Corn Gluten Feed: Stephen Boyles

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Stephen Boyles
OSU Extension Beef Specialist

The domestic corn processing for high-fructose corn syrup and ethanol has made available to
beef cattle producers products such as corn gluten feed, corn gluten meal and distillers grains.
The focus of this article is corn gluten feed.

Corn gluten feed is a byproduct of the wet milling process. Wet milling separates the corn kernel
into starch, oil, protein, and bran. First, the corn is soaked in sulfurous acid. The resulting steep
liquor contains protein, minerals, vitamins and energy sources. The starch and oil are extracted
from the swollen kernel. The remaining fiber or bran is mixed with the steep liquor. This
product, wet corn gluten feed, contains about 40 percent dry matter. The wet corn gluten feed
can be dried to about 90 percent dry matter and is called...Dry Corn Gluten Feed!

Corn gluten feed should not be confused with corn gluten meal. Corn gluten meal has 2 times the
protein content of corn gluten feed. Also the protein in corn gluten feed is degraded relatively
rapidly in the rumen versus the protein of corn gluten meal is degraded relatively slowly (more
by-pass potential).

Wet corn gluten feed has some nutritional advantages over dry corn gluten feed but the dry
product is easier to handle. Wet corn gluten feed has a bunk life of a few days in summer and
one to two weeks in winter. Because of bunk life and transportation costs, wet corn gluten feed is
only an option to producers that are in relative close proximity of the milling plant.

Crude protein values have ranged from 17 percent to 26 percent and fat content has ranges from
1 to 7 percent. Therefore, regular feed testing is recommended or buy corn gluten feed that has a
guaranteed analysis.

The concentration of crude protein is about as twice as high in corn gluten feed as it is in corn
grain. The amino acid content of corn gluten feed is about two times higher than in corn, but
relative concentrations of the amino acid are similar. Like corn, the quality of the protein (for
example: low lysine) is poor. Corn gluten feed is low in calcium but has significant amounts of
phosphorus. The calcium to phosphorus ratio is about 1:10. The desired ratio of feeding cattle is
a minimum of 1.5-2 to 1 calcium to phosphorus. Therefore, corn gluten feed fed at high levels
without calcium supplementation could result in urinary calculi problems. You will have to feed
calcium levels above NRC minimum requirements if more than 1/3 of the diets is corn gluten
feed. Trace mineral and vitamin levels can vary greatly from batch to batch.

Corn Gluten Feed as a Protein Source: If diets are formulated to meet he the protein
requirements and the diets are similar in energy, then corn gluten feed is approximately equal to
soybean meal as a protein source. Therefore, if soybean meal (44 percent crude protein) is worth
$200/ton, then dried corn gluten feed would be sort about $84/ton as a protein source. However,
quality of amino acid content is lower for corn gluten feed than soybean meal.
Corn Gluten Feed as an Energy Source: Corn grain has a higher energy content than corn
gluten feed. However, corn gluten feed may be equal to corn as an energy supplement in forage-
based diets. Corn grain can depress forage (fiber) digestibility, where as, corn gluten feed does
not appear to depress fiber digestibility.

In low silage diets (10 percent silage), wet corn gluten feed has an energy value of 95 percent of
corn and dry corn gluten feed has an energy value of about 86 percent of corn. In medium silage
diets (40 percent corn silage), dry corn gluten feed is worth 92 percent of corn and wet corn
gluten feed has an energy value of 95 percent of corn. In high silage diets (70 percent corn
silage), wet corn gluten feed and dry corn gluten feed have energy values about 102 percent of
corn. Differences between wet and dry corn gluten feed may be due to differences in particle size
and/or heat damage during the drying process.

Carcass Characteristics and Health: Corn gluten feed does not appear to affect carcass
characteristics or chemical composition of the carcass. No differences in incidence of liver
abscesses have be observed. An unconfirmed case of polioencephalomalacia (PEM) was reported
when a large amount of freshly made wet corn gluten feed was fed. Some nutritionists
recommend that cattle be supplemented with thiamin when large amounts of wet corn gluten
feed are being fed for PEM prevention. When corn gluten feed is fed at greater than 35-40
percent of the diet, thiamine supplementation at the rate of 400 mg per head per day could be
considered to prevent a deficiency.

Summary: Wet and dry corn gluten feed are valuable by-products for cattle feeding operations.
Proper analyses and supplementation will assist cattle producers in using variable batches of corn
gluten feed.

Nutrient Composition of Corn Gluten Feed (100% Dry Matter Basis)

Total Digestible Nutrient 80%

Net Energy Maintenance .88 Mcal/lb
Net Energy Gain .59 Mcal/lb
Crude Protein 24%
Ruminal Undegradability 22%
Neutral Detergent Fiber 36%
Acid Detergent Fiber 13%
Calcium .07%
Phosphorus .95%
Magnesium .40%
Potassium 1.40%
Sodium .26%
Sulfur .47
Copper 7 ppm
Iron 226 ppm
Manganese 22 ppm
Zinc 73 ppm
Molybdenum 2 ppm

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