This document discusses maintaining radiant health on all levels - spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical. It emphasizes the importance of living harmoniously according to natural laws to balance the physical body and psychic body. The primary cause of illness is described as a lack of attunement with constructive natural forces. Good health requires a balanced diet, sufficient exercise, rest, and a healthy mindset free of negative thoughts. Proper care of both the body and mind are necessary to maintain overall equilibrium and harmony.
This document discusses maintaining radiant health on all levels - spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical. It emphasizes the importance of living harmoniously according to natural laws to balance the physical body and psychic body. The primary cause of illness is described as a lack of attunement with constructive natural forces. Good health requires a balanced diet, sufficient exercise, rest, and a healthy mindset free of negative thoughts. Proper care of both the body and mind are necessary to maintain overall equilibrium and harmony.
This document discusses maintaining radiant health on all levels - spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical. It emphasizes the importance of living harmoniously according to natural laws to balance the physical body and psychic body. The primary cause of illness is described as a lack of attunement with constructive natural forces. Good health requires a balanced diet, sufficient exercise, rest, and a healthy mindset free of negative thoughts. Proper care of both the body and mind are necessary to maintain overall equilibrium and harmony.
This document discusses maintaining radiant health on all levels - spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical. It emphasizes the importance of living harmoniously according to natural laws to balance the physical body and psychic body. The primary cause of illness is described as a lack of attunement with constructive natural forces. Good health requires a balanced diet, sufficient exercise, rest, and a healthy mindset free of negative thoughts. Proper care of both the body and mind are necessary to maintain overall equilibrium and harmony.
This issue of the Rosicrucian Digest is dedicated to
your radiant health on all levels of your being. So Mote It Be! The golden rule in matters of health is to harmoniously combine the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical conditions necessary for one’s general well-being. Sixth Temple Degree monograph The primary cause for all abnormal or subnormal mental and physical conditions in the human body is lack of attunement with the creative, constructive, harmonious forces of nature. H. Spencer Lewis The monographs of this degree contain a great deal of advice regarding the importance of harmonious living both on the physical and psychic planes. Therefore, we ask that you not merely read the contents of these monographs, but study them carefully and apply these teachings in your daily life. A person’s health is not improved by merely thinking about or wishing for good health. Rather, one must act in a practical way to make this desire become a reality. In the realm of health, as well as in other areas, the famous maxim “God [the Divine] helps those who help themselves” remains forever the expression of a great truth. Sixth Temple Degree monograph The first rule in maintaining good health consists of cooperating with natural laws and modifying any behavior that counteracts the positive action of these laws within us. Having a perfectly balanced diet in which one does not abuse certain foods or beverages; getting enough exercise while avoiding excesses; knowing how to rest and relax; these constitute the basic principles of good physical health. This physical health must be accompanied by a mental attitude that is as healthy as possible, because negative thoughts can result in many diseases. The secret of good health resides in maintaining both a healthy body and a healthy spirit. Liber 888 The major objective of the Sixth Temple Degree is to familiarize you with the most important functions of your physical body and to teach you how to interact psychically with them in order to establish and maintain harmony between the physical body and the psychic body. Sixth Temple Degree monograph Page 1 The glands have been found to be [the] intercommunicating instruments, [the] transformers, or [the] transmuters between the spiritual, divine, Cosmic self and the grosser, earthly, and physical self. They bring about within us a divine alchemy. H. Spencer Lewis In the realm of healing, we must study the fundamental cause of all illnesses and learn how to act within ourselves and within our environment so as to maintain as perfect a harmony as possible in all the functions and all the organs of our body – which is the prerequisite for protecting ourselves from most of the physical disorders we may experience. Sixth Temple Degree monograph The harmony we must maintain with regard to ourselves involves the body, mind, and emotions. Obviously, if we continually violate natural laws, we cannot maintain good health. We must therefore treat our body with the greatest respect, and not compromise its harmony. An unbalanced or excessive diet, lack of rest, and insufficient exercise are a few of the elements which disturb our body’s equilibrium. The same principle also applies to our mind. Because we live on the earthly plane, we must rely on its particular faculties. Reason is one of the most important, because our daily life is conditioned by our proper judgments. The more we apply our reason to healthy and useful reflections, the more we make it as it was meant to be – an instrument designed to express the best in ourselves. By using our reason to concentrate on useless and impure matters, we break the harmonious link that unites it with our soul. It is important therefore to reflect on subjects that are worthy of a mystic’s consideration. Reading interesting works, watching uplifting movies, and meditating upon the great issues of life are activities which help us to maintain harmony within our mind. As for the emotions, it is important to know that feelings based on anger, pride, jealousy, and spitefulness, etc., are quite harmful to our emotional well-being and consequently to our physical equilibrium. Even without going to the extremes we have just mentioned, feelings of fear, anxiety, and distress are equally damaging to the general harmony that should prevail on all levels of our being. Thus, we must do everything within our power to harmonize ourselves with the rhythm of pure and constructive emotions. We cannot know Peace Profound as long as we remain in a negative or discordant emotional state. Liber 777 In most dictionaries the word health is defined thus: “A complete state of physiological, psychological, and social well-being.” This definition is correct but incomplete, because the spiritual dimension of humans is not brought into play. Also, the physical body is the vehicle used by our soul for evolving when in contact with the material world. If the connections uniting these two aspects of our being are inharmonious, it will be impossible to achieve good health because we will have interfered with the flow of our own Vital Life Force. This means that disease does not necessarily have its origin in the actions of microbes or viruses. Rather, illness is quite often the expression of individual and collective violations of certain natural laws, or it results from an inability to remain Rosicrucian in harmony with cosmic laws working within us and around us. We can see therefore that Digest we, for the most part, shape our own health. No. 2 2019 Sixth Temple Degree monograph Page 2
Quantum Healing with Nutrition: A quantum healing guide to address stress, reverse illness, prevent disease, and discover your deepest happiness, using whole foods.