Project Charter Template v1.0
Project Charter Template v1.0
Project Charter Template v1.0
This Project Charter Template is free for you to copy and use. Please feel free to provide
comments and feedback to help us improve this template for future users. This template is to be
distributed only through the PM Documents web site (
Project Charter
[Project Name]
[Company Name]
City, State Zip
1. Project Description..........................................................................................................................3
2. Project Purpose...............................................................................................................................3
3. Business Case...................................................................................................................................3
4. Business Requirements....................................................................................................................3
5. Assumptions....................................................................................................................................3
6. Constraints.......................................................................................................................................3
7. Risks.................................................................................................................................................3
8. Project Deliverables.........................................................................................................................4
9. Project Milestones...........................................................................................................................4
10. Project Manager..........................................................................................................................4
11. Project Roles and Responsibilities...............................................................................................4
12. Project Life Cycle Methodology and Tools...................................................................................5
13. Authorization...............................................................................................................................5
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Project Charter Template
1. Project Description
Explain what the project is, and how it will be accomplished. Explain the ultimate intended outcome of
the project. This should serve as a brief introduction. Provide some background about the history of how
the project got to this point.
2. Project Purpose
State the purpose of the project. Tie the purpose to the organization's strategic goals and objectives if
possible. Tell the reader why this project is being started and what need it is fulfilling. Identify if there
are any specific mandates, policies or laws that are driving this change.
Recibir la entrega del producto y almacenarlo en las bodegas en la region del Tolima.
3. Business Case
Provide information on how the project going to benefit the organization. Discuss the alternatives that
were considered, if any, and provide information on how the organization came to the selected approach.
4. Business Requirements
Identify the high level business requirements that the project is going to fulfill. Remember that this is not
a detailed list of system requirements.
Project Charter Template
5. Assumptions
Assumptions are conditions at the start of the project that must be considered. For example, when
developing the new software system that is going to take 3 years to fully complete, an assumption could
be that the project budget is approved each year for three years so that the project scope is not impacted.
6. Constraints
Constraints are situations or events on the ground that must be considered and accounted, for which the
project has no control over. For example, a constraint can be a hard deadline or completion date. Other
constraints could be resources, tools or hardware -- so that if the project has no budget for additional
servers, then the project must find a way to develop the new system using the hardware already in place.
This could mean juggling servers to fit specific development environment needs while ensuring that the
production environment stays up.
Restricciones: En cuanto a nuestra situación de negocio, una situación que se nos puede presentar
es la de un “paro”, podríamos resultar afectados directamente por este evento.
7. Risks
State the known risks. These risks are generally at a high level since not much is known about the details
of the project yet. If a Benefit-Cost Analysis was performed, then risks identified during the Benefit Cost
Analysis should be placed here. For example, if the project is going to span 5 years and touch multiple
third party systems, then integration and technology change would be risks to consider here. For
examples on how to write a risk statement, visit
Riesgos: Como un posible riesgo tenemos que tener un plan B, en el caso que se cierre un acuerdo y/o
tratado internacional con algunos de los países destino a exportar, donde se derivan contratos
bastante importante para la ejecución y crecimiento del producto, por ende nuestra rentabilidad.
Adicionalmente un cambio climático, donde nos pueda retrasar en la cadena de producción y puesta
en marcha de negociaciones presentes y a futuro.
Project Charter Template
8. Project Deliverables
Document what is going to be delivered at the completion of the project.
Entregable: Al finalizar nuestro proyecto, ejecutaremos entrega física bajo ducumento de estudio
de nuestro plan de negocio. Desglosando el ¿Cómo?, ¿Dónde?, ¿Cuándo?, así como los recursos
necesarios para la puesta en marcha del negocio, el cual nuestro accionista principal nos requirió
desde el comienzo de nuestro proyecto.
9. Project Milestones
Identify the project milestones.
Project Charter Template
Maintain traceability to requirements to ensure
that all requirements are tested.
Responsible for testing tools
13. Authorization
Provide the names of those business sponsors that must sign the Project Charter. Once the project Charter
is signed by the project sponsors, the project is authorized to start.
___________________________________________ Date:____________________
[Project Sponsor]