Class Observation Guide
Class Observation Guide
Class Observation Guide
Department of Education
Region VIII
Direction: Below are criteria by which teachers will be evaluated. Write the numerical rating
corresponding to the observations on the blanks opposite the criteria.
C. Classroom Management:
1. Teacher is punctual in starting and ending his/her class _____________
2. Teacher maximizes use of instruction time _____________
3. Teacher holds the interes of the pupils though effective and
relevant motivation _____________
4. Encourage group learning or on-line learning _____________
5. Provides varied activities that engage the pupils _____________
6. Directs desriptive behavior toward more productive activity/ies _____________
7. Teacher presents activities that engage the pupils _____________
8. Instruction is conducted in an orderly pleasant learning atmosphere _____________
9. Teacher requires and monitors the attendance of pupils _____________
10. Uses appropriate teaching aids to enhance pupil learning _____________
11. Teacher provides activities for interactive and cooperative learning _____________
Comments: _________________________________________________________________
D. Teacher Ability:
1. Teacher shows mastery of the subject matter _____________
2. Teacher answers pupil’s questions satisfactorily _____________
3. Teacher is fluent and articulate in the medium of instruction _____________
4. Teacher speaks in clear and modulated voice _____________
5. Teacher relates previous knowledge and experiences to the
present lesson _____________
6. Teacher gives appropriate and relevant examples taht are pertinent
to lesson _____________
7. Teacher integrates values in the lesson _____________
8. Teacher encourages pupils to ask challenging questions and to make
comments on the lesson _____________
9. Teacher is able to maintain the cooperation of the students in the
classroom _____________
Comments: _________________________________________________________________