weld
appearance ?
a. No effect
b. The weld width would be narrower
c. Penetration will be increased
d. The weld width would be wider.
16.You notice that a welder is using an unapproved WPS for production tack welding carbon steel,
what action would you take?
a. Have the tacks removed and MPI the weld preparation for cracking
b. Nothing as it is only tack welds and they will probably be removed anyway
c. Nothing as long as the WPS covered the material type, wall thickness and diameter
d. Give him he correct approved one and allow him to continue as long as the welding
17.You notice that the welders are adjusting the current on the welding set ,is this allowable
a. Never
b. The weldr has he final say on voltage and current
c. Only ifthe current is within the range recorded on the WPS
d. As long as the welder has approved from the welding foreman
18.During root welding, which of the following would be the main cause of burn through?
a. Current too high
b. Root gap too small in accordance with WPS
c. Preheat not used
d. Root face too large
19. What information should be recorded as a minimum ,on a completed production weld ?
a. Size and type of electrode used
b. Welding supervisor’s name
c. Welder’s identification, date and weld number
d. Welding inspector’s name
20.You find several unacceptable welds and reject them, the welding supervisor insists they are
acceptable, he signs them off and requests NDT ,w hat action would you take
a. Nothing as he is a welding supervisor and knows a great deal about welding
b. Raise the issue with the QC department supervisor
c. It is not my problem as he has signed them off so I will not be blamed
d. look at the NDT results and if they look reasonable I would accept them.
21.why is it essential to clean the surrounding parent metal adjacent to the weld metal made by MMA
(SMAW) which is to be ultrasonically tested?
a. Sound waves will not travel through paint
b. Remove any rust
c. The spatter will impede the contact of the probe and the parent material surface
d. The spatter will reflect the backwall echo signal and give spurious indications
22.To assess the surfaces of a weld for direct inspection, the distance from the surface to the eye should
be a maximum of.?
a. 200 mm
23.Who should select the specific welds for NDT to cover the 10% contractual percentage required by
the specification /Code ?
a. Any one can select the welds as its’s a random choice
b. The welder as he knows which welds are likely to produce fewest defects
c. will be referenced in the inspection and test plan
d. Nobody as welding is always carried out to a high standard the use of percentage NDT is of
no real value.
24.Who has the responsibility of ensuring the welder is using the correct polarity during welding