Re-Opening Plan For The 2020-2021 School Year
Re-Opening Plan For The 2020-2021 School Year
Re-Opening Plan For The 2020-2021 School Year
Table of Contents
Facilities 4
Child Nutrition 6
Transportation 7
School Schedules 8
Technology 13
Student Teachers 16
The District then presented the reopening plan to the community via Facebook Live on July 23,
2020. We had over 600 community members turn into the presentation and received over 900
comments. Since the Facebook Live session, the District responded to hundreds of the
comments and continued to review information to better our approach to reopening.
Based on the planning and feedback, the District has decided to operate using a hybrid model
of instruction that prioritizes social distancing, high levels of mask use, and cleanliness and
disinfecting protocols. At the elementary level, students will attend in person instruction at least
two days per week and every other week will attend three days. We will emphasize social
distancing and attempt to keep students 6 feet apart as much as possible. On days that
students do not attend in person instruction they will have access to their teachers via on-line
instructional platforms such as Google Classroom. At the secondary level students will attend in
person instruction two days per week and work on assignments via on-line instructional
platforms such as Google Classroom the other three days. The students will have access to
their individual teachers during this time. At this point in time we are offering a total on-line
program for families of students who are not comfortable returning to in person instruction.
Our District will balance district and families needs regarding unique health, safety, scheduling
and logistics. For example, we are doing what we can to schedule siblings on the same days if
they cross buildings; however, this is a difficult task due to the social distancing requirements of
different cohorts. We are being mindful of safety issues and are making this our top priority. We
are doing what we can to balance both safety and family dynamic needs; however, in order to
provide teachers with enough time to adequately prepare for their class load, requests for cohort
changes will be received through and including August 12th. Please note that while we will
certainly do our best to honor requests, the ability to do so will be based on the impact these
proposed shifts would have in terms of maintaining the required number of students in a given
classroom to ensure appropriate social distancing and the need to maintain balanced classes.
We are also mindful of the need to social distance on buses; therefore, we will not be able to
grant same day bus change requests unless it’s an emergency situation.
The District will continue to offer the community opportunities to offer feedback as we implement
this plan. Specific ways the District is allowing for feedback include a second parent/guardian
survey, multiple meetings of the District Reopening Taskforce, and multiple Facebook Live
community forums.
All school buildings will communicate our plan to students, parents, staff and visitors.
Teachers will be trained prior to the opening of school on how to monitor for signs of illness or
any symptoms identified as being connected with COVID-19 that may be present in a student.
Teachers will then call the Health Office to check to see if the student presenting symptoms
need to be evaluated and cleared by the School Nurse. The School Nurse will then determine if
the student should be sent to the Health Office or designated area to be assessed.
The VCSD is asking that all parents screen their children daily and prior to sending them to
school. Taking their temperature and assessing for other signs of illness will be part of this
screening. Parents will also answer health screening questions periodically. A report of all
students within a school building will be available daily for administrators to monitor. A similar
system is already in place for VCSD staff when they login into the school computer.
The VCSD has a minimum of one Registered Nurse in each school building. Any staff member
or student who presents with signs of illness will be instructed to report to the School Nurse for
assessment. The School Nurse will then make a recommendation where needed for the student
to be sent home/picked up by parent/guardian and directed to follow up with the Primary Care
Physician. A school official will connect the child with the parent in the case of a child being sent
The VCSD requests all staff to screen for symptoms prior to coming to school. If staff answer
yes to any question as part of the screen, the VCSD requires such a person to remain home
and contact their Primary Care Physician for follow up guidance on COVID-19 screening and
testing. Should symptoms become present while students or staff are in school, such a person
will be directed by the School Nurse to a designated area in each building where the School
Nurse will assess and implement protocols for sending staff or students home.
Each school building has a written protocol to address all visitors on our campus.
The VCSD is asking parents for their support in assessing their children daily for symptoms of
illness in the past 48 hours and/or possible exposure in the past 14 days to a person who is
suspected of having COVID-19. These symptoms include but are not limited to: Fever over
100.0 degrees F, Sore Throat, Cough, Headache, Shortness of breath, Muscle aches, Loss of
taste or smell. Parents will submit this information daily/prior to sending their children to school.
The District will promote behaviors to reduce the spread of COVID-19, including hand hygiene
and respiratory etiquette, cloth face coverings and staying home when appropriate. This focus
will occur through classroom instruction, guidance, redirection and reminders. Posters will be
placed in highly visible locations that promote everyday protective measures and describe how
to stop the spread of germs by properly washing hands and properly wearing cloth face
coverings. Staff will participate in online training regarding hand and respiratory hygiene prior to
the start of school as well as teaching and reinforcing of handwashing with soap and water for at
least 20 seconds and increase monitoring to ensure adherence among students and staff. If
soap and water are not readily available hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol can
be used. Staff and students will be encouraged to cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue.
Hands will be washed immediately with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Face coverings
will be worn by staff and students unless medically contraindicated and are most essential in
times when physical distancing is difficult. Individuals should be frequently reminded not to
touch face coverings and wash hands frequently. Face coverings may be challenging for
students to wear in all day settings.
Each school building has a written protocol to keep social distance of at least 6 feet wherever
Each school has a written protocol that addresses high risk staff or students.
Each school has a written protocol requiring all visitors to wear a face covering or mask.
Each school will have adequate supplies of PPE for staff and students and health professionals.
In the event a student or staff member has been identified as testing positive for COVID-19, the
VCSD will work directly with the Ontario County Department of Health to support contact tracing
and council parents or staff on the need for quarantine.
The VCSD will notify the state and local health department immediately upon being informed of
any positive COVID-19 diagnostic test result by an individual within school facilities or on school
grounds, including students, faculty, staff and visitors. In the case of an individual testing
positive, the VCSD will support local health departments in tracing all contacts of the individual,
in accordance with protocols, training and tools provided through the New York State Contact
Tracing Program. Confidentiality will be maintained as required by federal and state law and
regulations. The VCSD will cooperate with all state and local health department contact tracing,
isolation and quarantine efforts. In the case of a student or staff member testing positive, the
person’s return to school will be coordinated with the local health department. In the case where
a student or staff exhibited symptoms of COVID-19, but is not diagnosed with COVID, the
school will follow CDC’s guidance for return to school.
Each school has a written plan that follows CDC guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting.
Each school has a written plan that addresses social distancing and safety drills.
The health, safety, and well-being of the students, staff and community members in our
School district is paramount. Victor schools currently conduct the recommended preventive
building cleaning measures on a daily basis to combat the spread of colds and flu.
However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and our desire to provide in person
instruction in a hybrid model, we are following the guidance from CDC, NYSED, and
DOH and are coordinating resources and supplies for additional preventive cleaning.
● The district has authorized extra custodial hours for enhanced cleaning and
disinfecting in the buildings and on the grounds.
● The district has secured mandated amounts of EPA approved cleaning and disinfecting
Each school building complies with the 2020 NYS Uniform FIre Prevention and Building Code,
the State Energy Conservation Code, 2020 Building Condition Survey and Visual Inspections.
As soon as our schools are student occupied the district can coordinate the lead testing based
on the DOH regulations. Each school building complies with the FCNYS 2020 Section 5705.5.
At this point, the district does not intend on using dividers in classroom/student spaces. The
district does not plan on altering the number of toilets/sinks or drinking fountain counts. Each air
handling unit that serves occupied spaces will provide code required ventilation as designed. All
plastic separators comply with the 2020 BCNYS Section 2606.
Supplemental Facilities Cleaning Plan
● Implement the district plan for cleaning buildings to prevent the spread of
● Prevent the spread of COVID-19 to students, staff, and community members
through frequent, effective cleaning and disinfecting procedures in district buildings
which follow reopening guidelines.
● Applies to all buildings and grounds on the Victor campus.
System Approach:
1. Routine cleaning is performed on a regularly scheduled basis by district custodial
staff assigned to that building or area. Routine cleaning includes daily cleaning
and disinfecting of all restrooms, scheduled sweeping of all floors, cleaning and
sanitizing of cafeteria tables (or tables used to dispense meals), emptying trash
and other building based tasks.
2. Supplemental cleaning is performed by either regular custodial staff, substitute
custodial staff or temporary custodial staff assigned to perform cleaning over and
above what is considered routine. Supplemental cleaning is focused on
frequently cleaning and disinfecting high touch surfaces throughout the campus,
specifically for the purpose of preventing spread of COVID-19.
3. if there is a cohort change throughout the day, classroom cleaning should be
done before the next group arrives. This is performed by the teacher using
district supplied cleaning products and equipment. Cleaning and sanitizing of
desks, sinks, high touch areas is done during the day by teachers and every
night by custodial staff.
4. Personal area cleaning is performed by all employees in their personal
workspace, which may include their desk, headset, telephone, keyboard, chair or
any other items they use in performing their duties. This cleaning is done using
district supplied cleaning products and equipment.
5. Emergency cleaning, directed by the Department of Health, is performed by
custodial staff and/or contracted services on an emergency basis in response to
a particular, identified incidence of COVID-19. Frequently touch surfaces to focus on
may include the following (not all apply in every building):
● Tables
● Doorknobs
● Light Switches
● Countertops
● Handles and Handrails
● Desks
● Phones
● Keyboards and tablets
● Toilets and restrooms
● Faucets and sinks
● Drinking Fountains (if in use)
● Elevator buttons
● Recreation equipment
● Vending machines (if in use)
● Copier, printer and fax control buttons
● Front desk and lobby surfaces
● Microwave, refrigerator, appliance in lounges (if in
● The overriding purpose for this plan is to protect the health of our students, staff and the
community. Implementation of this approach to cleaning must be done with the safety
and well being of all those involved as the primary focus and must follow the guidelines
set forth for reopening. Following checklists and maintaining logs will result in the best
outcomes for our students, staff and community and reduce the spread of COVID-19.
The Victor Central School District will be placing signage around the school that includes these
Child Nutrition
1. The district will provide all enrolled students with meal access in person or learning
2. The School Food Authority will utilize a combination of socially distanced dining with
cafeteria pick up.
3. The district will work to coordinate with families learning remotely to provide meals to
eligible students using available waivers from NYSED/USDA for flexibility.
4. The district cafeteria team will collaborate with the district facilities department safety and
health guidelines.
5. The district will facilitate social distancing and student movement plans to collaborate
with meal service.
6. The district cafeteria team will collaborate with the district/building administration to
communicate applicable food allergies from a licensed health care provider. The
district/building will accommodate socially distanced dining spaces for students with food
7. The district/building administration will work to provide hand sanitizer or hand washing
before meal time. Sanitizing stations will be available before, during, and after meal
8. The district facilities department will ensure procedures for cleaning and disinfection prior
to the next group of students accessing common areas for meal service.
9. The district cafeteria team will develop systems to offer meals in compliance with Child
Nutrition Program requirements. Available and applicable waivers will be utilized to
deliver resources to students.
10. The district cafeteria team will ensure food service communication in languages spoken
by families by utilizing USDA documents with available translations as well as
coordinating with the district resources for English as a Second Language.
11. The district/building administration will provide socially distanced dining areas or physical
barriers while consuming meals. Examples include gyms, stage areas, classrooms, etc.
The transportation department will survey parents as to whether they will be utilizing the school
1) The transportation department will provide PPE for any staff that requires it.
2) All transportation staff will be required to wear a face mask or shield at all times while on
3) All school bus drivers, monitors and mechanics will perform a self-health assessment for
Covid-19 symptoms before arriving to work.
4) If a driver or monitor must have direct contact with a student, they will be required to
wear gloves.
5) Hand sanitizer will be provided for all transportation staff while in the building.This
includes the dispatch office, breakroom, and the shop.
6) Transportation staff will receive periodic refreshers and training on the proper use of
PPE, social distancing requirements, and signs and symptoms of Covid.
7) Students will receive periodic training and reminders on the proper use of PPE, social
distancing requirements, and signs and symptoms of Covid.
8) Routing will be based on all students wearing masks and maintaining appropriate social
distancing if they are physically and mentally able.
9) If a student does not wear a mask, they will not be denied transportation.
10) If a student has a disability which prevents them from wearing a mask, they will not be
forced to, nor will they be denied transportation.
11) If a student does not have a mask, one will be provided by the district.
12) Special needs routing and capacities will follow the guidelines of the childs’ IEP.
13) Victor will provide transportation to nonpublic, parochial, private, charter, and
special-needs schools regardless of Victors’ reopening plan.
14) Buses will be cleaned and disinfected twice a day. Once after the AM routes are
completed, and once after the PM routes are completed.
15) High contact spots will be wiped down after each run.
16) Buses will not be equipped with combustible hand sanitizer.
17) Drivers or monitors will not be permitted to carry the aforementioned sanitizer on their
person while operating the bus.
18) Transportation staff will not be allowed to linger in the breakroom. They will enter the
building to retrieve communications, punch-in, and get their keys.
School Schedules
Elementary (PreK-6)
1. In Person - Students will follow a typical 6-hour schedule that includes lunch and
special area classes.
2. Remote - Instruction will be provided using a virtual model. All teachers will use
the Google Classroom platform to provide lessons, collect student work, and
share feedback.
3. Hybrid -
a. Students will be assigned a cohort group. Effort will be made to place
families with multiple students or students across multiple buildings in the
same cohort group. Cohort assignments will not be strictly alphabetical,
but driven by creating balance and equity in each cohort for all children.
i. Blue Group - Students will attend school Monday, Tuesday, and
every other Wednesday
ii. Gold Group - Students will attend school Thursday, Friday, and
every other Wednesday
Students will experience a typical schedule from previous years which will
include lunch every day and special area classes 4 out of 5 days.
Victor Junior High School (VJH): Reopening Plan Proposal Goals: All students will have
opportunity for live, in-person instruction with each of their teachers two times per week.
The remaining instruction will occur within a distance learning environment. In order to
achieve these goals, VJH will:
➢ Utilize an alphabetical split (A-L and M-Z). Live instruction will occur two times per week,
distance learning will take place on the days when students are not in school for live
instruction. Students will follow a modified 9 period day with class periods of 38min each.
Grade 7 Grade 8
2 8:16:00 AM 8:54:00 AM 0:38:00 2 8:16:00 AM 8:54:00 AM 0:38:00
VJH Continued
➔ VJH students will be provided with 180 instructional minutes per week/per course
with 76 minutes in the classroom and 104 minutes completed in distance
➔ The modified 9 period schedule provides continuity for each student and our
➔ Instruction will remain standards-based.
➔ PLCs will continue to emphasize the creation of learning opportunities for
students and establish an online learning environment using Google Classroom.
➔ Teachers will introduce children to the virtual platforms they will be using when
they are learning at home. Resources will also be provided to families to teach
them how to access and use the platforms.
➔ Chromebooks will be distributed to families who need a device and/or hotspot.
➔ 15:1:1 may come in according to alphabet or may be placed together in a cohort
model – TBD
➔ AIS, IEP Plan, Resource Room, ENL, and 504 Plan services will be provided
when children are physically present in school.
VSHS Reopening Plan Proposal
● Students attend school in person via alphabetical split (A-L and M-Z) two days a week.
Distance learning will take place on the days when students are not in school for live
● Students will follow their four block schedule and alternate each week (A/B one week
and then C/D the following week) when in school for live instruction. Each in-school
instructional block will remain 85 minutes in length.
● VSHS students will take 180 instructional minutes guaranteed per week per course at a
minimum (85 minutes in the classroom/95 minutes minimum digitally), but not to exceed
210 minutes.
● Students take the following course loads (minimum minutes per week):
○ 6 classes = 1080 minutes
○ 7 classes = 1260 minutes
○ 8 classes - 1440 minutes
● This schedule will create consistency within the weekly rotation for students and
● Instruction will be based on standards needed for graduation and course completion
● PLC emphasis on creating similar materials in multiple-teacher courses (ex: Algebra,
Global 9, Studio Art, etc.)
● Students in our 12:1:3 program will come to school everyday except Wednesdays, which
is a virtual day
● Special academic programs (15:1:1) may come in according to alphabet or may be
placed together in a cohort model - TBD
● AIS, IEP Plan, Resource Room, ENL, and 504 Plan services will be provided when
children are physically present in school.
● The daily block schedule will remain in place. During transition times, all students are
expected to wear masks in the hallways and common areas.
● Lunches will be served in a students 3rd block classroom. Students that require a school
lunch will visit the cafeteria, pick up pre-packaged lunch, and will return to the classroom
for consumption. Classrooms will have assigned lunch blocks by geographic locations so
that supervision in the general areas can be provided.
● In Physical Education, students will be grouped by cohorts. Students will engage in units
that maximize the use of outdoor facilities and social distancing.
● For music courses, lesson groups and electives will continue and will allow for social
distancing in each section. With the use of the auditorium, orchestra ensembles will be
able to continue with the use of masks and social distancing. Discussions around choral
and band ensembles are still occurring. Decisions will be made for how these can
function in a socially responsible manner.
● Teachers will establish an online learning environment using Google Classroom and will
provide related assignments and tasks to students when they are not in attendance.
Classroom teachers will be accessible to support students or families with questions.
● Teachers will introduce children to the virtual platforms they will be using when they are
learning at home. Resources will also be provided to families to teach them how to
access and use the platforms that will be used by children at home. Chromebooks will
be distributed to families who need a device at home in the beginning of September to
ensure they have the resources needed to engage in learning at home in the hybrid
model and if we have to return to full-time remote learning at any time.
● Teachers will be developing online and distance learning content on Wednesdays in
PLC groups; students will not attend school on Wednesdays but will be sent online and
distance learning content as part of their instruction for the days they are not in school.
● Still need to determine grading for the 2020-2021 school year
Digital Instruction
M-Z (Work on
M-Z (Work on
M-Z (Work on
Week 4 C-Day D-Day A-L (Work on C-Day D-Day
M-Z (Work on
Attendance will be taken by classroom teachers when students are engaging in in-person
instruction. During remote instruction parents will notify the pertinent school on any day a child
is not in attendance virtually. We will monitor both attendance and participation in remote
learning at regular intervals.
The Victor Central School District plans to support the technology mandatory assurances. Victor
uses a variety of technologies to support and enhance the educational process. Due to
COVID-19 our Instructional Technology training and resources for staff have been increased,
along with our access to wifi and devices. Feedback from distance learning included parents
and students stating they want more live in person instruction, and that there needs to be a
single platform for teachers to utilize for instructional materials.
● An on-demand resource for how to videos for teachers has been created and is located
on the district website.
● WFL BOCES Instructional Technology Specialists are scheduled to provide training for
teachers on 8/20/20, 8/27 and on 9/3.
● All teachers will get their students logged in and set up on Google Classroom. Google
Classroom will be our primary delivery platform for students.
● The District is looking into making a Distance Learning Portal f or their website.
● The District will survey students/families to see who needs access to a device and or
wireless access.
● Chromebooks and hotspots will be provided to all students that request either via the
survey. The District will communicate which date the students/families can pick up the
device and or hotspot.
● Students that are issued a chromebook to use at home will bring the chromebook to
school on the days they are in person session.
● Multiple ways for students to demonstrate their mastery will be provided by both in
person instruction and via Google Classroom done remotely.
Teaching and Learning
Definition of remote- all Victor Central School students would be receiving instruction remotely
through an online platform such as Google Classroom.
Definition of in person- all Victor Central School students would be receiving direct instruction
from teachers 5 days a week.
Definition of hybrid- all Victor Central School students would be receiving both in person
instruction and remote instruction through an online platform on various days of the week.
E. Communication With Schools and Teachers
a. Grades PreK-6: Families will be provided with resources to teach them how to
use the technology platforms with their child at home. Families will gain
information from the school from their child’s classroom teacher using email
and/or communication application, the school district website, the
Superintendent’s written and verbal communication, and the building principal’s
newsletter. Families can ask questions through telephone calls and emails to
their child’s classroom teachers, service providers, and administrators as
b. Grades PreK-12: the schools will utilize several communication platforms to
disseminate information related to instruction and technology including; digital
newsletters from building principals and the Superintendent, use of regular
school email, building and district-wide phone/email platforms (BlackBoard
F. Eligible Agencies Follow Protocol
a. All community based organizations providing UPK programming (DoodleBugs,
KinderCare and TLC) have a Continuity of Learning Plan and will follow the
health and safety guidelines outlined in NYSED guidance and required by the
New York State Department of Health.
Special Education
Victor Central School District will plan to support the special education mandatory assurances
with collaboration between faculty, staff, families and students. All IEPs will be met to “the
greatest extent possible” as dictated by Federal law. Districtwide, students who participate in
our 12:1:3 programs will be able to attend school daily with the exception of Victor High School
where classes on Wednesdays will be held virtually. Additionally, at the high school special
academic programs (15:1:1) may attend according to last name alphabet or may be placed
together in a cohort model; this is to be determined.
Students who participate in our 8:1:1 programs at Victor Primary School and Victor Intermediate
School will also be able to attend school daily. Students who participate in our 12:1:1 programs
at the Early Childhood School will be able to attend school daily. Students who participate in our
co-taught (CT), resource room, 15:1:1, and 12:1:1 (grades 2-6) program models will follow the
building’s individual hybrid plan. The hybrid plan will lend to smaller class sizes for all students
where IEP goals/objectives will be addressed through collaboration of regular and special
education teachers and related service providers. The district will require special education
teachers to create a Continued Education Opportunity Plan (CEOP) to document special
education and related services that are delivered via distance learning or hybrid instruction.
Regardless of the mode of instruction, special education teachers and related service providers
will communicate with parents in a variety of ways (phone, emails, school-home notebook, apps
such as SeeSaw) with the intent to engage parents in student learning. CPSE or CSE teams will
contact program providers regarding provision of services recommended and develop methods
to monitor student progress via data collection (curriculum-based measures, formative or
summative assessments). Initial evaluations will be conducted within 60 calendar days from
receipt of parent consent and reevaluations will be conducted within 60 school days from the
date of request. Student progress updates will be reported to parents consistent with grade level
report cards. The district will ensure that the special education teacher/case manager will
collaborate with regular education teacher(s) to ensure that the IEP p.9 supplementary aids and
services of the IEP accommodations and modifications are being implemented.
All ELL students will receive Units of Study in the form of integrated and/or stand-alone support
based on their most recently measured English language proficiency level. This direct support
will be provided on the days the student is in-person during the hybrid instructional model The
class sizes of all ELLs will be smaller in the hybrid model and the TESOL will collaborate with
the general education or special education classroom teacher for all students receiving
integrated support..
The TESOL will maintain regular communication with parents/guardians of ELLs. This
communication will be through email, phone calls and/or home visits, depending on the reason
for the communication. Every attempt will be made to provide communications in the
parents/guardians of ELLs preferred language.
Certification, Incidental Teaching and Substitute Teaching
All teachers will hold valid and appropriate certificates for teaching assignments, except where
otherwise allowable under the Commissioner’s regulations (e.g., incidental teaching) or
education law.
Student Teachers
Student teachers from NYSED registered college or university programs can serve under the
supervision of fully certified teachers in the Victor Central School District. Student teachers will
follow all of the social distancing, mask wearing, health status reporting, and other COVID-19
procedures that the teachers follow. Student teachers will serve under the supervision of our
full time certified teachers only. At no time will a student teacher be used as a teacher of
● The following link outlines protocols that have been established by the NYSPHSAA and
the NFHS in accordance with the NYSED and NYSDOH. Each activity is demonstrating
a phasing of physical activity as well as a distant model.
○ Victor Interscholastic-Athletics, Extra-Curricular & Outside Organizations
Re-Entry Plan