ISSN: 0975-3710 & E-ISSN: 0975-9107, Volume 12, Issue 7, 2020, pp.-9692-9695.
Available online at https://www.bioinfopublication.org/jouarchive.php?opt=&jouid=BPJ0000217
Research Article
MESTA (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.)
Received: March 30, 2020; Revised: April 12, 2020; Accepted: April 13, 2020; Published: April 15, 2020
Abstract: The experiment was conducted during June 2019-November 2019 at Tamil Nadu Rice Research Institute, Aduthurai, Thanjavur to evolve suitable weed management
practices on weed characters and yield attributes of mesta. The results of this study showed that especially pre emergence herbicide as Pretilachlor 50 EC @ 900g/ha at 45-48 hrs
of sowing with irrigation + one hand weeding (15 DAE) registered lower weed dry weight and higher weed control efficiency in all stages of crop growth. All the growth and yield
parameters were significantly improved with application of pretilachlor 50 EC @ 900g/ha at 45-48 hrs of sowing with irrigation + one hand weeding (15 DAE) and it was provided a
weed free situation by timely control of weeds during the critical period of crop weed competition. However, higher net return (₹ 78000/ha) and benefit cost ratio (3.44) was
obtained in pretilachlor 50 EC @ 900g/ha at 45-48 hrs of sowing with irrigation + one hand weeding (15 DAE). Based on the results, it can be concluded that pre emergence
herbicide as pretilachlor 50 EC @ 900g/ha at 45-48 hrs of sowing with irrigation + one hand weeding (15 DAE) enhance the weed free situation, which was led to improving the
growth and yield of mesta.
Keywords: Roselle, Fibre yield, Herbicide, Weed dry matter, Weed management
Citation: Raju M. and Mitra S. (2020) Effect of Weed Management Practices on Weed Attributes, Growth and Yield Attributes of Mesta (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.).
International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, ISSN: 0975-3710 & E-ISSN: 0975-9107, Volume 12, Issue 7, pp.- 9692-9695.
Copyright: Copyright©2020 Raju M. and Mitra S. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Academic Editor / Reviewer: Archana S., Prof Jaime Cuauhtemoc Negrete, Dr T Kumareswari
Introduction Conventional manual weeding in raw jute involves around 40% of the total cost of
Mesta (Roselle: Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) is one of the most important plants of the cultivation [5] and fibre yield reduction is up to 70% under unweeded situation.
Malvaceae family and it known for both its economic and horticultural importance Most effective and economic cultural practices for weed control in mesta crop are
[1]. Africa is origin of kenaf and its various diversified forms of species are widely not clearly known to our farmers till date. In Tamil Nadu, mesta is grown mostly
grown [2]. Mesta has two species such as roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) and under intercrop situation and utilized for both fibre as well as vegetables. Severe
kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.). Among these two species, kenaf is grown in weed menace is noticed under this situation which is controlled by hoeing (hand
tropical and temperate regions. Other the fibre production, its seed is also weeding) and weeding and thinning operations involve about 50% or more of the
economically important because it has the potential of edible oil [3]. The plant is labour cost. Hence, it is necessary to identify suitable weed management
indigenous to tropic Africa. Roselle is used as fibre, forage and paper pulp and practices which can reduce the labour cost component and increase the net profit
has broadened our agricultural diversity to reduce pressure on forest resources. It to the mesta farmers who belongs to small and marginal category. Therefore, the
is one of the important bast fibre crops which stand next to jute in production. It is recent study has been taken to evolve suitable weed control methods for
the nearest ally of jute and plays an effective role in supplementing the short managing weeds at different growth stages, so that it can be recommended to
supply of jute industry. In recent years, this crop is gaining the attention of mesta growing farmers of Cauvery delta zone of Tamil Nadu.
research workers since it is also used as a raw material in the paper industry
substituting bamboo and eucalyptus whose supply is becoming scarce day by Materials and Methods
day. Mostly jute fibre is utilized for manufacturing of packing materials like jute A field experiment was conducted at Tamil Nadu Rice Research Institute,
bags and sacking of rice and pulses etc. Now, demand of mesta fibre is emerged Aduthurai, Thanjavur during June 2019-November 2019 under irrigated
to replace with jute packing materials after value addition which also provide long conditions. The soil of the experimental site is clay loam with pH of 7.5 and EC of
life. It is also used for making ropes, twines, fishing nets etc. The stalks are used 11.6 mS m-1 and nutrient status such as medium in available nitrogen
in making paper pulp, structural boards, and blends with wood pulp and for (240.2kg/ha) and phosphorus (63.0kg/ha) and high in potassium (210.3kg/ha)
thatching huts. Poor fertilizer management practices also a cause for low yield of content.
roselle. The production of quality roselle fibre in the country is very much essential The treatments were imposed under Randomized Block Design in three
to meet the increasing demand and expand this valuable crop. The yield of any replications. The treatments comprises of Pretilachlor @ 900g/ha at 45-48 hrs of
crop is mainly depending upon of the plant density per unit area. Therefore, sowing with irrigation + one hand weeding (15 DAE) (T1), Quizalofop ethyl 10% @
maintaining of optimum and uniform plant growth is essential and protected from 38 g/ha at 15 DAE + one hand weeding (30 DAE) (T2 ), Quizalofop ethyl 5 EC 60
biotic and abiotic stress. Among them, biotic stress is more contribution on yield g + Ethoxysulfuron @ 100g/ha at 15 DAE (T3 ), Quizalofop ethyl 5 EC 60 g +
loss in particularly weed menace. An effective weed management practice is Ethoxysulfuron @ 100g/ha at 15 DAE + one hand weeding (30 DAE) (T4 ),
necessary for higher crop production and better economic returns [4]. Propaquizafop 10 EC @ 90 g/ha at 15 DAE + one hand weeding (30 DAE) (T5),
Table-1 Weed biomass, weed control efficiency and weed index under different weed control methods at Aduthurai, Tamil Nadu
Treatments Weed dry Biomass Weed WCE (%)
(q/ha) index
15 35 45 (%) 15 35 45
T1: Pretilachlor 50 EC @ 900g/ha at 45-48 hrs of sowing with irrigation + one hand weeding (15 DAE) 0.32 0.56 0.36 0.00 73.65 46.80 73.69
T2: Quizalofop ethyl 10% @ 38 g/ha at 15 DAE + one hand weeding (30 DAE) 0.90 0.72 0.62 10.60 24.24 33.38 52.06
T3: Quizalofop ethyl 5 EC 60 g + Ethoxysulfuron @ 100g/ha at 15 DAE 0.60 0.78 0.72 17.19 50.49 27.80 45.49
T4: Quizalofop ethyl 5 EC 60 g + Ethoxysulfuron @ 100g/ha at 15 DAE + one hand weeding (30 DAE) 0.93 0.60 0.53 21.53 23.17 42.95 60.37
T5: Propaquizafop 10 EC @ 90 g/ha at 15 DAE + one hand weeding (30 DAE) 0.88 0.77 0.58 17.44 26.71 23.99 54.50
T6: Pedimethalin 35% EC @ 525 g/ha (48 hours of sowing with irrigation or sufficient rain) + one hand weeding (15 0.48 0.74 0.76 22.34 60.21 31.18 41.92
T7: Nail weeder at 5 DAE + Quizalofop ethyl 5 EC 60 g at 25 DAE 0.65 0.72 0.54 17.19 45.80 35.92 59.83
T8: Unweeded check 1.21 1.12 1.34 34.78 0.00 0.00 0.00
T9: Two hand weedings (HW)/ Mechanical Weeding (nail weeder) at 15-20 DAE and 35-40 DAE 0.72 0.56 0.40 12.09 39.90 43.74 67.70
SEm± 0.06 0.10 0.09 - - - -
CD(P=0.05) 0.17 NS 0.26 - - - -
HW: hand weeding; MW: mechanical weeding
Table-2 Yield attributes and fibre yield of mesta under different weed control methods at Aduthurai, Tamil Nadu
Treatments Plant height (cm) Basal diameter (cm) Fibre yield (q/ha)
T1: Pretilachlor 50 EC @ 900g/ha at 45-48 hrs of sowing with irrigation + one hand weeding (15 DAE) 263.8 2.52 27.5
T2: Quizalofop ethyl 10% @ 38 g/ha at 15 DAE + one hand weeding (30 DAE) 247.6 2.36 24.6
T3: Quizalofop ethyl 5 EC 60 g + Ethoxysulfuron @ 100g/ha at 15 DAE 244.0 2.34 22.76
T4: Quizalofop ethyl 5 EC 60 g + Ethoxysulfuron @ 100g/ha at 15 DAE + one hand weeding (30 DAE) 243.3 2.27 21.58
T5: Propaquizafop 10 EC @ 90 g/ha at 15 DAE + one hand weeding (30 DAE) 248.4 2.30 22.7
T6: Pedimethalin 35% EC @ 525 g/ha (48 hours of sowing with irrigation or sufficient rain) + one hand weeding (15 DAE) 246.9 2.29 21.35
T7: Nail weeder at 5 DAE + Quizalofop ethyl 5 EC 60 g at 25 DAE 244.1 2.11 22.55
T8: Unweeded check 208.1 2.10 18.95
T9: Two hand weedings (HW)/ Mechanical Weeding (nail weeder) at 15-20 DAE and 35-40 DAE 248.4 2.38 24.8
SEm± 3.5 0.04 0.57
CD(P=0.05) 10.4 0.11 1.7
HW: hand weeding; MW: mechanical weeding
Pendimethalin 35% EC @ 525 g/ha (48 hours of sowing with irrigation or sufficient Where,
rain) + one hand weeding (15 DAE) (T6), Nail weeder at 5 DAE + Quizalofop ethyl WCE (%)-Weed control efficiency in percentage
5 EC 60 g at 25 DAE (T7), Unweeded check (T8 ) and Two hand weedings (HW)/ WDc-Weed dry weight in unweeded check,
Mechanical weeding (nail weeder) at 15-20 DAE and 35-40 DAE (T9 ). The seeds WDt-Weed dry weight in treated plot
of mesta was treated with Mancozeb @ 3 g/kg seed against foot and stem rot
disease and sown with a spacing of 40 x 10 cm other than intercrop. Farm yard Weed index was computed by adopting the formula
manure @ 5 t ha-1 was applied during last ploughing. A common fertilizer dose of WI (%) = X-Y / X × 100
60: 13: 25 kg NPK/ha were applied as basal. The crop was maintained by Where,
adopting the recommended package of practices. Need based plant protection WI - Weed index
measures were taken up during crop growth period. The data on weed parameters X - Yield from minimum weed competition plot,
and plant height, basal diameter and fibre yield were recorded periodically and the Y- Yield from treated plot for which WI is to be worked out.
data was analysed as per the standard statistical procedures [6].
To account for the general weed flora of the experimental field, species wise Results and Discussion
weeds observed in the unweeded control plots were recorded at the period of Weed flora
maximum appearance of 30 days after sowing. Ten plants were selected at The major weed flora such as Echinochloa colona (L.), Echinochloa crusgalli (L.),
random in each plot and were tagged for recording the observations of the growth, Cynodon dactylon Pers and Panicum repens (L.) among grasses .In case of
yield attributes and yield. Crop was harvested at maturity, threshed and plot-wise sedges, Cyperus iria (L.), Cyperus difformis (L.), Cyperus rotundus (L.) and
seed and yields in kg/ha was recorded. Fimbristylis miliacea (L.) and Eclipta alba (L.), Marsilea quadrifolia, Ludwigia
Weed control efficiency was calculated by using the following formula parviflora and Commelina benghalensis among broad leaved observed in mesta
WCE (%) = WDc - WDt / WDc × 100
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