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Proteus IoT Builder PDF

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IoT Builder is a unique product designed to make it quick and
easy to control remote Arduino™ or Raspberry Pi® electronics
from a mobile device.

Internet of Things Made Easy

Complete IoT Workflow: What can I do with it ? remote front panel is abstracted
from the users program, leaving the
The IoT Builder workflow is flexible You can use IoT Builder to design
programmer to implement desired
and intuitive. Start by designing the a user interface (switches, buttons,
product hardware on the schematic rotary dials, displays etc) for your
by adding electronic shields, mobile phone or tablet and then use
The front panel is drawn in the
sensors and breakout boards via Visual Designer or Proteus VSM to
panel editor and the logic for the
the peripheral gallery. Then use the program the physical hardware to
user interface is programmed at
controls gallery to create the front work with the remote GUI.
a high level with either flowchart
panel, adding and placing dials,
blocks (Visual Designer) or C
buttons, charts, etc. in the IoT IoT Builder removes the necessity
method calls (Proteus VSM).
Builder editor. Finally, use Visual for the user to know about HTML,
IoT builder is therefore well suited
Designer flowchart methods or Javascript, Python and the
both for teaching the principles of
Arduino C / Raspberry Pi Python TCP/IP interconnect. All of the
IoT based applications to beginners
code to bind the user interface to complexity of the transport layer
and also as a rapid prototyping tool
the electronics. and the communication between
for more experienced developers.
the processor hardware and the
At any time during development
the entire system can be tested
and debugged in the Proteus
VSM simulation. This executes the
same compiled HEX file as the real
hardware and will also simulate the
interaction of the front panel with
the electronics.

Once everything is working as

expected, the firmware and front
panel can be deploying to the
physical hardware at the press of
a button. The final step is to point
the target device at the hardware,
watch it acquire the front panel
over TCP/IP and then control the
remote hardware from your mobile
phone, tablet or PC. Designed to work with Arduino Yun, ESP8266+Uno or Raspberry Pi 3

How It Works:
• Design your hardware with a library of ready-made shields/hats.
• Design your front panel with buttons, switches, dials, displays and charts.
• Link the UI and the hardware with flowchart methods in your firmware.
• Simulate the entire system and single step debug to find & fix problems.
• Control the simulation or the real hardware from your phone or tablet.
Draw your user
interface with drag
Proteus. The front panel design is the remote The firmware program is where
user interface to your Raspberry Pi we need to interact with both
or Arduino appliance and what you the hardware peripherals of our
will see and interact with on your appliance and the IoT controls on
mobile, tablet or internet browser. our remote front panel. This needs
In IoT builder the front panel design to work in both directions. For
is created by drawing rather than example, a button press on the front
coding. Controls such as buttons, panel may turn on an LED in the
displays and dials are added to the appliance, but equally sensor data
project and then the user arranges from the appliance may update a
them on the panel in a suitable way. display on the front panel.
Since both the appliance and the
Program your A rich library of controls is pre- front panel are designed in Proteus,
hardware with drag and supplied and several themes ranges IoT Builder is able to make life
drop onto flowchart or from contemporary to steampunk much easier during programming.
source file . are available to help creating The project tree contains a list of
stunning GUI control panels for your the peripherals you have added
project. More advanced users can and also a list of the IoT controls
even use vector graphics tools such in your front panel. You can then
as Inkscape to design their own drag and drop these method calls
control themes. directly from the project tree into
your program.


IoT Builder uses Proteus VSM Once your system has been Control the running
Simulation technology so that your debugged and tested in simulation simulation from
firmware program is simulated you can transfer to the physical your phone or tablet
along with any electronics you have hardware at the press of a button. device.
added to the schematic. The remote After a one time configuration
user interface is also shown inside process Proteus can detect your
Proteus so you can quickly and hardware if it is on the same network
easily test the interaction of your and pre-configure the SSH options
GUI with your virtual hardware. for you. In most cases therefore you
can deploy to the physical hardware
Alternatively, you can use the free IoT wirelessly at the press of a button.
Controller apps for IoS and Android Alternatively, with Arduino hardware
to control the running simulation. you can connect a USB cable to
When the phone or tablet is on the the Yun/ESP8266 which will appear
same network as the PC, the apps as a programming target in your
can discover and connect with the programmer dialogue. Deploy to the real
simulated hardware automatically Either way, Proteus takes care hardware with the
so users can directly control the of transferring the front panel press of a button.
simulation from their mobile device. graphics, the webserver interface
and the firmware program onto the
real hardware.

Labcenter Electronics Ltd.

21 Hardy Grange, Grassington, N. Yorkshire, England, BD23 5AJ
Tell: +44 (0) 1756 753440, Fax: +44 (0) 1756 752857
Web: www.labcenter.com, Email: [email protected]
Labcenter YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/LabcenterElectronicsLtd

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