A Descriptive Checklist of Selected Manuscripts: in The Monasteries of Mount Athos
A Descriptive Checklist of Selected Manuscripts: in The Monasteries of Mount Athos
A Descriptive Checklist of Selected Manuscripts: in The Monasteries of Mount Athos
Microfilm 5042
A Descriptive Checklist
of Selected Manuscripts
A Descriptive Checklist
of Selected Manuscripts
Together With
L. C. card 57-60041
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Foreword ____________________________ _ v I. Manuscript Reproductions Available
Introduction: Report of the 1952-53 Mis- from the Library of Congress- Con.
sion Mt. Athos ___________ _____ _____ __ VII B. Georgian:
I. Manuscript Reproductions Available Monastery of I viron ___ _____ __ _ 18
from the Library of Congress C. Armenian:
,. A. 'G reek: Anatolia College, Salonika______ 18
'l 7);,"Y';") Monastery of Dionysios: II. Other Collections of Photographic
Microfilmed in full ____ ___ _ 3 Copies of Manuscripts at M t. Athos
Microfilmed in part- _____ __ 4 A. Deutsche Akademie der Wissen-
Monastery of I viron ___ ___ ___ __ 4 schaften, Berlin, Germany___ ___ 21
Monastery of The Lavra: B. Harvard University, Cambridge,
Microfilmed in full _______ _ 6 Massachusetts _ __ __ ________ ___ 24
Microfilmed in part___.!___ _ 11 C. Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire
Monastery of Pantokrator: des Textes, Paris, France _______ 28
Microfilmed in full _______ _ 12 Bibliography _ _ _ __ ________ _____ ___ _____ 35-36
Microfilmed in part_______ _ 13 I. Printed and Manuscript Catalogs
Monastery of Stravroniketa ___ _ 13 Available on Microfilm from the
Monastery of Vatopedi: Library of Congress ___ ___ ____ _ 35
Microfilmed in full _______ _ 14 II. Published Catalogs of M t. Athos
Microfilmed in part______ __ 17 Manuscripts _________ _____ ~ ___ 36
The purpose of this Checklist is to make known to scholars the existence and availability of photo
reproductions of manuscripts belonging to the various monasteries on Mt. Athos, Greece. The first
portion of the Checklist is devoted to a detailed description of manuscripts microfilmed by Ernest W.
Saunders of the Garrett Biblical Institute over a period of six months covering the latter part of 1952
and early 1953. Dr. Saunders, working on a United States Educational Exchange Grant for research
in Greece, microfilmed 209 Greek and Georgian Biblical manuscripts in full and selected portions of 44
others containing apocrypha and writings of several of the early Fathers. The microfilms prepared by
Dr. Saunders are in the Library of Congress and are available at the cost of positive prints, which may
be ordered from the Photod'uplication Service, Library of Congress, Washington 25, D. C.
In addition to heralding the availability of the Athos manuscripts to scholars and, in order to avoid
costly duplication of effort on the part of other scholars who might, in the future, journey to Athos on
photographing expeditions, Appendix II lists the photocopies available from three other known deposi
tories: Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, Germany; Harvard University, Cambridge,
Massachusetts; and the Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes, Paris, France. Inquiries
concerning manuscripts in these collections should be made directly to the aforementioned institutions.
When the Sinai-Jerusalem Expeditions of 1949 brarian of the Library of Congress, and with
50 completed their work of recording on microfilm Donald C. Holmes, Chief of the Library's Photo
the complete contents of 2,717 manuscripts,! there duplication Service, disclosed their keen interest
remained only one known center whose rich manu in the possibility of an expedition to Athos similar
script collections had not been thoroughly investi to the Sinai program. They pledged their assist
gated and made available to the world of scholars. ance to this pilot mission and promised to make
The t wenty ruling monasteries of Mount Athos in available a portable microfilm camera with a sup
Macedonia house a manuscript collection of stag ply of film once the necessary permissions to carry
gering proportions, estimated to number about on such work at Athos could be secured.
11,000 books which represent the vast learning of Although many scholars from Europe and
the ages of Athens and Byzantium. The work re America have visited the Athonite libraries during
ported in this Checklist is the result of a photo the last 75 years, only K. Lake, who traveled
graphing program which extended over a period of among them in 1899, attempted any extensive
six months in 1952 and 1953 and brought back the copying of New Testament tests. 3 For his icono
largest single collection of photographs ever taken graphic studies, K. Weitzmann of Princeton
at Athos. With the use of an electrically operated University, has systematically photographed many
microfilm camera lent by the Library of Congress, of the miniatures found in these biblical manu
there were copied the texts of 209 Greek and scripts.4 Furthermore, a German expedition of
Georgian manuscripts· of the Bible, ranging in age 1942 enabled F. Dolger and his associates to ·
from the sixth to the fifteenth century, and selected recorq Oli film the great collection of monastic
portions of 44 others containing documents of the charters, property deeds and chrysobuls which .
apocryphal New Testament, writings of John of completed a task initiated--as early as 1857 when
Damascus and Theophylact of Bulgaria, and var Russian scholar, P. I. Sevastianov, did the first
ious books of Byzantine music and letters. photographing of manuscripts at Athos. 5 Father
In July, 1952, notification was received that I M. Richard of the Parisian Institut de Recherche
had been awarded a United States Educational et d'Histoire des Textes, added some 9,915 frames
Exchange Grant for research in Greece. My proj of selected manuscripts to the Institute's collec
ect had been defined as a photographic mission to tion as a result of his visit in 1951. 6 He has made
Mt. Athos in the interests of the International subsequent trips in 1953 and again in 1955.
Greek New Testament Project.2 A conference Even though pr~parations were made with great
with Verner W. Clapp, then Chief Assistant Li- haste, it was nearly two months after arrival in
I See K. W. Clark, "Exploring the Manuscripts of Sinai and Jerusalem'" 3 K. Lake, "Texts from Mt . Athos" in Studia Biblica et Ecclesiastica, V,
The Biblical Archaeologist, XVI (May, 1953),22-43. A full account of the pt. 2 (1902), 88-185, and the Jo·u rnal of Theological Studies, I (1900), 290-292.
results may be found in his Checklist of Man u scripts in St . Catherin e's Mon 4 K. Wietzmann, Die by zantin ische Buchmalerei des 9. und 10. Jahrhunderts
a., tery, Mount Sinai (Wasingto Jl : Library of Congress, 1952), and in the (Berlin, 1935) .
Chec/."list of Manuscripts in the L ibraries ofthe Greek and A rmenian Patriarchates - , "The Narrative and Liturgical Gospel Illustration," in M. M . P arvis
in JeTtLsalem (Washington: Library of Congress, 19.53). The expeditions and A . P. Wikgren, New Testament Manuscript Studies , (Chicago, 1950.)
were jointly sponsored by the American Foundation for the Study of Man, ~ F . Dolger, Aus den Schat zkammern des Heiligen Berges (Munchen:
the Library of Congress, and the AmericaR Schools of Oriental Research. F . Bruckmann Verlag, 1948), 2 vols.
2 M . M . P arvis, " The International Project to Establish a New Critical 6 M . Richard, " Rapport sur une Mission d'Etudes en Grece, 1951," in
Apparatus of t he Greek New Testament," Cro zer Quarterly, XXVII (Oct., Bulletin d'Information de l'Institut de Recherche et d' Histoire des Textes, r
1950), 301- 308. (1952) 48-80.
43 07580- 5 7- 2
Salonika before the first trip to the Holy Mountain World War I from the monasteries at Serres and
was made. The list of those who expedited the Drama. 7 In the library of Anatolia College in
plans is a lengthy one, but special acknowledg Salonika I came upon a mutilated Armenian
ment is gratefully recorded here of several to manuscript of the Four Gospels . which was later
whom I am especially indebted. John N uveen, photographed for this collection.
former Chief of the United States ECA mission to December 11 was Departure Day. A truck
Greece introduced me to several American officials from the American Mission transported all our
'in Greece who made their resources available; in supplies including the Recordak camera and two
particular, Russell P. Drake and Archie Johnston portable electric plants, one loaned by the Greek
of the Mutual Security Agency. Albert Miller, Army and the other by the United States Infor
Chief of the U. S. Information Service in Salonika, mation Service, across the peninsula of Chalcidice
not only offered the use of equipment, but, as a to the little fishing village of Ierrisos. My com
professional photographer, advised m.e on tech panion was John E. Keshishoglou, a photo
nical problems encountered. In Athens, I had reporter for a daily newspaper in Salonika, who
the pleasure of meeting Professors N. Louvaris had agreed to join me in this expedition as photog
and H. Alivisatos who generously prepared letters rapher and general assistant. A four-hour trip
of introduction to the Metropolitan of Salonika by fishing boat the following morning brought us
and to the Holy Synod of Athos. Our cultural to the ancient monastery of Vatopedi, a seacoft,st
attache, W. E. Weld, Jr., assisted me in obtaining monastery located about the midpoint of the
the necessary permission from the Ministry of eastern side of the peninsula, where we were
Foreign Affairs. Early in November I was to carryon our work for the next month and a
granted an audience with His Holiness, the Ecu half. Traveling on immediately by mule to
menical Patriarch Athanagoras in Istanbul. The Karyes, capital of the little republic, we presented
gracious hospitality and keen interest with which our credentials the following morning to the holy
he received the plans for a photographic mission Epistasia, or executive committee, and received
confirmed the testimony of other friends that this in return the official diamonitirion which gave us
supreme leader of the Eastern Orthodox Church access to the libraries and treasuries of the Atho
is a devoted friend of America and one who is both nite monast.eries. We were commended to the
aware of the religious treasures his church holds hospitality of the twenty Holy and Venerable
as trustee and desirous that they be shared with Monasteries of Athos that we might accomplish
all Christendom. The learned Metropolitan of our "holy purpose to study and photograph co
Thessaloniki, Panteleimon, and Dr. S. Pelekanides, dices, manuscripts and holy treasures." The
curator of Byzantine antiquities in Macedonia, famous seal was affixed, a quarter of which is
greatly encouraged me by their interest and held in the possession of each member of the
offered assurances that the Athonite communities Epistasia, and the date stamped . November 30,
would cooperate with our research program. 1952, according to the old Julian calendar which
While I awaited the arrival of the photographic is still followed in all but one of the monasteries
equipment by air service from the United States, of Athos. Here in Karyes we met the Honorable
I searched Salonika for certain New Testament Constantine Constantopoulos, his Majesty's rep
manuscripts known to have been located there. sentative at Athos, a sensitive and learned person
The abbot of Moni Vlatadon, the sole monastery who is devoted to the purpose of acquainting the
remaining in the city, informed me that their 9 present communities with the rich tradition of
New Testament manuscripts had been transferred the Byzantine civilization which they have in
to Moni Iviron on Athos for safekeeping during herited. He is no less concerned about encourag
World War II and remained there still. The ing the interest of scholars in Athos as a center
New Testament manuscripts which were formerly of Byzantine studies.
housed in the First Greek Gymnasium are now Throughout our stay at the tenth-century
domiciled at the National Library in Athens,
7 Cf. M. Richard, Repertoire des Bibliotheques et des Catalogues de Manuscrits
including some 247 (and 7 fragments) of the 691 Grecs (Paris, . Centre de Documentation de Centre National de la Recherche
manuscripts taken by the Bulgarians during Scientlfique, 1948), 43, 98. A revised edition will soon appear.
monastery of Vatopedi we were granted every and librarian of the splendid collection of Greek
courtesy and privilege. The library, which is and' Georgian manuscripts. On the following day
located in an ancient tower, as is customary among we were able to select and photograph the four
these monasteries, provides excellent storage Georgian manuscripts requested by Canon Briere
facilities for its well-bound and carefully kept for his critical edition of the Gospel of Luke in the
books. Because of the winter's chill, a specially Georgian version. Thanks to Father Athanasios
heated room was made available to us by the considerable freedom was accorded us in dai1;
kindly epitropoi, and Fathers Porphyrios and working schedules; thus, we were able to work from
Gennadios, the librarians, supervised and en 8 :30 in the morning until 8 or 9 o'clock in the even
couraged our task. Here in this idiorhythmic ing. Physical descriptions of each manuscript
monastery of about fifty men the day began 'at were recorded, foliations checked and corrected,
five o'clock with the singing of the Liturgy, and colopho.ns transcribed before the manuscript
following which we were permitted to enter the was passed from the editor's table to the camera
Libr~rv to select our books for the day's work. lens. At night, test strips were developed and
So obliging was our aged supervisor that he often examined carefully by flickering kerosene or can
remained with us during the mid-afternoon vesper dle light. At intervals of 3 to 4 weeks the
service so that we might continue our work with exposed film was carried back to Salonika from
out pause. With our microfilmi~g at Vatopedi whence it was flown by diplomatic air pouch serv
virtually completed, distressing news arrived ice to Athens and on to Washington for processing.
from Washington on January 20 that an improper During our I1-day stay at Iviron, 34 Greek
camera adjustment had resulted in copies slightly manuscripts out of the total of 1,386 reported by
out of focus and hence not compatible with the Lambros were photographed. Permission was
exacting standards microfilm copy must meet. denied to copy MS. 1, a 10th century lectionary,
Of the 56 manuscripts photographed, 33 had to and MS. 23 could not be located. The Greek
be retaken, although this was only a small frac manuscripts here have been completely recata
tion of the total of about 1,686 handwritten books loged, but by the use of the concordance which the
in this monastery's possession. librarian had prepared, one can readily identify
The need for a thorough survey of the many the manuscripts desired. The library is located
scattered skitai and kellia of Athos was confirmed above the narthex of the church in a small but well
by visits to two which are related to Vatopedi. lighted, dry room.
At the Skete of Hagios Demetrios we found 35 The small monastery of Pantokrator received
manuscripts and a handwritten catalog. At the us on March 2-7 for a 3-day visit. With great
tiny Roumanian kellion of St. Hypatios, where effort our heavy equipment was carried up the long
we were royally received, half a dozen Roumanian winding staircase that led to the library on the
manuscripts were brought out for our admiration. second floor of the tower. The manuscripts were
It is impossible here to describe the extensive in considerable disarray, but Father Eugenios, the
Byzantine remains in the forms of inscriptions, librarian, informed us that renovations begun on
mosaic, frescoes, relics, cbrysobuls, icons, enamels, the library had been temporarily halted when it
and reliefs which 'are to be found wherever the was learned that the government intended to pro
traveler goes. Elsewhere we have given some vide steel cases and shelves for the books. We
account of these treasures which constitute Athos were privileged to study and photograph a beauti
a veritable Byzantine museum. 8 ful copy of the New Testament kept in the treas
We arrived at our second monastery, I viron, on
ury of the church, known as the Gospels of John
February 17, at the beginning of the 50-day fast
until Pascha. Here we were welcomed by a French Kalyvitas. Beautifully written in a very small
speaking monk, Father Athanasios, who serves as hand, the book contains New Testament writings,
the monastery's official host to all foreign visitors a Psalter, selections from the Fathers, novellae, and
a profusion of tiny paintings of biblical personages
8 See the writer'S article, "Operation Microfilm at Mt . Athos" in tha
Biblical Archatologio!t, XVIII (May, 1955), 22-41. Cf. F. DOlger, Moncho!land
and fathers of the church. In all, 10 manuscripts
Athoo! (Munchen, 1945) . of the 234 were photographed; a shortage of fuel
for the motor prevented the copying of one other university students to the Lavra for the Easter
which was on our work program. festival. Remembering the captain's word, "You
The' monastery of Stavroniketa is the smallest have to make a contact with God to go to the
community on the Mountain. In response to our Lavra," we counted ourselves fortunate to have
shouted greetings, when we arrived on March 30, suffered only 2 days' delay because of rough
the ailing epitropo8 and librarian, Father Euthy seas. At the Lavra we joined a small company
mios, finally appeared. A younger monk, Father of Greek and British visitors who had come to
Chrysostom, the only young man in the com ob~erve these holy days according to the centuries
munity of 13 men, was detailed to help us old liturgies of the Eastern Churches. The Lavra
carry the equipment up the steep slope from the is .the oldest of the Athonite communities, founded
beach, for the monastery's only lay assistant was in 963 A. D. by St. Athanasios who left a laura or
away at Karyes with his mule. The room to which community on Mt. Kyminas in Bithynia to estab
we were directed looked down upon the rocky cliffs lish this new community at the southern tip of the
several hundred feet below lashed by a snarling Athonite peninsula under the patronage of his
March sea. Our uneasiness was not put to rest boyhood friend, the Emperor Nicephoras Phocas
when we learned from our genial young host that II (963-.,.-9). It boasts a splendid library, tl}e
the foundations had been seriously weakened by center room of the three-room, all-stone building
an earthquake and necessary repairs would require containing the magnificent manuscript collection.
an expenditure of several billions of drachmas! Father Panteleimon, a gentle and learned man,
During our stay of 4 days, a visit was made to showed us every kindness during our lengthy stay
the Skete of Hagios Andreas just outside ' the of 28 days. Amidst the glad cries of Christos
village of Karyes. We stood in mute admiration anesti ek nekron, which ushered in the begin
before the magnificent paintings, executed in ning of a new church year, we commenced
Moscow, of the great katholikon, now closed except our task following a new daily schedule from
for occasional use because the community which 6:30 to 10:30 in the morning and from 2:30 to
once numbered 2,000 men has diminished to a 6:30 in the afternoon. Our special mentor into
pathetic 20. A few years may bring to a sad end whose custody we were assigned, Father Gregorios,
t.he long Russian tradition at Athos; indeed, bar proved to be a very amiable person and an enter
ring a miraculous improvement in international taining conversationalist. A valuable week's time
relations, the foreign monasteries of Athos will was lost because of a delay in a shipment of film
soon become extinct. 9 which we sorely needed; however, the chief ob
The library at Stavroniketa is unfortunately stacles to our work were encountered in the form
located in a dark and damp room on the court of transportation delays and mechanical break
yard level and the mildewed books were sadly downs of our electric plant.
disarranged. Lambros listed 169 manuscripts The wonders of the Lavra treasury and library
owned by this monastery; we photographed 7. beggar description. It was a rare privilege to be
MS. Stav. 43 deserves note among examples of the permitted to photograph the magnificent gilt
finest medieval book illustration and miniature silver covers of the famous Lectionary of Nice
paintings. The portraits of the Evangelists and phoras Phocas II, although, to our regret, the
the church Fathers together with the familiar contents could not be microfilmed. Of the many
Eusebian canon tables are of magnificent design lectionaries assembled here, eight were chosen to
and execution and are remarkably well preserved. be photographed because of the uncial script in
On Good Friday, April 3, we said farewell to our which they were written. Codex Laurensis (044)
friends at Stavroniketa and loaded our baggage and Codex S (049), two eighth-century uncials,
aboard a caique which was transporting some were found lacking any protective covers and
shelved indiscriminately with the rest. Though
g There were about 450 non-Greek monks on Athos in 1953 and the number
declines steadily by death. There have been no additions to the Rus1'ian com
they have been previously photographed, it was
munities ~ince the Bolshevik revolution. No Roumanians have been per decided to copy them again. In all, our Lavra
mitted to enter since 1927 and despite' the improvement of relationships enterprise was remarkably successful, resulting in
between Greece and Yugoslavia, no novices had entered the community of
Chiliandari up to 1953. the complete copying of 79 manuscripts out of the
total collection of 2,148 volumes, and selected (Greg. L 640). Through the kindness of the
'portions of 26 others requested by European and abbot, Father Gabriel, we were permitted to
American scholars engaged in special research photograph in color the introduction and con
projects. clusion of the magnificent chrysobul of Alexius III,
A day's journey to the Skete of Kousokalyvia dated in 1374 and authorizing the establishment of
made possible the photographing of a dated manu the monastery, a document that Professor G.
script of the Acts, Epistles and Apocalypse (Greg. Millet had once begged unsuccessfully to examine.
2431), but we searched in vain for MS. 2 (Greg. A final few days were spent at Vatopedi where
2424) a fragment of four leaves of Hebrews re our work had begun six months earlier. Our
ported to date from the 10th century. mission came to a close on the 23d of May when
Sailing around the southern tip of the peninsula, we sailed for the last time from Vatopedi to
we arrived at the monastery of Dionysios on the Ierissos. Extensive photographing had been car
afternoon of May 13. This was our first experi ried on in six of the principal monasteries. A total
ence in a monastery of the cenobitic pattern, of 209 manuscripts had been microfilmed in en
although we had made an overnight visit to tirety; 44 others in selected portions. Every
Gregorios in December. There was some con where we were received with cordiality and ex
fusion in the work schedule for several days while tended many courtesies whicn facilitated our
guests and hosts tried to adjust to the other's laborious tasks. In each monastery the holy
system of reckoning time, for in the cenobitic com fathers had offered their customary hospitality to
munities, the old Byzantine horology continues to their visitors, and had expressed their deep con
be employed. Father Gabriel, the abbot, was cern for the preservation and wider usefulness of
keenly interested in our work and extended to us the precious parchments they hold in custody.
many courtesies. An English-speaking monk, With another traveler, we could heartily say,
Father Hilarion, entertained us with a cup of "C'est l'accueil si fraternel que nous avons re9u
"American coffee" in the little cell he has named dans tous les monas teres que no us avons visites
his "Queen Mary cabin." Under the watchful * * * N ulle part, il ne nous a ete rien demande
eye of witty Father Euthymios, the librarian, our pour nos frais de sejour * * * nous avons vu
photographing began. beaucoup de saintete' au Mont-Athos, et ce n'est
In addition to some 200 incunabula, this rich pas la Ie moindre benefice de notre voyage." 11
collection ' includes 798 manuscripts. Lambros We acknowledge our sincere gratitude to these
lists 586, and a Supplement publish~d by E . men for their generosity in sharing these treasures
Kourilas continues the collection from Nos. 587 of the Christian past with all who earnestly devote
762. However, the manuscdpts have been en themselves to a reverent study of the Word of
tirely renumbered by the librarian and the con God. No less today than in former years, the
cordance he has prepared is correlated only with communities of Athos thereby continue to make a
the Lambros catalog. A beautifully written special contribution to biblical scholarship.
manuscript catalog of Father Euthymios describes
additional manuscripts unmentioned by Lambros Selecting and Editing the Manuscripts
or Kourilas. A check of the supplementary cata
The chief purpose of this six months mission
logs revealed at least 5 additional biblical items
at Mount Athos was to microfilm approximately
beyond those appearing in Lambros or Gregory.10
350 New Testament manuscripts in these libraries
Uncial materials photographed at Dionysios in
which were representative of Von Soden's subdi
cluded 8 folios of a ninth century copy of the
visions of the Koine recension, the readings of
Gospel of John (Greg. 050); 13 other leaves are
which might ultimately be incorporated into the
located in Athens, Moscow, and Oxford. The
new apparatus criticus now being compiled by the
eighth century Four Gospels Ms. 55 (Greg. 045)
International Greek New TeRtament Project.
was rephotographed and two upciallectionaries of
C. R. Gregory's catalog, based on the visits he
the same period, Ms. 90 (Greg. L 627) and Ms. 86
made to Athos in 1886, 1902, and 1906, provided
10 Kourilas: 3 Four Gospels; 2 Evangelia.. Ellthymios: 2 Four Gospels; 3
Evangelia, one dated 1201 A. D . II M . R'ichard, Rapport ., p . iO.
invaluable help. In addition, the catalogs of a rich assortment of stray leaves from continuous
S. P. Lambros and S. Eustratiades were available text and lectionary manuscripts ranging from the
in the monasteries visited, although they are eighth to the eleventh centuries, a number of the
frequently inaccurate and certainly incomplete. pieces in uncial script. Some identifications of
At the Lavra permission was granted to photo these fugitive pieces have already been made.
graph the great manuscript catalog of Father Every effort was made to secure the most
Chrysostom employed by Eustratiades. Further important biblical texts. This involved not only
more, we microfilmed the Library's copy of the a careful study of the published catalogs, but also
Eustratiades catalog containing numerous cor a patient combing of the shelves to confirm and
rections by the present librarian, Father Pante supplement the catalog descriptions. Careful
leimon. Two manuscript catalogs of Father notations were made of the binding and the
Panteleimon were microfilmed, one describing an general conditions of each manuscript chosen to
additional 27 manuscripts in the library; the other be copied. Folios were checked and errors noted
listing a supplementary 36 manuscripts to the where corrections in the original manuscript were
printed list of 79 liturgical texts which are kept impossible. New measurements were taken and
in the katholikon or Great Church. At Dionysios all original colophons were copied directly from
we were permitted to see but not to photograph the manuscript itself since they are often badly
Father Euthymios' supplement to the catalog of faded and the film copy is difficult to read. In
Lambros. We were told that Father Alexandros the list that follows, local library numbers appear
of Vatopedi is preparing a catalog of the texts at together with the accepted numeration universally
the Skete of Hagios Dionysios and others scattered employed for New Testament texts. The total
about in various kellia and kalyvia. number of folios is given and any errors in the
Our program of work was only partially fulfilled. foliation of the manuscript are noted. In many
But, in addition to the principal portion of the instances selections from the church fathers
desiderata on our original list, we were able to appearing in an accompanying commentary to the
meet the requests for special materials received text are identified. Since the measurements were
from nine scholars and institutions in America very carefully taken and an average compiled, it
and Europe. I t will be seen from the Checklist was decided to supply this information as a check
that these included liturgical, patristic, and musi upon, and correction to other published descrip
cal writings. Three dated manuscripts containing tions. Scribes and dates are identified. Tech
the full text of the New Testament were photo nical difficulties were legion for the microfilming
graphed: Vatop. 966 (1289 A. D. replete with operation: thin vellum revealing the writing from
miniatures); Lav. A.99 (1317 A. D.); and Omega the opposite side; tight bindings preventing flat
141 (1328 A. D.). The oldest dated Greek openings; badly water-stained parchment and
manuscript copied was Four Gospels (Vatop. worm-eaten paper; diminutive books written in
949) bearing the name of the scribe Ephraim and a microscopic hand. Withal, however, the scholar
the date 949 A. D. C. R. Gregory, who saw the is presented with a copy of his manuscript which
manuscript on a visit in 1902, believed that the is the most accurate facsimile science can offer.
colophon was added by a later hand but admitted, The preparation of this Checklist has involved
"Das Jahr passte ganz gut," 12 but a Georgian many months of editing the processed film. and of
manuscript of the Gospels at Iviron (83) bears checking and compiling data. The author wel
the date 913 A. D. Five uncial straight-text comes any inquiries for information beyond the
manuscripts were microfilmed, a Four Gospels descriptions given here. Corrections and supple
(Dion. 55); Gospel of John (Dion. 2); Apocalypse mentary information are earnestly solicited. It
(Pant. 44); Praxapostolos (Lay. A.88); and a New is our fervent hope that this pioneer project rep
Testament lacking the Apocalypse (Lav. B.52). resents truly a pilot' mission, a preliminary phase
In addition, thirteen lectionaries written in uncial in a large-scale operation which will establish a
letters were included. Ms. Vatop. 1219 contains microfilm record of the chief contents . of these
12 C. R . Gregory, Textkritik des Neuen 1'estaments (Leipzig; J. C . Hinrichs'
monastic libraries to meet the immediate research
Bucbbandlung, 1900-(9), III , p. 1160. needs of international scholarship and to provide
an imperishable resource for future labors. It is tional Greek New Testament Project, has given en
worthy of note here that many of the Athonite couragement and assistance. Professor G. Ernest
leaders urged strongly that steps be taken in this Wright graciously granted consent to the use of
fashion to ensure the survival and the availability some of the material I published in the Biblical
of their manuscript treasures. It is a sad commen Archaeologist. I am deeply grateful to Verner W.
tary on our present civilization that in their frantic Clapp, former Chief Assistant Librarian, and to
struggle for survival men may permit the slow Donald C. Holmes, Chief of the Photoduplication
deterioration or sudden destruction of that legacy Service of the Library of Congress, who supplied
from an earlier time which gives continuance to the necessary photographic equipment and who of
the past and meaning to the present. ered valuable counsel on many technical problems.
As this Checklist neared completion, I consid Charles G. LaHood and his staff have expended
e~ed the possibility of extending its usefulness by every effort to develop the excellent form in which
recording, in addition to these films in the Library the Checklist appears. Whatever deficiency re
of Congress collection, the facsimiles of Athonite mains must be attributed to the writer alone. Had
manuscripts included in other library collections. it not been for the leave of absence and material
With the aid of the Library of Congress, permis assistance extended through Dr. Horace G. Smith,
sion was secured to reproduce the lists of Harvard former president of Garrett Biblical Institute, this
College Library, the Institut de Recherche et d'His program could never have been begun. Mrs. Seth
toire des Textes in Paris, and the Deutsche Aka P. Bower prepared a large section of the type
demie in Berlin. I am deeply grateful to Robert script and helped bring order out of a chaos 6f
H. Haynes, Assistant Librarian of the Harvard notes. But most of all, I am indebted to my wife
College Library, to my good friend Pere Marcel not simply for her help in the typing and proof
Richard of Paris, and to Professor Kurt Aland of reading of this manuscript, but for keeping her
Berlin for their willingness to place their library lonely vigil with the children in Salonika during
catalogs at my disposal and to permit the inclusion those six long months when I stepped backward
of their Athos photographs and films in this Check in time into the lVIiddle Ages seclusion of Athos,
list. " Jerusalem of Orthodoxy."
Throughout the period of work at Athos and ERNEST W. SAUNDERS,
the subsequent completion of this Checklist, Pro Garrett Biblical Institute,
fessor Merrill M. Parvis, director of the Interna Evanston, Illinois.
I. Collection of Microfilm Reproductions of Manuscripts
at Mt. Athos Available in the Library of Congress
Chrysostom, Eusebius, Origen, Severus of 26.8 x 20.3 cm.; 1 col. (11.8 x 8.6); 20 lines.
in a lOth cent. copy of Homilies and Festi Miniatures: Mt (f. 21v); Mk (f. 119v); Lk
Text begins at In 2:11; ends at 3:8. A colophon on f. 373v gives the date 1311 and
34.3 x 24.8 cm.; 1 col. (21.9 x 13.6); 121. (old 34). (Greg. 942). Four Gospels. Ilth
23 lines. f. 1-6 paper, (Note on the 13th cent. 383 f. vellum 54 ft.
Apostle lections)~ 14.3 x 11.8 cm.; 1 col. (9.4 x 6.4); 18
In (f. 211).
160. (old 29). (Greg. 937). Four Gospels. 11th
388. (old 173). Festival Discourses and Lives
cent. 256 f. vellum 38 ft.
of the Saints. 1636 A.D. paper 6 ft.
16.0 x 13.2 cm.; 1 col. (10.8 x 8.6); 22
John of Damascus, f. 4-9; 24-28r.
f. 242 paper.
Microfilmed in full.
On f. 339va colophon identifies the date as
257. (old 320). (Greg. 962). Four Gospels. Commentary. 12th cent. 264 f. vellum
f. 114.
6 ft.
total 15.6); 20 lines.
John of Damascus: On Circumcision,
f. 143v-144v.
170. (old 19). (Greg. 994). Matthew and John
with Commentary of Cyril of Alexandria . ~~.
70. (old 162). Lives, Witness and Memoirs of 10th/11th cent. 246 f. vellum 44 ft.
the Saints. 17th cent. paper 6 ft. 28.4 x 21.7 cm.; 1 col. (22.2 x 15.2);
87. (old 79). Inspirational History. 14th cent. Text begins at Mt 2:19.
vellum 9 ft.
John of Damascus: History of Barlaam and
Joasaph, f. l-lOv; 137r-147r; 261-271. 178. (old 599). (Greg. 1021). Four Gospels with
Commentary of Theophylact. 13th cent.
246. (old 148). Miscellany. 1540 A.D. paper 372 f. vellum 57 ft.
6 ft. 27.4 x 19.3 cm.; 1 col. (20.5 x 13.5);
489v. Life, by John of Jerusalem, Unnumbered folios following 132, 262, 319,
f. 618v-621v. 320.
340. (old 169). Festival Discourses and Lives 203. (old 7). (Greg. 991). Four Gospels. llth/
of the Saints. 1599 A.D. paper 13 ft. 12th cent. 215 f. vellum 37 ft.
John of Damascus, f. 59v-67; 3l2-322v; 26.3 x 20.0 cm.; 1 col. (18.9 x 13);
24 lines.
371-385v; 434-462v.
Two no. 87. Text begins at Mt 13:1.
217. (old 665). (Greg. 1028). Matthew with 35~. (old 379). (Greg. 2074). Apocalypse with
Commentary. 11th cent. 79 f. vellum 16 ft. Commentary. lOth cent. 221 f. vellum
25.1 x 17 cm.; 1 col. (13.l x 7.8, text); 36 ft.
5~ ft.
373. (old 780). Liturgical Book. 1400 A.D.
Two no. 144. 1~5. 168 f. paper 30 ft.
21.8 x 14.4 cm.; 1 col. (15.~ x 8.8);
245. (old 39). (Greg. L 680). Apostolo-Evangelion. 23 lines.
13th cent. 264 f. vellum 41 ft. Includes lections from the Evangelion
24.5 x l6.~ cm.; 1 col. (lB.3 x 10.5); 36 and Apostolos for special days together
lines. with liturgies, offices, prayers, and
Two no. 65; folio omitted after f. 90. the heothina.
Later hand on paper folios scattered from Colophon on f. l68r identifies the date
1 to 54. f. 255 on by different hand as February 1400.
(another ms.?) • .
260. (old 31). (Greg. 999). New Testament ,(lacking 40~. (old 37). (Greg. 1855). Praxapostolos.
Rev.). 13th/14th cent. 360 f. vellum 56 ft. 13th cent. 211 f. vellum 37 ft.
23.5 x 16.8 cm.; 1 col. (16.3 x 11.0); 29 21.9 x 18.6 cm.; 1 col. (15.5 x 11.3);
lines. 25 lines.
Two no. 11; unnumbered folio following
273. (old 34). ,(Greg. 2073). Apocalypse with f. 169; f. 127-130 paper.
Commentary of Andreas; John Chrysostom on
Rule of Spiritual Instruction. 1316 A.D.
155 f. vellum 25 ft.
~53. (old 647). (Greg. 1027). Four Gospels with
23.5 'x 16.4 cm.; 1 col. (17.B x 9.5)
28 lines. Commentary of Theophy1act. 1492 A.D.
f. 73. 128. 157 omitted. Later hand: 449 f. paper 74 ft.
f. 2-5 (paper). 20.9 x 14.4 cm.; 1 col. (15.7 x 11.0);
Colophon on f. l56v identifies the date 29 lines (av.) •.
Colophon on f. 449r names the scribe as
as 1316.
Ba1iante the Sinner and the year 1492.
24 lines.
Colophon on f. 190v names the scribe 65~. (old 30). (Greg. 998). Four Gospels. 12th
as Theophylact and the date as 1291. cent. (?) 215 f. vellum 38 ft.
20.3 x 14.0 cm.; 1 col. (13.3 x 8.4); 23
342. (old 809). (Greg. 1030). Four Gospels with lines.
Psalter and Liturgical Material. 1518 A.D. Blank paper f. 45-50; 67-72; 169-177.
503 f. paper 79 ft. Colophon on f. 210v identifies the scribe
22.7 x 16.1 cm.; 1 col. (16.7 x 10.5); as Theodoros Hagiopetrites.
25 lines.
(f. 251); Gregory the Theologian (f. 252); 726. (old 55). (Greg. 1005). Four Gospels. 14th
Colophons on f. 491v contain the name of the 19.9 x 1~.5 cm.; 1 cor. (14.9 x 10); 26
the date April, 1518 in Iviron. Another Headpieces and miniatures: Mt (f. 5v, 6r);
colophon on f. 497r warns against any sepa Mk (f. 67v, 70r); Lk (f. lllv, 112r); Jn
728. (old 56). (Greg. 1006). Four Gospels and 992. (old 67). (Greg. 1011). Four Gospels.
Apocalypse. 11th cent. 226 f. vellum 34 ft. 1263 A.D. 151 f. vellum 22 ft.
34 lines. No.6 omitted; two no. 29,
191, 199.
Paper f: 1, 2, 19, 20, 22-29, 30-48
(f. 142v).
on f. l50r, 1263 A.D.
Unnumbered folio following f. 96.
1519 A.D. 249 f. paper 42 ft. lines. Two no. 62, 226.
folios stained.
13th cent. 232 f. vellum 41 ft. Unnumbered folios following f. 52 and 157.
( L.£v~a)
Rhodes and the date of completion as
Microfilmed in full.
May 6, 1642.
lines. Foliator skips nos. 243-282. Two no. 23. Mt 16:2,3 omitted.
lines. f. 1, paper.
1047 A.D.
A.7. (Greg. 1444). Four Gospels. 10th/11th cent. A.15. (Greg. 1080). Four Gospels with Commentary.
345 f. vellum 50 ft. 9th/10th cent. 408 f. vellum 63 ft.
15.1 x 12.1 em.; 1 col. (10.3 x 6.6); 20 19.3 x 13.9 cm.; 1 col. (10.6 x 6.3); 16
lines. Contains Eklogadion. lines.
Mt 16:2,3 marked. Mk 15:28 omitted. Mt 16:2,3 added in margin. In 7:53-8:11
Miniatures: Mt with Philip (f. 13v); omitted.
Baptism of Christ (f. 102r); Lk and Paul Miniatures: Mt (f. 3v): Mk (f. 122v); Lk
(f. 161v). (f. 197v); In (f. 321v).
A.39. (Greg. 1470). Four Gospels. lOth/11th A.56. (Greg. L 1077). Evangelion. 7th-10th cent.
cent. 215 f. vellum 37 ft. 199 f. vellum 34 ft.
20.8 x 14.9 cm.; 1 col. (13.8 x 8.3); 24.5 x 18.6 cm.; 2 col. (19.3 x 15.6,
23 lines. total 13.5): 20 lines: average 13 uncial
Lacks In 7:53-8:11. letters to the line: .45 high.
Colophon on paper fly certifies the Two no. 15: no. 193 omitted.
purchase of the book by Ignatios in
the island of Euripos in the year 1598.
A.57. (Greg. 1483). Four Gospels. 11th-13th
cent. 272 f. vellum 48 ft.
A.43. (Greg. L 1074). Evangelion. 1289 A.D. 24.5 x 20.0 cm.; 1 col. (16.3 x 11.9);
123 f. vellum 21 ft. 20 lines.
21.8 x 16.5 cm.; 1 col. (18.2 x 12.1); In 7:53-8:11 marked.
26 lines.
Contains 3 pages of another Gospel
lectionary at beginning and end, with A.61. (Greg. 1486). Four Gospels. 1098 A.D.
four pages of a Menaeon. 233 f. vellum 40 ft.
Colophon on f. 121v identifies the 24.6 x 19.9 cm.; 1 col. (14.8 x 12.0);
scribe as Gabriel the Reader who 24 lines.
finished the book on Oct. 1, 1289. In 7:53-8:11 obelized.
Colophon on f. 233r identifies the
scribe as Luke and the date 1098.
A.46. (Greg. 1476). Four Gospels. 1333 A.D.
346 f. vellum 54 ft.
21.3 x 15.9 cm.; 1 col. (13.2 x 8.7); A.67. (Greg. 1492). Four Gospels. 1342 A.D.
21 lines. 345 f. vellum 48 ft.
Folio cut out between 271 and 272. 23.8 x 14.9 cm.: 1 col. (14.3 x 7.2);
No. 241 omitted. 21 lines.
Miniatures: Mt (f. 16v); Mk (f. Illv); ~IO no. 41. In 7:53-8:11 obelized.
Lk (f. 174v); In (f. 276v). Colophon on f. 343v identifies the
Colophon on f. 347r identifies the date date as July 19, 1342.
of completion as 1333.
A.88. (Greg. 049). Praxapostolos. 8th/9th cent.
A.113. (Greg. L 1109). Evangelion. 1361? A.D.
149 f. vellum 25 ft.
351 f. vellum 51 ft.
28.1 x 19.0 cm.; 1 col. (21.5 x 13.0); 34.4 x 26.1 cm.; 2 cols. (22.1 x 6.8,
30 lines; 33 uncial letters to the line, total 16.2); 22 lines.
•25 high.
f. 349-351 by later hand •
Text ends at Eph 6:20.
Miniatures: Jn (f. 4v); Mt (f. 48v);
Lk (f. 118v); Mk (f. 210v).
The first seal on f. 349v gives the date
A.91. (Greg. 1132). Praxapostolos and Apocalypse. of writing April 11, 1361; the last seal
1384 A.D. 193 f. vellum 30 ft. on f. 351r, April 16, 1408, but the script
25.4 x 11.1 cm.; 1 col. (11.6 x 10.6);
seems to be of the 12th century.
21 lines.
304 f. vellum 43 ft. Paper f. 105, 106, 231, 232 by later hand.
25~6 x 18.3 cm.; 2 cols. (11.9 x 15.1, Miniatures: James (f. 55v); Peter (f. 61v);
total 12.1); 22 lines; average 10/11 uncial John (f. 11v); Jude (f. 80v); Paul (f. 111v).
letters to the line; .35 high. Colophon on f. 233v identifies the date as
as 1311.
52 ft.
added in margin.
No. 166 omitted. Lacks Acts 21:43 - end.
A.I08. (Greg. L 1105). Evangelion. 1th-lOth part); 1 col. (15.0 x 9.0); 31 lines; 35
33.0 x 25.3 cm.; 2 cols. (23.2 x 8.2, 133 is omitted. 8 folios of minuscule
letters to the line, .45 high. Text begins at Mk 9:5; ends at Heb 9:19.
Lacks Jn 1:53-B:ll.
430758 0 - 57 -4 9
B.61. (Greg. 1738). Praxapostolos. 11th-13th cent. r.53. (Greg. 1513). Four Gospels. 11th-14th cent.
164 f ~ vellum 28 ft. 168 f. vellum 29 ft.
22.6 x 18.2 cm.; 2 cols. (15.2 x 5.2, total
21.9 x 16.7 cm.; 1 col. (16.2 x 10.8); 23
11.9); 2~ lines.
lines. No. 101 omitted.
B.64. (Greg. 1739). Praxapostolos. 10th-14th cent. r.54. (Greg. 1514). Four Gospels. 11th-14th cent.
102 f. vellum 19 ft. 264 f. vellum 42 ft.
23.2 x 17.6 cm.; 1 col. (16.9 x 10.8 (av.»;
22.2 x 17.4 cm.; 1 col. (14.8 x 10.2); 20
35 lines.
lines. Unnumbered folios following 107,
f. 1 half-uncials in other (later?) hand.
112. 127.
cent. 1 f. vellum
20.9 x 16.6 cm.; 1 col. (11.9 x 9.1); 24
24.7 x 18.9 cm.; 2 cols. (20.2 x 5.5, total lines. Unnumbered folio following 12.
line, .45 high. Bound as coverguard in Text begins at I Cor 2:12. Ends with
r.12. Idiomela. lOth cent. 83 f. vellum 15 ft. r.lOO. (Greg. 1519). Four Gospels. lOth-12th cent.
18.3 x 14.6 cm.; 1 col. (12.8 x 8.3); 18
179 f. vellum 31 ft.
25.7 x 19.2 cm.; 2 cols. (18.7 x 5.0, total
Lk 22:44 marked.
r.43. John of Damascus. 14th cent. 163 f. vellum r.lOl. (Greg. 1520). Luke and John. 11th cent.
29 ft. 80 f. vellum 15 ft.
21.9 x 14.5 cm.; 1 c·)1. (15.: x 9.4); 38-40
24.0 x 18.7 cm.; 1 col. (14.1 x 11.7);
22 lines.
r.48. (Greg. 1510). Four Gospels. 11th-14th cent. r.123. (Greg. L 1159). Apostolos. 1331 A.D.
211 f. vellum 36 ft. 277 f. vellum 47 ft.
20.9 x 16.7 cm.; 2 cols. (13.8 x 4.6, total
31.5 x 24.2 cm.; 2 cols. (21.2 x 6.4,
199-211 (paper).
Colophon on f. 276v identifies the
as Euthymios.
E.117. (Greg. 1614, Aland La 1630). Evangelio A.174. (Greg. 1647). Four Gospels, Chrysostom's
Apostolos with Beatitudes of the Eight Modes. Comm. on Lk, John Climacus: Logoi.
1324 A.D. 231 f. paper 39 ft. 1274 A.D. 233 f. paper 37 ft.
22.8 x 15.1 (av.); 1 col. (16.5 x 9.7);
23.9 x 17.5 cm.; 1 col. (15.1-16.8 x 9.3);
begins f. 196.
24 lines.
paper 57 ft.
Colophon On f. 208r identifies the
22 lines.
K.190. (Greg. 1751). Praxapostolos. 1479 A.D. Colophon on f. 340r identifies the scribe
172 f. paper 32 ft. as Sabba, the donor Joseph, and the year,
with music.'
B.4. Canons of the Saints. 11th cent. 149 f.
vellum 5 ft.
Two Canons to St. Thomas, f. 22-35.
~.128. (Greg. 1642). New Testament (lacking Rev.). Colophon on f. 125r contains prayer of
1278 A.D. 321 f. paper 54 ft. John and Naukratios.
21.4 x 14.0 cm.; 1 col. (17.3 x 10.1);
34/35 lines.
B.6. Miscellaneous Canons. 13th cent. 123 f.
On f. 156r a colophon identifies the scribe
vellum 5 ft.
as Gregory the Sinner and the date and
A.169. (Greg. 1645). Four Gospels. 1303 A.D. r .31. Geronticon. 13th cent. 206 f. vellum 5 ft.
355 f. paper . 52 ft. John of Damascus: On the Withered Fig Tree,
24.8 x 16.8 cm.; 1 col. (17.1 x 9.4);
f. 75v-80v.
24 lines. With Synaxarion, Menologion
~.44. Lives of the Saints for September. 11th cent. H.35. Miscellany. 17th cent. 193 f. paper
}46 f. vellum 5 ft. 6 ft.
32.2 x 24.3; 29 lines. John of Damascus: On the Patropassians
Protevangelium of James, f. 327-331. and Monophysites, f. 64-12; On the One
ness of God, f. 91-92; On the Holy Trinity,
f. 94-98; 108-113.
~.50. Lives of the Saints (Sept •• Oct., Nov., Dec.,
May). 1040 A.D. 407 f. vellum 5 ft.
31.4 x 24.9; 37 lines. H.39. Theodore of Studium. 17th cent. 103 f.
Protevange1ium of James, f. 33r-40v. paper 6 ft.
John of Damascus: Prayer of Supplication,
f. 96-103.
~.68. Meno1ogion. 11th cent. 285 f. vellum
5 ft.
E.141. Menaion for Oct. 1383 A.D. 175 f. paper 28. (Greg. 1900). Praxapostolos with Commentary
12 ft. (Isadore of Pelusium, John Chrysostom,
Protevange1ium of James, f. 135v-138r. Severianos, Diodoros of Tarsus, Theodore of
(6 ft.). Mopsuestia, Acacios, Apo11inarios). 9th/10th
John of Damascus: On the Entrance of the cent. 270 f. vellum 46 ft.
Virgin into the Temple, f. 160-165 (6 ft.). 31.6 x 24.0 cm.; text 9.6 - 11.1 x 9.6;
f. 196-201.
29. (Greg. L 1056). Evangelion. 1291 A.D.
E.190. Lives of the Saints. 1646 A.D. 416 f. 211 f. vellum 36 ft.
paper 6 ft. 33.0 x 23.3 cm.; 2 cols. (20.2 x 7.5,
88 f. vellum 18 ft.
20 lines.
27.8 x 21.7 cm.; 2 cols. (12.9 x 5.2,
in August, 1366.
Thaumaturgos (f. l2r); Lk (f. l2v);
37 lines.
234. (Greg. 1404). New Testament with Selections Text of the Apocalypse f. 63r ~ 106r.
from the Fathers, Psalter, and other Eccle Includes Chrysostom's Commentary on the
siastical Writings. 13th cent. 547 f. Gospel of John. Gregory of Nyssa on Easter
46 lines.
129. (Greg. L 813). Apostolo~. 1554 A.D. 162 f. 852. (Greg. 1119). Praxapostolos and Apocalypse.
paper 29 ft. 1281 A.D. 210 f. vellum 35 ft.
18.8 x 14.0 cm.; 1 col. (14.8 x 8.6); 11 22.5 x 11 cm.; 1 col. (16.1 x 12.8); 25
Colophon on f. l6lr identifies the date as Numbers 11, 91, 115 omitted; folio un
Microfilmed in full.
853. (Greg. 1120). Praxapostolos. lOth or 11th
11. (Greg. 1113). Apocalypse with Commentary of cent. 355 f. vellum 45 ft.
Andreas. 12th-14th cent. 188 f. vellum 18.2 x 12.3 cm.; 1 col. (11.6 x 1.2); 20
33.3 x 25.6 cm.; 1 col. (23 x 15.5); 24 Folios mutilated: 10, 293, 304, 318, 348,
lines. 350-52.
245. (Greg. 2191). Theophylact on Paul and 859 . (Greg. 1125 ). Praxapostolos. 1361 A.D.
Catholics. 12th-14th cent. 401 f. vellum 229 f. vellum 39 ft.
68 ft. 26 x 18.3 cm.; 1 col . (18 x 11.5); 23
26.4 x 19.9 cm.; 1 col. text and comm. lines.
on f. 1.
333. (Greg. 2186). John Chrysostom et al. on 861. (Greg. 1121). Praxapostolos. 12th-14th
Hebrews, Catholics; Andreas on the~pocalypse. cent. 241 f. vellum 38 ft.
45 ft.
Thutas (scribe 1).
162. (Greg. 2191). Psalter, New Testament (lacking 866. (Greg. L 1126). Apostolo-Evangelion. 12th
Rev.). 12th cent. 349 f. vellum 38 ft. cent . 284 f. vellum 35 ft.
16 x 10.5 cm.; 1 col. (11.8 x 1); 33 lines. 15.3 x 11.6 cm.; 1 col. (10.8 x 1.0); 19
Unnumbered folios following 162 and 163; no. lines. Double no. 15. f. 206-211 by other
211 omitted. f. 5-16, 332-348, paper. hand; f. 212-282 on paper.
Contains Prayers, Troparia, Synaxarion, and One vellum fly from a lectionary at begin
Canons of Supplication. ning and end with uncial writing of 1th-9th
Miniatures: Virgin with two archangels cent.
(f. 11r); Eternal Father with saints and
Birth of Christ (f. 89r); Matthew (f. 89v); 819. (Greg. L 1121). Evangelion. 12th cent.
Resurrection (f. 185r); John (f. 185v); 28.4 x 23.5 cm.; 2 cols. (19.5 x 8, total
Jude (f. 330r); Stephen the Younger, Stephen Colophon on f. 211v identifies the date of
the first martyr, Stephen the martyr (f. 330v) dedication as March, 1151 A.D. in Kastron,
884. (Greg. 1539) • Four Gospels. 11th or 12th
90l. (Greg. 1547). Four Gospels. 1339 A.D.
by later hand.
Colophon on f. 255r identifies the scribe
13. x 10.5 cm.; 1 col. (9 x 7): 18 lines. 29.3 x 21.3 cm.; 1 col. (20.7 x 14.6);
Lacks Jn 21:14 - End. 27 lines. Text begins at Mt 4:20.
Colophon on f . 338v and 339r identifies
the scribe as Theophanos the Wr etched who
888. (Greg. 2307). Gospel of Matthew. 11th cent.
completed his task in the year 1359.
64 f. vellum 12 ft.
19.8 x 14.7 cm.: 1 col. (13 x 9.7): 21 lines. 904. (Greg. L 1132). Evangelion. 1353 A.D.
Belongs with Vatop. 890. 28.4 x 20.2 cm.; 1 col. (20.2 x 13.2);
19 lines.
53 f. vellum 10 ft.
abbot of the monastery of St . George;
19.8 x 15 cm .: 1 col. (12.8 x 10): 21 the date, the 2nd of June , 1353: and
Peri cope Adulterae in margin, f. 22r, in
red. Text ends at 20:26. 906. (Greg. L 1133). Evangel1on . 12th/13th cent .
186 f. vellum 33 ft.
31.7 x 25.1 cm.; 2 col s . (21 x 7.3, total
891. (Greg. 1607). Four Gospels (Mk, Lk). 11th
16.6); 22 lines. No. 144 omitted.
cent. 127 f. vellum 20 ft.
897. (Greg. 1542) . Four Gospels. 12th-14th cent. Periboliotissa by the priest George and
898. (Greg. 1543). Four Gospels. 1355 A.D. Text of Mt begins at 7:4.
18 x 12.3 cm.; 1 col. (15 x 9): 25 lines. Lk (f. 119v): Jn (f. 211v).
920. (Greg. 1557). Four Gospels. 1293 A.D. 932. (Greg. 1566). Four Gospels. 11th-12th cent.
268 f. vellum 35 ft. 128 f. vellum 22 ft.
17.3 x 13 cm.; 1 col. (13.9 x 8.5);
26.6 x 20.8 cm.; 2 cols. (17.2 x 5.6, total
of In.
1105 A.D.
Later hand: f. 3-30 (paper); 325-335;
929. (Greg. 1563). New Testament (lacking Rev.). 944. (Greg. 1577). Four Gospels. 1303 A.D.
12th/13th cent. 306 f. vellum 43 f t . 281 f. vellum 34 ft.
20. 6 x 15.2 cm.; 1 col. (14.7 x 10.2); 15.5 x 11.7 cm.; 1 col. (11.4 x 7.8);
20 lines.
949. (Greg. 1582). Four Gospels. lOth cent. 969. (Greg. L 1143). Evangelion. 11th-13th
20 lines.
25 lines.
at end of John.
972. (Greg. 1730). Praxapostolos. 11th cent.
In (f. 158v).
Unnumbered folio following f. 94. Later
Miniatures: Mt (f. 12v); Mk (f. 70v); Lk
448. Logoi. 18th cent . 107 f. paper 4 ft. 655. Ptolemy, Geography. 13th cent. 296 f. vellum
James on the Birth of the Theotokos, 9 ft.
f. 1-7. Maps of Europe, f. 33v-42; Maps of Africa,
f. 43-44; Maps of As ia , f. 45-54. First page
of Strabo's Geography, f. 70r.
636. Festival Discours e s. 1417 A.D. 385 f. 1527. Psaltike (Ana grams for September to March).
paper 5 ft. 1434 A.D. 321 f. paper 5 ft.
Protevangelium of James, f. 25r-35v. f. 310v-314, music for vespers according
to the use of Hagia Sophia.
20.4 x 15.5 cm.; 2 cols. (13. x 4.2, total total 8.9); 21 lines.
9 . 6); 19 line s •
f; 296,297 mutilated.
paper 41 ft.
(f. 218v).
Colophons on f. 142 and 217 include name
6. Gregory of Nyssa.
1. Basil.
lr-71v. 39. Maccabees I.
Gregory of Nyssa. 231v-258r (except: 231r-236r; 248v).
131r-230v. Photocopy.
292. Athanaslus.
lr; 314v-319r.
B.13. Basil.
354. Eunomius; Basil.
Iv-9v (only verso sides).
Photocopy. Photocopy.
~~----- .-----~
B.28. Athanasius. ~.7l. Gregory of Nyssa.
lr-14-3r. 7r-llr (only recto sides); 2lr; 25r;
Microfilm. 27r; 29r.
B.29. Athanasius.
5r-24-v. A.197. Life of Meletius.
Microfilm. l59r-174-r.
B.4-0. Gregory of Nyssa.
33v-70r. A.198. Basil: Letters.
Photocopy. 191r-200r.
B.5l. Basil.
B.58. Athanasius.
B.59. Gregory of Nyssa.
87. Gregory of Nyssa.
Photocopy. 36v-4-5r.
B.77. Basil.
32r-6lr (only recto sides).
r.73. Basil.
r.88. Basil.
6. Athanasius.
180. Eusebius: Praeparatio Evangelica.
lr-361r (entire manuscript).
3v-l04v; 352v-382r. (105v-129v
only verso sides).
7. Athanasius.
268. Life of Antony.
38. Pseudo-Athanasius.
lr; 2r; 32r.
594. Athanasius.
Life of Metrophanis.
605. Athanasius.
2. (Greg. L 580). Evange1ion. 9th-10th 63. (Greg. 1107). James (in a Praxaposto1os
with Commentary). 13th cent.
3. (Greg. 905). Four Gospels. 12th cent. 64. (Greg. 1108). Acts (in a Praxaposto1os).
13th cent.
14th cent.
186. (Greg. 986). James, Apocalypse (in a New
Testament) . 14th cent.
33. (Greg. 941). James (in a New Testament
lacking Apocalypse). 13th-14th cent. 198. (Greg. 1902). James (in a Praxaposto1os).
14th cent.
68. (Greg. 1099). James (in a Praxaposto1os).
14th cent.
14th cent.
57. (Greg. 1067). James (in a Praxaposto1os).
25. (Greg. 980). Four Gospels. 1129 A.D. 14th cent.
80. (Greg. 1069). James (in a Praxapostolos). r.55. (Greg. 1515). Four Gospels. 13th cent.
1262 A.D. ?
r.57. (Greg. 1741). James (in a Praxapostolos).
81. (Greg. 1070). James (in a Praxapostolos). 14th cent.
13th cent.
r.75. (Greg. 1742). James (in a Praxapostolos).
82. (Greg. 1859). James, Apocalypse (in a 14th cent.
Praxapostolos with Apocalypse). 14th
r.78. (Greg. 1743). James (in a Praxapostolos).
14th cent.
83. (Greg. 1860). James (in a Praxapostolos).
13th-14th cent.
r.80. (Greg. 1072). James, Apocalypse (in a
New Testament). 14th cent.
90. (Greg. 1058). James (in a New Testament
lacking Apocalypse). 1145 A.D.
E.157. (Greg. 1617}. James, Apocalypse (in a
New Testament). 15th cent.
275. (Greg. 1861). James (in a Praxapostolos).
16th cent.
E.164. (Greg. 1618). James (in a Praxapostolos
with John). 14th cent.
356. (Greg. 1704). James (in a New Testament).
1541 A.D.
E.175. (Greg. 1619). James (in a New Testam~nt
lacking Apocalypse). 14th cent.
II .182. (Greg. 1649). James (in a New Testament
lacking Anocalvose). 14th cent.
B.28. Athanasius. 12th cent. A.195. (Greg. 1075). James, Apocalypse (in a
New Te stament). 14th cent.
B.53. (Greg. 1509). James (in a New Testament
Q.128. (Greg. 1747). James (in a Praxapostolos). MONASTERY OF HAGIOS PAULOS
14th cent.
2. (Greg. 1862). Acts, Epistles, Apocalypse
Q .131. (Greg. 1748). James. (in a Praxapostolos). with Commentary (in a Praxapostolos with
1662 A.D. Apocalypse). 9th cent.
1791 A.D.
13. (Greg. L 730). Evangelion. 9th cent.
523. (Greg. 1777). Apocalypse with Commentary 14. (Greg. L 734). Evangelion. 9th cent.
(in part). 19th cent.
20. (Greg. L 735). Evangelion. 9th cent.
552. Athanasius (in Patristic Texts): On
Virginity. 16th cent.
32. (Greg. 1863). James (in a Praxapostolos).
14th cent.
52. (Greg. 1864). James, Apocalypse (in a
24. Old Testament. lOth cent. Praxapostolos with Apocalypse). 12th
13th cent.
58. (Greg. 1400). James (in a New Testament 7. Athanasius. 12th cent.
lacking Apocalypse). 13th cent.
171. Apostolic Constitutions, Palladios,
Theophilus. 10th cent.
86. Ephraim Syrus (in Church Fathers). 13th
236. Basil, Serapion, Patristic Letters (in
Theodoros the Monk et ~.). 11th cent.
127. George Scholarius (Gennadios}. 15th cent. Photographs.
- - - -----.-...- - -- - -
266. Ecclesiastical Canons. 1104 A.D. 694. (Greg. 1542). Four Gospels. 14th cent.
290. On Heresies (in Histories). 11th cent. 716. (Greg. 1555). Four Gospels. 13th cent.
lOth cent.
15th cent.
666. (Greg. 1725). James (in a Praxaposto1os). 781. (Greg. 1604). Four Gospels. 13th cent.
1367 A.D.
268. Lucian of Samosata.
f. 279v-344.
34. Gospels.
f. l82v-190.
276. Ignatius the Deacon, Tetrasticha.
f 88-100.
60. Euthymius Zigabenus, On the Psalms.
f. 15-53. 287. Ignatius the Deacon, Aesop.
f. 3-6.
70. St. John Chrysostom, On I Corinthians.
f. l49v-153.
86. Commentary on the Psalms.
f. 1-41, l83v-185, 239v-240, 24lv-243,
244v-247v (end). 2. St. John Climacus.
f. 1-15, 19lv-192.
3. Apocalypse.
371. Harmenopoulos, Hexab1blos. f. 395v-405.
278 fo110s (all).
14. St. Cyril of Alexandria. Treasury. 290. Canonical and juridical works.
157 folios (all). f. 261v-267, 272-276, 373v-383.
215. Meteorology.
5. Pseudo-Clementine Homilies; Barlaam B83. Commentary on the Psalms.
and Joasaph.
462 folios (all).
90 a. Gospels.
f. 5-6, 9v-ll, 33v-34, 41v-42, r 28. Kontakia.
f. 1-36. cohabitation.
f. 15v-71.
B 37. Geronticon.
f. 1-15, 172v-175, 215v-228. r 112. Octateuch.
628. Byzantine music.
A. 79. St. Theodore of Stoudion.
f _ 1 -2_
H179. Gregory II, Letter to Emperor Leo III. Q 61. Agrarian laws.
f. 161-172. f. 1-5.
A 7. Aesop.
f. 208-233v.
45. Gospels.
A.55. John Kameniates, On the downfall of
f. 43-47, 82v-86.
f. 147-205.
73. Agrarian laws.
Photocopy only (18 x 24 [cm]).
f. 46-52.
234. Theological, canonical and juridical 59. St. Basil (1064 A.D.).
texts. f. 3-5, 32v-33, 253v-256v.
f. 302v-547v.
8. Collection of hagiography.
221 folios (complete).
f. 259-298v.
84. Life of St. Simeon Stylites, the Younger.
113. Pseudo-Athanasius, On the image of Christ. f. 83';-105.
f. 62-72.
114. St. Gregory of Nazianzus, Letters.
f. 15lv-256.
162. Euthymius Zigabenus.
53. Octateuch.
446 folios (complete).
267 folios (all).
25. St. John Chrysostom, On illicit cohabita 181. St. Ephraem, St. Mark the Hermit, Life
of St. Mary the Egyptian.
219. Pindar.
33. Aristophanes, Sophocles, Aeschylus.
f. 161v-163, 164v-165, 175v-176,
296 folios (complete).
178v-180, 192v-193, 197v-199.
58. St. John Chrysostom, On illicit 240. Theodoret, On the Psalms (with
cohabitation. Commentary) .
290. St. Hippolytus, On Daniel; Maccabees I-IV; 590. Commentary on Job; Miniatures.
John Malalas; Short treatises on heresies. 168 folios (complete).
159 folios (complete).
594. Theological anthology.
346. John Cantacuzenus.
241 folios (complete).
323 folios (complete).
598. Octateuch.
341. John Cantacuzenus.
f. 54-445v (end).
233 folios (complete).
600. Octateuch.
355. Sts. Barsanuphios and John. 263 folios (complete).
f. 323-363.
602. Octateuch.
384. Barlaam and Joasaph.
660. Commentary on the Psalms.
f. 12v-85. 111 folios (complete).
410. Life of Maximus the Kausokalyvite. 611. Sophocles, Euripides, Homeric hymns,
f. 1-5. Callimachus.
241 folios (complete).
411. St. Maximus the Confessor.
153. Byzantine chronicle.
f. 229v-232. 191 folios (complete).
756. Byzantine chronicle.
Last 9 folios.
1041. Kontakia.
285 folios.
124. St. John Chrysostom, On illicit
1226. Commentary on the Psalms.
236 fOlios.
f. 24l-258v.
Spyridon (Father) and S. Eustratiades, Catalog of the Manuscripts of the Great Lavra.
1925 A.D. 28 ft~
With penciled corrections and additions by the present librarian,
Father Panteleimon.
Eustratiades, S. and E. Kourl1as, Katalogos ton Kodlkon tes Hleras Sketes Kausokalyvlon
kal ton Kalyvon Autes. Parls, 1930.
Eustratlades, S., Srmpleroma Hagloreltlkon Katalogon Vatopedlou kal Lauras. Parls, 1930.
Gregory, Caspar R., Textkrltlk des Neuen Testamentes. Lelpzig, 1900-09. 3 vols.
Kourilas, E., I1Katalogos Hagioreit1kon Cheirographon,1I in Theologia, XV (1937),
I 239-248; 361-366. XVI (1938), 74-79. Manuscripts at the Skete of
st. Anna.
Lambros, Spyridon P., Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts on Mount Athos. Cambridge,
1895-1900. 2 vols.
Spyridon, (Father) and S. Eustratiades, Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts in the
Library of the Laura on Mount Athos. Harvard Theological Studies XII.
Cambridge, 1925. Also contains a catalog of codices in the katholikon
of Iviron, pp. 385-390.