Epidemiology of PD
Epidemiology of PD
Epidemiology of PD
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Andrea Lee, MD , Rebecca M. Gilbert, MD, PhD *
Parkinson disease Epidemiology Neuroepidemiology
Neurodegenerative disorder
Parkinson disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder, present-
ing with bradykinesia, rigidity, tremor, and postural instability.
Incidence rates of PD are 8 to 18 per 100,000 person-years based on prospective
population-based studies with either record-based or in-person case finding.
Nonmotor symptoms include autonomic dysfunction, sleep disorders, mood disorders,
cognitive abnormalities, and pain and sensory disorders. Hallucinations and dementia
predict later nursing home placement.
There are 18 PD-related gene loci that have been identified to date, with at least 7 disease-
causing genes.
PD is a very complicated condition for physicians to optimally manage, with specific reha-
bilitation needs and complicated psychosocial dynamics, all that evolve with time.
Parkinson disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder after
Alzheimer disease and refers to the clinical presentation of bradykinesia, rigidity,
tremor, and postural instability. The main known risk factor is increased age. The esti-
mated prevalence of PD in industrialized countries is 0.3% in the general population,
1.0% in people older than 60 years, and 3.0% in those aged 80 years and older, with
incidence rates of PD of 8 to 18 per 100,000 person-years based on prospective
population-based studies with either record-based or in-person case finding.1–3 The
median age of onset is 60 years; the mean duration of the disease from diagnosis
to death is 15 years, although patients can live for decades with PD.4,5 Sex differences
exist in PD.6 In addition to older age, male sex is recognized as a prominent risk factor
in developing PD. Both incidence and prevalence of PD are 1.5 to 2.0 times higher in
men than in women.7 Age at onset is 2.1 years later in women (53.4 years) than in men
(51.3 years). Women present with a milder PD phenotype, as evidenced by higher pre-
sentation of tremor (67%) than men (48%) and a slower rate of motor impairment. An-
imal studies suggest that estrogen may play a neuroprotective role against cell death
of striatal dopaminergic neurons. Nonmotor symptoms that are more prevalent in
women are anxiety, depression, and constipation, whereas men suffered more from
daytime sleepiness, drooling, and sexual symptoms.8
Natural History
The natural history of disability and progression of motor symptoms in PD has been
well studied since the seminal article by Hoehn and Yahr in 1967.9 The Hoehn and
Yahr (H&Y) scale is the most commonly used system for describing the progression
of PD. The transition from H&Y scale stage II to stage III is considered a pivotal
milestone in PD when gait and balance impairment result in disability in many gait-
dependent activities, such as walking, dressing, bathing, and housework. In one
longitudinal study, the time to reach H&Y scale III was 7.73 years.10 Male sex, gait dis-
order, lack of tremor, and lack of asymmetry as presenting clinical features are asso-
ciated with poorer long-term survival.11
Clinical Subtypes
Subtypes of PD have emerged, with patients classified according to distinct clinical fea-
tures, such as motor phenotype, or age of onset.12 Patients presenting with tremor at
onset have a slower progression of disease than those with a postural-instability-gait dif-
ficulty (PIGD) phenotype.13 The PIGD form of PD is associated with a faster rate of cogni-
tive decline and a higher incidence of dementia, whereas those with tremor-predominant
PD start to show signs of dementia only after PIGD symptoms develop.14 Patients with
late-onset PD (aged >60 years) are often characterized by the PIGD subtype,15 whereas
young-onset PD (aged 20–40 years) presents more often with tremor, rigidity, dystonia
and a higher rate of levodopa-related motor complications, such as dyskinesias.12
Nonmotor Symptoms
In addition to motor dysfunction, nonmotor symptoms (NMSs) of PD are recognized to
play an extremely important role in adversely affecting the quality of life of patients with
PD and may precede the formal diagnosis by decades.17 The Braak hypothesis16 sug-
gests that Lewy bodies, the cellular abnormalities seen in neurons of Parkinson
diseased brains, are found in multiple brain stem nuclei, causing non motor symptoms
prior to their appearance in the areas of the brain that cause motor symptoms. In
recent studies, at least one NMS was reported by almost 100% of patients with
PD.18–20 Some suggest that the NMSs of dementia and hallucinations are the stron-
gest predictors of nursing home placement for patients with PD.18 NMSs are broadly
classified as autonomic dysfunction, sleep disorders, mood disorders, cognitive ab-
normalities, and pain and sensory disorders. Of these, dysautonomia, rapid eye move-
ment (REM) sleep behavior disorder (RBD), depression, and olfactory disturbance
have been shown to often predate the onset of motor symptoms of PD.
Dysautonomia associated with PD mainly consists of gastrointestinal dysfunction,
genitourinary abnormalities, and cardiovascular dysfunction with orthostatic
Epidemiology of Parkinson Disease 957
Sleep disturbances
Sleep disturbances are exceedingly common in PD, and its prevalence may approach
90%.26 These disturbances include RBD, restless legs syndrome, periodic limb move-
ments of sleep, insomnia, and excessive daytime somnolence.27 The most common
form of sleep disturbance is sleep fragmentation with frequent awakenings, leading
to excessive daytime somnolence. The problem is multifactorial and compounded
by impaired ability to turn in bed due to rigidity and bradykinesia, nocturia, medication
effects, and periodic limb movements.18 Similar to constipation, RBD often precedes
the motor onset of PD and has gained attention as a possible predictor for the devel-
opment of the disease. RBD is characterized by acting out a dream during character-
istic REM sleep, when there should be atonia on polysomnography.28 The prevalence
of RBD in PD may be in the range of 25% to 50%, and some studies suggest that pa-
tients with RBD have an 80% to 90% risk of eventually developing PD.18 It is important
to identify RBD in patients with PD because it can potentially be dangerous to the bed
partner and can be effectively treated with medication.
Mood disorders
Mood disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and apathy, are common in PD. Like
constipation and RBD, depression may precede motor manifestations and be an early
prodromal sign of PD. One meta-analysis reported a prevalence of major depressive
disorder in 17%, minor depression in 22%, and dysthymia in 13% of patients with
PD.29 Anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, panic
disorder, and social phobia, are present in individuals with PD at a prevalence of
20% to 40%.21 One meta-analysis suggests that apathy may be present in 40% of in-
dividuals with PD.30 The lack of motivation marked by reduced goal-oriented behavior
and decreased emotional expressivity has been shown to contribute significantly to
caregiver burden and has negative implications for treatment and long-term care.
Cognitive disturbances
One of the most feared complications of PD for patients and their caregivers is the
development of dementia. Cognitive dysfunction in PD may present in varying de-
grees.31 The prevalence of dementia is greater than 75% in individuals who survive
10 years with the PD diagnosis.32 Mild cognitive impairment affects 18.9% to
38.2% of patients in the early stages of the disorder.33
of reduced contrast sensitivity, color discrimination, and dry eye syndrome. Issues
affecting structures around the eye occur in those with PD, such as seborrheic ble-
pharitis and meibomian gland disease.35 Pain is a frequent problem in PD that
worsens over the course of the disease, and patients who have pain are more
depressed and have a poorer quality of life than those who do not. Pain was present
in 76% of patients with PD in one cross-sectional study36 and can be categorized as
musculoskeletal, dystonic, central neuropathic, radicular, and other (nonradicular low
back pain, arthritic, visceral).
Over the past 2 decades there has been an explosion of research on the genetics of PD;
18 PD-related gene loci have been identified to date, with at least 7 disease-causing
genes, including alpha-synuclein-synuclein, leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2), Par-
kin, PTEN-induced putative kinase-1 (PINK1), DJ-1, ATPase type 13A2 (ATP3A2), and
glucocerebrosidase. Mutations of these genes have been identified as the cause of rare
familial forms of PD. It is estimated that monogenic PD accounts for about 5% of all PD
cases in either an autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive inheritance pattern.
LRRK2 mutations are the most common and have been associated with 1% of spo-
radic PD cases and account for 4% of hereditary parkinsonism cases. LRRK2 muta-
tions generally give rise to a benign tremor-predominant disease phenotype that
resembles sporadic PD,37 particularly asymmetric parkinsonism with tremor but with
a decreased risk of cognitive and olfactory impairment.12 Mutations in 4 genes (Parkin,
DJ-1, PINK1, and ATP13A2) cause recessive early onset parkinsonism (age of onset
<40 years). Parkin mutations are the second most common genetic cause of L-dopa
responsive parkinsonism and account for one-third to one-half of all young-onset
PD, whereas mutations in the other 3 genes are more rare.4 The Parkin mutation pheno-
type has a slow and benign course compared with sporadic PD, with good response to
dopaminergic drugs and sleep benefit (patients do better in the morning).
Clinic based
A recent randomized controlled study compared patients who received care from a
general neurologist with those who received care from a movement disorders
Epidemiology of Parkinson Disease 959
including 2 pesticides, paraquat and rotenone. Most human data concerning the rela-
tionship between these and other pesticides comes from case-control studies in
which patients and controls were asked via a questionnaire about their exposures.
Recall bias is a particular concern in this type of study, as patients who have PD
are invested in finding a cause of their condition and may over-report exposure. The
data collection varies widely among studies in the level of detail concerning amount
and type of exposure as well as analysis of confounding factors, such as smoking,
which has shown to have a protective effect.43
Occupation related Additional studies have shown that farming as an occupation may
also confer an increased risk of PD, although this is difficult to separate from exposure
to pesticides. Welding, with its exposure to manganese, has also been studied as a
risk factor for PD. An interesting recent study that collected occupational history of
cases and controls found that artistic occupations tend to be protective from PD.
The hypothesis given for this finding is that patients with premotor PD and lower dopa-
mine levels may have subtle cognitive and behavioral changes that limit novelty
seeking and, therefore, may gravitate to more structured occupations.44
Traumatic brain injury Traumatic brain injury (TBI) may predispose a person to
develop PD later in life. The data exploring this correlation have been contradictory,
and recall bias (those with PD are more likely to remember a past head trauma) as
well as reverse causation (those with imbalance from PD are more likely to suffer
from a head trauma) have been cited as reasons that studies have been faulty. Two
recent studies explored this issue. One followed the medical records of patients
who presented to an emergency department with head trauma versus trauma that
did not involve the head. Patients with TBI had a higher likelihood of developing PD
later in life.45 The second study administered questionnaires to patients with PD
and controls and determined, unlike other case-control studies of similar design,
that there was no increased history of TBI in the PD population.46
Alcohol consumption Because epidemiologic data suggested that smoking and cof-
fee intake may reduce the risk of developing PD, alcohol consumption was studied as
well. A recent review of all the studies performed from 2000 to 2014 looked at this rela-
tionship and found conflicting results. In general, prospective studies showed an
increased risk of PD in the setting of moderate alcohol use, whereas case control
studies showed a decreased risk. The question of alcohol’s relationship to PD is,
therefore, still not fully understood.50
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs Laboratory data suggest that neuroinflamma-
tion can play a role in the eventual death of neurons in PD, and that decreasing this
inflammation could be neuroprotective. Several studies have tried to determine
whether ingestion of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) could reduce the
risk of developing PD. A recent Cochrane review of these data concluded that nonas-
pirin NSAIDs, with the most data on ibuprofen, may reduce the risk of developing
Statins Statins have been shown to have antiinflammatory properties and the hypoth-
esis was developed that they may be potential neuroprotective agents. Statins are
already one of the most commonly prescribed drugs, which increase the interest in
these medications. A recent analysis of statin use and its correlation to PD rates
was prospectively studied in 2 ongoing large cohorts. Regular use of statins was asso-
ciated with a modest reduction of PD risk.52
Calcium channel blockers Calcium channel blockade can protect neurons from exci-
totoxicity in cell culture and animal models of PD. These data led to a phase II trial
testing the neuroprotective effects of the calcium channel blocker isradipine in pa-
tients with early PD.53 Despite the propensity of patients with PD to have low blood
pressures, the drug was tolerated and the results led to the development of a larger
phase III clinical trial, which is ongoing.54
Hyperuricemics Preclinical data suggested that elevated plasma levels of uric acid
was protective against PD. In large cohorts of patients with PD followed over
time, higher urate levels predicted a more benign disease course. In addition,
prospectively collected data of healthy individuals correlated higher urate levels
to lower rates of PD. Because of these findings, a phase II trial of inosine, a pre-
cursor of urate, was conducted in patients with early PD.55 Results showed that
elevating uric acid was possible and safe in patients with early PD. Although not
powered to determine whether there was a clinical improvement in patients with
elevated urate levels, preliminary data was promising and will likely lead to a phase
III trial.
Exercise Recent studies have demonstrated that exercise can improve motor function
in PD as well as some of the nonmotor symptoms of PD, such as fatigue, cognition,
and depression. A recent meta-analysis reviewed the evidence of RCTs controlled
studies of exercise of all types conducted between the years of 2013 and 2015.56
Thirty-three studies of exercise and physical therapy techniques of various modalities,
including aerobic exercise, strength training, and balance training, were conducted.
Benefits were found in different exercise paradigms. One particular study highlighted
the phenomenon that exercises of diverse types had benefits on functioning in PD.
Shulman and colleagues57 conducted a trial with 3 arms: high-intensity treadmill
training, low-intensity treadmill training, and stretching and resistance exercises. All
groups increased gait speed; but interestingly, the stretching and resistance group
increased by the biggest margin.
962 Lee & Gilbert
Although much is understood about PD, much is yet a mystery. As more research un-
covers the basic biology of how PD develops, this will translate into public health op-
portunities to prevent or improve this difficult and multi-faceted disease.
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