Relationship Between Behavior of Learning and Student Achievement in Physics Subject

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p-ISSN 1693-1246 Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia 16 (1) (2020) 1-8

e-ISSN 2355-3812 DOI: 10.15294/jpfi.v16i1.23096

June 2020

Relationship Between Behavior of Learning and Student

Achievement in Physics Subject

S. A. Azhary1, Supahar2, Kuswanto3*, M. Ikhlas4, I. P. Devi5

Postgraduate Science Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
College of Education, Central Luzon State University, Philippines
SMAN 5 Tebo, Indonesia

Received: 1 January 2020. Accepted: 30 March 2020. Published: 30 June 2020


Behavioral problems become special attention to learning. Some teachers confronted with a variety of
student behaviors and varied learning outcomes. This research was aimed to determine the relationship
between learning outcomes and student learning behavior with ranking score. A total of 91 of 10th-grade
students with three different classes became respondents. The research was used Mixed methods with the
sequential explanatory approach. Quantitative data were obtained by giving multiple-choice questions. The
interview method was used to collect qualitative data. Kruskal Wallis test was used to analyze quantitative
data and the interview transcript analyzed by the keyword of student behavior in learning physics. The
results show that behavior while learning is very significant towards student learning outcomes. Interview
findings show that student behavior during the learning process could affect learning outcomes.

Keywords: Behaviour; Physics Subject; Student Achievement

INTRODUCTION Physics subject concerning concepts

and calculations. Some people said physics
The learning process is the process of is difficult subject, but it depends on individual
developing the potential to form better life pat- students in learning the concept, as well as ha-
terns. The process of learning and teaching is a ving readiness in learning (Gebauer, 2019). In
process that requires the role of a teacher and the concept introduction phase, it is recommen-
students. Each student has the same opportu- ded that students build their knowledge and ex-
nity to gain knowledge. It means teachers must tend it to the stage of applying the topic to other
accept the diversity of students in their class. cases (Nuhoğlu & Yalçın, 2006), although this
In addition, it is important for students to use subject need strong support (Chang, Kohler,
their learning style abilities during the learning Ard, & Mathis, 2018). It is argued that a physics
process, whereas the teacher should use many is not only used to train critical thinking about
methods of teaching (Richman, Haines, & Fel- natural phenomena but also to train student as
lo, 2011) and communicating collaboratively a lifelong learner and be able to live together
during the learning process (Agyekum, 2019). (Kuswanto, 2020). To support student learning,
Teachers must be creative to provide teaching teachers can use many teaching methods, and
materials and learning media (Buabeng, Aqui- the methods are very dependent on the quality
nas Ossei-Anto, & Ampiah, 2014). Giving fe- and creativity of teachers in teaching.
wer academic instructions will make it easier A teacher's creativity in choosing teach-
for students to learn (Sutherland & Oswald, ing methods will affect to student responses
2005). Effectiveness classroom management to the learning process. The teacher has the
or techniques of teaching have a strong and ability to teach well, a strong pedagogy (Aks-
positive influence on student achievement in oy, 2019), including choosing strategies and
physics (Adeyemo, 2012). teaching methods (Çalişkan, Selçuk, & Erol,
2010) and can open perspectives about the
*Correspondence Address: concepts possible that are in science correctly
Central Luzon State University, Science City of Munoz,
Nueva Echija, 3120-Philippines
(Nuhoğlu & Yalçın, 2006).
E-mail: [email protected] Bringing students in the midst of envi-
2 Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia 16 (1) (2020) 1-8

ronmental problems will also provide students tiple R for predicting spring achievement from
with the knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral fall behavior was .60. Of particular interest was
awareness. Behavioral awareness will be to the finding that the predictive value of combina-
guide students to be a good learner. The re- tions of discrete behaviors compared favorably
sults of the study (Aliman, Budijanto, Sumarmi, to that obtained from IQ tests (r = .70. In addi-
& Astina, 2019) have theoretical implications tion, school climate also influences children’s
for agreeing that knowledge is the basis of for- cognitive, social, and psychological develop-
ming attitudes and attitudes that can influence ment, because it has a large factor in creating
human behavior. In addition, the ability of hu- comfort in learning and can improve the quali-
mans to solve problems is a holistic represen- ty of learning (Haynes, Emmons, & Ben-Avie,
tation of humans who have good knowledge 1997). Many factors affect learning outcomes,
awareness (Aliman et al., 2019) One effort is including behavioral factors.
to use constructive approaches to teach many Behavioral problems become special at-
difficult complex physical concepts and know- tention in learning. Behavior could be a cau-
ledge in physics (Karakuyu, 2010). Growing an se and could be a result of learning outcomes.
environmentally sensitive attitude begins with Behavior problems generally become a broad
good self-control, this can be reflected in posi- discussion, including the causes of students
tive behavior during the learning process in the who have reading problems (Beasley & Ber-
classroom and the teacher must try new things nadowski, 2019), the success of taking online
so students can learn from nature to learn well courses (Morris, Finnegan, & Wu, 2005). Some
so that they can improve student learning out- teachers are confronted with a variety of stu-
comes. dent behaviors, and these behaviors can result
Improved learning outcomes can be me- in varied learning outcomes. Positives behavior
asured by using an assessment system. Gene- in some students may influence by the teach-
rally, assessment is one of the evaluations con- er (Spilles, Hagen, & Hennemann, 2019). So,
ducted at the end of each semester. Evaluation students who have distorted learning behaviors
helps the teacher to assess an understanding and require wise justification behavior by a te-
of student knowledge. Success students if they acher or psychology/counseling specialist. This
have good knowledge and behavior. So, stu- research was aimed to determine the relation-
dents must be tested for understanding scien- ship between learning outcomes and student
tific concepts, which can be through practice learning behavior.
and exchange knowledge by discussing (Ateş
& Eryilmaz, 2011). All evaluation processes METHOD
aim to increase knowledge and wise behavior
towards life. This study uses a mixed method design
To provide good learning behavior, it focus on explanatory research. The respondent
must be supported by a conducive learning at- of this research were 91 students of 10th grade
mosphere. Some previous studies discuss the senior high school who took physics subject,
teacher behavior, student behavior has a signi- include 34 students from class X, 29 students
ficant influence on student achievement (Rose from class Y and 28 students from class Z.
& Medway, 1981). The risk of student failure Quantitative data were collected from multiple
is students feel alienated and burdened with choice question focused on understanding of
decreased performance (Baker, 1999). Beha- knowledge on whole physics subject on one
vior can affect learning conditions and affect semester. From the results of student scores
student learning outcomes (McKinney, Mason, obtained, these scores are ranked. Because
Perkerson, & Clifford, 1975)multiple regression students’ scores are in the form of ranking,
procedures were carried out in which the fre- the data is categorized as ordinal data, whe-
quencies of 12 behaviors were used to predict rein statistical analysis techniques data that
the achievement scores of 90 2nd graders. Ss, are ordinal must use non-parametric statistics
with an average IQ of 98.69, were observed for tests (Connolly, 2007). In this study, a non-pa-
5-min periods on each of 4 days during langu- rametric Kruskal Wallis H-test was used to see
age arts in the fall of the school year and again the difference in the mean score rank found in
in the spring. The final multiple R between fall those three classes. Furthermore, qualitative
behavior patterns and fall achievement was data were collected from interview, focused on
.63, and that between spring behavior patterns behavior of learning when studied physics in
and spring achievement was .51. The final mul- classroom. The interview transcript analyzed
S. A. Azhary, Supahar, Kuswanto, M. Ikhlas, I. P. Devi - Relationship Between Behavior of 3

by keyword in behavior. The findings of these Table 3. Kruskal Wallis Test and Grouping Vari-
data are analyzed and compared with previous able Test
research and reviewed from several theories of S Physics
Chi-Square 22.811
Asymp. Sig. .000
Student academic learning outcomes a. Kruskal Wallis Test
show varied values ​​for the three classes ana-
lyzed. Classes are named with the X, Y and Z. b. Grouping Variable: Group
The results of statistical analysis, it was found
that class X had the lowest average score com- From the calculation results obtained
pare with class Y and Z. The average score in that between classes X and Y, X and Z have a
class Y has the highest number between the Different in different significance (p <0.001; p =
two other classes. Statistical results are shown 0.000). But for Y and Z  there is  no significant
in the Table 1. difference (p> 0.5; p = 0.809). Furthermore, the
average scores for the three classes are pre-
Table 1. Descriptive statistics of student phys- sented in Figure 1.
ics learning outcomes.
Mini- Maxi- Classical A var age st ude nt s Scor e
mum mum Mean
Group N
rank rank rank 80 77.328 77.143
Scores Scores Scores
Class X 34 57.5 85.0 69.191 69.191
Class Y 29 65.0 100.0 77.328 70

Class Z 28 65.0 87.5 77.143 65

Valid N ClassX ClassY ClassZ
(listwise) Figure 1. Bar diagram of the students’ physics
The results of the analysis by using Krus-
kal Wallis were coducted to determine the sig- From Figure 1 it can be concluded that
nificance of the learning outcomes of the three the average values ​​of classes Y and Z are not
classes. The physics earning outcomes show much different (77) but in class X only 69. To
significant differences. This is seen from the explain this phenomenon, it can be seen from
Asymp value. Sig = 0,000, and the data rank the teacher’s confirmation about class X. Ob-
of the three classes can be seen in the Table 2 tained an implied statement that class X stu-
and Table 3. dents have low grades because physics is not
the main subject (in social studies, physics is
Table 2. Mean Ranks of the Kruskal-Wallis Test not a priority). The summarizes the results of
on student learning outcomes of physics sub- the interview as Table 1.
jects. What distinguishes the three classes is
Group N Mean Rank learning motivation which has an impact on
Class X 34 28.97 student learning behavior. As explained by the
teacher “students who joke when learning to
Class Y 29 55.52 tend to be difficult to accept lessons” can be
Class Z 28 56.82 influenced by motivation. Motivation greatly
Total 91 influences the learning process and results in
student learning outcomes (Ziegler & Heller,
The mean rank for students who learned 2000). This is the case of class X because in
physics to class X, class Y, and class Z is 28.97, this class physics is not the main subject, it is
55.52 and 56.82 respectively. The Chi-Square likely that students do not have high motivati-
statistics was 22.811 and p<0.001 (p=0.000). It on to learn so that the average value of stu-
means that the achievement of physics in diffe- dents tends to below. Research by Morris et al
rent class has significant differences. (2005) explains that failure begins with a lack of
4 Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia 16 (1) (2020) 1-8

motivation because they feel less useful. This Behavioral problems are a matter of
needs to be stressed on the importance of phy- perspective. These are not only influenced by
sics and linking it with everyday life including teacher behavior but also influenced by student
in problem-based (Selçuk, Çalişkan, & Şahin, behavior. In the classroom disruptions damage
2013) which aims to increase the usefulness the quality of teaching and learning, and that
and increase student motivation. The state- can be a source of tension for teachers and
ment as summarized in the study states that students (Eckstein, 2019)and they can be a
intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and source of strain for both teachers and students.
learning behavior together affect student achie- Some studies indicate, however, that not eve-
vement (Tokan & Imakulata, 2019). It show that ryone involved gets equally disturbed by the
the academic performance of science students same occurrences. Altogether, there is still little
is closely related to the components of moti- solid knowledge about the teachers’ and the
vation, self-efficacy and intrinsic value (Peng, students’ subjective perception of disturbance.
2012). For science students, their involvement Moreover, rater effects may have confounded
in the motivational component is closely related the findings available. Addressing these desi-
to their performance on the exam. derata, the SUGUS study investigates two ele-
Other empirical studies of the influence ments of classroom disturbances within an in-
of student learning behavior in class and peer teractionist framework: the incidence of deviant
disorders. As can be seen from the results of behaviour shown by particular target students,
the teacher's interview, about behaving "joking and the intensity of disturbance as subjectively
with classmates while studying" this can affect perceived by teachers, by classmates, and by
the learning atmosphere. Research by Blank the targets themselves. For this purpose, we
and Shavit (2016) explained that disruptive or conducted a questionnaire survey among 85
aggressive behavior in the classroom influen- primary-school class teachers and 1412 stu-
ces the pattern of learning behavior in class dents. The data were analysed by means of a
that can inhibit learning. This is inseparable two-level correlated trait – correlated method
from the influence of classroom management minus one [CT-C(M-1. Behaviors that interfere
(Larmer, Baker, & Gentry, 2016). The physics with the learning process can interfere with te-
teachers must be understand the characteris- aching activities and have an impact on the de-
tics of students (Korur & Eryilmaz, 2012); ma- livery of teaching. Characteristics of students
kes every concept of physics more important hampered in learning, attention distracted lear-
(Selçuk, 2010); and explaining the use of real ning, the destruction of learning motivation, and
problem-based learning (Engels, Miller, Squi- lack of desire to learn. In the learning process
res, Jennewein, & Eitel, 2017). Improvement of disorders are generally influenced by; lack of
value learning, especially self-concepts friend- motivation, hopelessness to learning, hope-
ly and creates a conducive classroom environ- lessness to be successful, lack of readiness
ment that makes learning physics more practi- to learn, and prejudice about physics (Bayar &
cal (Dupe, 2013) can be done by creating group Kerns, 2015). In this case the student needs
discussions and evaluations between students guidance counseling or treatment if they have
(Handayani, Genisa, & Triyanto, 2019). behavior disorders (Lassen, Steele, & Sailor,

Table 3. Results of interview resumes from class teacher confirmation

Behavior of students who get high
Title of Class Description grades
Class X Students sometimes joke and seem Students who have the highest
less serious, because of the social grades are enthusiastic in learning.
science class. But there are some
children who are serious in the lesson.
Students sometimes joke and it’s hard to
understand learning
Class Y Students have an enthusiasm for And students who have the highest
learning, although sometimes there are grades are silent and passive in
some children who joke. Some students class.
sometimes make noise.
Class Z This class tends to be serious and Students who have the highest
relaxed. There are students who enjoy grades are serious in learning but not
talking to classmates. so prominent in class
S. A. Azhary, Supahar, Kuswanto, M. Ikhlas, I. P. Devi - Relationship Between Behavior of 5

2006). rove behavior patterns and learning outcomes,

Changes and handling of student beha- we can see the results of teacher interviews
vior in learning must be addressed appropriate- that explain the behavior patterns of students
ly so that changes in student behavior are me- who get high grades. The interview results
asured and monitored. Research by Lassen et show that; ‘Students who have the highest gra-
al. (2006) suggests that it is important to con- des are enthusiastic in learning’; ‘students who
duct special notes for teachers in monitoring have the highest grades are silent and passive
student behavior (such as based on location, in class’; and ‘students who have the highest
based on the problematic behavior, based on grades are serious in learning but are not so
ethical behavior). Thus, if the behavioral prob- prominent in the class’. Of the three statements,
lem is not resolved, the impact will be a conti- the teacher leads to seriousness in learning,
nuous decline in learning outcomes. Moreover, ignoring disturbances that exist in the class-
if physics learning outcomes are low, how can room, focus on what is conveyed by the teach-
they anticipate the development of knowled- er. Classroom disturbances and obstacles are
ge and technology? Meanwhile according to inevitable, but the ability of students to control
Wambugu & Changeiywo (2008) knowledge their behavior becomes an important point for
about science and technology is a requirement success in learning. This correlates with Par-
in all countries and all people globally due to dos & Horodyskyj (2019) and Eineder & Bishop
the many challenges faced. (1997) that a positive behavior, organized lear-
Success and failure in the context of ning patterns and having disciplined patterns
learning are relative. But the learning out- to accept learning in an orderly manner are a
comes perspective that meets the standards requirement to be successful learners.
is determined by the teacher's agreement in In addition, some experts claim that the
determining the mastery of learning by looking teacher can be a factor for student learning out-
at students' abilities and learning targets. The comes. Teachers visit to the homes of students
success of student achievement can be in- who have problems (Ilhan, Ozfidan, & Yilmaz,
fluenced by effort in maximizing one's ability 2019). Adeyemo (2010) suggested that teacher
to learn, focus on goals and behave as good should give the time for student to be participa-
learners (Ramshe, Ghazanfari, & Ghonsooly, tion in extracurricular activities in school.
2019). The efforts made to improve the quality To support student learning, teachers
of learning can be achieved by growing mea- can use many teaching methods, modify the
ningful patterns of learning behavior. The te- learning environment, especially at the low
acher also confirmed that ‘students who have school level (Carr & Boat, 2019). Social norms
the highest grades are serious in learning’. of students in certain classes can influence the
However, changing behavior patterns requires way they behave (Blank & Shavit, 2016). Same
high self-efficacy and these changes are ex- case in the X class they tend not to be serious
pected to have a positive impact (Mitchell, Mc- in learning because of their environment. Phy-
Millan, & Rabbani, 2019). sics not only about principles and calculations
Many of the cases of deviations in lear- but also develops ways to improve thinking and
ning behavior found in teenagers (Crosnoe, reasoning to the maximum. Making simple tools
Johnson, & Elder, 2004). It happened in class Z to aid will help students understand the thinking
where students who enjoy talking to my class- about physics theory (Ateş & Eryilmaz, 2011).
mates usually have problems in the family, Wisdom knowledge material to make lessons
friends, and the influence of the environment more effective (Oladejo, Olosunde, Ojebisi, &
and even watching or online media will affect Isola, 2011). The effect of learning will be imp-
their behavior even when studying in class roved of skills with higher-level questions (St-
(Ayu, Wibowo, & Sofiana, 2019). Adolescent ronge, Ward, Tucker, & Hindman, 2007). The
students are very vulnerable to the risk, either last point, learning behavior in physics can as-
in the community or in the classroom. Learning sist teachers to know whether students are fo-
behavior in the classroom and at home greatly cused, understand concepts, know procedural
different influences learning outcomes and the instructions and measure appropriate learning
quality of student work outcomes (Peng, 2012). outcomes. Student learning can be improved
According to Sutherland & Oswald (2005), the by providing guidance and learning instruc-
environment is a major factor in the develop- tions after analyzing student learning behavior.
ment of behavior. But, high or low grades are not a considerati-
The activities that can be done to imp- on,  students can think and behave scientifical-
6 Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia 16 (1) (2020) 1-8

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