During All Measurements, The Oil Temperature Must Be C!: Typ/Model/Type Datum/Edition/Date
During All Measurements, The Oil Temperature Must Be C!: Typ/Model/Type Datum/Edition/Date
During All Measurements, The Oil Temperature Must Be C!: Typ/Model/Type Datum/Edition/Date
a. Primary on Pump 2 200 bar P2
b. Secondary on slewing motor 110/230 bar P2
c. Primary on Control block 260 bar P2
Secondary Circuit:
Grab Rotation 100 bar 2nd Bosch pump
Steering 175 bar 2nd Bosch pump
Raise Cabin 150 bar 2nd Bosch pump
Charge pressure ( Operating brake ) 120 - 150 bar Cut-off valve
Travel brake 100/90 bar Travel brake valve
Slewing brake, not operated 32 bar Slewing transmission - Conn. Z
Typ/Model/Type Datum/Edition/Date
MHL 331 up to Machine-No. 0278 01/01
Benennung/Description/Dénomination Seite/Page/Feuille
Adjustment values 5.080.01
Adjustment values from Mach.-
No. 279
MHL 331 – Machine-No. 331110 /
Measuring points / Tolerance Unit - Tolerance Set value Actual
Lower limit / upper
(Pressures in bar) limit
1. Coolant °C min. - 35 -35 / -40
max. - 40
2. Bring Machine to operating temp. (Oiltemp.) °C min. 60 > 60
without Load limiting Control
3. Travel brake (adjust brake valve) Fully pressed bar 100 98 - 102
bar 90 88 - 92
4. Load pressure (S) bar min. 120 120 - 150
max. 150
5. Swing motor ( low stage ) bar 120 110 – 130
( high stage ) 230 210 - 240
6. Swing right bar 200 195 - 200
7. Swing left bar 200 -5 195 - 200
8. P (Measuring points P and LS on control block) bar 21 21 - 23
9. Lowt idle R/min 880 850 - 910
10. High idle (full throttle) R/min 2130 2120 - 2140
11. Pilot pressure at valve block (inlet „MP“) bar 34 32 - 36
(at low idle)
12. Pilot pressure on valve block (outlet „MST“) bar 30 30 - 33
(at low idle)
13. Standby pressure bar min. P min. P
(Measuring point“ „P“ at control block) bar max. 45 max. 45
14. Stall speed R/min 2030 –30 2000 - 2030
15. Pressure setting limiting valve no. 1 without Generator bar 13 1,5 11,5 - 14,5
16. Pressure setting limiting valve no. 2 Generator 11 KW bar Actual value line 15 + 4,0
17. Pressure setting limiting valve no. 3 Generator 13 KW bar Actual value line 15 + 4,5
Turn in pressure cut off valve on control block Check Secondary valve
completely Check LS Pressure
Adjust Primary valve at control block to 420 bar
18. Boom down bar 100 +10 100 – 110
19. Boom up bar 390 +15 390 – 405
20. Travel in high speed (Close travel brake) bar 400 400 – 420
21. Greifer open bar 350 +25 350 – 375
22. Greifer close bar 350 350 - 375
23. Stick out bar 390 +15 390 - 405
24. Stick in bar 390 390 - 405
25. Readjust pressure cut off valve bar 360 -5 355 - 360
(operate the button on right control lever)
26. Adjust overpressure valve on pressure cut off valve bar 320 -5 315 - 320
(Measuring point LS at control block)
27. Cardon shaft R/min 2200 2200 - 2300
Stabilizers fully extended; high idle; Travel high gear
28. Cab lift cylinder bar 150 +5 150 - 155
Adjust throttle valve for lowering ( 0,4 m/Sek)
29. Opening pressure fort the swing brake clutches bar 15 14 - 15
Pedal in the up position
(in low idle)
30. Pressure limiting valve Compressor drive (only with air bar 180 175 - 185
31. Steering pressure bar 175 170 - 180
32. Rotate grab right / left bar 100 +10 100 - 110
(Measuring point Stick)
33. Cycle time for one working movement sek
16. Stick in (with pressure increase) bar 390 +10 390 400 #
17. Grab open (pressure increase is deactivated) bar 350 +10 350 360 #
18. Greifer close (pressure increase is deactivated) bar 350 +10 350 360 #
23. Tilt cylinder/Multip.Stick out/in (pressure increase is deactivated) bar 350 +20 350 370 #
24. Stall speed (only check in Travel trial following functions fully selected: open 30
grab, extend stick, raise boom) R/min 1980 1950 1980
25. Fan speed on oil cooler R/min 1200 1200 1350
26. Speed cardan shaft (high idle) forward R/min 2100 +150 2100 2250
Work hydraulic shut off backwards R/min 2100 +150 2100 2250
27. Slewing motor, low step pressure limiting valve (right/left) bar 115 105 125 /
28. Slewing motor, high step pressure limiting valve (right/left) bar 230 230 240 /
29. Slewing right (pressure lim. valve down the front of control block) bar 215 +10 215 225
30. Slewing left bar
(pressure lim. valve down the front of control block) 215 215 225
31. Screw out completely the adjustment screw in pilot control cover at Stabilizers
32. ± 2,4 bar
Overload warning device, Overload cut-off (compare indicated value in Service-
Tolerance -
Menue in Settings with real measured value at boom cylinder)
Cycle time of each working movent (Machine in operating temp., supplied on stable ground, without working tool, full throttle)
33. Speed slewing upper carriage R/min 8 ±0,5 7,5 8,5
34. ±0,5
Stick out (between both end positions) Sec 4,5 45
35. Stick in (between both end positions) Sec 7 ±0,5 6,5 7,5
36. ±0,5
Raise boom (Stick fully extended, from ground level to end position) Sec 5,2 4,7 5,7
37. Lower boom (Stick fully extenden, from end position to ground level) Sec 6,2 ±0,5 5,7 6,7
38. ±0,5
Tilt cylinder out/in (with Option Multipurpose stick) sec 4 3,5 4,5
Datum: Unterschrift: