Marine Engine Installation Guide

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Marine Engine

Installation Guide
Safety Precautions!
A Keep the engine, gearbox and surrounding area ii) Fuel Supply Connections
clean, including the area immediately below the
Engines are supplied with 8mm compression fittings.
The installer must ensure that when connections are
B Drives - Power Take Off Areas made, they are clean and free of leaks.
i) Gearbox Output Flange E Oil
The purpose of a marine diesel propulsion engine is to The Beta propulsion unit is supplied with 2 dipsticks,
provide motive power to propel a vessel. Accordingly one for the engine and one for the gearbox. Ensure
the gearbox output shaft rotates at between 280 and dipsticks are returned and secure after checking, if
2400 rev/min. This flange is designed to be coupled not oil leaks can cause infection when touched. All oil
to a propeller shaft by the installer and steps must be must be removed from the skin to prevent infection.
taken to ensure adequate guarding.
F Scalding
ii) Forward End Drive
An engine running under load will have a closed
Engines are supplied with unguarded belt drives to circuit fresh water temperature of 85° to 95°C. The
power the fresh water pump and battery charging pressure cap on the top of the heat exchanger must
alternator. The installer must ensure that it is not not be removed when the engine is running. It can
possible for injury to occur by allowing access to this only be removed when the engine is stopped and has
area of the engine. The three pulleys run at high speed cooled down.
and can cause injury if personnel or clothing come in
G Transportation / Lifting
contact with the belts or pulleys, when the engine is
running. Engines are supplied on transportable pallets. Lifting
eyes on engines are used for lifting engine and gearbox
iii) Power Take Off Shaft (Engine Mounted Option)
assembly only, not the pallet and associated kit.
Shaft extensions are available as an option and rotate
at between 850 and 3600 rev/min. If contact is made
with this shaft when the engine is running, injury can GENERAL DECLARATION
occur. This machinery is not intended to be put into service until
C Exhaust Outlet it has been incorporated into or with other machinery. It
is the responsibility of the purchaser / installer / owner, to
Diesel marine propulsion engines emit exhaust gases
ensure that the machinery is properly guarded and that all
at very high temperatures - around 400 - 500°C.
necessary health and safety requirements, in accordance
Engines are supplied with either wet exhaust outlet
with the laws of the relevant country, are met before it is
(water injection bend) or dry outlet (dry exhaust
put into service.
stub) - see option list. At the outlet next to the heat
exchanger/header tank, the exhaust outlet can become
very hot and if touched, can injure. This must be
lagged or avoided by ensuring adequate guarding. It Signed:
is the responsibility of the installer to lag the exhaust
system if a dry system is used. Exhaust gases are
harmful if ingested, the installer must therefore ensure
that exhaust pipes are led overboard and that leakage
in the vessel does not occur.
J A Growcoot, C.E.O, Beta Marine Limited.
D Fuel
i) Fuel Lines
NOTE: Recreational Craft
Diesel engines are equipped with high pressure fuel
injection pumps, if leakages occur, or if pipes fracture, Where applicable, the purchaser / installer / owner and
fuel at a high pressure can harm personnel. Skin must operator must be responsible for making sure that the
be thoroughly cleaned in the event of contact with Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC is complied with.
diesel fuel.

Section 1


The installation details are basic guidelines to assist • Unless the engine is protected by a cover or its own
installation, however due to the great diversity of marine enclosure, exposed moving or hot parts of the engine
craft it is impossible to give definitive instructions. that could cause personal injury shall be effectively
Therefore Beta Marine can accept no responsibility for any shielded.
damage or injury incurred during the installation of a Beta
• Engine parts and accessories that require frequent
Marine Engine whilst following these guidelines.
inspection and / or servicing must be readily
• All engines shall be placed within an enclosure accessible.
separated from living quarters and installed so as to
• The insulating materials inside engine spaces shall be
minimise the risk of fires or spread of fires as well as
hazards from toxic fumes, heat, noise or vibrations in
the living quarters.


The engine compartment needs air. the temperature of your engine compartment please
check with a thermometer on a hot day, the maximum
a) as air (oxygen) to burn the diesel fuel, and
temperature in the engine compartment should be less
b) as air to keep the engine cool (still hot at 100°C) than 70°C - the cooler the better!
by ventilation.
Engine compartment ventilation is normally best with two
It is important that the engine compartment has adequate holes; an inlet allowing colder air to enter below to the
ventilation, and this is your responsibility. If there is no alternator and drive belts and a second outlet (about the
ventilation the engine can overheat and damage can be same size) for the hot air to rise and ventilate out from the
caused. As a general statement an engine will produce top of the engine compartment. Adequate ventilation must
radiated heat - approximately equal to 1/3 of the engine be included with all installations. Installations require a
output power. Also the larger battery charging alternators good quality reliable electric ventilation fan wired into the
create lots of heat. (A symptom of overheating problems ignition switch to remove the hot air. The required air flow
is often black belt dust). If you have any doubts about volumes in m3/min = 0.05 x engine power in hp.

Typical ventilation sizes

10hp 20hp 30hp 40hp 50hp 75hp 100hp 150hp

Combustion 14 cm2 28 cm2 43 cm2 57 cm2 71 cm2 106 cm2 142 cm2 213 cm2
Ventilation 13 cm2 25 cm2 37 cm2 50 cm2 62 cm2 92 cm2 123 cm2 185 cm2
Inlet / Outlet dia. 6 cm 9 cm 11 cm 12 cm 13 cm 16 cm 19 cm 22 cm


Keel cooled engine, overheating is sometimes caused by: b) Incorrectly sized “skin” tanks that have been sized for
‘usual’ canal use, rather than maximum engine output
a) Not fully venting the engine cooling system of air. It is
that can sometimes be required on fast flowing rivers.
necessary to remove all air from the cooling system -
An additional “skin” tank may need to be fitted; please
including the “skin” tanks and (if fitted) the Calorifier
refer to our website: Inland waterways - guidelines:
and associated piping.
keel cooling tank sizes.

To ensure vibration free operation, the engine must be

installed and correctly aligned on substantial engine 4 Engine Mount

bearers, extending as far forward and aft as possible, well

braced and securely fastened to form an integral part of
the hull.

The engine must be installed as low as possible on the

flexible mount pillar stud. This will limit vibration and
extend the life of the flexible mount. To assist with engine
replacement we offer ‘Special Engine Feet’ manufactured
to your dimensions, as an optional extra to suit your
existing engine bearers and shaft alignment / installation.

• The pillar stud on the flexible mount is secured into

position by the lower locknut, do not forget to tighten
• Do not set the engine feet high up the flexible mount this. Also ensure that the stud is not screwed too far
pillar stud. This will cause excessive engine movement through the mounting body so that it can touch the
and vibration. Pack steel shims under the flexible bearer. This will cause vibration and knocking noises
mount and ensure that the flexible mounting is which are very hard to find! If the flexible mounting is
securely bolted to the engine bearer. too far offset then the loading on the flexible mounting
will cause premature failure, modifications are needed.
5 Engine Mount Alignment


Recommended Acceptable NOT Recommended NOT Acceptable

Correct height Shim(s) required to achieve Positioning too high on the NOT aligned - requires
and positioning correct height and positioning pillar stud - requires shims bearer modifications to correct


Beta Marine propulsion engines can be installed at angles should be disregarded. It is probably better to totally drain
up to a maximum of 15° flywheel up or flywheel down the sump, and completely refill the engine sump with the
when static, and can be run at up to 25° when heeling. recommended quantity / volume of lubricating oil - noting
However if you are considering installing above 12° please its position on the dipstick - and then marking the dipstick
contact Beta Marine or alternatively consider the 7° down accordingly (don’t forget to replace the oil filter). If in
angle gearbox. When our engines are installed at varying doubt ask Beta Marine!
angles of inclination the normal markings on the dipstick


To obtain accurate alignment the flexible mountings must mounted on a magnetic foot so that they are aligned
be adjusted until alignment is attained, and the mountings within 0.125mm (0.005”). (Obviously the propeller shaft
must be locked in position. The engine / gearbox unit has must be centered in the stern tube and running true -
to be aligned with the propeller shaft in two ways. The through the cutless bearing; if the propeller shaft is not
traditional engine alignment method involves measuring correctly centered you will experience vibration).
with either feeler gauges or a DTI (Dial Test Indicator)

Angular Mis-alignment
Engine / gearbox Propeller
flange shaft

6 Angular Mis-alignment

Parallel Mis-alignment
Engine / gearbox Propeller
flange shaft

7 Parallel Mis-alignment

The engine mountings and the couplings must now be tightened in position and the alignment re-checked.


A flexible coupling is mounted on the gearbox output flange and is strongly recommended in almost every case. Flexible
couplings do not resolve bad alignment, they are designed to absorb torsional vibrations from the propeller (transmitted
along the propeller shaft).

We normally offer two types:

R&D with a flexible nylon disc and optional Clamp Coupling – a very good economical solution.

8 R&D Flexible Couplings 9 R&D Clamp Couplings - Optional

The excellent ‘CentaFlex’ coupling design includes lots of rubber to absorb torsional shocks and loads. The
‘CentaFlex’ coupling is complete, replacing both the R&D flexible and the R&D clamp couplings above.

10 CentaFlex AM Couplings


There are two main types of exhaust system: We recommend care when designing your exhaust
system. The most important aspect is to ensure that water
1) Standard yacht - wet exhaust system with a water
cannot enter the engine’s combustion chamber from the
injection bend and waterlock silencer
exhaust system (this applies to both wet and dry exhaust
2) Dry exhaust system (see page 17) systems).


Owners need to be aware of three major problems that • Waves forcing water up the exhaust due a poorly
can easily occur when installing an engine in a sailing designed system with no ‘gooseneck’. Small work
yacht or motor boat and allowing the engine to ‘hydraulic boats moored on exposed beaches are very vulnerable
lock’. to this as waves hit the stern before the boat can
swing into the wind on a rising tide.
• Seawater syphoning past worn impellors in the
seawater pump, flooding the exhaust system, and It is therefore very important to ensure that the engine will
back filling into the combustion chamber when the not ‘hydraulic lock’. This can be a problem with engine
engine is stopped. installations. When water enters the combustion chamber
and ‘hydraulics’ against the rising piston, a bent con rod,
• Seawater washing into the combustion chamber from
emulsified engine oil and a wrecked fuel pump can be the
the exhaust system due to either a very shallow
result. It’s best avoided!
exhaust run from the injection bend to the waterlock
silencer, or because the waterlock silencer is too If your engine is installed below the water line, the
small to accept the total amount of cooling water in potential for water entering the engine is considerably
the exhaust hoses, or both. This can happen when the increased. The important dimension that must be
yacht is sailing into a big sea and a surge is set up in measured is from the normal ‘static’ sea level to the point
exhaust system as the yacht pitches - with the engine at where the cooling water is injected into the exhaust -
switched off. this should be a minimum of 25 cms. If this can not be
achieved the following options must be taken (see 11, 12
and 13).

11 Standard Exhaust System


40 cm

25 cm Waterlock Silencer

Normal Sea
Water Level Propeller Clearance

Rope Cutter


In yachts, engines are mostly installed low down and standard injection bend is too low then we can offer a
often below the water line. There are several ways to high-rise injection bend that adds 15 cms to the height.
avoid cooling water entering the engine.
If this is still not enough then you have to fit an
Syphoning of cooling water can occur when the rubber ‘antisyphon’ / vacuum valve 50 cms above the ‘loaded’
impellor of the sea water pump becomes worn. If our water line sea level (see 13 below).

12 Exhaust with High Rise

Less then 25 cm - Not acceptable

MUST be 25 cm Minimum

25 cm

Standard exhaust system for comparison only



50 cm

When the engine is installed with the standard injection valve to a yacht, it must be mounted as near as possible
bend - and the water injection point is still less than 25 to the centerline so that there is no possibility that the
cms above the ‘static’ seawater level or is below it, then valve goes under the water line when the yacht heels
you should either install a high rise injection bend adding over.
15 cms to the height or an anti-syphon valve to resolve
the problem.
Some installers will always fit an ‘Anti-Syphon’ valve in
These valves need to be checked regularly as they have
yachts, regardless of the position of the injection bend -
been known to block up with salt crystals over time.
just to be as safe as possible. When fitting an anti-syphon
Less then 25 cm - Not acceptable
MUST be 25 cm Minimum

13 Exhaust with Anti-syphon Valve

50 cm

Standard exhaust system for comparison only


You must always fit a waterlock / silencer to stop any injection bend, being as low as reasonably possible, so
water in the exhaust system back filling the engine. The that all the water can drain down into it. The waterlock
water lock should always be fitted at least 30 cms away should have sufficient capacity to hold an exhaust system
from the injection bend and at least 30 cms below the full of water - draining into it.

14 Waterlock / Silencer Positioning


You should always create a ‘gooseneck’ with the exhaust Position of silencer in relation to exhaust hose length:
hose (or purchase a propriety one) by raising the exhaust
hose 40 cms above the waterline before exiting the Length (L) Height (H)
transom at least 5 cms above the waterline. This will stop 30 cm 30 cm
any waves pushing seawater down the exhaust.
120 cm 40 cm

If measurement ‘H’ cannot be met, a high rise exhaust With longer lengths of exhaust hose you may need to
injection bend must be installed so that any residual water support the hose to avoid a drooping hose and water
flows / drains into the waterlock / silencer or overboard. build up.

15 Exhaust Hose ‘Gooseneck’

Loops Holding Water
MUST be Avoided!

16 Exhaust ‘Gooseneck’

40 cm


Your engine is fitted with a gear driven sea water pump shown) mounted just above the water line.
which sucks in seawater (raw water) to cool the closed 2. Good access to the inlet sea cock from inside your
circuit system via the heat exchanger. boat is essential so that plastic bags or seaweed
trapped in the intake can be poked out.
Seacock Inlet / Seawater
3. All pipe work should have approved marine grade
Engine Pump Hose I.D.
stainless steel hose clips. Any loose clamps or bad
Beta 10 to Beta 38 19 mm (3/4“) min. connections can cause flooding and sinking of the
Beta 43 to Beta 60 25 mm (1“) min. vessel. It is accepted practice that two stainless steel
clips should be used at each end of raw water pipes
Beta 75 to Beta 105 28 mm (11/4”) min.
for security. Ensure that you use the correct grade of
1. It is very important that the seawater inlet should have Note: The maximum lift of the sea water pump is 2m
a strainer system either ‘A’ built into the sea cock, or when primed.
‘B’ a high level system with visual inspection glass (as

17 Sea Water Inlet / Filter

Sea Water Level


4. A normal inlet sea cock type ‘A’ (as shown in 17 pump and into the exhaust system whilst the vessel
above) is recommended as this can be ‘rodded out’ is sailing. This is very dangerous as the exhaust will
to remove blockages. We do not recommend the use eventually fill and sea / raw water will back up into the
of ‘Scoop’ type water pickups, because if fitted the engine through the exhaust valve. Catastrophic failure
wrong way around the water will be forced through the will result as soon as the engine is restarted.

18 Sea Water Inlet - Scoop



If a ‘water feed take off’ is required for stern gear
lubrication of the cutlass bearing or if you have an anti-
syphon valve with ‘continuous bleed’, then the connection
must be taken after the heat exchanger (not before) and
the maximum size should be an 1/8 inch BSP fitting with
a 5mm hose.

(Installations that have excessive water ‘bleed’ will effect

combustion temperatures and exhaust emissions; and
taken to the extreme could either seize the engine and/or
melt the exhaust system).

20 Standard Exhaust with Stern Bleed 21 Stern Bleed with Anti-syphon Valve

Beta 10 to Beta 60 - can be connected to the heat Beta 75 upwards - need a ‘T’ piece with an 1/8” BSP
exchanger end cap using our ‘Stern Bleed kit’ and drilling connection fitted just after the heat exchanger as shown
and tapping the end cap. in the drawing. It is important that this ‘feed’ is taken
from the engine side of an anti-syphon valve or you can
‘hydraulic’ the engine with catastrophic results.


There must be a propeller clearance between the tip of This should be a minimum of 10% of the diameter of the
the propeller blade and the underside of the hull. propeller (some say 15%) to reduce ‘tip noise’.

22 Propeller Clearance

10% of Prop Dia.

x x


Wet exhaust hose should be matched to the injection

Engine Exhaust Hose I.D.
bend diameter. An engine correctly installed in
accordance with this handbook will meet the emission Beta 10 to Beta 60 50 mm
requirements of the RCD (Recreational Craft Directive). Beta 75 & Beta 90 60 mm

Beta 105 75 mm


Keep exhaust systems to a minimum length and have

Engine Exhaust Back Pressure
gradual bends (NOT right angle elbows). Exhaust back
pressure should be as low as possible; it is increased Beta 10 to Beta 25 Max. 70 mm Hg
by long exhaust length and sharp bends. Back pressure Beta 30 to Beta 60 Max. 80 mm Hg
should be measured with the complete exhaust system
Beta 75 & Beta 90 Max. 90 mm Hg
connected and the engine running at full speed. The
correct measuring point is before the injection bend (at Beta 105 85 to 115 mmHg
the manifold flange). We can supply a Manometer kit for
testing ‘Back Pressure’.


a) An engine correctly installed in accordance with this • Never use a flexible exhaust bellow as a bend, it will
handbook will meet the emission requirements of the crack, always keep them straight.
RCD (see back of manual).
• Ensure that rain water (or any other water - say from
b) Keep exhaust systems to a minimum length and the side of the loch) cannot enter the exhaust port
have gradual bends, refer to ‘exhaust back pressure’ and run back down the system, flooding the silencer
bottom of page 16 for futher information­. and eventually the engine (see drawings below).

c) The dry exhaust system installed in a canal boat • The system should be lagged if there is any danger of
or work boat should be 11/2” minimum internal the crew getting near it. er c
• A dry exhaust system will give off considerable heat
The engine is fitted with a BSP male connector and suitable insulation and ventilation must be
stub as standard - Valid for exhaust systems up to provided.
3 metres in length. A flexible exhaust bellows and
dry exhaust silencer should be used. It is up to
the installer to work out his own pipe run but care
should be taken as follows:

23 Dry Exhaust System


24 Dry Exhaust System

Flexible nce
Exhaust Hose r

Ensure Sile falls to outlet

exhaust raises then
Flexible nc er
Exhaust Hose

25 Fuel Supply and Leak Off

Engine (All Fuel Connections Supplied)

Fuel injectors

Fuel injection
Flexible Fuel
Fuel tank Connections
to be used

Fuel filter

Stop tap / valve Fuel / water


Fuel lift pump

NOTES: 5. Fuel lines and hoses connecting the fuel tank to the
engine, must be secured, separated and protected
1. A fuel / water separator must be installed.
from any source of significant heat. The filling,
2. The mechanical fuel lift pump is fitted to all engines storage, venting, fuel supply arrangements and
as standard, but if a suction head of 0.25m or more installation must be designed and installed so as to
is required, then an electric fuel lift pump must be minimise the risk of fire. When connecting the engine
fitted (ask your dealer or Beta Marine). to the fuel supply and return lines, flexible fuel hoses
3. It is very important that the excess fuel from the must be used (next to the engine) and must meet the
injectors is fed back to the fuel tank and not back to requirements detailed in standard ISO7840:1995/
any point in the supply line. This will help prevent air A1:2000 and/or as required by your surveyor /
getting into the system. authority.

4. The fuel return (leak off) pipe must loop down to 6. Any fuel leaks in the system when static are likely to
be level with the bottom of the tank before it enters cause poor starting and erratic running and must be
the top of the tank – see drawing. This prevents fuel corrected immediately. These leaks will allow air to be
‘drain down’. sucked in when the engine is running.


Engine Connector Hose O.D.

Fuel supply and leak-off connections 8 mm O.D. piping for both,

are 8 mm conex with olives a flexible section is required



All Beta engines can be fitted with the calorifier

26 Heat Exchanger Calorifier System
connections to allow the coolant from the closed circuit
cooling system to circulate through a calorifier tank, a
which in turn heats up domestic water. Calorifier
connections on this range of engine are shown.

1. The big problem with a calorifier is to remove all the

air from the system. If this is not achieved then they
don’t work!

2. Try and keep the supply and return pipes either

horizontal or sloping down in a continuous fall
towards the calorifier. This avoids air pockets being
27 Keel Cooled Calorifier System
3. Extra care must be taken when first connecting the
calorifier circuit system to the engine as the coolant
level in the heat exchanger may appear to be full but a
it soon disappears into the calorifier pipe work. Run
the engine off load for 10 minutes then check the
level as described in ‘Filling The Fresh Water System’.
Also check to see if the pipe going to the calorifier is
getting warm. Top up the water level as required and
run for another ten minutes then repeat. a

4. If the water level is steady but no warm water is

getting to the Calorifier then (with engine stopped)
very carefully remove the pressure/filler cap using
a large rag/cloth to protect you hand from scalding. 28
Now very carefully open the Calorifier bleed valve
(see manufacturers instructions) or if none is provided
then very carefully loosen the jubilee clip securing
the supply pipe to the Calorifier. Air should escape.
Refasten securely when no further bubbles are seen.

5. If the calorifier tank is fitted above the heat exchanger /

header tank then you will need to fit a remote header
tank slightly above the calorifier tank. Calorifier connection



Do not do this when the engine is hot as scalding hot
water may be forced out of the pipe under pressure.

Calorifier connection


The majority of narrowboats on English canals have keel cooling, and this is our standard cooling arrangement for
our ‘Green Line’ Narrowboats and ‘Wide Beamers’ (heat exchanger cooling is available as an option if required).

Narrowboats: These keel cooling ‘skin’ tanks are normally welded into the ‘swim’ of the narrowboat. They use the
hulls’ 8mm steel plate as one side of the keel cooling tank that transfers the engine heat into the canal water. The
larger the engine / horse power the larger the ‘skin’ tank surface area that is required for keel cooling our engines.
Keel cooling pipes under the hull of yachts or work boats, that achieve the same surface area can also be used.

Generally the keel cooling tank should have a surface area that is exposed to the canal or sea water of:
0.25 x the hp of the engine = the square feet of cooling tank area required (for steel hulls)

Engine (Narrowboats) B14 B16 B20 B25 B30 B35 B38 B43 B50

Steel Tanks (Ft2) 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.3 7.5 8.0 9.5 10.8 12.5

Steel Tanks (M2) 0.33 0.38 0.46 0.59 0.70 0.82 0.88 1.00 1.16

Engine (Wide Beams) B50 B60 B75 B90 B105 B110 B150

Steel Tanks (Ft2) 12.5 15.5 18.8 22.5 25.0 27.5 37.5

Steel Tanks (M2) 1.16 1.43 1.75 2.09 2.32 2.55 3.50

The ideal keel cooling tank should:

a) Efficient keel cooling tanks are side mounted, as detailed in the illustration.

b) The rubber hoses connecting the engine to the keel cooling tanks should be designed and manufactured as hot
water heater hoses suitable for operation up to 100°C.

c) The ‘baffle’ must be continuously welded to the outer skin and to one end as shown, and should be close to the
inner skin.

Engine B14 - B25 B30 - B60 B75 - B105 B150

Supply & Return Pipe 22mm 28mm 38mm 41mm

Baffle Gap Minimum 35mm 40mm 55mm 60mm

Baffle Gap Maximum 65mm 85mm 115mm 125mm

d) The tank should be thin in section (H = 30mm to 40mm) as it is the heat transfer to the canal or river water
that is important.

e) The engine coolant for keel cooling (is the same 50:50 ratio of fresh water / antifreeze solution as heat exchanger
cooling) and flows around the engine, then the keel cooling tanks, before returning to the engine.

f) The keel cooling tank must have air bleed valves fitted on the top at both ends of the tank.

g) The hot water feed enters at the top of the tank and the colder engine return comes out of the bottom.

Note: If your boat has a hydraulic drive, you will need to increase the surface area of the keel cooling tanks by
approximately 30% percent. If you have any questions about keel cooling please refer to our design guidelines
detailed on our website, or ask us.

30 Ideal Keel Cooling Tank A X B = SURFACE AREA

31 Ideal Keel Cooling Tank


All our engines are supplied with 12 volt electric starting will invalidate the warranty. Care must be taken
as standard. We therefore supply the main components: when pushing the two halves of the plug together to
starter motor, battery charging alternator, fuel control ensure that individual pins do not fall out. To prevent
solenoid, glow plugs, engine temperature sensor, corrosion and assist in assembly we recommend that
oil pressure sensor, control panel and a wiring loom the plug is packed with petroleum jelly (Vaseline)
connecting everything together. We do not supply as and then carefully pushed together. The plastic boots
standard either the starter batteries or battery cables. should cover both halves and overlap. A cable tie is
then put around to hold the two halves in position and
help prevent any ingression of water.
Heat Exchanger Cooled - We offer 5 control panels:
5. The control panels must not be installed where sea
the ABV is standard and the A, ABVW, B, C and D are
water spray can get at them. We recommend that a
optional. The engine harness is common to all. With our
suitable flap or cover is fitted.
Keel Cooled Canal range the AB panel is standard or the
‘C’ panel is optional. 6. All cables must be adequately clipped and protected
from abrasion.
1. Control Panels must be fitted in a location where the
helmsman can either see or hear the alarm system. 7. Electrical systems shall be designed and installed so
as to ensure proper operation of the craft under normal
2. Our control panels are supplied as standard with a 3
conditions of use and shall be such as to minimise
metre multi-core cable for connection to the engine
risk of fire and electric shock.
wiring loom. As an optional extra, Beta can provide
various lengths of extension looms for runs of 5m or 8. Attention shall be paid to the provision of overload and
more, and this kit includes a start relay to overcome short circuit protection of all circuits, except engine
the voltage drop. (See drawing 300-58520). starting circuits, supplied from batteries.

3. For standard wiring diagrams see back of manual. 9. Ventilation must be provided to prevent the
accumulation of gases, which might be emitted
4. All electrical equipment must be protected from
from batteries. Batteries shall be firmly secured and
sea water. Sea water or rust in the starter motor
protected from ingress of water.


We would recommend keeping the electrical part of the With boats there are two different requirements: a)
engine installation as simple and as reliable as possible. A battery to drive the starter motor and b) A battery
We would suggest a dedicated battery for engine starting bank to power your domestic / auxiliary needs such as
and if required, a domestic battery bank for other GPS, navigation equipment, lighting, music etc... We
requirements. recommend that you talk to a battery specialist for
Selecting the correct starter battery and battery cables
is important as incorrect selection is a major cause of 2. Climatic conditions will affect power output from
starting failure. batteries and at low temperatures the battery capacity
will need to be increased as performance will
decrease. (At minus 10 degrees centigrade battery
1. There are several different types of battery available output would be under 50 percent of normal output).
to choose from: a) Wet Lead Acid (invented in 1859); This needs to be considered when first selecting your
b) AGM (Absorbed Glass Mat - developed in 1972 as batteries.
sealed Lead Acid); c) Gel (with a gelified electrolyte)
developed in 1980; and d) Lithium-ion produced in

3. All our engines are supplied with one battery charging 4). Battery size depends upon your requirements. For
alternator, sometimes two. Our electric starting circuit starter motor batteries the battery size should be
is nominal 12 volts and we fit as standard a 40 amp based upon the starter motor requirements - table
battery charging alternator up to Beta 25, and a 70 below, and never be of less capacity than the battery
amp alternator from the Beta 30. manufacturers recommendation. (You could oversize
your battery by up to 20% to allow for gradual loss of
capacity due to age and temperature etc.) - If in doubt
- ask.

Typical starter motor ratings with Kubota engines

Suggested Minimum Battery Size

Typical AH Typical AH Typical CCA

Starter Capacity (kW) Engines @ 20 hour rate @ 5 hour rate (Cold Cranking Amps)

Less than 800cc 0.8 - 1.0 Beta 10 to 20 35 to 50 AH 28 to 40 AH 350 to 400

800 to 1,900cc 1.0 - 1.4 Beta 25 to 38 65 to 75 AH 53 to 62 AH 450 to 540

1,900 to 3,000cc 1.4 - 2.5 Beta 43 to 70 100 to 120 AH 80 to 96 AH 580 to 670

Over 3,000cc 2.5 - 3.0 Beta 75 to 105 150 to 180 AH 120 to 144 AH 1050 to 1200

5. If you require a domestic battery bank you will need to Generally it will take as long to recharge a battery as
calculate your power requirements, and then multiply it does to discharge a battery. I know that this is an
that by the number of hours you will need this power obvious statement but you can only recharge your
(before you are able to re-charge the batteries). To batteries when the engines is running, so if you only
keep the installation simple and reliable we would use the engine for entering and leaving a marina you
recommend a second alternator for a domestic battery may need an alternative solution for recharging your
bank. batteries. Solar panels can be a good solution for
keeping batteries ‘topped up’.
6. Battery charging alternators must be suitable for
the battery bank size. With ‘Lead Acid’ batteries it 7. Batteries must be in good condition and must hold
is recommended that if you wish to achieve a long voltage. An idle standing battery would be expected to
battery life of 5 years and more - your alternator be at least 12.6 volts and we would like to see at least
should be charging in Amperes at about 10 to 20 12v on the starter motor terminals. (After a full charge
percent of the battery bank in ‘Ampere Hours’ (20 Hr the terminal voltage drops quickly to 13.2 V and then
rate). slowly to 12.6 Volts).

Generally it is very easy to recharge to about 80 8. The maximum charging voltage for a Lead Acid battery
percent of battery capacity, but the last 20 percent is is about 14.8 volts, above this voltage damage will
important if you wish to achieve a long battery life, occur. We would expect a maximum output voltage
and this can require an overnight charge. Battery life from our battery charging alternators of something like
and recharging tends to be a compromise and it is 14.8 volts at no load. At 50 percent load the voltage
generally recommended that the alternator output ‘in drops to 14.3 to 14.4 volts and at full output the
amperes’ is not more than 25 percent of the ‘Ampere voltage is 13.5.
Hours’ rating of the battery bank. The battery charging
9. Battery terminals and connections must always
system must be a balanced solution; you must have
be kept clean, in good condition and tight. Faulty
enough battery capacity but bear in mind the recharge
connections can lead to poor performance and even
(in extreme conditions) explosion.


1. Starter batteries should be as close to the engine as If the correct battery is selected but the engine will
practically possible. The reason for this is to ensure not crank at sufficient speed after the inrush then
that the maximum voltage from the battery is available (assuming battery cables are the correct size) the
to the starter motor. The longer the cable run - the battery is either discharged or faulty.
more will be the voltage drop. This is due to the
4. If the voltage at the starter motor terminals after the
resistance of the cables.
inrush is not at least 10.5 volts it is likely that the
2. Generally speaking for smaller engines (say under motor will either crawl at insufficient speed or not turn
60hp) we recommend battery cables of 25mm2 at all. Battery cables could overheat.
conductor cross sectional area with length up to 1.5m
5. Battery cables are sized on the motoring or rolling
per cable. That equals a cable run of 3m total which
current of the starter motor and the length of battery
would have a voltage drop in the region of 0.8v if the
cable run. This length is the total distance of both the
starter motor was using 160 amps when motoring.
positive and negative cables added together. Under
Battery cables that are too small will overheat and
normal circumstances the voltage drop in the starter
their insulation could catch fire.
battery cable circuit should not exceed 0.8 volt and in
3. When the supply is switched on to the starter motor any circuit should not exceed 1.2 volts.
there will be a massive inrush of power in the region
6. Please note that cranking time should be no longer
of 5 times the motoring current. The battery will
than 10 seconds, with at least a 10 second rest
be expected to supply this inrush and then recover
between attempts.
sufficiently to give the motoring or ‘rolling’ current.

25mm2 Cable
Engine Cranking Amps Cable Volt drop* Max length, both cables added together

Up to Beta 38 100 0.0017V 4.7m

Up to Beta 50 120 0.0017V 3.9m

Up to Beta 60 170 0.0017V 2.8m

Up to Beta 105 210 / 250 0.0017V Not suitable

Beta 150 333 0.0017V Not suitable

35mm2 Cable
Engine Cranking Amps Cable Volt drop* Max length, both cables added together

Up to Beta 38 100 0.0013V 6.2m

Up to Beta 50 120 0.0013V 5.2m

Up to Beta 60 170 0.0013V 3.6m

Up to Beta 105 210 / 250 0.0013V 2.5m

Beta 150 333 0.0013V 1.8m (70mm2 cable preferred)

70mm2 Cable
Engine Cranking Amps Cable Volt drop* Max length, both cables added together

Up to Beta 38 100 0.00063V 12.7m

Up to Beta 50 120 0.00063V 10.5m

Up to Beta 60 170 0.00063V 7.5m

Up to Beta 105 210 / 250 0.00063V 5.0m

Beta 150 333 0.00063V 3.8m

*Voltage drops for pvc insulated cables are ex table 9D1 Please note that it is not practical to use table 9D1 of the
of the IEE Wiring Regulations. IEE Wiring Regulations for larger sizes. We are after all
talking about short duration power flow not continuous
The above are based on a maximum conductor
ratings for the starter motor.
temperature of 70°C in an ambient temperature of 30°C.

At the end of the day what matters is the voltage at the starter motor terminals before
starting and whilst cranking, all without destroying the insulation on the cables.


The standard panel keyswitch can be used to tap off a Note: these keyswitch terminals are rated at 10 amps
switched positive ignition feed to power additional gauges. maximum, since they are already utilised for panel and
In this way these gauges will only be live whilst the alternator feeds Beta Marine recommend any additional
engine is running, the engine is starting or the heaters are requirements from these terminals must be fed through
being used. a relay. This relay should then be connected to it’s own
fused positive supply directly from the engine battery.
For silver keyswitches, the terminal to achieve this ignition
switched positive is marked ‘AC’. Beta drawing 202-06421 illustrating the wiring of a
typical electric fuel lift pump with ignition switched relay
For panels without any keyswitch, gauges can be
can be supplied upon request.
driven from the 1mm2 brown wire which terminates
at 11 way connector terminal 4. This is a lower power
switched positive, any additional power required from this
connection must be feed through a relay, as noted below.

Heat Exchanger Cooled Keel Cooled
10 to 150bhp 10 to 150bhp

Marine Generating Sets

4 to 40kVA

Sail Drives
13.5 to 56bhp

Beta Marine Limited Tel: 01452 723492  

Davy Way, Waterwells Fax: 01452 883742
Quedgeley, Gloucester Email: [email protected]
GL2 2AD, UK.

Marine Generating Sets

June 2015 30 to 1000kVA

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