(MU9MRB-Ib-f-5) (MU9MRB-Ia-h-2) (MU9MRB-Ic-f-3)

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
DepEd Eastern Visayas (Region VIII)
Brgy. Alang-Alang, Capitol Site, Borongan City 6800


Teacher EUGENIO C. DIALINO JR Grade Level 9

AUGUST 24-28, 2020 (WEEK 1)
CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates an understanding of the characteristic
features of the music of the medieval, renaissance and the baroque periods.
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: The learner performs selected songs from the medieval,
renaissance and baroque periods.
*chants *madrigals *excerpts from oratorio *chorales *troubadour
1. Describe the musical elements of selected vocal and instrumental music of medieval,
renaissance and baroque music. (MU9MRB-Ib-f-5)
2. Explains the performance practice (setting, composition, role of composers/performers
and audience). (MU9MRB-Ia-h-2)
3. Relates medieval, renaissance and baroque music to other art forms and its history
within the era. (MU9MRB-Ic-f-3)
24 25 26 27 28
What do you What is your What is What is
think will you To ensure favorite music? Medieval music? Renaissance
feel if there is no retention of the Do you know some How do music music? How does
music? previous lesson, religious music? from medieval medieval music
Were you aware the learners will How about secular period evolved differ from
that some music be asked certain music? on the latter renaissance
was composed questions. What is the years? music?
centuries ago? difference between What is Do you believe
On your own What is music? sacred music and Renaissance that music grow
idea, what is What are the secular music? period? What in limitless?
music? How elements in What is Medieval makes Why?
does music help music? music? What are renaissance What is Baroque
you in your its music features/ music distinct period? What are
everyday life? If you were to characteristics? from Medieval the music
Activity 1 compose music, Activity 1 period? features in this
“Music Survey” what type of “Connect Me” What is Vocal period?
Students will be music is it? It’s Students will be music? Who are Do you know
given a template atmosphere or given task wherein the famous composers in
to fill in mood? And why they will connect composers for this period?
according to do you compose pictures to each vocal music Name at least 2.
their personal such music? other in order to during the Activity 1
point of view on come up with the Renaissance “Baroque Music
music and how Activity 1 idea about the period? Word Search”
it helped them “SQUILT- Super lesson. Activity 1 The students will
in their daily Quite Activity 2 “True/False” be given a
lives. Uninterrupted ” Music Match” this will be used template/
Activity 2 Listening Time” “From the given to enable Worksheet to
“Guess Who?” characteristics on students think answer.
Will be used to Will be used to the music of as to what they Activity 2
enable learners help learners Medieval period know about “SQUILT”
have an idea of draw out the students are going Renaissance This will be used
the composer’s elements used to match as to music. by the learners to
long centuries in the what type of music Activity 2 describe the
ago. compositions they belong to. “Music characteristics
Activity 3 heard. Gregorian Troubadour
Compare & features of the
“Guess When” Contrast” baroque style
Students will Activity 2 Students will be and music.
classify the given a link or Activity 3
different terms “Feel the music” example of “My Baroque
as to when the Activity 3 audio Day”
type of music The learners will “Question containing two Students will be
exists & be given a set of Countdown” examples of given a sample
developed. questions from Students will be renaissance template to
the music they given a set of music. accomplish
have heard. questions to Activity 3 about Baroque
They will answer answer from the “Question period music as
it according to medieval period Countdown” to its elements.
what they feel music. Students will be
and expressed given a set of
while listening questions to
to the answer from the
compositions. medieval period

Prepared by:


MAPEH Teacher

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