Psychiatric Aspects of Epilepsy: A Review: Inroduction
Psychiatric Aspects of Epilepsy: A Review: Inroduction
Psychiatric Aspects of Epilepsy: A Review: Inroduction
Comorbid psychiatric disorders are common in epilepsy patients. Patients with epilepsy are prone
to psychosis, depression, personality disorders, hyposexuality, and other behavioral disorders.
Comorbid psychiatric disorders are particularly common in temporal lobe epilepsy or complex
partial seizure. Though psychiatric comorbidity is common in epilepsy, it is under-recognized and
under-treated, both in adult and pediatric patients in specialty health care centers as well as in
community based health care centers. Early recognition and management of psychiatric disorders
in patients with epilepsy is extremely important, because it improves the quality of life and aids in
better seizure control.
Seizure discharges can produce psychic auras such as Epilepsy patients with a schizophreniform
mood changes, derealization anddepersonalization, psychosis have a chronic interictal illness without
olfactory and gustatory hallucinations, visual or aknown direct relationship to seizure events or ictal
auditory hallucinations (ofteninvolving poorly discharges. Torta and Keller18 reported thatthe
defined shapes or sounds, although there may risk of this psychosis in populations of patients
be complex visual scenes orspeech), ictal fear, with epilepsy may be 6-12 times that of thegeneral
ictal depression and pleasurable auras (“ecstatic population, with a prevalence of about 7-8% (in
auras”). Another psychicaura is “forced thinking,” patients with treatment-refractorytemporal lobe
characterized by recurrent intrusive thoughts, epilepsy, the prevalence has been reported to range
ideas, or crowding ofthoughts. Forced thinking from 0-16%). Many patientsdevelop worsening
must be distinguished from obsessional thoughts psychotic symptoms that are concomitant with an
and compulsiveurges. Epileptic patients with forced increase in seizurefrequency or with antiepileptic
thinking experience their thoughts as stereotypical, drug withdrawal, and a few others have worsening
out-ofcontext,brief, and irrational, but not necessarily psychoticsymptoms on control of the seizures
as ego dystonic. (alternating psychosis). The terms alternating
psychosis andforced or paradoxical normalization
refer to this demonstrable antagonism between
the psychosisand the seizures or EEG discharges.
In epilepsy patients interictal psychosis often
have an earlyage of onset of seizures and long occasionally follows complexpartial seizures, even
interval of poorly controlled partial complex when ictal experiences do not include depression.
seizures, usuallywith secondary generalized tonic-
clonic seizures, left temporal focus, mediobasal PERSONALITY DISORDERS
temporallesions, recently diminished seizure
Prevalence rate of personality disorders among
frequency. This interictal psychosis may evolve from
epileptic patients is approximately 18% 22. which
priorrecurrent postictal psychotic episodes. There is
including borderline, histrionic, and dependent
atypical paranoid psychosis with sudden onset, more
disorders. The most common personalitydisorder
hallucinations than schizophrenia, less systematized
in epilepsy is a borderline personality. Personality
delusions than schizophrenia, relativepreserved
profiles of patients with epilepsy canbe explained
affect, few schneidreian first-rank symptoms, more
by a complex combination of the effects of
religiosity than schizophrenia, failure of personality
(1) dealing with a chronic illness (beingepileptic),
deterioration, less social withdrawal.
(2) antiepileptic drugs, and (3) temporal lobe
pathology. Although there is no generalepileptic
DEPRESSION personality, a group of traits termed the Gastaut-
Depression is the most frequent psychiatric Geschwind syndrome occurs in asubset of patients
co-morbidity in epilepsy but very often with complex partial seizures. These patients are
remainsunrecognized and untreated. Depression serious, humorless, andoverinclusive and have
among patients with epilepsy range from 20 to 55% an intense interest in philosophical, moral, or
inpatients with recurrent seizures and 3 to 9% in religious issues. Theydemonstrate viscosity, the
patients with controlled epilepsy19. Mostcommon tendency to talk repetitively and circumstantially
mood symptom is chronic interictal depression or about a restrictedrange of topics. They can spend
dysthymia. Some investigators referto this condition a long time getting to the point, give detailed
as the “interictaldysphoric disorder of epilepsy”. backgroundinformation with multiple quotations,
Blumer20 suggested thatalmost one third to one half or write copiously about their thoughts and
of all patients with epilepsy seeking medical care feelings (hypergraphia). Although these personality
suffer from thisform of depression severely enough characteristics do occur in some epileptic
to warrant pharmacological treatment. Patients patients,they may not be specific for patients with
experien- cingdepression in epilepsy often do not seizure disorders.
meet the criteria of major depressive disorder (i.e.,
theirsymptoms are less severe) but they also typically ANXIETY IN EPILEPSY
exhibit a more intermittent course than dopatients
Anxiety in epileptic patients may occur as an ictal
with dysthymic disorder21. They exhibit mixed
phenomenon, as normal interictal emotion oras part
depressive-somatoform and affectivesymptoms.
of an accompanying anxiety disorder, as part of an
This group of patients show a good therapeutic
accompanying depressive disorder, orin association
response to antidepressantmedications.
with nonepileptic seizure like events as part of an
The rare occurrence of ictal depression may not only underlying primary anxietydisorder. Anxiety and
outlast the actual ictus but also may lead tosuicide. panic disorders occur among epileptic patients and
Depression also occursperi-ictally. Episodic mood must be distinguishedfrom simple partial seizures
disturbances, often with agitation, suicidal behavior, manifesting as anxiety or panic. Anxiety is higher in
and psychotic symptoms, may occur with increasing focal (morefrequent in temporal lobe) epilepsy than
seizure activity. Finally, postictal depression in generalized epilepsy.
is common, and a prolonged depressive state
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