Verymissi O. Omadle Jan Leyanne S. Limos
Verymissi O. Omadle Jan Leyanne S. Limos
Verymissi O. Omadle Jan Leyanne S. Limos
Verymissi O. Omadle
Jan Leyanne S. Limos
The experimental research design Mosquitoes causebillions of
was to study and compare the deaths every year because of
larvicidal activity of Between Elephant transmitting serious human diseases
and its development of resistance to
Grass (Pennisitum puruseum) Talahib
chemical insecticides resulting a
Grass (Saccharum spontaneum) and vectorial capacity rebound. More
Paragis Grass (Indian goosegrass) than 50 million people are at risk of
against the larvae of Aedes aegypti dengue virus exposure worldwideat
and Anopheles. Mosquitoes have the recent estimate. Every year, there
ability to spread disease often in a are 12,000 passings, 2 million
huge rate and have always been a diseases and 500,000 instances of
dengue hemorrhagic fever, (Guha-
huge problem all over the world. The
sapir and Schimme, 2005).
extract was obtained by following Excluding malaria,mosquito
Subramaniam’s guidelines the disease is a global problem, there
grasses were air dried, blended, are five main diseases transmitted by
soaked, filtered the underwent oil mosquitoes: yellow fever,dengue,
bath technique. Results showed that West Nile virus, chikungunya and
100% concentration of the Paragis Zika virus. They are different in terms
of theirgeographical extension and
Grass is the most efficient in
severity, but all spread Aedes
exterminating as it showed an aegypti. Stated by Acosta (2018),
average time of 12 minutes and 33 epidemiologist at the World Health
seconds, the shortest extermination Organization (WHO), “each year
time among the different plants and dengue affects between 70 and 500
concentration. In conclusion, all the million people, around two million will
extracts has an ability as a larvicide at develop a serious illness.” Up to
4,000 million people are exposed to
varying concentrations and can contracting the disease.
exterminate mosquito larvae at Mosquito is often a leading
different rates. cause of illness in areas with risk and
is commonly known in our
Keywords: Pennisitumpuruseum, environment. Centers for disease
Saccharum spontaneum, Indian controlled and prevention said that
the dengue viruses are spread to
goosegrass, Anopheles, Aedes
people through the bite of an infected
Aedes species Ae. Aegypti or Ae. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Albopictus mosquito. This type of This study is divided into three
mosquito is common in many areas parts: Part I- Plant Extract
here in the Philippines and also the Preparation, Part II- Mosquito Larvae
other countries. Another type of Experimentation, Part III- Data
mosquito is called Anopheles their Collection and Analysis.
bites alone can transmit a disease All experimentation was done
and is one of the problems in the in the CHEM. Laboratory of
environment. Nabunturan National Comprehensive
In any case, the dengue High School (NNCHS)
infection side effects are essential,
for example, abrupt, high fever, Safety of the Researchers and
serious migraines, torment behind Maintenance of the Equipment
the eyes, extreme joint and muscle The researcher used proper
torment, weariness, sickness laboratory attires (e.g. Laboratory
retching, skin rash, which seems two gown, gloves, mask, insect repellent,
to five days after the beginning of etc.). The researcher also followed
fever, gentle draining which can the proper and safety procedures
prompt demise (WebMD, while doing the experiment. All the
2019).Dengue is a significant issue materials were washed and cleaned
in our condition and is a present thoroughly before the
issue around the world. In 2019, the experimentation to prevent further
Philippines has the highest number accidents.
of dengue cases. In the Visayas
(Philippines) there are around 5,935 Part I- Plant Extract Preparation
individuals who experienced dengue A. Collection of Plant Samples
(Macasero2019). The leaves of three different
At present, plants may be a plants were utilized for the
great alternative source for experiment were collected from P15
insecticides. (Unpaprom & Ramaraj PoblacionNabunturanDavao de Oro
2015). The researchers aim to
reduce and lessen these two types of B. Plant Extract Preparation
mosquito to help the people to According to Subramaniam
prevent from getting mosquito borne (2012) the leaves were air dried and
diseases. In order to prevent the homogenized using a blender. The
mosquito from multiplying, the homogenized leaves were soaked in
researchers want to observe the Distilled water. After 48 hours, it
comparative study of this plants underwent filtration. For the filtration
Elephant Grass process, the set up used were
(Pennisitumpuruseum) Talahib Erlenmeyer flask, filtered papers,
Grass (Saccharum spontaneum) and beakers and funnels. The soaked
Paragis Grass (Indian goosegrass) homogenized leaves were poured
that will help us to determine if it is into the funnel and the filtrate was
capable as a larvicide and which is collected in the Erlenmeyer flask and
the most effective in reducing the measured by a beaker before
mortality rate of larvae. transferring to clean container before
it underwent modified rotary B. Identification of Larvae
evaporation utilizing oil bath A.aegypti larvae and Culicidae
technique. The identification the the
A.aegypti larvae and Anopheles was
C. Oil Bath Technique and done with the help of a Lincensed
Procedure Medical Technologist at the nearest
The materials used and needed health center here in Nabunturan.
were hot plate, iron stand, iron Based on laboratory results it was
clamp, distilling flask, beaker, rubber confirmed that the species were
muffler, water trough, wire gauze and A.aegypti and Anopheleslarvae.
cooking oil. The distilling flask was
filled with the same amount of plant C. Experimentation of
filtrate. The water trough was filled Extracts against A.aegypti and
with cooking oil then put on top of the Anopheles
hot plate and wire gauze. The The concentration was varied
distilling flask was adjusted by 1.5 to seventy-five percent (75%) and
inches submerged downwards into one hundred percent (100%) by
the water trough enough for the oil volume respectively. There will be
not to overflow. The hot plate was three treatment used. Treatment (1)
heated up and adjusted by 360°C. used 75% concentration containing
The beaker was placed beside the 7.5 ml of extract and 2.5 ml distilled
distilling flask to collect the water and treatment (2) 100%
condensed ethanol that evaporated containing 10 ml of extract with no
from the distilling flask. After a few distilled water and lastly treatment
hours the extract remained at the (3) (positive control) 100% containing
bottom of the flask, the hot plate was 10 ml of commercial pesticide. The
then turned off the extract is prepared extracts at varying
collected. concentrations were placed in a petri
dish with three (3) trials for each
Part II- Mosquito Larvae treatment, a total of 18 petri dishes.
Experimentation Seven larvae were added on each
A.Collection of Mosquito petri dish and were observed by the
Samples researcher. The time (in minutes) for
The larvae were collected at the mortality of larvae were recorded
P15, Poblacion Nabunturan Davao by the researchers.
de Oro and were checked in the
Health Center to identify what kind of D. Disposal of Larvae
mosquito larvae it was. Aedes Samples
aegypti and Anophelesis the kind of After the experimentation, the
larvae that the researchers have, the A.aegypti and Anopheles with the
larvae looks like a long insect that treatment were transferred into a
wiggle when disturbed. After glasscontainer and were immersed
identifying the kind of mosquito in a bucket of soapy water for a day,
larvae was taken out of the container then were disposed to insure that the
then used as a subject for the larvae and any hidden eggs are
experiment. dead.
Part III-Data Collection and has the shortest mortality rate of the
Analysis Aedes aegypti of 2 minutes, followed
The data of the study was byGroup 2: Talahib Grass
based on the time (in minutes)of the (Saccharum spontaneum) with 5
application of the different minutes mortality rate and Group 3:
concentrations of the plant leaves Elephant Grass
extracts on mosquito larvae and the (Pennisitumpuruseum) with 8
time it took for 100% mortality of all minutes of mortality rate.
the mosquito larvae.
Table 2:
A. Statistical Analysis Mortality Rate of ParagisGrass
Kruskal-wallis as a statistical (Indian goosegrass), Talahib Grass
tool was used to determine whether (Saccharum spontaneum) and
there was significant difference in the Elephant Grass
level of effectiveness of Elephant (Pennisitumpuruseum) in varying
Grass, Talahib Grass and Paragis time on the Anopheles.
Grass extracts inexterminating
Group N Mean
mosquito larvae as to different
concentration. PARAGIS 3 2.67
TALAHIB 3 4.33
Table 1:
PARAGIS 3 2.00
Mortality Rate of ParagisGrass
3 5.00
(Indian goosegrass), Talahib Grass 75%