Mock Paper - Q
Mock Paper - Q
Mock Paper - Q
Marking Scheme
Ordinary Pg. 4
Higher Pg. 27
Page 2 of 44
Pre-Junior Certificate Examination, 2017
Ordinary & Higher Level
Table of Contents
Chemistry Chemistry
Q.4 .................................................. 11 Q.4 .................................................. 36
Q.5 .................................................. 14 Q.5 .................................................. 39
Q.6 .................................................. 16 Q.6 .................................................. 42
Physics Physics
Q.7 .................................................. 18 Q.7 .................................................. 45
Q.8 .................................................. 21 Q.8 .................................................. 48
Q.9 .................................................. 24 Q.9 .................................................. 50
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Pre-Junior Certificate Examination, 2017
Ordinary & Higher Level
Conventions Used
1. A dash – before an answer indicates that the answer is a separate answer, which may be considered
as independent of any other suggested answers to the question.
2. A single forward slash / before an answer indicates that the answer is synonymous with that which
preceded it. Answers separated by a forward slash cannot therefore be taken as different answers.
3. A double forward slash // is used to indicate where multiple answers are given but not all are required.
4. Round brackets ( ) indicate material which is not considered to be essential in order to gain full marks.
5. ‘etc.’ is used in this marking scheme to indicate that other answers may be acceptable. In all other cases,
only the answer given or ‘words to that effect’ may be awarded marks. In many instances only key words
are given, i.e. words that must appear in the correct context in the student’s script in order to merit the
assigned marks.
6. Answers which are given in this marking scheme should not be considered as the only possible answers
that may be accepted. Answers which are synonymous with or equivalent to those in this marking scheme
are also acceptable.
7. The detail required in any answer is determined by the context and the manner in which the question is
asked and by the number of marks assigned to the answer.
Assumptions about these marking schemes on the basis of past SEC marking schemes should be avoided.
While the underlying assessment principles remain the same, the exact details of the marking of a particular
type of question may vary from a similar question asked by the SEC in previous years in accordance to the
contribution of that question to the overall examination in the current year. In setting these marking schemes,
we have strived to determine how best to ensure the fair and accurate assessment of students’ work and to
ensure consistency in the standard of assessment from year to year. Therefore, aspects of the structure, detail
and application of the marking schemes for these examinations are subject to change from past SEC marking
schemes and from one year to the next without notice.
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Pre-Junior Certificate Examination, 2017
Ordinary Level
Marking Scheme (390 marks)
Question 1 Biology (52 marks)
– canine(s)
(ii) Name the mineral needed for healthy growth of teeth. (3m)
– calcium
– (salivary) amylase
– oesophagus
(ii) Draw a line from the letter M to the cell membrane. (3m)
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2017 JC Science [OL]
(d) Some Benedict’s (Fehling’s) solution was added to a food sample. The mixture was
blue at the start. When the mixture was heated a brick-red colour appeared. (6)
(i) For which food type is this a positive test? (3m) Food +
(Fehling’s) solution
– glucose / reducing sugar
(ii) What is the function of this food type in the body? (3m)
X Renal vein
(ii) Write the letter V beside the name of
the blood vessel that brings waste to X Bladder
the kidney. (3m)
(f) The diagram shows the human female reproductive system. Sperm Egg (6)
– fertilisation
– vagina
(g) The diagram shows the human central nervous system (CNS). X (6)
X – brain
Y – spinal cord Y
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2017 JC Science [OL]
(h) The photograph shows two sterile petri-dishes containing agar. One petri-dish was
exposed to the air for 5 to 10 minutes and then covered. The second petri-dish was
unopened. Both petri-dishes were then incubated for a number of days. (10)
Any 1: (3m)
– food for microorganisms //
– medium for growth //
– allows growth // etc.
(ii) Describe the appearance of the agar in the exposed petri-dish after 2 days.
Any 1: (4m)
– patches appear //
– (if fungi) coloured dots appear //
– (if bacteria) colonies appear
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2017 JC Science [OL]
(a) Food (e.g. peanuts or crisps or biscuits) is a store of chemical energy. (12)
Describe, by completing and labelling the diagram below, an investigation
to show the conversion of chemical energy in a food to heat energy.
Diagram (6m)
(temperature sensor) (3m)
Test tube with water
Procedure (3m)
– state or show container of water
Result (3m)
– increase in temperature of water
X – petal
Y – carpel
(ii) Give one reason why insects would be attracted to this flower.
Any 1: (3m)
– large petals //
– coloured petals //
– perfumed petals
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2017 JC Science [OL]
(c) The diagrams show the experimental steps a student took when investigating that
starch is produced by a photosynthesising plant. (18)
Hot water
Step 1 Step 2
Water Leaf
Step 3 Step 4
(i) Match each experimental step the student carried out with the explanation given
below. (4 × 3m)
Explanation Step
(c) The step carried out to remove any alcohol and soften the leaf. 3
(ii) Name a suitable plant that a student could use in this investigation. (3m)
– geranium
– oxygen
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2017 JC Science [OL]
(i) In the table write the letter A beside the name of the part labelled A. (3m)
(ii) Write the letter B beside the name of the part labelled B. (3m)
(iii) Write the letter C beside the name of the part labelled C. (3m)
Rings of
cartilage B
B Trachea
C Alveoli
A Lung
(iv) What is the function of the rings of cartilage in the part labelled B?
Any 1: (3m)
– to support / strengthen windpipe //
– keep air tubes open
(v) Name one activity which has a harmful effect on the breathing system.
Any 1: (3m)
– smoking //
– working with asbestos //
– living in an area with bad air pollution // etc.
Any 1: (3m)
– carbon dioxide / CO2 //
– water vapour / H2O
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2017 JC Science [OL]
Any 1: (3m)
– brain //
– eyes //
– ears //
– tongue // etc.
(ii) State one function, other than protection, of the human skeleton.
Any 1: (3m)
– support //
– movement
(c) Two pieces of equipment that can be used in ecology to study a habitat are shown. (12)
– quadrat (frame)
Any 1: (3m)
– to count the number of plants / slow-moving animals (in a habitat) // A
– to measure how frequently a plant species occurs (in a habitat)
– (sweep) net
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2017 JC Science [OL]
Question 4 Chemistry (52 marks)
(a) Magnesium metal burns in oxygen to produce a white solid called magnesium oxide. (6)
(i) What colour flame was observed as the magnesium metal was burned? (3m)
– bright white
(ii) Write down one safety precaution that should be taken when burning magnesium
metal in the laboratory.
Any 1: (3m)
– wear safety goggles //
– wear light-protecting goggles //
– do not look directly at the flame //
– look away from the flame //
– teacher demo //
– use a safety screen //
– wear lab coat // etc.
(c) Select the correct words from the box on the right to complete the sentences below. (6)
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2017 JC Science [OL]
– (crude) oil
Any 1: (3m)
– (plastics) stay in the environment for a long time //
– (plastics) are an eyesore //
– (plastics) pollute the environment //
– (plastics) can kill organisms that eat / ingest them, e.g. birds / fish // etc.
(e) (i) Choose an alloy from the list on the right. (6)
Any1: (3m)
– bronze //
– brass // Brass
– steel
(ii) Give one use for the alloy you have chosen.
Any1: (3m)
- bronze - statues //
- medals // etc.
- brass - musical instruments //
- ornaments //
- door knobs / knockers // etc.
- steel - buildings //
- bridges //
- gates // etc.
(i) In the table write the letter N beside the name Oxygen (O2)
of the main hydrocarbon in natural gas. (3m) N Methane (CH4)
G Carbon dioxide(CO2)
(ii) Write the letter G beside the gas produced
when a hydrocarbon is burned. (3m)
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2017 JC Science [OL]
– chlorine
– iron
– sulfur
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2017 JC Science [OL]
(a) The diagrams below show the arrangement of apparatus used for a number
of chemistry techniques in a school laboratory. (21)
Gauze Burette
Water out Funnel F
Tripod F Acid
Conical Bunsen
flask burner
Water in
A – distillation
B – filtration
C – evaporation
D – titration
(ii) Name one substance in a mixture that you separated using technique A.
Any 1: (3m)
– alcohol //
– water //
– salt
(iii) Name one substance in a mixture that you separated using technique B.
Any 1: (3m)
– sand //
– soil //
– water
(iv) Name one other separation technique that you used in the school laboratory
to separate a mixture of inks. (3m)
– chromatography
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2017 JC Science [OL]
(b) Air is a mixture of gases, including oxygen and water vapour. (18)
Liquid L
Solid S shelf
(i) In the table write the letter L beside the liquid L Hydrochloric acid
that is used to make oxygen. (3m)
L Hydrogen peroxide
(iii) Give a test that could be used to show that the gas jar contains oxygen gas. (3m)
(iv) What chemical test could you carry out to show that
the liquid in the beaker is water? Condensed
Any 1: (3m)
– cobalt chloride paper (CoCl2) //
– anhydrous copper sulfate (CuSO4)
(v) What colour change is observed when carrying out this test to show
that the liquid is water?
Any 1: (2 × 3m)
Cobalt chloride paper
– blue to
– pink (accept red)
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2017 JC Science [OL]
(a) A student investigated the solubility of a salt in water in the school laboratory.
The mass of the salt that dissolved at different temperatures was measured.
The data collected is shown in the table below. (21)
(i) Use the data in the table to draw a graph of solubility (y-axis) against temperature
(x-axis) using the grid below. (12m)
** Correct line on its own / 5 points correctly plotted and joined (12m).
** 5 points correctly plotted (9m).
** Line through all points (3m).
Solubility (g/100 cm3 of water)
50 Solubility
at 50°C
10 Temp
at 60g salt
0 20 40 60 80 100
Temperature (°C)
(iii) Use the graph to estimate the temperature at which 60 g of salt is soluble
in 100 cm of water. (3m)
– 70 (°C)
(iv) Give the name of a suitable salt that could be used in this experiment. (3m)
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2017 JC Science [OL]
(c) A student set up the test tubes as shown below to investigate the pH of three
different liquids, A, B and C. The student added a few drops of universal indicator
to each test tube and recorded her observations in the table below. (9)
A Red, pH = 3
B Green, pH = 7
Indicator C Blue, pH = 12
– B
– C
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2017 JC Science [OL]
Question 7 Physics (52 marks)
– green-yellow
** Accept ‘striped’.
– Y
Incoming ray
(ii) Write the letter R beside the effect that describes what
happened to the ray of light after it hit the mirror. (3m) Radiation
R Reflection
(c) The diagram shows three light bulbs in an electrical circuit. (6)
– in parallel
(ii) If one light bulb goes out, will the other bulbs
stay lighting or go out? (3m)
+ −
– stay lighting / on
(d) Give one advantage and one disadvantage of nuclear energy. (6)
Any 1: (3m)
– generates a lot of energy from a small amount of fuel //
– does not produce acidic gases or carbon dioxide //
– nuclear radiation used in medicine, industry and food preservation // etc.
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2017 JC Science [OL]
(d) (cont’d.)
Any 1: (3m)
– non-renewable - supplies for nuclear fission will run out //
– radioactive (toxic) waste is produced (made) //
– the waste lasts for a very long time (thousands of years) //
– the waste can kill lots of people / living things //
– there is a problem with safe storage of the waste //
– there is a small chance of a serious accident // etc.
(e) The diagram shows a comb that has been rubbed with
wool. The comb is attracting small pieces of paper. (6)
– static (electricity)
(f) A glass bottle was filled to the top with water and a stopper was put in it.
The bottle was placed in a freezer overnight. The diagram shows
the bottle had smashed the following day. (6)
(ii) Give one safety precaution that should be taken during this experiment.
Any 1: (3m)
– put the bottle in a plastic bag //
– wear safety glasses to protect eyes //
– wear gloves to protect hands //
– dispose of broken glass in a safe way // etc.
(g) The instrument in the photograph is used in the laboratory for measurement. (6)
– (vernier) calipers
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2017 JC Science [OL]
(h) A boxer throws a punch with a force of 2,500 N at a punch bag 0.5 m away. (10)
Work (3m)
– joules / J
Power (3m)
– watt / W
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2017 JC Science [OL]
(a) A group of students carried out an investigation into the relationship between
pressure and depth in liquids. The diagram below shows the result that the students
obtained. (12)
(i) Write the letter G beside the spout where the water pressure is greatest. (3m)
(ii) Write the letter S beside the spout where the water pressure is smallest. (3m)
(iii) What is the relationship between pressure and depth in a liquid? (2 × 3m)
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2017 JC Science [OL]
(b) The diagram shows a toy car being released down a 1 m long ramp. (12)
The car takes 0.1 s to reach the bottom of the ramp.
– s
– =
0.1 s
– 10 (m/s)
(ii) Name the force acting on the car which pulls it down towards the earth. (3m)
– gravity
** Do not accept ‘friction’ as the question states ‘down towards the earth’.
– light-emitting diode
(ii) Choose a word in the box on the right to complete the statement below. (3m)
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2017 JC Science [OL]
(d) (cont’d.)
(iii) Write the letter S under the symbol which represents an LED. (3m)
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2017 JC Science [OL]
(a) The apparatus shown was set up to investigate how Bell jar
sound travels through air. An electric bell was
placed inside a bell jar as shown.
(ii) When the air was pumped out, the bell could still be seen ringing even though it
could not be heard.
What difference between light and sound does this show? (3m)
– light does not need a medium to travel through (but sound does) / light can travel in a vaccum
(iii) How does the bell generate sound when hit by the clapper? (3m)
– it vibrates (moves)
(iv) Use the words in the box on the right to complete the statements below about sound.
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2017 JC Science [OL]
(b) Electricity is used in the home for lighting, heating and powering appliances. (6)
(i) In the table write the letter U beside the unit used by
electricity supply companies to calculate the usage of U Kilowatt hour
electrical energy. (3m) 12 V
(ii) Write the letter V beside the voltage of the mains V 230 V
electricity supply. (3m)
(c) A student carried out an experiment to investigate the transfer of heat energy in air
using used the apparatus shown below. The candle was lit and a short time was allowed
to pass before the smoking taper was used. (15)
Smoking taper
Chimney Y
Chimney X
(i) Using an arrow and the letter W, label an area of warm air on the smoke box. (3m)
(ii) Use the words in the box on the right to complete the statements below.
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Pre-Junior Certificate Examination, 2017
Higher Level
Marking Scheme (390 marks)
– wind
Any 1: (3m)
– ‘wings’ to be carried on air //
– ‘helicopter’ wings //
– (very) light (to be carried on air) // etc.
Any 2: (2 × 3m)
– mumps //
– measles //
– chicken pox //
– polio //
– colds //
– influenza / flu //
– cold sores //
– SARS //
– HIV (AIDS) // etc.
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2017 JC Science [HL]
– Benedict’s reagent
(ii) State the colour expected for a positive result for glucose. (3m)
– brick-red / orange
Spinal cord
(ii) Describe the role of this system in the human body.
Any 1: (3m)
– controls the other body systems //
– receives messages from the body systems /
senses and then sends messages to muscles / systems // etc.
(e) The diagram shows the arrangement of teeth in a human mouth. A (6)
– incisor
(ii) State a function of tooth B. (3m)
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2017 JC Science [HL]
(f) The diagram shows the human male reproductive system. (6)
Enzyme (3m)
– amylase
Substrate (3m)
– starch
(i) Name the organ through which water enters the plant.
– root Living
Layer of oil
(ii) Name the tissue in which water passes up through
the stem. Water
– xylem
(iii) Name the pores through which water passes out through the leaf.
– stomata
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2017 JC Science [HL]
(a) The diagram shows some of the typical organisms found in a pond habitat. (24)
(i) The butterfly and the water lily (flowering plant) are an example of
interdependence in the pond habitat. With reference to these organisms, explain the
underlined term. (2 × 3m)
** Accept ‘the water lily gives the butterfly food / nectar and the butterfly
pollinates the water lily’ or similar statement for full marks.
(ii) Name a factor that you think could affect the numbers of fish in the pond.
Any 1: (3m)
– food //
– oxygen //
– pollutants //
– predator numbers //
– carbon dioxide / CO2 levels //
– numbers of other fish // etc.
(iii) Give one adaptation that a fish has to help it live in a pond.
Any 1: (3m)
– gills (to absorb oxygen / O2)//
– fins (to swim) //
– tail //
– sleek body and scales (to swim) //
– large eyes (to see prey) //
– feelers (to detect prey in mud) //
– spines //
– colour (camouflage) // etc.
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2017 JC Science [HL]
(a) (cont’d.)
(iv) Give one example of how different organisms might be in competition in the above
pond habitat.
Any 1: (6m)
– the fish and the frog compete for food / insects //
– two different plants compete for light / CO2 / H2O / space //
– the butterfly and the bee compete for food / nectar // etc.
Any 1: (3m)
– plant //
– water lily //
– bulrush
Any 1: (3m)
– frog //
– fish //
– butterfly //
– bee //
– dragonfly //
– snail // etc.
(b) The diagram shows two sterile petri dishes containing agar.
Petri dish A was exposed to the air for 5 to 10 minutes and then covered.
Petri dish B was left covered (unopened).
Both petri dishes were placed in an incubator at 20 °C for three days and inspected
after this time. (15)
Any 1: (3m)
– feed //
– supply nutrients //
– food //
– growing medium (for microorganisms) // etc.
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2017 JC Science [HL]
(b) (cont’d.)
Any 1: (3m)
– to act as a control //
– to check that the agar is not contaminated
(iii) Why were the petri dishes placed in an incubator at 20 °C? (3m)
(iv) Describe and explain the appearance of the agar in the exposed dish after three days.
Describe (3m)
– patches (dots) on the surface / growth (of microorganisms) // etc.
Explain (3m)
– bacteria / fungi are growing / reproducing on the agar // etc.
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2017 JC Science [HL]
(a) The diagram shows parts of the upper arm, lower arm and shoulder. (18)
(ii) Name the structure A that joins the triceps muscle to the humerus bone. (3m)
– tendon
– ulna
(iv) What term is used to describe a pair of muscles such as the biceps and the triceps? (3m)
– antagonistic pair
(v) Describe how the biceps and triceps in the upper arm work to raise the glass. (2 × 3m)
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2017 JC Science [HL]
Ovulation (3m)
– the release of the egg from the ovary
Fertilisation (3m)
– the fusion of the male gamete (sperm) with the female gamete (egg) (resulting in a zygote)
(ii) Where in the human female reproductive system does implantation take place? (3m)
– the uterus / the womb
Any 2: (2 × 3m)
– red blood cells / erythrocytes //
– white blood cells //
– platelets
** Accept ‘plasma’.
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2017 JC Science [HL]
(c) (cont’d.)
(ii) Give the function of each of the components of blood you have named in part (i).
Any 2: (2 × 3m)
Component Function
– red blood cells – transport / carry oxygen //
– white blood cells Any 1:
– fight infection //
– kill germs //
– make antibodies
– platelets – clot blood
– plasma – transports cells / food / waste / hormones / heat
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2017 JC Science [HL]
Any 2: (2 × 3m)
– pharmaceutical / pharmacy //
– medical / medicine //
– food industry // etc.
(b) Using their atomic symbols, arrange the metals copper, calcium, zinc and
magnesium in order of increasing reactivity with dilute hydrochloric acid. (6m) (6)
** Award 3m for reverse order / using names not symbols in correct order
(c) The balanced chemical equation for the preparation of hydrogen gas by reacting
hydrochloric acid with zinc metal is shown below. (6)
2HCl + Zn ZnCl2 + H2
(i) Is the above reaction an example of a neutralisation reaction? (3m)
– no
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2017 JC Science [HL]
(d) A student releases two gas-filled balloons at the Position
same time from the top of a stepladder and notes after 5 s
the position of each balloon after 5 s, as shown.
One balloon is filled with air and the other balloon Balloon A
is filled with carbon dioxide gas. The gas in each
is at the same temperature as the air outside of
the balloons. Balloon B (6)
Which balloon (A or B) do you think contains carbon dioxide gas? (3m)
– (balloon) B
Any 1: (3m)
– carbon dioxide is more dense / has a higher density than the surrounding air
and therefore will fall / drop faster than balloon A / be nearer the floor than balloon A //
– balloon B falls faster than balloon A as carbon dioxde is denser than air
Any 1: (6m)
Alloy Use
– brass // Any 1:
– screws //
– musical instruments //
– door handles //
– name plates //
– ornamental work // etc.
– bronze // Any 1:
– statues / sculptures //
– medals // etc.
– steel // Any 1:
– bridges //
– making cars //
– building / construction // etc.
– solder // etc. – joining wires in electrical circuits // etc.
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Any 2: (2 × 3m)
– malleable (beaten into shape) //
– lustrous (shiny) //
– high density //
– hard //
– strong
16 18
(g) O8 and O8 are isotopes of oxygen. (6)
– atoms of the same element that have the same number of protons (same atomic number) but
different numbers of neutrons (different mass numbers)
16 18
(ii) What is the difference between O8 and O8? (3m)
16 18
– O8 has 8 neutrons and O8 has 10 neutrons
(h) The diagram shows the arrangement Glass tube held White cloud of
of an apparatus used to demonstrate in retort stand ammonium chloride
diffusion of gases. (10)
This experiment is usually carried
out by a teacher using a fume cupboard.
Cotton wool Cotton wool
(4m + 3m + 3m) with concentrated
with concentrated
ammonia solution hydrochloric acid solution
(i) Define diffusion.
(ii) Why do you think this experiment is usually carried out using a fume cupboard?
Any 1:
– for safety //
– hydrochloric acid gas / ammonia gas is corrosive and would attack
students’ eyes and lungs if inhaled // etc.
(iii) Suggest why the white cloud of ammonium chloride forms closer to the hydrochloric
acid solution rather than the ammonia solution.
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2017 JC Science [HL]
(a) The graph below shows the results of an investigation into the effect of temperature
on the solubility of different substances in water. (21)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temperature (°C)
(i) What conclusion can be drawn from the graph about the solubility of NaCl in water
as temperature increases?
Any 1: (3m)
– it increases only slightly (as temperature increases) //
– solubility increases slightly to approx. 50 °C and then remains constant to 100 °C // etc.
** Accept ‘as temperature increases the solubility of NaCl stays the same.’
(ii) From the graph, identify the substance that has the greatest solubility at
a temperature of 60 °C. (3m)
– NaClO3
(iii) From the graph, identify the substance that has the lowest solubility at
a temperature of 10 °C. (3m)
– KNO3
(iv) Describe the relationship between solubility and temperature shown on the graph
for KBr. (2 × 3m)
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2017 JC Science [HL]
(a) (cont’d.)
(v) Are the substances shown above ionic or covalent compounds? (3m)
– ionic
– because they are soluble in / dissolve in water (like all ionic substances)
** Accept ‘covalent substances don’t dissolve in / are not soluble in water’ for 3m.
– methane gas
Any 1: (3m)
– carbon dioxide / CO2 //
– water / H2O
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2017 JC Science [HL]
(c) The diagram shows the positions of some common substances on the pH scale. (9)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
(i) Classify all of the substances shown on the pH scale as acidic, basic or neutral.
Acidic (3m)
– cola and tomato juice
Basic (3m)
– Milk of Magnesia and oven cleaner
Neutral (3m)
– pure water
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2017 JC Science [HL]
(a) Carbon dioxide gas can be prepared in the laboratory by reacting a colourless
liquid with an off-white coloured solid in a round bottomed flask. (15)
Liquid X
Gas jar
Off-white coloured solid
– HCl
Any 1: (3m)
– calcium carbonate //
– marble chips //
– CaCO3
(iii) Write down the chemical formula for the salt formed during the chemical reaction
as carbon dioxide gas was being produced.
Any 1: (3m)
- calcium carbonate – CaCl2 //
- magnesium carbonate – MgCl2
(iv) A third product (apart from carbon dioxide and a salt) was formed during the
chemical reaction between liquid X in the tap funnel and the off-white coloured solid
in the round bottomed flask.
Name this colourless, odourless liquid and state a test to confirm its identity.
Name (3m)
– water / H2O
Any 1: (3m)
– cobalt chloride (CoCl2) paper (goes (from blue to) pink) //
– anhydrous copper sulfate (CuSO4) (goes (from white to) blue)
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2017 JC Science [HL]
(b) Many industrial and household water users are concerned about the hardness
of their water supply. (12)
(i) Describe how you would test a water sample to confirm the presence of hardness. (2 × 3m)
– add soap
– and a scum forms / a lot of a soap needed to form a lather
(ii) Name a metallic element some of whose compounds cause hardness in water.
Any 1: (3m)
– calcium //
– magnesium //
– iron //
– aluminium
Any 1: (3m)
– limescale in kettles //
– limescale in washing machines //
– limescale in hot water pipes //
– blocks pipes //
– wastes soap //
– source of calcium //
– good for brewing //
– may reduce heart disease // etc.
** Accept ‘scum forms / a lot of soap needed to form a lather’ only if it does not
appear in the test (i) above.
(c) The diagram shows one type of experimental apparatus used to investigate the
composition of air. Air was pushed repeatedly over the heated copper powder and
only 79 cm of gas remained at the end of the experiment. (12)
Gas syringe containing Silica tube containing
100 cm3 of air copper powder
(i) What component gas of air is this apparatus designed to investigate? (3m)
– oxygen
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2017 JC Science [HL]
(c) (cont’d.)
(ii) Why is it necessary to let the apparatus cool down before measuring the volume
of the remaining gas?
Any 1: (3m)
– gases expand (contract) on heating (cooling) //
– compare (measure) volume on either side / syringe at same temperature //
– volume of a gas / gases depends on the temperature
(iii) Why did the volume of gas decrease and then remain steady? (3m)
– oxygen gas removed (used) (reacted with Cu to form CuO / copper oxide ) /
only some air reacts
(iv) How would you know when to stop pushing the air over the heated copper powder? (3m)
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2017 JC Science [HL]
– W = 2,500 0.5 = 1,250 Nm or 1,250 J
– P= = 3,125 Nm/s or 3,125 W
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2017 JC Science [HL]
– gravity
** Accept ‘weight’.
Any1: (3m)
– chemical (energy) to kinetic (energy) //
– chemical (energy) to heat (energy)
Any 1: (3m)
– acts as safety device //
– prevents electric shocks //
– prevents electrocution // etc.
Any 1: (3m)
Circuit breaker
– can be reset //
– acts faster than fuses //
– uses electromagnets
– cannot be reset //
– acts slower than a circuit breaker //
– uses wires
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2017 JC Science [HL]
(h) The diagram shows the apparatus used to investigate energy conversions.
A piece of copper wire is wound around an iron nail (A) and attached to a battery. (10)
– chemical to electrical
– electrical to magnetic
(ii) On using the apparatus, device A exerted a small Metal
force of attraction on the paperclips. Battery paperclips
Suggest how device A could be adapted to increase
this force of attraction.
Any 1: (4m)
– use a stronger battery //
– coil the wires more tightly (closer) together //
– use more coils of wire //
– use a bigger nail (more iron) // etc.
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2017 JC Science [HL]
(a) The photograph shows a hurley and sliotar used in Gaelic games. Players often
change their grip length to where the sliotar is hit during a game. (21)
ng ,3
gr 0
ip cm
(i) A hurley can be described as a lever. Explain the underlined term. (2 × 3m)
(iii) A student hits a sliotar using each grip length on the hurley with a force of 30 N.
Which grip length produces the largest turning force? (3m)
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2017 JC Science [HL]
(b) A group of students carried out an investigation into the relationship between
pressure and depth in liquids. The students used a container with three spouts filled
with water for their investigation.
The diagrams below show their predictions before their experimental results were
recorded and analysed. (18)
– B
(ii) Label with the letter G on your answer to part (i) the spout where the water pressure
is greatest. (3m)
(iii) What is the relationship between pressure and depth in a liquid? (2 3m)
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2017 JC Science [HL]
Any 1: (3m)
– light meter in a camera //
– burglar alarms //
– to control street lighting // etc.
(iii) What happens when this component is connected to a multimeter and placed
in darkness? (3m)
– high resistance / allows little current through // etc.
(b) Components, e.g. bulbs, in electrical circuits can be connected in different ways. (18)
– (in) parallel
Any 1: (3m)
– safety / if one blows the other stays on //
– both bulbs have full brightness (current) (brightness) (voltage) //
– if they were in series both would go out / two separate paths (circuits)
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2017 JC Science [HL]
(b) (cont’d.)
How are the bulbs in the Christmas tree lights connected? (3m)
– (in) series
Explain why, when one bulb blows, they all go out. (3m)
(iii) Calculate the resistance of the filament of a car headlamp when 12 V produces
a current of 4 A in it. Give the unit of resistance with your answer. (2 × 3m)
V 12
– R= ,= =3
I 4
– unit = ohm / (Ω)
(c) Describe, with the aid of a labelled diagram, an investigation that could be carried
out to show that sound requires a medium in which to travel. (12)
Method 2
– turn on the mobile phone and get Bell Mobile
someone in the class to call it // jar phone
– you will hear sound / ringtone (with its
and see the screen light up // own battery)
– turn on vacuum pump and remove
the air from the bell jar //
– you cannot hear the phone ringing,
but you can see the screen lighting // etc. To vacuum
** Accept other appropriate answers.
** No diagram, deduct 3 marks. Insulation
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