Third Quarter Week 4
Third Quarter Week 4
Third Quarter Week 4
1. Presenting examples/instances of the Prove H-L congruence theorem. Prove L-L congruence Prove H-AA congruence Prove L-AA congruence theorem.
new lesson theorem. theorem.
2. Discussing new concepts and Show how two right triangle be Show how two right triangle Show how two right triangle Show how two right triangle be
practicing new skills #1 (Explore) congruent using H-L congruence be congruent using L-L be congruent using H-AA congruent using L-AA congruence
congruence congruence
3. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
4. Developing mastery (Explain) Answer example no.1 on page Answer example no.1 on page Answer example no.1 on page Answer example no.1 on page 283, E-
283, E-math (Worktext in 283, E-math (Worktext in 283, E-math (Worktext in math (Worktext in Mathematics)
Mathematics) Mathematics) Mathematics) Revised Edition by Orlando A. Oronce &
Revised Edition by Orlando A. Revised Edition by Orlando A. Revised Edition by Orlando A. Marilyn O. Mendoza
Oronce & Marilyn O. Mendoza Oronce & Marilyn O. Mendoza Oronce & Marilyn O. Mendoza
5. Finding practical applications of Solve problems involving H-L Solve problems involving L-L Solve problems involving H-AA Solve problems involving L-AA
concepts and skills in daily living congruence. congruence. congruence. congruence.
6. Making generalizations and The learners will have their
abstractions about the lesson summative test regarding the
congruent triangles.
7. Evaluating learning (Evaluate) Answer Practice and Application
on page 292 - 294, E-math
(Worktext in Mathematics)
Revised Edition by Orlando A.
Oronce & Marilyn O. Mendoza