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when inadequately treated. Keloid formation
is theorized to occur as a result of an imbalance
between an increased synthesis of collagen and The primary goal in the clinical management into myofibroblasts, which are responsible for
extracellular matrix and decreased degradation of skin wounds, whether unintended or wound contracture.3 The final healing phase is
of these products. Inflammatory mediators— iatrogenic, is to aid the natural dynamic process remodeling. During the remodeling phase, the
namely, transforming growth factor beta—have of wound healing to re-establish baseline skin ECM and granulation tissue degrade via proteases,
been proposed to influence the dysregulation integrity, function, and aesthetics. Scar formation while mature Type I collagenous matrix and scar
of collagen remodeling in the scar healing occurs over distinct phases, including hemostasis, tissue form.3 Furthermore, vascular cells and the
process. Though limited, current knowledge of
inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling.1 myofibroblasts degrade in an organized fashion.3
keloid pathophysiology has guided clinicians to
explore novel therapies for keloid prevention
After injury to the skin, exposed elements The balance of synthesis and the disintegration of
and treatment. In addition to conducting in various layers of the skin, in addition to cell types is essential to provide optimal wound
research refining the use of common therapies, vasoactive and inflammatory chemical mediators, healing.1–3 The remodeling phase occurs over
such as steroids and radiation, clinicians have contribute to clot formation for hemostasis and months.1 A deviation in any phase of healing can
evaluated the potential of anti-inflammatory and attract inflammatory cells to the site for the result in aberrant and sometimes excessive scar
chemotherapeutic molecules to suppress keloid inflammatory phase.2 Key chemical mediators formation.1–3
recurrence. Procedural focused therapies, such as include transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β),
cryotherapy and lasers, have also found a role in interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor KELOIDS AND HYPERTROPHIC SCARS
reducing keloid symptomatology. The purpose of
necrosis factor (TNF), and vascular growth factor Keloids and hypertrophic scars are two well-
this report is to examine the current literature and
review the mechanisms of action, efficacy, and side
(VEGF).2 In this phase, neutrophils are the first known types of excessive pathologic scarring.
effects of different keloid therapies. Despite the to be seen active at the injury site to rid the area These types differ by aesthetics, pathogenesis,
growing literature investigating reliable methods of debris and possibly infectious material.1 The histopathology, and treatment, although there
for keloid management, there are no standardized inflammatory phase occurs over, on average, are overlapping characteristics. Compared to
guidelines or treatment protocols supported by three days.1 Additionally, different subtypes of hypertrophic scars, keloids are characterized as
academic governing bodies. Stronger evidence leukocytes that secrete growth factors, as well more clinically severe in nature, causing pruritus
with high-fidelity randomized clinical trials will as chemotactic proinflammatory cytokines that and pain more frequently in patients.4 Classically,
be needed to determine the optimal therapy recruit cell types needed for the proliferative keloid scars appear slowly over months beyond
regimens for keloids.
phase, are also present in this phase.1,2 Endothelial the initial wound edges, while hypertrophic scars
KEY WORDS: Collagen, extracellular matrix,
keloid, scar
cells, macrophages, and fibroblasts are present to typically develop over a period of weeks and stay
help create granulation tissue, new vasculature, within the initial edges.5 From a histopathologic
and the extracellular matrix (ECM) that will perspective, keloids include a random
replace clot in the wound and help migrating cells organization of Type I and Type III collagen fibers,
adhere and function.2 Within the ECM, Type III whereas hypertrophic scars have an organized
collagen is present at this stage of healing. Next, parallel pattern of Type III collagen.6,7 Keloids
re-epithelization occurs due to the recruitment of progress to form thick, firm scars that rarely heal
keratinocytes.2 The proliferative phase will occur spontaneously, unlike hypertrophic scars that
over subsequent weeks.1 Then, fibroblasts convert can heal unaided over years.5 Since keloids can
be distressing to patients, there has been great been shown to be more prone to transepidermal Intralesional triamcinolone as a monotherapy
interest in understanding the key aspects of water loss, possibly reflecting decreased water has been shown to reduce keloid recurrence to
keloid pathogenesis. barrier function of the stratum corneum.17 The an average of 50 percent after surgical excision
SGS creates a moisture-retaining environment and to reduce scar volume.41–44 However, the
KELOID PATHOPHYSIOLOGY that prevents dehydration of the stratum therapeutic response rate of intralesional
Keloid formation is theorized to be the result of corneum, which, in a downstream manner, limits steroid therapy is highly variable.41,45 Potential
an imbalance of increased synthesis of collagen activation of fibroblasts and subsequent collagen side effects of corticosteroid injection include
and ECM and decreased degradation of these production.18 Several studies have shown that pain with injection, skin atrophy, alteration
products. Increased synthesis of ECM collagen SGS can reduce the incidence of hypertrophic in skin pigmentation, and the formation of
is thought to be related to the overactivation scarring and reduce scar volume.19–23 The use of telangiectasias.25,45
of keloid fibroblasts via the overexpression of SGS requires high levels of patient adherence Topical imiquimod. Used successfully
inflammatory mediators—namely, TGF-β1.1 since protocols often require patients to wear the for the treatment of basal cell carcinoma and
Differential production of isoforms of TGF-β is SGS upwards of 12 hours per day for at least 12 human papillomavirus-related warts, imiquimod
proposed to be responsible for the excessive months.24,25 Efficacy of SGS has primarily been 5% cream has shown promise as an adjuvant
collagen production by fibroblasts seen in demonstrated when the dressing is used as a therapy for keloids after excision.46 Imiquimod is
pathologic scarring.6 Overexpression of TGF-β1 preventative measure rather than a method of a Toll-like receptor 7 agonist that limits fibroblast
and TGF-β2 with decreased expression of treatment.26 The necessary continuous application production of collagen via increasing local
TGF-β3 production results in increased fibroblast of SGS in hotter climates might induce a level of concentrations of interferon alpha (IFN-α).6,47
activity and ECM collagen formation.1,6,8 Keloid humidity that facilitates the formation of bacterial IFN-α has been shown to decrease fibroblast
fibroblasts are increasingly sensitive to the effects abscesses.27 activity in a dose-dependent manner, reduce
of TGF-β1 due to the receptor’s upregulation.9 Compressive therapy. Compression therapy glycosaminoglycan production, and increase
In the process of collagen remodeling, matrix is primarily used as an adjunct to surgical collagenase levels.48,49 The reported recurrence
metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitors excision to prevent recurrence of ear keloids.28 rates of excised keloids with daily topical
of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) are key mediators The mechanisms of pressure therapy are thought imiquimod 5% cream have ranged from 0 to
that increase degradation and decrease to include mechanoreceptor-induced apoptosis 88.9 percent with a follow-up time of 20 to
degradation of ECM, respectively.8 TGF-β1 has of cells in the ECM and/or pressure-induced 24 weeks.47,50–56 The variability of the keloid
been shown to increase TIMP and decrease ischemia that alters fibroblast activity and recurrence rates with imiquimod therapy is
MMP production, resulting in reduced collagen promotes collagen degradation.6,29 Compression likely related to skin tension at the operative
degradation.10 Other inflammatory proteins treatments are wide-ranging, including elastic site, with ear keloids having lower recurrence
such as VEGF and PDGF have been thought to wrap bandages, custom pressure ear molds, rates than shoulder, chest, and back keloids.57,58
contribute to the overproduction of collagen as earrings, and magnets.6,30,31 Studies have shown Common side effects of imiquimod include
well.11,12 The activity of these molecules increasing that ear keloids treated with compression therapy hyperpigmentation, erythema, irritation, and
fibroblast activation might be the result of postexcision have a nonrecurrence rate of 70.5 secondary infections that typically resolve upon
activating mechano-transduction pathways, to 95 percent.32,33 Similar to occlusive dressing suspending therapy.6,47,52
stimulated by mechanical stress at certain areas therapy, compression therapy has the best results Topical mitomycin C. Shown to reduce
of the body, such as the sternum, shoulder, and if the pressure device is affixed for at least 12 scarring after ophthalmologic, tracheal, and
suprapubic areas.13–15 Although discovering the hours per day for at least six months at a pressure laryngeal surgery, mitomycin C can reduce
cellular processes that mediate keloid formation of at least 24mmHg.32–34 If the pressure exceeds keloid recurrence postexcision.59–62 Mitomycin C
is still an active area of research, there are a wide 30mmHg, the compression can potentially cause is an anti-neoplastic derivative of Streptomyces
variety of therapies that physicians can use to tissue necrosis.31,35 caespitosus that alkylates and cross-links DNA,
limit keloid formation, progression, recurrence, Intralesional steroids. As an accessible inhibiting cell proliferation.63 Mitomycin C has
and symptoms. and efficacious keloid therapy, intralesional been shown in in-vitro studies of adult dermal
steroids continue to serve as a first-line treatment fibroblasts to decrease fibroblast proliferation at
PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OPTIONS for many physicians. Typically, triamcinolone concentrations of 0.4mg/mL and 0.1mg/mL.63,64
FOR KELOID MANAGEMENT is injected at a concentration of either 2.5mg In-vitro studies with mitomycin C demonstrated
Occlusive dressings. Silicone gel sheeting to 20mg for facial keloids or 20mg to 40mg complete cell death with continuous exposure
(SGS) is a commonly used occlusive dressing for non-facial keloids.24 Corticosteroids act by for one week and cellular growth at three weeks
applied to reduce the risk of excessive scar suppressing wound inflammation mediators after a single exposure of five minutes.63,64 Clinical
formation. SGS is composed of a semi-occlusive and fibroblast growth while increasing collagen treatment regimens in the literature include
silicone gel sheet combined with a durable degradation.6,36–38 Mechanisms by which application of an absorbent material soaked in
silicone membrane.16 Though the prominent triamcinolone alters fibroblast growth include 1mg/mL of mitomycin C for 3 to 5 minutes with
mechanism of action of these dressings is inducing fibroblast hypoactivity by decreasing reapplication at three weeks.57 Studies that used
unclear, SGS is theorized to act via hydration TGF-β expression and reducing fibroblast mitomycin C as the only adjunctive therapy to
and occlusion of the wound bed. Scar tissue has density by increasing fibroblast apoptosis.36,37,39,40 surgical excision report recurrence rates from
0 to 33 percent at six months, though some have been evaluated as therapeutic treatment area, then puncturing the treated area multiple
studies have demonstrated several patients with options for keloids. Both interferon alpha-2b times using a 22- to 25-gauge needle.103–105 The
nonrecurrence at greater than 12 months.65–71 and interferon gamma have been shown to evidence to support the efficacy of bleomycin
Intralesional mitomycin C has been shown to suppress collagen synthesis and scar contraction tattooing is difficult to interpret due to the
result in wound ulceration.66 Reported side effects by fibroblasts, although the extent to which variability of the bleomycin tattooing protocols
for mitomycin C have included hypopigmentation interferon action alters TGF-β–induced fibrosis studied in the current literature. Studies dripped
and posttreatment pain.66,67 is unclear.39,48,85–88 There is limited evidence 1.5IU/mL of bleomycin concentrations of 3IU/
Intralesional and topical 5-fluorouracil (5- regarding the efficacy of either interferon alpha- cm2 and 6IU/cm2 on patient scars followed by
FU). Primarily used as a chemotherapeutic, 5-FU 2b or interferon gamma compared to placebo. 40 punctures per 1cm2 or 5cm2.103–105 In the
is a pyrimidine analog that irreversibly inhibits Interferon alpha-2b has been described to be literature, bleomycin tattooing protocols required
thymidine synthase, leading to the disruption injected at least twice into keloids at dosages the administration of multiple sessions, though
of DNA replication and cellular proliferation.72 of 500,000 to 6 million units.48,89–92 Though one each study administered each tattooing session at
5-FU has been shown in-vitro to reduce fibroblast study reported 18.7 percent keloid recurrence inconsistent time intervals and recorded follow-
growth, induce fibroblast apoptosis, and decrease after keloid excision with postoperative interferon up at different periods posttreatment.103–105
TGF-β-driven collagen synthesis.73,74 When at a mean follow-up of 7.9 months, several Still, bleomycin tattooing for keloids has shown
used as a monotherapy for keloids, 5-FU has studies reported either no significant difference some success across each tattooing protocol,
been reported to have a 21 to 35 percent rate of in recurrence rates or a significant difference in with 66 to 77 percent of patients experiencing
recurrence at a minimum of three months and scar volume compared to placebo.89–92 There is no greater than 70-percent scar flattening.103–105
maintain keloid volume reduction of keloids for consistent regimen of interferon-alpha-2b that Recurrence rates after using bleomycin tattooing
at least six months after the last therapy session was used among published studies. Similarly, range from 14 to 28.6 percent at between 10
in 58 to 65 percent of patients.28,75–77 Studies have studies evaluating interferon gamma treatment to 18 months posttreatment.103–105 Saray et
described the successful use of 5-FU as therapy of keloids postexcision did not have consistent al106 studied the use of bleomycin intralesional
for keloid scars resistant to at least one alternate treatment regimens. Evaluators injected either injections to treat steroid-resistant keloids at
therapy, with a 19 to 47 percent rate of recurrence 0.1mg or 0.01mg at a frequency of 1 to 3 times 0.6IU/cm2 using a dermojet device (MadaJet XL;
after at least six months and resolution of painful per week for 3 to 10 weeks.93–95 Though interferon Mada Inc., Carlstadt, New Jersey).106 This group
and itching scar symptoms.28,78–80 Specifically gamma did consistently demonstrate keloid administered treatment at intervals of four weeks
for ear keloids postexcision, one study reported volume reduction during the treatment period until favorable aesthetic results and symptom
96 percent of female patients had at least a for multiple studies, there is no reliable data reduction were achieved.106 This group reported
75-percent scar volume reduction and 3.57 for keloid recurrence with this intervention.93–95 that 73 percent of patients achieved complete
percent rate of recurrence.28,81 Keloids older than Systemic side effects—namely, influenza- flattening with zero-percent recurrence after
two years might have greater resistance to 5-FU like symptoms of fever and myalgias—were at least 16 months, with patients receiving an
treatment.75,80 Several studies have consistently noted in several studies using either form of average of 3.8 sessions per keloid.106 As a novel
noted side effects of pain on injection, wound interferon.89,91,95,96 Acetaminophen was used alternative treatment regimen for increased drug
ulceration, and hyperpigmentation after with success as prophylaxis for these systemic penetration, Manca et al107 treated keloids with
intralesional 5-FU therapy.28,75–77,80 Known symptoms.90,92,94,95 intralesional bleomycin injections augmented
systemic side effects of 5-FU include anemia, Bleomycin. Bleomycin is an glycopeptide by electroporation therapy. Electroporation
leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia, though isolate of Streptomyces verticillus that has been therapy utilizes a current across the keloid area
none have been observed after intralesional predominately used as a chemotherapeutic and to increase cellular permeability.107 More than
injection.25 Though topical 5-FU has been used in secondarily studied as a treatment for keloids half of patients who underwent bleomycin
many dermatologic conditions, no studies have and hypertrophic scars.97 As a chemotherapeutic, injection therapy were treated with between two
examined the use of topical 5-FU for keloids and bleomycin acts to cleave single-stranded and and four sessions until adequate improvement
hypertrophic scars.82 However, there has been double-stranded DNA and induce apoptosis.98,99 was noted.107 Manca et al reported that 94
initial successes in patient satisfaction and keloid Regarding keloid pathology, bleomycin has percent of patients demonstrated a greater than
symptomatology with the use of 5-FU tattooing.83 been shown to suppress collagen synthesis by 50-percent reduction and 83 percent of patients
The process of 5-FU tattooing involves dripping dermal fibroblasts, increase collagen turnover, had reduction in erythema, pain, and pruritus
of a 50-mg/mL 5-FU solution onto the keloid, and decrease the levels of lysyl-oxidase required at 12 months posttreatment.107 Regardless of
followed by multiple keloid punctures with a for collagen maturation.100–102 There are multiple the method of bleomycin delivery, common
27-gauge needle, and finally dripping of 5-FU methods by which the effectiveness of bleomycin side effects included hyperpigmentation, pain
solution over the keloid again.83 to reduce keloid burden has been studied, on injection, and dermal atrophy.103–107 Saray
Interferons. Interferons compose a group including tattooing, dermojet intralesional et al106 helped patients reduce the side effect of
of cytokines that mediate complex cellular injection, and intralesional injection plus or minus hyperpigmentation with the application of topical
interactions, including immunoregulatory, in combination with electroporation therapy. The tretinoin.
antifibrotic, and antiproliferative functions.84,85 bleomycin tattooing protocol has been described Surgical techniques. Beyond simple
Interferon alpha-2b and interferon gamma as first dripping a bleomycin solution onto the surgical excision, surgical management of keloids
encompasses multiple novel reconstructive resultant defect replaced with a keloid rind months after the last treatment.129 Recurrence
techniques that have demonstrated reduced rates flap composed of epidermis and thin dermis. rates from 0 to 24 percent have been reported 6
of recurrence with treatment-resistant keloids. Lee et al demonstrated histological evidence of to 18 months posttreatment.124,125,133,134 Common
Simple full or shave excision of a keloid is rarely the subcapsular plexus supplying blood to the side effects from intralesional cryotherapy
used as a monotherapy, since recurrence rates for keloid rind flaps.120 This technique is supported include temporary lesion blistering, mild-to-
surgical excision range from 45 to 100 percent.6,108 by data suggesting that fibroblasts at the core moderate postoperative pain, and temporary
One suggested cause of high recurrence rates of the keloid have lower rates of apoptosis hypopigmentation.124,125,130–134 Some studies
with excision has been incomplete surgical relative to a normal rate of fibroblast apoptosis have noted that patients with Fitzpatrick skin
margins.109,110 There are several key principles in the keloid rind flap.121,122 The initial study of Types IV to VI have a greater rate of persistent
regarding management of the resultant wound keloid core excision reported that 17 percent of hypopigmentation.133,134
bed that are commonly accepted to reduce keloid patients showed recurrence, with 29 percent of Radiation therapy. Since the beginning of
recurrence. General recommendations for primary patients suffering from either flap necrosis or the 20th century, investigators have evaluated
wound closure following complete excision congestion.120 Subsequent studies in the literature different radiation methods to identify the best
include gentle handling of tissue, avoidance of have reported a recurrence rate of 0 to 44 percent protocols to treat keloids.135 Primarily, radiation
wound bed tension, eversion of wound edges, without adjuvant therapy at 18 months.108,122,123 therapy has been shown to be most effective
meticulous approximation of wound edges, and Cryotherapy. Cryotherapy involves the as an adjunctive therapy to surgical excision
adequate control of infection and bleeding.6,108,111 administration of freezing therapy to keloids compared to monotherapy.136,137 Though the
For ear keloid skin reconstruction, bilayered to reduce scar volume and recurrence. During mechanism of action of radiation therapy is
banner transposition flaps and double-crossed cryotherapy, the temperature of the keloid scar not known, in-vitro studies of radiation therapy
skin flaps have been described to reduce wound is lowered below -22°C.124 Low temperatures have demonstrated increased rates of premature
bed tension.112,113 As an alternative to primary have been suggested to induce vascular cellular senescence of keloidal fibroblasts and
closure after complete keloid excision, the use damage, resulting in cell anoxia, cryonecrosis, decreased proliferation in a dose-dependent
of full-thickness skin grafts have been shown and coagulative necrosis.124,125 Histologic studies fashion.138 Currently, there are two primary forms
to be effective in the literature. Ziccardi et al114 after cryotherapy have highlighted several of radiation for keloids: external and internal.
described the use of a full-thickness skin graft significant changes in scar tissue structure. X-ray and electron-beam radiation therapy
from the excised keloid skin with no recurrence at Posttreatment scar biopsies have demonstrated (EBRT) are the two forms of external-beam
six months.In larger study, Burm et al115 studied the reorganization of collagen fibers into a radiation that have been studied in the literature.
the use of full-thickness skin grafts for helical more compact parallel fashion comparable Interstitial brachytherapy is a form of internal
rim keloids defects with exposed cartilage. The to classic scar and resultant dermal collagen radiation that uses a hollow catheter placed into
skin grafts were placed after the wound bed was structure.124–126 Additionally, keloid tissue the dermis of the keloid scar to deliver localized
de-epithelized 2 to 3mm beyond the original exposed to cryotherapy has been reported to radiation therapy.139,140 Interstitial brachytherapy
keloid border.115 Burm et al reported no recurrence have reduced myofibroblasts, reduced mast cells, can be administered as a low dose rate (LDR)
with no adjunctive therapy for all patients with a and reduced production of TGF-β by dermal or high dose rate (HDR).140 HDR brachytherapy
follow-up period varying from nine months to six fibroblasts.126,127 Currently, options for cryotherapy has been heavily studied in comparison with
years.115 All of the patients treated by this group include spray, contact, and intralesional therapy. LDR brachytherapy since LDR treatment time
had failed prior excision and/or steroid therapy.115 Compared to spray and contact cryotherapy, ranges from 20 to 72 hours relative to 5 to 10
In comparison, Nguyen et al116 described the intralesional cryotherapy facilitates greater minutes for HDR treatment.141,142 Additionally,
use of a bilaminar dermal skin replacement freezing of the abnormal keloid and often requires HDR therapy has been shown to provide better
system (Integra; Integra LifeSciences Corp., fewer treatment sessions for a satisfactory scar relief of keloid symptoms, such as pain or pruritus,
Plainsboro, New Jersey) to create a neodermis outcome.124,128–130 Intralesional cryotherapy compared to LDR therapy.143 Radiation therapy
with subsequent epidermal skin grafting for is performed by introducing a needle with or can be administered in a single treatment dose or
treatment-resistant keloids.Without further without a cryoprobe into the long axis of the fractionated over a period of time. Fractionation
adjunctive therapy, all of the patients receiving keloid scar, which allows for the passage of liquid of radiation therapy has been shown to reduce
this therapy reported no recurrence at a mean nitrogen vapor to freeze the tissue.131 Studies posttreatment skin changes compared to single
follow-up of 38 to 60 months.116 For large have reported that intralesional cryotherapy dose therapy.144
treatment-resistant keloids, pedicle perforator can reduce keloid volume by an average of The comparison of studies examining
and free-flap coverage of wound defects have 51.4 to 67.4 percent at 12 months after the last radiation therapy is difficult, considering most
been reported with no recurrence at a minimum treatment.124,125,132–134 There is some evidence studies are retrospective reviews that examine
of 18 months with the use of adjunctive radiation to suggest greater efficacy of intralesional variable radiation dosages, variable definitions
therapy.117–119 cryotherapy in individuals with keloids of less of recurrence, and variable timing of radiation
In an effort to preserve local viable keloid than 10cm2 or with ear keloids.128,132 Regarding delivery.145–147 Moreover, retrospective studies on
skin, Lee et al120 first described the core excision patients who failed prior steroid therapy, Gupta radiation treatment examine mixed populations
procedure. During core excision, the inner et al129 reported 58 percent of their patients had of hypertrophic scars and keloids and have
fibrous core of the keloid is removed and the greater than 75 percent flattening at least seven variable histologic confirmation of keloid
pathology.146 Thus, recurrence rates reported in at risk for several skin-related complications. the histological evidence of a reduction in the
the literature range from 2 to 72 percent.145–148 In the short term, patients might experience fibroblast and the production of loose, less coarse
Still, shared aspects of effective radiation therapy erythema, desquamation, and transient changes collagen fibers from keloid biopsies treated with
have been supported. Evidence in the current in pigmentation.137,152 In the long term, patients PDL.163
literature suggests the use of different radiation might experience permanent dyspigmentation, To achieve a therapeutic effect, PDL
dosages and fractionation protocols depending depigmentation, atrophy, telangiectasias, therapy is typically administered in adjacent
on the location of the keloid on the body.148–150 subcutaneous fibrosis, chronic wounds, and nonoverlapping laser pulses over the length of
Regarding the fractionation of radiation therapy, possibly a radiation-induced malignancy.152,153 the scar using a laser wavelength of 585nm to
protocols that use higher-dose fractions for Risks of skin complications after radiation therapy 595nm.128,158,163–168 PDL therapy is offered up to
shorter treatment schedules have similar efficacy have been noted to increase with dosage.145,148 12 to 18 sessions with 4 to 8 weeks between
to longer treatment schedules.149 Carcinogenesis is considered a long-term risk of sessions.155,158,169,170 Variables can be adjusted for
Recent studies reporting recurrence rates of radiation therapy for keloids. In a computerized PDL therapy, including fluence (J/cm2), pulse
different keloid radiation methods have compared review of literature published from 1901 to 2009, duration (ms), and spot size (mm).168 Manuskiatti
the biological effective dose (BED) of different Ogawa et al152 found five cases of keloid-related et al170 reported that a shorter pulse width
protocols. The BED accounts for the radiation dose and hypertrophic scar-related carcinogenesis, of 0.45ms provided greater sternotomy scar
per fraction, number of fractions, and overall where the majority of cancers were related to reduction relative to 40ms. The effect of fluence
treatment time in a calculation for the relative radiation of surrounding tissue. Of note, in this on PDL therapy scar outcomes is still uncertain.
biological effectiveness of different radiation review, two case reports described patients Using a split-scar study, Manuskiatti et al165
therapies.150 In a meta-analysis of literature less than 12 years of age and two patients had evaluated several different PDL fluences without
published from 1942 to 2014, Mankowski et received radiation of postburn hypertrophic scars, noting any significant difference in treatment
al137 used BED calculations to report recurrence which are no longer candidates for radiation outcomes, but described faster treatment
rates of 23 percent, 23 percent, and 15 percent therapy.152 The risk of carcinogenesis with current responses with lower fluences. In contrast, lower
for X-ray, ERBT, and brachytherapy protocols, radiation therapies, which provide increased fluences (3J/cm2) have also been demonstrated
respectively, at an average minimum follow-up precision and smaller margins of treatment, is to increase TGF-β levels and collagen synthesis,
of 14.4 months.137 However, this meta-analysis unclear, as the latency time is greater than 25 while higher fluences (10–18J/cm2) have invoked
did not exclude studies on the basis of a lack years.154 To reduce the risk of carcinogenesis decreases in TGF-β level.171,172
of histological confirmation of keloids and the after keloid radiation therapy, surrounding In the current literature, there exists a paucity
definition of recurrence was not standardized. A tissues should be adequately shielded (including of studies specifically examining the effect of PDL
literature review conducted by van Leeuwen et radiosensitive breast and thyroid tissue), efforts on keloids. Most studies involve a mixed cohort of
al. only included studies with excisional biopsy should be made to identify overall carcinogenic patients with either hypertrophic or keloid scars,
verification of keloid pathology and reported patient risk factors, and radiation therapy should used subjective evaluation of the scars to assess
mean recurrence rates of 10.5 and 22.2 percent, be used with caution in young children.148,152 the effect of PDL therapy, and had a follow-up
respectively, for HDR and external radiation Pulsed-dye laser (PDL). PDL is a form of time of between one and six months after the
therapy.140 Though numerous studies have been nonablative laser therapy that targets keloid last treatment.155,164,170 Regarding hypertrophic
conducted for radiation treatment of keloids, microvasculature to improve scar appearance. and keloid scars, Cannarozzo et al155 reported
there is still no consensus regarding overall The PDL was initially engineered to treat 49 percent of patients had at least a 75-percent
dosage and fractionation. Any effort made toward vascular lesions by adjusting the wavelength of improvement in overall scar color, height,
reaching this consensus protocol will be difficult the laser to 585nm to 600nm and specifically pliability, and texture after 4 to 6 sessions.155
since the comparison of varying protocols using targeting hemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin Similarly, Al-Mohamady et al164 described a
BED calculations is still unreliable. Several studies as chromophores.155 With respect to keloid 55-percent improvement in Vancouver Scar Scale
using BED calculations have differed in the α/β pathology, PDL is thought to cause microvascular after six treatments, with less improvement
ratio used in the equation.137,149–151 The α/β damage that results in local hypoxia and seen in older scars. Studies evaluating objective
is a ratio representing an indirect reflection of decreased nutrient supply, which serves as measures have shown PDL therapy to reduce scar
how the tissue reacts to radiation, with acutely a catalyst for several biochemical changes volume by 24 to 45 percent after 3 to 6 treatment
reacting tissues having higher values than late within the scar.156–158 Many theories, including sessions.165,170 Additionally, Alster et al163
reacting tissues.150 Future studies evaluating the disruption of collagen disulfide bonds and demonstrated that PDL therapy relieved keloid
radiation therapy must be more rigorous in increased levels of collagenase, have been symptoms of pain, pruritus, and burning. There
excluding nonkeloid scars, propose a standardized suggested but have yet to be proven.159 Studies is no current data to determine how PDL therapy
definition of recurrence, and use a common α/β have been done on PDL-treated keloid biopsies influences the recurrence of keloid scars, though
ratio for BED comparison. In addition to reporting to elucidate how the laser alters keloid structure. there is evidence that PDL therapy, in some cases,
more accurate long-term recurrence rates, short Kuo et al. have reported decreased levels of TGF-β can cause scar recurrence.168,173
and long-term side effects of radiation therapy expression, decreased fibroblast proliferation, Common side effects of PDL therapy for
must be stringently recorded. and increased fibroblast apoptosis from keloid scars include temporary purpura, blistering,
Patients subjected to radiation therapy are biopsies post-PDL treatment.160–162 This supported crusting, and postinflammatory pigmentary
changes.155,164,165,170 Side effects are more common been described as a possible side effect to ablative dermal fibroblasts have demonstrated that PRP
in individuals with darker skin tones.174 Epidermal CO₂ resurfacing.187 increased fibroblast proliferation, expression
cooling with PDL treatment has been shown Laser-assisted drug delivery (LADD). of collagen, and matrix protein synthesis.199,200
to be a useful adjunct treatment to reduce To increase the bioavailability of topical scar Increased levels of TGF-β in PRP have been
adverse complications, including purpura, therapies, lasers have been used to increase drug proposed to activate a negative feedback
dyspigmentation, and additional scarring.170,175 penetration beyond the stratum corneum.188,189 mechanism in the TGF-β signaling pathway.201
Ablative laser. Though ablative carbon In LADD, common ablative lasers, such as CO₂ and Currently, PRP has been studied as a postsurgical
dioxide (CO₂) and erbium doped yttrium Er:YAG lasers, are applied to create cylindrically excision therapy that is injected into the wound
aluminium garnet (Er: YAG) lasers have been shaped microablation zones into the skin that bed. Hersant et al202 reported 29 percent keloid
commonly used for scar revision, there is limited allow for topical agents to reach the dermis.190 recurrence at two years when PRP was used
evidence regarding the use of these lasers for Though common topical keloid-treating agents, intraoperatively during surgical excision and
keloids. CO₂ and Er:YAG lasers target water including corticosteroids, 5-FU, and imiquimod postoperatively in a monthly regimen for three
molecules to cause local tissue changes, including have been studied using LADD, there is limited months.202 This study suggests the potential of
collagen remodeling, increased levels of basic literature investigating the use of LADD for keloid PRP to modify abnormal healing of keloid wounds
fibroblast growth factor, and decreased levels of treatment.190,191 typically seen after only surgical excision. Jones
TGF-β. CO₂ and Er:YAG lasers can be used to either Cavalie et al192 studied the use of Er:YAG laser et al203 reported that the use of PRP as an adjunct
superficially ablate keloid tissue or surgically every other week with the twice daily application to surgical excision and X-ray radiotherapy for
excise keloid scars.176–178 of topical betamethasone cream until an ear keloids reduces the recurrence rate to six
There is evidence that multiple ablative CO₂ adequate improvement in keloids was observed. percent at two years.203 Azzam et al204 reported
treatments are necessary for longer-lasting scar After a median of nine treatments, there was a recurrence rate of 32 percent when PRP was
improvement. Multiple ablative fractional CO₂ a median overall improvement of 50 percent, used as an adjunct to surgical excision and
laser treatments have been shown to primarily with greater improvement seen in acne-induced cryotherapy.204
reduce hypertrophic and keloid scar pliability.176 keloids.192 After final treatment, 22 percent of
Similarly, multiple ablative high-energy CO₂ laser patients had recurrence within the first two
treatments with varying laser frequencies have months.192 Subsequently, Park et al193 compared CONCLUSION
improved keloid pigmentation, pliability, and the efficacy of Er:YAG LADD of intralesional The breadth of therapies available for the
scar bulk at six months after the last treatment.178 triamcinolone acetonide therapy and topical prevention and treatment of keloids is continually
Scrimali et al described monthly fractional CO₂ desoxymethasone. This group conducted a split expanding, with encouraging recent progress
treatments resulting in no recurrence of keloid scar study to compare these two therapies and from novel strategies. As clinicians become
and hypertrophic scars at one year after 6 to 12 administered each LADD steroid treatment in a more familiar with the use of the different
treatments.179,180 In contrast, Ang et al181 noted total of four sessions with six-week intervals.193 injectable treatments and devices described
complete earlobe keloid recurrence after a single The group noted significant improvement of the in the literature, reliable data can be gathered
ablative CO₂ treatment. scar halves 12 weeks following the last therapy, regarding their consistent use. Currently, there
Compared to simple scalpel surgical excision though there was some worsening noted at the exist no standardized guidelines for keloid
of keloids, CO₂ laser excision without adjunctive end of the observation period.193 Patients rated management endorsed by a governing academic
therapy has similarly high rates of recurrence, their satisfaction with their treatment outcome as body. The present absence of large, high-quality
ranging from 74 to 100 percent at one year, “moderately satisfied” at the end of the trial.193 studies evaluating the efficacy different keloid
but decreased blood loss and postoperative 5-FU and imiquimod with LADD have been modalities restricts the establishment of
pain.182,183 Adjunctive intralesional steroid therapy shown to increase drug penetration and decrease standardized guidelines for keloid management.
and cyanoacrylate glue have been shown to the required dosage for optimal efficacy in murine The desire for higher levels of evidence to guide
improve scar revision results of CO₂ laser keloid and porcine skin models.194–196 Further studies are keloid management for all physicians is echoed
excision.184,185 necessary to explore the effectiveness of these in the current literature as well as by our study
There is a paucity of studies evaluating the topical therapies with LADD for keloid treatment. population.25,205–208. Currently, there are no
effects of ablative Er:YAG laser therapy on keloids. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP). PRP is high-quality randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
Wagner et al186 conducted a pilot study using concentrated autologous plasma that contains and few low-quality RCTs evaluating different
Er:YAG laser therapy to treat a mixed-patient supra-physiologic levels of platelets and alpha keloid treatments.177,207 Retrospective cohort,
cohort with hypertrophic and keloid scars. Er:YAG granules with growth factors and cytokines, such prospective cohort, and systematic reviews
laser therapy was able to reduce scar redness, scar as vascular endothelial growth factor, platelet- compose the current evidence for the majority
elevation, and scar hardness on average by 50 derived growth factor, and TGF-β.197 PRP has of keloid therapies.6,25,177,207 Durani and Bayat207
percent.186 been popularized as an adjunctive treatment to noted that poor methodological quality was
Side effects of laser therapy of keloids have help with a variety of dermatologic conditions, a common reason that decreased the level of
been infrequently reported in studies but include including chronic wounds, alopecia, and scars.198 evidence provided by several nonrandomized
erythema, edema, and hyperpigmentation.178 Recent studies have focused on the role of PRP comparative studies. Designing reliable studies
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