4-Mobilizes Transfer of Plasma Glucose From Liver To Other Tissues

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The following statements are true about insulin except:

1-promots glucose uptake by muscle and fat soluble.

2-prevent glycolysis.
3-mobilizes transfer of plasma glucose from tissue to cell membrane of cells.
4-mobilizes transfer of plasma glucose from liver to other tissues. ))‫((الصح‬
5- non of above.

The majority of the glycogen in the body is stored in the:

3-muscles and tissue.
5-A and B

The principle determinant of body water esmolality is:

1-sodoum concentration.
2-potassium concentration.
3-chloride concentration.
4-bicarbonate concentration.
5-glucose concentration.

The technician should inform the physician when blood glucose level is:


Which statement is true about chemical or latent diabetes:

1-the FBS exceeds 150mg\dl.

2-the oral glucose tolerance test is normal.
3-the 2 HR post pradial exceeds 180 mg\dl.
4-presence of acedosis and ketosis.
5-presence of sugar in urine.

A severe diabetes mellitus will bring about which condition:

1-electrolyte imbalance.
3-acidosis and ketosis.
4-all above
5-non of the above.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is called acid fast because :

1-its easily to stained by gram stain.

2-once stained it cant be removed by acid.
3-its easily decolorized after staining.
4-its very easy to stain .
5-its stained by an alkaline stain.

All of the following is a test for liver function except:

1- bilirubin in urine.
2- Bilirubin in serum.
3- Excretory function test.))‫((ماني متاكد من االجابه‬
4- Enzyme test .
5- Non of the above.

Parasite which doesn’t deposit eggs in the intestine:

5-T.spirali )) ‫((وهللا انا شاكك في االجابه‬

In spectrophotometer the amount of light absorbed is:

1-directley proportional to the amount of light transmitted.

2-inversly proportional to the amount of solute.
3-directly proportional to the concentration of the analyte.
4-inversly proportional to the absorbance.
5-inversly proportional to the emitted color.

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