Construction Project Delivery in A Deregulated Economy

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International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020

Vol. 5, Issue 1, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 61-66

Published Online May 2020 in IJEAST (


Ajaelu C. Henry Reuben A. Okereke
Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Department of Quantity Surveying
Enugu University of Science & Technology, Nigeria Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria.

Abstract— Construction projects located in Nigeria suffer

from many problems and complex issues and this
ultimately impact on the country’s economic development. The importance of good structures (building, road etc.) in
Consequently, the aim of this paper is to assess the Role of the society has necessitated the need for improvements in the
Quality Surveyor in Construction Project Delivery in a standard of construction, this is possible through coordinated
Deregulated Economy. The specific objectives of the study and committed participation of all stakeholders in the industry
are to examine the effect of deregulating of materials using the appropriate regulations as the key guide and
specification as stated in bill of quantities (BOQ) on document for quality management. However, there has been
building construction project delivery in Nigeria. increase in cases of building collapse in Nigeria in recent
Literature review was carry out in the study. The times, which has brought to the fore the effectiveness of
methodology adopts was focused group discussion (FGDs) instituted construction regulations by Ruya, Chitumu, and
method. The study explores both primary and secondary Jatau, (2017)1.
sources of data collection. Primary data were collected Policies and procedural frameworks are regulations guiding
mainly through in-depth interview and Focused Group the building industry. These rules and regulations include
Discussions (FGDs). The populations of the study involve Environmental Laws; Health and Safety; Environmental
20 interviewed respondents and 5 FGDs participants. The Impact Assessment; Approval Processes of Awarding of
interview was carry out on contractors and foremen on Contract and Payment; Construction and Other Ethical
construction site while the FGDs were conducted in two Practices by Usman, Kamau, and Mireri, (2014)2. These
sessions. Each session featured five (5) participants in an ethical standards are used in enhancing construction project
intensive deliberation on the subjects of study, with the delivery in an economy. These are laid down rules and
researcher providing the lead. The method of analysis regulations guiding the various stake holders on project
employed was qualitative descriptive. The qualitative delivery within the construction industry.
element enables the researcher to utilized focus group Regulation of building construction in Nigeria is done
discussion analysis with involved arguments points. The through a statutory authority known as the Council of
researcher constructed a conceptual model map, with its Registered Builders of Nigeria - CORBON, whose function is
target Group Argument Discussion (GAD). The model to establish and oversee the construction industry and
representing the effect of quantity surveyor (QS) coordinate its development. The Council of Registered
deregulated on material specification as showed in bill of Builders of Nigeria - CORBON is mandated to encourage the
quantities contract document on time and cost. The standardization and improvement of construction techniques
argument discussion revealed that if the government put and materials, provide, promote, review and co-ordinate
their house in order by implementing the policies on training programs for skilled construction workers and
regulating construction project, it will save the country construction site supervisors, accredit and register contractors
from financially loss resulting from delay in project and regulate their professional undertakings, accredit and
delivery and high rate of collapse building. It concluded certify skilled construction workers and construction site
that the current policy and regulation in the country is supervisors, develop and publish a code of conduct for the
only on paper. Therefore, it recommends that the Federal construction industry.
Government of Nigeria should see to the effective Policy/procedural frameworks are laws governing the
adherence to the regulation so as to improve efficiency of construction industry to successful project delivery. In
construction project delivery. developed economies, building laws, regulations and codes are
established for use in the building industry. For example, UK
has professional and regulating bodies, research institutions as
Keywords— Construction, Project, Delivery, Economy well as effective utilization of their tertiary institutions to
ensure the production of buildings and proper management at
every stage by Jambol, (2012)3.

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020
Vol. 5, Issue 1, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 61-66
Published Online May 2020 in IJEAST (

In a study by Ofori, (2014)16, USA developed building D. Hypothesis

legislation from a Uniform Building Code (UBC) to the H1: There is significant relationship between regulated
Standard Building Code (SBC) and to International Building and deregulated materials specification on building
Code (IBC). The UK and American legislation promotes good construction project delivery in an economy.
building practice just like other developed economy but in H1: There is no significant relationship between
developing economy there are no standard rule and guideline construction standard and instituted regulations in
governing construction industry. The few that have are poorly Nigeria.II. Proposed Algorithm
monitored/deregulated as Usman et al (2014)2 points that in
Nigeria, policies are there but lack of compliance is what’s II. LITERATURE REVIEW
happening in practice by Jambol, (2012)3 said that Nigeria Construction regulations are statutory instruments that seek
have National Building Code (NBC) that provided policies to ensure that the construction policies set out in the relevant
and procedures for building construction processes. However, legislation are carried out. Construction regulations approval
the same person by Jambol, (2012)3 lamented that the is required for most construction work in any given country. In
Nigerian Building Industry (NBI) is fragmented, construction, regulation involves registration of contractors,
underperforming, uncoordinated, undisciplined and operating projects, skilled construction workers, construction site
as if there are no laws guiding its operations. These are serious supervisors, training institutions, and provisions relating to
threats to project delivery within the building industry. collection and payment of the construction levy.
In spite of the laws guiding the NBI, the Nigeria Regulations are often not complied within quality control of
construction industry is still characterized with the problem of materials and work on site Baake, Kamecke, & Wey, (2007)5.
substandard materials and workmanship; and can be controlled Ayuba, Olagunju, and Akande, (2011)6, categorized the
by proper use of the appropriate regulations by Umeokafor, problems in practice into two broad groups - unsound
Umeadi, & Jones, (2014)4. This is a serious bone of contention regulations and unused regulations. Unsound regulations arise
that influences cost, time and quality standards which affect because regulations are often not well-written. Unused
project delivery. The Quantity Surveyors as key personnel that regulations refer to problems that arise when specified
control materials specification and labor supplied need to put products/services are not used. The causes of unsound
it hand in the right place if construction project has to be regulations, according to Ayuba, et al (2011)6 are misuse or
delivery to standard. As materials have to be certified before misquoting of standards, non-compliance with regulations,
they’re use on site; and each level of the building processes, pseudo-specifications (more content than needed and not job
must be inspected and approved by them. specific) and conflict with drawings; unsound regulations are
those that are unused by contractors and unused by contract
A. Aim and Objectives of the Study
administrators or construction enforcement officers.
The aim of this study is to assess the role of Quality
Surveyor in Construction Project Delivery in a Deregulated A. Regulatory Framework and Construction Standard
Economy. Regulation is treated as synonymous with law. Regulations are
rules or norms adopted by government and backed up by some
B. Objectives of the Study
threat or consequences, usually negative ones in the form of
The objectives of the study were: penalties. While a regulatory framework on the other hand,
1. To examine the effect of deregulating of materials refers to a system of regulations and the means used to enforce
specification as stated in bill of quantities (BOQ) on building them. These are usually established by industry regulatory
construction project delivery in Nigeria. bodies to regulate the specific activities Edinburgh, (2003)7.
2. To examine the effectiveness of quantity surveyors body According to the Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors
(NIQS) in regulating construction project in Nigeria. (NIQS), regulatory framework is the due process of regulation
3. To analyze the problems associated with construction surrounding a single topic that entails all of the relevant
standard and regulations in Nigeria. legislative documents (acts, regulations, annexes) and
C. Research Questions describes the agency or body responsible for administering the
1. What is the level of regulating of material
The Building Regulation finds it necessary to identify the
specification as stated in bill of quantities (BOQ) in
factors that promote and determine the future regulation
construction standard in Nigeria?
process of the building and regulation process and associated
2. What is the effectiveness of quantity surveyor body
standards and guidance in the next 20 years in relation to
(NIQS) in regulating construction project in Nigeria?
sustainable construction issues Architect and Quantity
3. What are the problems associated with construction
Surveyors Act, (2010) quoted in Ruya, (2017)1. The factors
standard and regulations in Nigeria?
are based on emerging scenarios relating to physical, social
and economic changes that are taking place in the country and
globally like international requirements, human needs and

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020
Vol. 5, Issue 1, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 61-66
Published Online May 2020 in IJEAST (

responsibilities and technological changes. Edinburgh (2003)7 procurement, contractual arrangements, payments and
indicated that some of the factors include climate changes, valuations by Cartlidg, (2011)9.
resource conservation, waste minimization, biodiversity and
3. Nema and Construction Standard
health and well-being of individuals and communities in and
around building. The relationship between construction The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) is
practices and regulations and a variety of economic growth, a body established under the Environmental Management Act
environmental quality and social prosperity factors is of the laws of Nigeria to exercise general supervision and
increasingly being recognized globally Christensen, (2009)8. coordination over all matters relating to the environment and
The Current Regulatory Framework in developing countries to be the principal instrument of Government in the
like Nigeria results in conflicts due to inadequacy at the implementation of all policies relating to the environment.
boundaries of the responsibilities of its composite agencies NEMA has the primary responsibility of implementing
and inevitably policy and development aspirations. An ideal environmental safeguards, although many actors have
situation may be unachievable, but few would argue that no responsibilities including civil society, private consulting
improvement is possible. The sustainable development agenda firms, development banks which finance infrastructure and
in particular has already brought many important issues and other government actors including local government and the
conflicts to the fore particular in respect of planning, land use court system. Currently, the system suffers from inadequate
and construction activities Ruya, (2017)1. The effectiveness of funding, corruption, a lack of engagement with important
the current regulatory frameworks in Nigeria are therefore of community stakeholders, gaps or duplications of regulations,
uppermost importance in building standard in the construction and a misunderstanding by society at-large of the benefits of a
sector. sustainable and standard construction. These serious issues
result in little oversight of development projects with
A. Some Specialized Regulatory Boards in Nigerian potentially huge environmental impacts.
Construction Sector:
B. Impacts of Policy/Procedural Frameworks
1. Quantity Surveyors Registration Board of Nigeria
(QSRBN) Policy and procedural framework is a means of avoiding
Is the regulatory body of the quantity surveying profession and the ills inherent in the construction sector and which lead to
practice in Nigeria? It was established by Decree No. 31 of project failure, incompletion, and abandonment by Idoro,
December 5, 1986, now CAP 383 Laws of the Federation of (2014)10. However, the success of any building project in
Nigeria (LFN). It goals includes: public or private sectors depends on the level of compliance to
• To ensure that all quantity surveying graduates produced policies/procedures and control, and strict monitoring of time,
by higher institutions of learning in Nigeria meet cost, material, quality and environmental constraints by
internationally required standards. Aniekwu, (2003)11.
Policy/procedural frameworks are supposed to be the
• To eliminate quackery and ensure that all Quantity
guiding principles for building production within the built
Surveyors employed in both the private and public
environment; unfortunately, government officials do not
sectors are registered with QSRBN.
follow standards of town planning provisions, thereby
• To ensure that firms carrying out quantity surveying allocating plots without following rules and procedures by
services in the country are registered with the Board and Ede, (2010)12. This was in agreement with by Ike (2012)13,
adhere strictly to the best practices and code of conduct that town planning departments were no longer performing
of the profession. their role as laid down by law. Contrary in Dubai, studies have
The body executes its mandate through training, registration shown that before any project starts, specialized property
and enhancement of ethical practice. According to the development consultants are engaged by Ike, (2012)13; Ede,
regulations, no person should practice under any name, title or (2010)12. These consultants study the soil and conducts
style containing any of the words or phrases "quantity investigation. The design carried out based on the reports of
surveyor" or "quantity surveying" unless he is registered under the soil investigations by Usman, Chen, and Lodson, (2010)14
the Law as a Quantity Surveyor. points that in Nigeria, policies are there but lack of compliance
2. The Society of Chartered Surveyors (2006) is what’s happening in practice.
For instance, in Dubai, it takes eight months for a building
Identifies that upholding ethical principles is a key reason why
plan to be approved by Ike, (2012)13. He added that
people rely on professional bodies. Competence and trust are
contractors are not allowed to mobilize to site until after the
central elements in generating confidence in the professions
approval processes. Besides, materials have to be certified by
by The Society of Chartered Surveyors, (2006); Cartlidge
a consultant before they’re use on site; and each level of the
(2011)9 argues that professions can only survive if the public
building processes, must be inspected and approved. With
retains confidence in them. Transparency and ethical
these, government and professional bodies track and monitor
behaviour are particularly important for quantity surveyors
building production from the initial to completion phases.
who are involved daily with financial transactions such as

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020
Vol. 5, Issue 1, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 61-66
Published Online May 2020 in IJEAST (

In spite of the laws guiding the NBI, the problem substandard regularization of this market to reduce the uncertainly which
materials and lack of compliance have continued on the informs the investment decisions of financial institutions.
increase by Idoro, (2012)10. This is a serious bone of Various programmes have been suggested to encourage the
contention that influences cost, time and quality standards banks to establish specific loan-assistance programmes for
which affect project delivery. It is interesting to note that both emerging businesses but only the government can promote
civilian and military administrations have made the issue and sustain such programmes. Even access to a loan-
housing for all (new or improved) a policy or programme that guarantee fund can be established for encouraging emerging
was workable but unfortunate the implementation was not construction businesses. In addition, mechanisms can be
impressing. Poor management and delays of projects have led worked out to enable SMEs to cede contract payments to
to indigenous contractors suffer. financial institutions until their loans are repaid.
Project compliance can be used to mean the whole • Payment and surety arrangements
process of translating broad policy and procedures and
Sureties or performance guarantees for certain low-risk public-
specific programmes of action that can enhance project
sector contractors could be waived by government. However,
delivery. This forms the interaction between the setting of
these facilities will only be accorded to enterprises with a
goals and the actions required to achieve them. However well
demonstrable capacity to perform. Registration and
formulated a policy, unless action is taken to implement it, it
accreditation procedures, as well as performance monitoring,
remains only as paper work. Adherence to policy and
will minimize and limit risk in such cases cash.
procedures is the full range of managerial activities associated
with putting the chosen strategy into place, supervision of its • Skills formation and access to training
pursuit, and achieving the targeted result by Idoro, (2012)10. Access by emerging contractors to requisite construction skills
However, if there is no commitment from the organization's is tied to reorientation of the structure and funding of industry
leaders to implement policies and procedures to achieving training, in co-operation with industry stakeholders. The
quality, any effort to actualize it can lead to cynicism and government through her appropriate agencies should promote
lessen the likelihood of its adoption and success in future. the principle of equitable and manageable payment towards
Proper compliance results from administrative decisions on training costs and the ability of contractors to access both
how to do things and create fits between management policies artisan and entrepreneurial skills training through the auspices
and operations by Kabir, Bello, Kolo and Bustani, (2009)15; of a Sectorial education and training Authority. Generally,
Idoro, (2012)10 opined that administrative and managerial most small and emerging construction businesses are run by
elements are necessary to put a management policy into place persons who may or may not have vocational training
and that full implementation can take several months to years experience but are unlikely to have received any formal
depending on the amount of coordination involved. management training. Training schemes directed at enterprise
owners and managers should be encouraged.
C. Government Influence in enabling the Construction
Government has great influence in simplification and The study adopts a focused group discussion method. The
standardization construction industry as they have study explores both primary and secondary sources of data
fundamental power in: collection. Primary data were collected mainly through in-
• Enabling a continuous flow of work depth interview and Focused Group Discussions (FGDs). The
interview was carry out on contractors and foremen on
Only the government can promote a sustained effort to
construction site while the FGDs were conducted in two
ensuring a steadier and forecast-able flow of work suitable for
sessions. Each session featured five (5) participants in an
various categories of small and emerging businesses. It is
intensive deliberation on the subjects of study, with the
possible to extract information on the amount and types of
researcher providing the lead. The study conducted interviews
work suitable for various categories of small and emerging
with twenty people, eight contractors and twelve foremen.
businesses, and to direct these opportunities through
Secondary data were, however, collected through data
applicable procurement mechanisms and foster greater
retrieval technique from relevant scholarly textbooks, journals,
participation of indigenous capacities. This initiative will also
official publications, seminar and conference papers,
encourage private sector investment in the construction
newspapers and the Internet provided other sources of
secondary data.
• Access to finance
A. Target Population
The difficulties in securing credit for construction projects on
reasonable terms from Lending Institutions, especially for Target population as described by Borg and Grall (2009) is a
interim construction financing, is identified as a very universal set of study of all members of real or hypothetical
important problem of the Nigerian construction industry. A set of people, events or objects to which an investigator wishes
prerequisite for improved access to finance, is the to generalize the result. The target construction project

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020
Vol. 5, Issue 1, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 61-66
Published Online May 2020 in IJEAST (

population of this study was five government building

construction project in Enugu State while the study population
was Consultants, Client, Contractors, Services
Engineer/Project Manager, Architect, Civil/Structural,
Mechanical etc.
Therefore, populations of the study involve 20 interviewed
respondents and 5 FGDs participants were constituted through
purposeful sampling procedure. Apart from its ease of
administration, purposeful sampling helps to include identified
key informants in the sample population.
B. Sample and Sampling Technique
Sample is a small group of elements or subjects drawn from Fig 1: Researcher’s Conceptual Model for GAD, (2019).
the specified population of study. In other words, it is the
actual number or part of a study population that is objectively Therefore, the researcher found out that if a clients decided to
and systematically selected for the study. Moreover, we carry out his construction project without involving the
sample because the entire population cannot be studied. To Quantity Surveyor (QS) whose major duty is acting as the
determine the sample size of the above estimated population accounting auditor and purchasing officers in a construction
of 20 and 5 participations, Taro Yamane formula or any other site to regulate his building construction project will end up
statistical method was not employed because of the small wasting cost and time.
number of the population. The focused group was of the opinion that if the
government put their house in order by implementing the
C. Method of Data Analysis policies on regulating construction project as it will save the
The study adopts qualitative descriptive methods of analysis. country from high rate collapse building and financially loss
The qualitative element enables the researcher utilized focus resulting from delay of project delivery by Ayuba, Olagunju,
group discussion analysis with involved discussion and and Akande, (2011)6.
arguments points. The focused group had this to say on the issue of
D. Discussion Regulatory Boards in Nigerian. They stated that professional
bodies like Quantity Surveyors Registration Board of Nigeria
To analysis the objectives of this study, the researcher (QSRBN), National Environment Management Authority
formulated operational and conceptual models for the study as (NEMA), etc are not carrying out their task effectively and
shows below. efficiently.
 Operationalization of Model Variables Accordingly, the focused group discussants conclude that
immunity clause in the Nigerian constitution is an irritant as it
The study will make use of two groups of variables in this
covers or protects Nigerian leaders (political) and government
study, the dependent variable and the independent variable.
officials who commit financial crime especially that made for
Dependent variables for the study are
construction project.
 Construction project deregulated
 Material specification in BOQ, Policy and procedural is successful use in developed
 Cost economy but its use in Nigeria has a break borne. It led to
 Time many questions: Is policy framework being applied only by a
section of industry in Nigeria or by entire? Is policy
E. Conceptual Model for Focus Group Discussion framework seen by industry players as an effective tool that
The model is a map for Group Argument Discussion (GAD). will ensure quality and durability in the building industry? Is
Thus, the conceptual model is showed below, the right hand there resistance to the application of policy/procedural
side shows a construction project with deregulated materials framework by the industry? These posed a serious challenge in
as stated in bill of quantities (BOQ) while the left hand side the delivery of projects on quality, cost and time overruns;
shows a construction project with regulated materials as stated however, these challenges can be mitigated by compliance and
in the contract document. The central shows the Quantity adherence to professional ethics within the building industry in
Surveyor standing to control cost and time. At the end, the developing countries.
graph pointed that if one decided to move either right or left it The measuring tool for construction project delivery are
will end in cost. cost, time and quality standards this is because clients usually
demand for a better value on investments. As such, they want
projects to be completed on time, within cost and with the

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020
Vol. 5, Issue 1, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 61-66
Published Online May 2020 in IJEAST (

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