Jacqueline Butsavage Lesson Plan Template Use The Lesson Planning Guide For Your Classroom Presentation On Your Selected Course Topic. Objectives
Jacqueline Butsavage Lesson Plan Template Use The Lesson Planning Guide For Your Classroom Presentation On Your Selected Course Topic. Objectives
Jacqueline Butsavage Lesson Plan Template Use The Lesson Planning Guide For Your Classroom Presentation On Your Selected Course Topic. Objectives
NHE532 – Teaching Strategies Student Name:Jacqueline Butsavage
1. Was the instructional objective met? How do I know students learned what was
The instructional objectives were met, following the lesson plan template, and designing the
PowerPoint layout according to the lesson plan template. The students learned what was
intended by assigning a discussion board blog about; types and treatment of strokes, identify
personal risk factors and describe individual risk factors to having a stroke and explain the
prevention of stroke. The students have to respond to two peers’ posts in the discussion board.
Reflection on a lesson provides an opportunity to go over an evaluate the teaching and learning
process accomplishments or failures.
The students productively engaged, they asked good thought provoking questions throughout the
presentation. Reviewing the discussion board post students referenced the PowerPoint.
Refection is learning from every day experiences and make changes to our practices including
teaching and learning.
Slight alteration to the instructional plan, by answering questions that occasional changed my
train of thoughts by trying to completely answer the questions. Reflecting on the lesson I taught
and analyzed what I could have done differently, possible what I should have added, or would
have changed to make this lesson more interesting for the students to learn.
4. What additional assistance, support, and/or resources would have further enhanced this
Learning more computer skills and technique design to improve the PowerPoint lesson that could
have enhanced presenting. Reflecting helps make sense of an experience and can be
fundamental to making improvements to practice.
5. If I had the opportunity to teach the lesson again to the same group of students, would I
do anything differently? What? Why?
Reflecting on the lesson, I would try to slow down my talking. When I get nervous the faster I
talk. I would try to incorporate more teaching strategies, teaching different ways can stimuli
different thoughts to learn more information. Reflection is a metacognitive teaching and learning
strategy that can aid teachers and learners to consider take in to account individual experiences,
thoughts, and decisions (Phatcharapon, Kwanta, & Gorrell, 2017). Reflecting is an important
aspect in critical thinking, it provides an opportunity to think over what worked successfully or
what went wrong, and what was learned for future experiences. Reflection is examining what
we do, gaining new insights, new knowledge, new ways to teach and learn, building confidence
to make improvements on what can be effective.
Phatcharapon, T., Kwanta, B., & Gorrell, B. (2017). Can reflection be successfully implemented
Research, 21(1), 1-4.