Detailed Analysis of GATE 2015 Papers

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Detailed Analysis of GATE 2015 Papers

GATE EE Solved 2015 Paper (Set 1) Detailed Analysis
Subject Topic 1 Mark 2 Marks Total Total
Questions Questions Questions Marks
General Aptitude Numerical Ability 2 4 6 10
Verbal Ability 3 1 4 5
Total Marks 15
Engineering Maths Linear Algebra 1 0 1 1
Probability and Distribution 0 1 1 2
Calculus 2 1 3 4
Differential Equation 0 1 1 2
Laplace Transform 0 1 1 2
Total Marks 11
Network Network Solution and Methodology 0 1 1 2
Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis 0 2 2 4
Laplace Transforms 0 1 1 2
Transient/Steady State Analysis of 1 0 1 1
RLC Circuit to DC Input
Total Marks 9
Signal & System Linear Time invariant (LTI) System 0 1 1 2
Fourier Representation of Signal 0 1 1 2
Z-Transform 0 1 1 2
Frequency Response of LTI System 0 1 1 2
Total Marks 8
Control System Time Domain Analysis 1 1 2 3
Root Locus Technique 0 1 1 2
Frequency Response Analysis 1 0 1 1
Nyquist Plot
State Variable Analysis 0 1 1 2
Total Marks 8
Analog Circuit Diode–Circuit–Analysis & Application 1 0 1 1
DC Biasing-BJTs 2 0 2 2
Feedback Oscillator Circuit 0 1 1 2
Operational Amplifier and Its 2 0 2 2
Total Marks 7
Digital Electronics Boolean Algebra & KMap 1 0 1 1
Combinational Digital Circuit 0 1 1 2
Sequential Circuits 0 1 1 2
Total Marks 5

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lx | Detailed Analysis of GATE 2015 Papers

Electrical Machine Transformers 1 4 5 9

DC Machine 2 1 3 4
Induction Machines 1 1 2 3
Synchronous Machine 0 1 1 2
Total Marks 18
Power System Transmission and Distribution 0 1 1 2
Economics and Power Generation 2 2 4 6
Symmetrical Components & Fault
Transient and Over Voltage 1 0 1 1
Total Marks 9
Power Electronics Phase Control Rectifier 0 1 1 2
Choppers 0 2 2 4
Total Marks 6
Electrical and Measurement of Basic Electrical 1 0 1 1
Electronic Quantities-1
Measurement of Basic Electrical 1 1 2 3
Total Marks 4

GATE EE Solved 2015 Paper (Set 2) Detailed Analysis

Subject Topic 1 Mark 2 Marks Total Total
Questions Questions Questions Marks

General Aptitude Numerical Ability 1 3 4 7

Verbal Ability 4 2 6 8

Total Marks 15

Engineering Maths Linear Algebra 1 1 2 3

Probability and Distribution 1 1 2 3

Calculus 0 1 1 2

Differential Equation 0 1 1 2

Total Marks 10

EMT Electric & Magnetic Field 2 1 3 4

Total Marks 4

Network Network Solution and Methodology 2 1 3 4

Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis 0 1 1 2

Laplace Transforms 1 0 1 1

Two-port Network 0 1 1 2

Total Marks 9

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Detailed Analysis of GATE 2015 Papers | lxi

Signal & System Introduction to S&S 0 1 1 2

Linear Time Invariant (LTI) System 1 0 1 1

Z-Transform 0 1 1 2

Total Marks 5

Control System Basic of Control System 2 1 3 4

Time Domain Analysis 0 1 1 2

Root Locus Technique 0 1 1 2

Frequency Response Analysis 1 0 1 1

using Bode Plot

State Variable Analysis 0 1 1 2

Total Marks 11

Analog Circuit DC Biasing-BJTs 1 0 1 1

Operational Amplifier and its 2 1 3 4


Total Marks 5

Digital Electronics Boolean Algebra & KMap 0 1 1 2

Combinational Digital Circuit 1 0 1 1

Sequential Circuits 0 1 1 2

AD/DA Convertor 0 1 1 2

Total Marks 7

Electrical Machine Transformers 2 2 4 6

DC Machine 1 2 3 5

Total Marks 11

Power System Transmission and Distribution 1 0 1 1

Economics and Power Generation 0 2 2 4

Symmetrical Components & Fault

Power System and Stability 0 1 1 2

Generating Station 1 0 1 1

Transient and over voltage 0 1 2 2

Total Marks 10

Power Electronics Choppers 1 3 4 7

Application of Power Electronics 0 1 1 2

Total Marks 9

Electrical and Measurement of Basic Electrical 2 1 3 4

Electronic Quantities-1

Total Marks 4

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